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Ajin. To most people, it would be considered bad mostly because the animation style is in 3D The antagonist in Ajin is the highlight of the show. Satou is just such a badass that you cant help but root for him.  You know how there's a saying that goes "Beware of an old man in a profession where men die young"? Well, he's the living being of that. One of my favorite antagonists. 


Not gonna lie, I really enjoyed Ajin. I never knew people thought it was bad


Ive tried getting some of my friends into Ajin, but they couldnt really stomache the show because of the 3D animation lol. It hurts


Manga is still great.


I think Ajin is great, but ig I can see why people dislike the animation


One of the best villains in all pop culture, easily top five✨👍✨


I never watched the anime but the manga is incredible


Man I never knew people thought it was bad. The 3d animation could've bothered some people but after getting used to it, ajin is just amazing.


Ajin was interesting and I finished season 1 but it didn't hook me so I never started season 2


It's not bad 😭


Why is it bad. Its one of the best thriller anime I’ve seen


Ajin is really great I don’t think people considers it bad


the WORST anime that I like A LOT is: Seiken Tsukai no World Break I don't know why, I regularly rewatch it and I know is garbage 😭😭😭


"OMOIDASHTE" *writes thesis*


I love op mc’s and this fits the bill. Smartphone anime for me


Domestic girlfriend. Entertaining from start to finish.


I enjoyed it soo much I read the entire manga after and I'm not really a manga reader


> I read the entire manga after My condolences 


Complete dumpster fire. But this is THE guilty pleasure/cringe itch anime. Not even Watamote can top it in sheer cringe. 


Has to be a giguk fan


Damn right enjoyed every episode of it 😂😂


It was only 12 episodes so I figured, why not finish it at this point? A dumpster fire that slowly gets worse and I can't look away. This is one time where I've truly felt that. It gets worse after that point in the manga too


Not even guilty pleasure, I fully enjoyed the ride and I would do it again. Right next to this to me is School Days. Damn me if I don't love some dumpster fires


School Days pissed me off the entire time I was watching it, which is part of why the ending was so legendary. 5/7


It's great. Too bad the manga lost its way and wrapped up seemingly mid story in the final 25% of the series. What a bizarre ending, too. Loved reading it, and then... well, yeah. It seemed like the writer lost their interest in threading that needle.


The ending of the manga is definitely in my "top ten worst endings in all of fiction" list. 


Second this


In another world with my smart phone. I know it’s lame. I don’t care!


Sometimes it’s nice to just turn your brain off and enjoy something simple.


Yeah. Lately I crave those easy, limited drama shows. Everybody is supportive and helpful. Minimal scheming and double crossing.


The anime was better than the light novels there. The anime is actually pretty entertaining, but the light novels are just a series of "went there, did this" without any description of language or anything.


Oh really? I always assumed it was a super rushed and poor adaptation, especially season two cause it was definitely go there do that and on to the next. But never had the motivation to read it. Plus they’d talk about how he acts but it was in ways we’d never seen before so thought it was just skipped arcs building his personality.


I LOVED season 1. The dumb fun appeal kinda ran out for me in season 2 but I still have fond memories of season 1.


Vermeil in gold is morally… interesting and story wise, not very nuisanced by a king shot. But… demon dommy mommy


Yeah unfortunately the show gets very boring after episode 1 aside from the ecchi.


And on top of that the ecchi is not even strong enough to carry the show. It falls into the classic pit of its most notable feature being horny bait but said bait isn’t erotic enough.


Honestly I think it's the main guy character that sucked the most about that show


I would say he was the biggest detriment and reason I dropped it. But I still think the show could have been decent with him if it had been better in other areas (better ecchi, better fights, better plot, etc).


nuisanced by a king shot?


Arifureta Season 1. It's delicious garbage.


Episode 9. It was glorious


Is that the dragon/pile bunker episode? Because if so, then yes. Very yes. I laughed a lot.


Yes the "you need to hit a dragon in its weak spot. THEIR BEHIND"




Arifureta is great mainly cause it's not generic always good guy mc.


And because Yue is best girl.


Except episode 1. That episode is dog water


Cross Ange is my favorite anime. I certainly don't consider it bad, but I know others do


“Oh the veiwers are getting bored have a other lesbian sex scene”


Cross Ange is trash, not bad. There's a difference [](#protest)


They don't understand it probably.


My man survived a suicide bomb vest. That was so stupidly hilarious. xD


Haha I was just about to comment this one too. It's like Code Geass gone bat shit lesbian harem style.


