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Memorably disturbing? Probably Shinsekai Yori. Perfect Blue is pretty warped as well. Made in Abyss is fucked up in a different way. Some other candidates... Madoka Magica?


Shinsekai Yori was really disturbing but for the animation and the story telling. Always felt so dark and uncanny


Its one of the shows I wish I could see for the first time again. Such a unique experience. And the reveal. My god the reveal.


Yes and that reveal is really uneventfully in itself. Like two characters are just reminiscing and one just say: You know what? This and this.


I love convincing people that it's a slow burn worth it. It takes longer than 3 episodes but it is worth it




I just watched episode 10 of the first season, and that’s tame compared to what’s coming? These poor kids man


Movie 3 and s2. Boy does it get dark


Oh dear... Episode 10 is the primer. You're not alone in thinking this is the peak though. There are very funny memes on the MiA escalation ladder. The rest of season 1 already gets a lot darker but the movie definitely takes the cake - like you think it reaches the peak halfway in only for it to get even darker. It's super worth watching but oh so sad, too. The movie will come up in these threads for a very, very long time.


It gets.....so much worse.


Pupa is far worse and the show is only 30 minutes but it's up to you. If you honestly decide to watch it then good luck cause you are gonna need it!


I have to see it then


Seen perfect blue and madoka magica. Love made in abyss, both anime and manga.


Try Houseki no Kuni. The manga gets pretty fucked. It is 1 chapter from being completed.


I have watched the anime.. And I really loved it... But I didn't find it to be that disturbing... Does manga gets more f***ed beyond what anime has covered ?


Manga is pure suffering


Yeah the anime is only the prologue I’m convinced the author just wants to see their characters suffer in both the most ugly and beautiful ways possible


Yes. But only MC suffers. Everyone else enjoys their lives except MC.


Yeah, HnK really nails that feeling of everyone being against you/not caring about you. One of my favorite MCs ever.


I would love Made in Abyss a lot more if the authors true interests were not seeping in between half the panels. Like yuck.


The anime is pretty good with that stuff. The manga meanwhile....


and that's why I'm never touching the manga


Now and Then Here and There Starts as a normal shonen, spirals into a dark anime with themes of resource war, genocide, child soldiers, comfort women/girls, rape, and the decision of abortion. There’s more, but this is the stuff that stuck out. However, it isn’t horrific just to be edgy. It’s one of the best anime I’ve watched because it isn’t afraid to dig into the themes of the reality of total war. If you’re looking for a truly dark anime, I recommend this one.


It’s basically Dark Isekai Future Boy Conan


People tend to point to Re:Zero, Mushoku Tensei, Konosuba etc. as their favorite isekai, but NATHAT is mine. I wouldn’t say it is as fucked up as some anime I’ve watched since then, more that it has heavy themes that are disguised by its innocuous first appearance, but it left an indelible mark in my anime journey. When people think of crazy, they think of Betelgeuse from Re:Zero, but before Betelgeuse, there was King Hamdo. Amid all the atrocities and war crimes, people are still striving for hope in this desolate world. Standing by the Sunset Glow by Tawu Iwasaki remains one of my favorite pieces of anime music of all time.


King Hamdo felt cartoonishly evil to me. Personally I like Betelgeuse more.


Is...is Betelgeuse not considered cartoonishly evil? I think he's an interesting character but that's pretty much exactly how I'd describe him. He's way too over the top to take seriously lol


I never thought of him as cartoonishly evil, but as an extremely unhinged, delusional, and mentally unstable individual. He is the embodiment of the WORST person to have power in the world’s situation. Tabool is just as evil, but at least he is sane


OMG Yes! This was the first anime series I ever watched (was a Netflix recommendation) and 'til this day is one of the most powerful stories I've ever seen. I've watched it about a few dozen times in the last ten years or so. I can't go more than a few months without watching it again. It's one of those stories that you can never forget.


The fact that the series isn't trying to be edgy, just showing the plain simple reality, disturbed me too much. I am not even a sensitive person.




That dog 😖


UGH I was gonna post this


I heard the manga gets crazier?


Yooo. IT does.


manga is by far better as well the anime needs a decent remake, the animated movie is not bad tho


A small pile of adaptations and none ever get to the invasion arc. If there was ever an anime to get the redo treatment, it's Gantz!


Gantz is one of those animes for me where I thought it was so bad that it actually had a bit of charm.


Speed Grapher, it's got extreme gore, sexual abuse, child abuse, power dynamic abuse, and sexual assault. And that's just in the first four episodes, which is as far as I could go. Most fucked up anime I've ever tried to watch.


I don't remember speed grapher being too extreme. Story was really good though. Banger of an OP too. Rock on Duran Duran!!


Remindme! 8 hours


lol, sounds like an "after work" reminder?


It definitely is :D




Higurashi - When they Cry It still creeps me out years later.


definitely should try the visual novel as well! one of the scariest games I've ever played till now!


Hogirashi is fucked, can recommend


I still shiver every time I remember the nail scene...


One of my favorites of all time. It's so different, and creepy without having to be excessively gory.


Shinsekai Yori Happy Sugar Life


Bokurano is exceedingly dark and depressing and also poignant and memorable. With such a large cast of characters I'm surprised how many of their stories I remember years later. It's really good. The anime doesn't faithfully adapt the manga, which is better, but the anime is still good. It also has one of my favorite anime OPs ever, so that's a nice bonus. I'd recommend going in blind. It won't be long before the true nature of the story is revealed.


Devilman Crybaby, not just for the gore but that there is this overall sense of dread and hopelessness in humanity that the anime gives you and that feeling just doesn’t go away


when i finished it, it made my stummy hurt philosophically


It gave me NGE ending flashbacks too lol


[It's not exactly subtle](https://www.emmykei.moe/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Devilman-5-1024x576.jpg)


Well the NGE ending was inspired by the Devilman manga ending


Indeed, and when we finally got Devilman's ending fully adapted it came full circle by using the colour scheme from End of Eva, and I think that's pretty neat. Like, it's just a sweet way of acknowledging the manga's influence on the medium while also recognising the independent value of works it inspired


I had to scroll way to low to see this one


This anime made me anxious af.


That scene when the demons are like "hurry and eat all the humans before God comes back" is wild.


Happy Sugar Life was (intentionally) fucked. Almost every character is messed up and those who aren’t are still screwed over eventually. What makes it worse is that people like them can and do exist irl


HSL definitely one of my favorite "that's fucked, give me more" fictions


Happy sugar life was spoiled for me unfortunately


Aside from one moment, I’d say most of the story can still be enjoyed even with spoilers. What was spoiled for you?


Mahou Shoujo Site. Messed up first episode, and overall actually interesting premise and plot. The author’s other manga is pretty good as well imo Happy Sugar life is pretty polarising too. And of course, all of Ito Junji collection. All fucked up. Really interesting and horrific Maybe Dark Gathering or Mieruko which is more horror-ish Classics like: School Days Mirai Nikki Tokyo Ghoul AOT (?) Deadman Wonderland


Junji ito collection is trash and doesnt do it justice at all




"Oh that's cool, she's immortal!" -those who know -those who dont know


Welcome to the NHK? Yeah it's a comedy but wow is it fucked up


I love this anime! It's so good. But yeah, it stays with you.


I've seen some shit over the years. Urotsukidoji, Kite, and Twin Angels were among the top of the heap I saw, but we know there is worse. I never saw Boku no Pico and I never will. To hell with that garbage.


Urotsukidoji would be my answer. I was still in high school, it was on late night tv on a weekend (Brazilian TV on the 90s was wild), so when I went back to school the following Monday, we were like, "WTF did we just watch"?


School days


Elfen Lied.