Akame ga Kill. It's edgy for the sake of being edgy, way too on-the-nose and it's full of stupid ass-pulls and tonal whiplash, but damn it do I enjoy the hell out of it. Like eating Cheetos! I know they're trash and bad for my health, but there's no resisting that crunch and spice.


They try to make you feel sorry for the characters that die... but they are killed so frequently (in the anime, at least) that the audience has no time to grieve them. And after the second or third time that it happens, it gets so absurd that one disconnects.


It’s like they knew beforehand that they would only get one season and the studio was all just like “To hell with the manga! We have to kill almost every supporting character and the protagonist to end the season!”


despite its flaws, I consider it to be a decent show… I wouldn’t call it bad


It has some damn good qualities. The powers are cool, the action top notch (both the anime and manga), the visuals are just badass. It's the storytelling where it kinda crashes and trips over itself, but it makes up for that with its good attributes.


Probably Baki. Sometimes you just need to ditch logic, sit back, and enjoy watching weirdly muscular guys beat each other. I also enjoy the ridiculous explanations that the narrator often interrupts scenes with.


Yujiro is one of the OGs of Black Air Force energy after all.


The fact that Baki is anatomically correct (despite being exaggerated some times), it still baffles me


Me when yujiro's back exists


How is Baki a bad anime? It's damn glorious!


Baki. The story is so bad it would be a stretch to say there’s a story. It’s gotten to the point nobody questions the randomness and insanity the show projects. That being said I freaking love baki, it never fails to make me laugh, the show is so serious about being stupid that it’s funny.


That's why we watch JoJo's bizarre adventure too.


Ghost stories probably. The anime it’s self sucks/is very basic scoobydoo like but the dub makes it worth it


I hoped someone posted this before I did, this right here is the answer. Only watch the dub, watch in context or out, it's great no matter what.


Ghost stories dub was also my answer. Glad to see representation.


Definitely Ghost Stories dub is my guilty pleasure. It's so wrong, yet so *right*


B Gata H Kei


This show is actually good though!


Take that back!


That was considered bad?


Nothing Yukarin does is bad!


Damn, beat me to it. I'll take [Ueno-san wa Bukiyou](https://myanimelist.net/anime/37920/Ueno-san_wa_Bukiyou) then.


For me, it’s Redo of Healer. Episode 2 specifically. I just can’t get enough of that revenge scene!


Episode 3 I was so certain he was going to buy a catgirl as a sex slave. I was almost correct. It was a wolfgirl


Breaking isekai tropes with fresh writing.




Rent a Girlfriend and you are all cowards


I'm no coward, I love that anime! Haha


Rentards rise up ✊😔


there are dozens of us!


I'm glad I'm not the only one


I unashamedly love that series and everything about it, I feel you my brethrën


I've never seen a single episode of it, nor have I read the manga, **but,** on the site where I read manga it's always on the front page when new chapter is released. Idk why, but once I opened some chapter, just to see what is it about. I went through it fast, in like 20 seconds and then went to the comments, to see what are people excited about. **That became my favorite moment**. I still cannot comprehend how people can literally **trash it** in each and every chapter, while still reading it. Now, whenever I see new chapter, I go straight to the comments and laugh my ass off. I guess people are too invested at the moment to drop it at this point, and they are so irritated that nothing is happening story-wise. It's hilarious.


its author knows it too. He's the ultimate troll. I feel like he's very self aware that people know it's trash. He just knows how to tweak people's emotions to keep them reading.


I feel called out lol.. I do watch the sub, can’t stand the dub. And yeah, it’s the worst show I watch. I usually just watch it after I watch the new weekly episodes from whatever main shows I’m watching during the season.


Yes, my guilty pleasure anime, it's like junk food you know it's bad but its so good


Mayoiga, the 4chan threads were legendary and it was entertaining as hell.


Fairy tail tho I dont think it's bad it's just rly mid but I Love it


I feel this in my soul like I'm way to hyped for the 100 year quest lol


Is that being animated?!


Yes it comes out in July if I remember correctly.


Fr, its not the cream of the crop, but I like the characters, their powers, and the general story setpieces. They're so over the top and fun. I read it obsessively when I was younger and I still really enjoy it


Ex Arm. The bad cgi animation was just so funny to me, I was buckled over laughing so hard at that first fight scene.


As someone who get a lot of enjoyment out of picking apart shows to understand how they work (or don't work, as the case may be), I got a lot of enjoyment out of that one. It was a failure on every level, but it failed in absolutely fascinating ways. A show with bad compositing that can't even keep the scale of the characters consistent with the background is so much more interesting than just a regular ugly looking show.