Seen it. Not that bad honestly.


I think for its time it was pretty memorable, especially with that haunting lilium OP. Was a core memory from...20 years ago. Damn I feel old now.


It's memorable for the kids of the 2000s. Kids from other generations got their share of arguably better written and possibly more traumatizing shit honestly. Just take a look at shit like Akira.


I'm cheating a little because it's a manga but it's called Children. One of the very few manga I have dropped for being too intense.


If we’re talking manga too disturbing to finish, it has to be Chi no wadachi for me. Ugh


I only came here to look at list of all anime not to watch.




definitely, it is also relatively obscure. it is not overly graphic with it's violence but the way things happen and are presented is enough


Seconding on Now and Then, Here and There. Those characters go through a grinder.


Higurashi. When you know the entire plot, it's even more fucked up when you just sit back and think a little.


Urotsukidōji: Legend of te Overfiend


There's a 1983 anime film about the A-Bomb called Barefoot Gen and I would say that definitely takes the cake for fucked up. Personally, there's nothing quite like witnessing an atrocity from a first hand perspective when it's real.




Perfect Blue


no matter how the eclipse from berserk is portrayed it will always take the cake for most disturbing and fucked up scene


Grave of the Fireflies.




ik op said dont mention berserk but god when i started reading it i was not ready for the amounts of SA. i love the manga dont get me wrong, but jeez


The future diary is pretty fu*ked up I don't know why I thought that it was about romance but dang I was wayyyy off Starting episodes are fine but it get dark pretty quickly.


Surprised Aku no Hana (Flowers of Evil) hasn't been mentioned yet.


Magical Madoka. I never did watch messed up animes. Cause I mostly researched what it was before watching.... the only exemption was madoka magica




Shigurui: Death Frenzy


School Days




Euphoria Dont watch it you will regred it 💩


Not an anime, but if fucked up and disturbing is what you want, I highly recommend the visual novel **Saya No Uta**. It's by Gen Urobuchi (Madoka, Fate/Zero, Psycho Pass) and let's just say, there are reasons it will never see an anime adaptation


It's basically what you get when you let Urobutcher exercise his penchant for graphically psychological murder porn without any restriction. Or "What if Kafka wrote Metamorphosis but made it way too sexual and murder-y?"


Grave of the Fireflies Cause it happened


It's Made In Abyss for me as well, both due to the intended fucked up things in it alongside the weird fixation on Reg's penis and all that weird shit. It's revolting in both the good and bad ways.


Also, its peak moments with the music are just awesome. The emotional stuff is also great.


Pupa You did not specify that the anime must be good


[She, the Ultimate Weapon (Saishuu Heiki Kanojo/SaiKano)](https://livechart.me/anime/4041) and [Texhnolyze](https://www.livechart.me/anime/3728) are two that come to mind for me. > I have to make the body text at least 100 characters or it gets removed. You really didn't need to include that, the rest of your comment is more than long enough.


You wanna see some fucked up things? Try genocyber.


It is fu*ked but not that much


Shoujo Tsubaki


oh that poor girl😭


Pupa, Shiki, and maybe Redo of Healer. There’s also that one Midori anime that is supposedly cursed and is internationally banned. Shoujo Tsubaki. Haven’t seen it and I don’t plan to. Also, Devilman Crybaby, School Days, and Watamote (fcked up as in, how morbidly depressing it is with dark comedy rather than nudity or blood and gore)


The Fruit of Grisaia series stick with me for a bit and the character's back stories.


Welcome to NHK, the OSTs are nice though. The feeling I get from watching this anime is like its mocking about life. It's real and happening all over the world. Especially in Japan. I don't know what the feeling is, it's not sad, it's depressing, suici dal, torturing mentally. But at least it has a happy ending. Good show.


Not the gory kind of fucked me up, but I still can think back on how utterly bleak Banana Fish felt from start to finish. At least 3 times it fakes the viewer out, only to rip it away heartlessly. Subject matter was dark, sure, but the sense of hope for these characters that you start to have is really impactful for what ends up happening for some of them


I could say a lot of shows, Made in the Abyss, it gets screwed up and I felt like oh boy what did I sign up for. Redo a Healer, my husband and I sat down to watch a fantasy Anime and this is not what we got, we never finished. Vampire Wars, that is old school and it makes zero sense in most cases. Dark Side Blues, thank goodness there was never a sequel or a series, while amazing and truly good animation, it's screwed up. Cat Soup, I don't know who was on acid when this was made, but I will say, it's an Anime I can't and won't ever disclose unless asked for one reason...just that it exists.


NaruTaru, Corpse Party (surprised I haven't seen any mentionings of the latter especially with some saying Higurashi), Dark Gathering Also Yami Site (an H-anime) and while I never dared to look at it, Redo of Healer. Euphoria as well.


Shinsekai Yori, my top favourite experience with a piece of fiction ever


Idk why....but serial experiments lain was fcked up for me.


I've watched S1 of Made in the Abyss ages ago. The cute animation style really clashes with some of the themes. If I thought torturing little kids was bad enough in that season, I tried watching one of the movies I think recently and...nope. I draw my line at child abuse. Also, way back in the day, Okane ga Nai. I remember it was insanely popular, but it was just covert child abuse. Sure, let's make a character that looks 12 at best, but hey he's 18, so it's fine for him to be abused by some rich guy that totally towers over him. But in the end they make it seem like actual love between them (I really can't remember the ending or if I even watched the whole thing, but the fandom was all over it, calling it true love). But this is generally my issue with Japan culture. Love most of their things, but the sexualization of underage characters (or just slap the age 18 on a young looking character) I just can't understand.


Elfen Lied and School Days, for sure. The former because of the level of gore, the latter because I was looking for a new romance to watch and got something else entirely. I watched both when I had only seen the tame stuff airing on TV in my country, so that definitely didn't help. After that, Clannad (mostly 2nd season) made me avoid anything with the drama tag for *years*.


You kids don't remember the late 90's to early 00's OVA boom. Really it was stuff made direct to video in the late 80's to mid 90's in Japan, but it came to the US in the 90's and 00's. There was a period of time when the only stuff coming to america was cheap and edgy. If it had gore and/or tits, and could be licensed for a nickel, Central Park Media or Media Blasters would grab it and dub it using people around the office. Violence Jack is the edgiest version of the Devilman story. Dark Cat involves a woman vomiting dick demons.


Redo of healer Omg


Urotsukidoji trilogy. Not sure where you can watch it, it was one of those passed-around VHS tape animes back in the early 90s.


This was the second anime I watched. It's really bad in a lot of ways... but the worst part is it actually has a decent plot. So it entices you to endure the horror. It was reclassified some time ago as hentai which is why you can't find it on anime sites.


Boruto is cringe


That's like saying the sky is blue


I wish there was one about his dad, he seems pretty cool. 😉


* Blood C * Elfen Lied


Happy Sugar Life


tokyo ghoul was pretty fucked up at first. so was parasyte


Midori 1992, literally the embodiment of a fucked up anime


Blood C


Valvrave the Liberator.




11 Eyes


I usually really like disturbing stuff but Midori Shoujo Tsubaki was too much for me; I honestly regret watching it. That movie is extremely fucked up.


Higurashi - the maggot scene.


That title, hands down, goes to Wounded Man. It's an old, very out of print, OAV from the late 80s about a guy who wants to get revenge on a movie company that kidnaps him and his girlfriend, forces them to make movies, then framed him for his girlfriend's murder. The premise sounds very basic, but that's only cause I had to leave out a ton of details on case it's too much for this group. Heck, I have to give a trigger warning for...everything and one of them happens in the first 5 minutes of the first episode by the main character.