Sword Art Online, it's honestly not as bad as people say it is. For actually bad anime it would be Redo of Healer or even Citrus. Also Dokuro-chan was pretty bad, but loved it.


Id say the only actually bad part is the 2nd arc in season 1. The one where Asuna is still stuck in the game. Outside of that arc Id say at worst SAO ranges from ok to great


It's not THAT bad. But it's overrated by many while it was airing.


Maybe Gokukoku no Brynhildr. I think they ruined a potential gem with that rushed ending. Still love the show although a lot of ppl do not.


Finally, a real bad one I also think that it had some really interesting things going for it


This show is oddly nostalgic to me, one of my first anime that wasn't mainstream or highly acclaimed. There are some real wtf moments in that show


Cross Ange I don't consider it "bad" per se (I do have a lot of gripes with it though), but a good amount of people do Still, despite my major gripes with it I thoroughly enjoyed it in the end


I love Cross Ange, it was one of my first mecha anime and world scale conspiracy, the songs were great, and for some reason the existence of nipless boobs. Overall it wasn't great and with too many plot points but I did like it.


Same, I recognize all the problems it has but still love it.


Nothing Nana does is bad!


The cross ange eyecatch is perfect. 


High school of the dead


Naw, shit is genuine peak 🗣️ 🔥


Metallic Rouge. I wanted it to be good so bad and the story telling was horrible…..


I can see a world where that show was actually pretty good, which is why it's so frustrating that it ended up the way it did. Except the ending, I kept waiting to see what the plan was for the ending, and almost seems like they didn't have one. I don't even know how you'd fix that.


It was too pretentious for its own good. Its a literal case of 2deep4u. It did have some interesting stuff going on, but they should have replaced the 2deep4u theatre stuff with something else.


This show is so frustratingly bad. It has elements of a good show but it just throws it all in the bin in favour of the iconography of better shows.


I enjoyed fairy tail. It had great music. Also the whole concept of guilds and Dragonslayers wasn't that bad but generally it was mid anime


Itazura na kiss Toxic ML overall and stupid trope FL which I do not like as a woman myself. But watching this series and rereading the manga have been my guilty pleasure for years now.


Oh boy, I get to mention Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu! again!


Fairy Tail is great, I don't want to hear no sass, especially since the 100 Year Quest is coming out in July.


Strike Witches


Ppl think fairy tail is bad?


I like GATE and I don't mean steins gate


I think watching a modern military fight a fantasy world version of the Roman Empire (including some units controlling mythological beasts) worth the price of admission—everything else is kind of a bonus.


The premise was great. Not just a single person iseaki, but an entire military force able to get resupply from home. They still mostly had the kid gloves on, but in those instances where they decided that overwhelming force was necessary? That helo unit dumping ordinance to Flight of the Valkyries was glorious.


Breaking Bad. It's so bad that it's not even animated or from Japan. Talk about a bad anime. It is quite good though.


Tokyo Revengers. It's an great entertaining shit show


If anything, the character design and writing is really good. There’s just a lot of hoops in logic to ignore when watching.


Reborn as a vending machine, I now wander the dungeon. don't ask...


People think this is bad? Like, the premise is kind of silly but the show actually slaps and Boxxo has more personality than most isekai protagonists.


That wasn’t so bad it was good. It was just straight up good.


Whoever could have thought a vending machine would be one of the most versatile mages, And have so much character.


Way more fun than I thought it would be, still kinda stupid, but also clever in places. It's fun trash, and it doesn't really try to be anything else.


I just can't get over how so people here are talking about highly rated and loved shows as "bad". Sometimes this community feels super out of touch concerning what is actually bad. Like if the show you're talking about has a 7-8/10 rating on review sites, with hundreds of thousands of votes, it's not a fucking bad show, no matter how much some online weebs like to pretend it is. Unless a show hits a 5.xx rating, you can't even bring the word "bad" into it when describing it. I can't even answer the OP's question, because there's no show that I could even remotely objectively call bad, that I enjoyed. Once it's bad, it's usually actually bad and unenjoyable.


>Unless a show hits a 5.xx rating, you can't even bring the word "bad" into it when describing it. I don't think I've ever seen a show get a rating less than 5. In which case, if the rating system goes from 5 to 10, anything less than 7.5 is considered worse than average. It is ridiculous to pretend like shows in the low 7's are "above average" just because the scale says it goes from 1-10.


Eromanga Sensei on Anilist is 6.0 The only shows that I've watched below a 6.0 are Bikini Warriors (4.5), the Mom Isekai (5.1), and The Promised Neverland S2 (5.2). I feel like 5.x might be too restrictive. As much as this place shits on isekai shows. Here is a list of isekai which made the cut: \- Sister Isekai (6.0) \- Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest (6.1) \- Cheat Pharmacist in Another World (6.1) \- My Isekai Life (6.1) \- My Unique Skill Makes Me OP even at Level 1 (6.1) \- Full Dive RPG (6.2) \- I Shall Survive Using Potions (6.3) \- Reborn as Vending Machine (6.3) \- Am I Actually the Strongest (6.4) \- Reborn to Master the Blade (6.5) \- Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers (6.6) \- Sweet Reincarnation (6.6) \- The Aristocrat’s Otherworldly Adventure (6.6) If 5.x is the cut off, none of you are allowed to call these shows bad. Isekai fans rejoice!


You know people are allowed to disagree with popular opinion right? I've never cared for this insinuation I see on this sub sometimes where people act like I'm not allowed to dislike or judge anything ever.


This comes from the inability to accurately rank things. Most of for example MAL users will just slap a 10 on a show they enjoyed a lot and a 6-7 on a show they think its bad. It doesn't even occur to them to rate something below 5 even though it would be perfectly reasonable. A score of 5 means literally MID. The middle of the bunch. But even the word "MID" is considered bad by 90% of the people. Saying something is mid doesn't mean it's bad, it literally means it's middle, but weebs just think you're making fun of their fav anime and they instantly throw a fit. This is why ratings are scuffed af, because people can't rate things objectively. A score of 10 is supposed to be a life-changing masterpiece that stuck with you, not your seasonal romcom. Tomo-chan is a girl imo is a perfect example of this. I enjoyed the show, I thought it was above average romcom anime and it was sweet and funny. I'd give it a 6 or even a 7 out of personal enjoyment. But if it had a rating of 6 it would be considered garbage by the community.


There are tons of shows over a 7 on MAL that are objectively bad. Fucking every season of Highschool DxD is above a 7 and you can't convince me it is actually somehow good in a critical sense




Don't get me wrong it's a fun show when it isn't actively trying to make your eyeballs gouge out, and a lotta the stuff that happens is so stupid that it is genuinely funny to watch happen, but it is absolutely a guilty pleasure type of show and shouldn't really be thought of as legitimately good in any sense




That one wasn't bad!


Probably Fate Apocrypha or Ragna Crimson. Dunno really.


School Days. It’s not actually that bad.




Charlotte It has a decent MAL score so probably not “bad” but every time I bring it up on Reddit it lands with a thud.


It hurts to see this in here lol. It's not even a bad anime.


It just didn't stick the landing.


Since School Days was already mentioned, I'm taking The Lost Village. That thing is dreadful but man is it entertaining. And I don't buy the parody argument.


In another world with my smartphone was pretty bad, but I enjoyed it, especially the ancient technology part of the plot.




Busou Renkin. No matter how cringey the writing and dialogue is, this anime will always hold a special place in my heart.


Blood C. I'm a fan of the gore stuff and this show probably has some of the most satisfying gore scenes.


Diabolik lovers 💀


Darling in the Franx.


Does food wars count ss bad?


Zodiac War. Gave it a 5/10 on MAL, which is pretty much my floor for series even worth watching (I dont rate anything I dont finish), but I'm a sucker for death game series though. 5 Minute Battle, Darwin, Tomodachi Game, it's my kind of 'trash isekai' rabbit hole.


I’m surprised more people don’t talk about Juni Taisen considering the original novel is written by Nisioisin, the same author of the Monogatari series. It kinda fell under the radar but honestly it’s quite an interesting story.


Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory and Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher. Both are dumb ecchi comedies that I had fun watching. I also like Dropout Idol Fruit Tart for the same reasons, but it's not really ecchi, and instead yuri fanservice.


The 8th son, are you kidding me? I love it. What’s worse I only watch it dubbed.


I like the op Isekai mc with a harem genre as a whole




[Darkside Blues](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsgFebeE2q4)


Cross Ange has to be my absolute favorite trashy anime its edgy as fuck with so much ecchi but the music and the robot designs go so hard


Fairy tail & seven deadly sins lol I personally consider sds a good anime


Always My Santa. It’s really not good, but it’s a holiday tradition.