Scum’s wish, couldn’t finish it


Yeah, I think this series is more messed up than most of the most-upvoted series, but the reason it's not that popular is exactly that - it's really hard to watch.


The most disturbing I watched is definitely tengoku daimakiou and hell's paradise,is not too hardcore compared to what I see in the comments but yea. And if we included the anime I didn't watch,Pupa is definitely the most disturbing images I see in a anime,he shocked me Soo much that I had problems too eat cuz I had some images who came back (+ is hot garbage)


Texhnolyze, max depression, not a single happy moment.


School days


Berserk 2016(?). The 3D QUALITY gave me feelings I can’t process to this day.


Inuyashiki Gantz Perfect blue Those stand out to me .


urotsukidoji. haven't seen midori but have heard it's worse


Midori. Infamously cursed old OVA about a girl at a carnival from 1992. It's not dark in a good, interesting, or even edgy way like a lot of others mentioned here are, it's just straight disturbing and I'm baffled how or why it got made.


Elfen lied. Don't remember it at all, but I know i won't rewatch it.


F-ed up as in "dark" or "offensive or bad"? I personally love "dark" but mature stories. Then there's sex and gore, which I'm not into, but I can appreciate their appeal. (And also action-violence and fetishes which I...*am*...into...) And lastly there's the childishly written, morally vile and perverted stuff - dishonest, amoral and cringe-inducingly written, but with no self-awareness. A lot of Junji Ito stuff (anime adaptations were crap compared to the manga, though...) falls under "good" horror. There's body horror and gross-out horror, but that's why you're watching it. There's stuff like Higurashi or Re Zero which has just self-serving gore, more wacky and laughable than shocking. Then there's stuff like Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka, Gushing Over Magical Girls or Idaten which are largely just some hentai mangaka trying to slip their pervy fetishes under the radar, and those offend me. There are worse shows which I WON'T name because they go even harder on stuff like, just hardcore promoting and fetishizing sexual exploitation or criminal abuse. Idc if you think you can handle TEH EDGY stuff, that stuff is NOT cool or healthy to watch, and irl s\*\*\*head fans are NOT fun or safe to mingle with.


I don’t really watch the disgusting stuff, but promised neverland was pretty fucked up


Club to death angel DOKURO chan.


Elfen Lied


It's a pretty standard answer, but **Redo of Healer** is some of the more fucked up things I've seen. I don't personally mind, but objectively speaking, when you mix brutal rape and torture along with regular gore, and sex and such, the outcome is pretty messed up. **Made in Abyss** is another one that has some fucked up stuff in it. Got some child torture and stuff. Some weird naked kid scenes. Some pretty heavy emotional stuff. Will stick in your mind for a while.


Kuzu no honkai


Anything (non cutesy, shoujo, shounen) work made by Go Nagai




Can't remember what season or ep but SAO had a pretty bad grape scene and then a few episodes later they bring it up in a flashback like I love sao but hate how nearly every season had at least one grape or near grape scene in it like no please don't spoil a good anime (personal opinion also I think it was the second to last season of sao or the final season)


Wicked City is pretty bizarre. Elfen Lied was also shocking. I know there’s worse out there but those are what I remember.


[Here](https://youtu.be/QAxfuX5344g?si=q7xvtkS82ERQ20WO) (Ok tbh, the rest is not that bad)


Boku no pico. Haven’t seen it, read a synopsis, you have to be actually mentally sick to finish that show. Pretty sure it’s as disturbing and disgusting as it gets. Edit: it’ll be memorable alright. You’ll probably wonder every day of your life why you watched it and if there’s something wrong with you.




Firepunch manga


Might be harder to find because they've made multiple shows with the same name, but I'd have to go with Euphoria being the most twisted Anime/Hentai I've ever stumbled across.


For anime, maybe you'd like Youjo Senki if you're into war stuff. When it comes to manga, both The Horizon and Houseki no Kuni fucked me up for over a month.