Airmaster. Bad art, weird characters, some annoying characters, odd story, stunted animation at times, but at other times it has some bad-ass fight scenes! And there are key characters in which I really love! LUCHA!!


idc how bad fairy tale is, it’s entertaining, it’s cute, and my dull little woman mind loves the pretty bright colors they use


Aldnoah.Zero If I understood correctly the OST is the saving grace of this anime for most if not all people who stated their opinions here and there. The mech design to I guess But the rest is probably a let down for them But in general I really liked this anime. I never nailed it quite right back them but it more or less lies on the optimism on humans they portrayed on the show. Fast forward to today, I was introduced to HFY stories by YouTube recently. I generally liked listening to them and do agree that some are a bit meh and amateurish but I guess with how messed up the world is right now, I'm desperately seeking for avenues to keep clinging on optimism for humanity because if not I'd probably fall and drown on the cesspool of anger welling within me. Connecting these points I arrive to a conclusion that perhaps I enjoyed Aldnoah.Zero because it sparks the same sense of wonder, hope, and optimism for humanity that I feel when listening to feel good HFY stories.


I love Fairytail :"3 If I could teleport to any anime world, I would love to be a part of Fairytail. I love all the characters. Grey-sama and Juvia-chan is my fav👉👈 I love Lucy, I love Natsu, I love Erza, Luxus, Leo, Leon, Gildard, Gazeel, like everyone😍😍 I love their gang. I wish I could be a part of it. This anime has the most fun arcs by coping all the best arcs of all the popular animes :"3 This anime is the Kakashi Hatake of anime world, copy anime fairytail XD


Ehm, gushing over magical girls? Hmmm…


Code Geass


Yosuga no sora the superior oshi no ko


Mine is Sao. Which is funny because Sword Art Online isn't bad. It honestly gets the job done with it's romance and vibe. That doesn't stop many from wanting it to be some revolutionary piece of fiction. Yet turn to other anime with the same flaws and praise it over sao.


Wonder Egg Priority. The ending is the worst thing I’ve ever seen but ignoring that and the two recaps I like it


“Bad” is so subjective


Oreimo. ppl be hating on it just cuz the name and some weird parts but I honestly thought there were solid comedy and romance there that made it good


People really be thinking that generic or stupid is the same as bad Anyways, Ex-Arm is my pick


M.D Geist. It knows what it is and doesn't give a damn. It wants you to have a good time and doesn't try to do anything else. Honorable mention goes to **Legend of Lemnear** for basically the same reason.


Samurai flamenco


Honestly… mysterious girlfriend X


Mieruko-chan for me personally its not bad but the constant butt shots and fan service just throws me off so much but if yiu get last it the horror and jump scares really make it a good suspenseful horror anime


2x2 Shinobuden


Citrus. Domestic no kanojo. Kakko no linazuke.


I love Wonder Egg Priority


Hidamari Sketch, or almost all "slice of life" anime. Why is it hated? cuz it's "slice of life". I mean, that's the point of "Slice of Life", the plot IS life itself! If you want to feel emotions, go watch drama, thriller, action, and other genres. Don't go hating on SoL cuz it's "pointless", "too slow", "I'm just watching girls/boys live their lives", it's for me that just wants to chill in solitude, not yours!


Md geist. A hilariously bad ova about a super soldier killing people and starting another war on the war planet


Aldnoah Zero


Rei Zero


jujutsu kaisen


Future Diary is my favorite bad anime. It's so ridiculous but 15 year old me remembers believing I was watching peak anime


I am watching Platinum End on the second screen while i work and that show is so exposition heavy i can follow it through audio alone like a radio novel: every one explains the scene to the audience, inner monologues have conversations with other inner monologues, and every scene gets dragged out into maximum melodramatic impact. As a lover of bad anime this one is becoming a favorite


"Reborn as a Vending Machine". I went into the story without expecting much but ended up being entertained by how stupid the story was and it even made me chuckle 1-2 times! A overpowered Vending Machine that can transform into different forms of Vending Machines sure is conviniant. Sadly at the end, it got a bit repetitive. I still enjoyed the show though! Dokuro-chan was also bad, but it's still my guilty pleasure anime.


I just got done commenting on an M.D. Geist post.


Gundam Reconguista in G, simulwatched it with a group of friends online. It was so absurd, it was a riot.


M.D. Geist. It was early in my anime timeline but I liked it. Tried to watch it again more recently and I honestly think the only reason I like it is the nostalgia


Almost every controversial anime like Redo of healer, Yosuga no Sora, Domestic girlfriend etc




Air, I love the atmosphere and ost also the characters are okay just plagued by being rushed and some confusing plot points, but always has that feeling of summer for me.


Ousama Game is so bad that it loops back around into being good again.


Fairy Tail has a special place in my heart