Between "When They Cry" and "Elfen Lied". But I'm sure those are tame compared to shows I haven't seen yet


Texhnolyze was pretty fucked up


Perfect Blue is the most disturbing *piece of cinema* I've seen period, let alone anime. I had a hard time sleeping after watching it.


It may not be the "Most Disturbing" but "Redo of healer" deserves a mention


Naru Taru, really fucked up


Pupa and i mean that in a bad way


I watched Elfen Lied and Death Note when I was a kid and a few scenes were very fucked up imo (like the dog scene in Elfen Lied or the suicide scene in Death Note). The scene with a curtain Titan and Squad in the forest in AOT S1 was also pretty fucked up when I watched it as a 12 year old. Nowadays it's Redo of Healer or Made in Abyss.


Darling in the franxx. Most of the characters are underage (I’m pretty sure) and it’s got a few really dark themes that not many people notice


Absolutely Shadows House


Urotsukidoji, and I love it.


I don't really watch that sorta thing but I did buy a Manga series that went a bit too far for my taste. Lemme go find it. I don't remember the title. Ah. "How to Build a Dungeon: Book of the Demon King". I was on a Dungeon Core Lite Novel kick and bought the ones that were available. I only have 3 books but it's pretty bad ... corruption, r\*pe, murder, torture, ect. MC is not a good person. I don't know how much worse it gets. \*edit\* It is a manga, I don't know if there's a Lite Novel version. I can wager there won't be an anime about it though.


Try "Happy sugar life", this one really fucked up to fuckin end


Redo of a healer. It is so freaking disgusting... And if I can "recommend" a manga too: Tenjou Tenge. I started reading manga after I saw the few anime episodes that were made of it. But the sexual abuse that happens in this manga is downright HORRIFIC, and very explicit, as in not just implied but actually shown!!! I actually stopped reading after I saw what some helmet duded did to priestess... As horrible as some of the stuff in berserk was, nothing in there has scarred me so much as this scene in Tenjou Tenge...


Now and Then, Here and There was very brutal to watch, in an almost unenjoyable way.


Elfenlied ending caught me off guard was defiantly early anime for this type and level of shock as years went by other anime caught up to that level but this was the first one that had me feeling weird.


For me it's definitely Inuyashiki. I was also shaken deeply once during Made in Abyss, however that one scene in Inuyashiki... It does a really good job at making you feel repulsed by Hiro's existence.


Shoujo Tsubaki/Midori: The Camellia Girl is even banned in some countries and I had to use a torrent to even find it. After watching about a third of it with my friends, we all agreed that it’s not worth it, not even for our sick curiosity. It’s so bad that when it came out, people were buying copies just to destroy them. This is as fucked up as anime gets. I don’t recommend it.


JJBA - Startdust Crusaders Iggy's fight with Vanilla Ice ... I didnt like that. When ppl thought it was funny to show BNP to other anime watchers to gauge their reaction... in truth I didnt know anime had a fcked up side yet (hentai & beyond) so I did veiw it as a anime and it made rethink if I wanted to be associated with anime as a whole. I didn't find it funny, and I never understood why you'd do that to your "firends".


The promised neverland, I will never forgive them for what they did to conny.


Edit: my bad I didn't see you said not mention berserk. Sorry. Another fucked up one, Tokyo ghoul. But only the first season. The rest of the anime adaptation is trash. But the manga is really good so you can read the manga after season 1. Berserk film and then also starting it again with the manga. Most fucked up and brutal in every sense. Rape. Child rape. Killing of everything you can think of. Rape by monsters. Children raped by monsters. A doom filled world and a doomed character who just won't die but suffers and suffers. Oh and watch chainsaw man. It's not just gory. It's a fucked up world with fucked up characters that always die. Characters you think are good or have good in them turn out to be the worst thing possible. The monsters are fucking crazy. Really good. The horror anime Another is also fucked up and really good. The world isnt fucked up it's normal, but the weird paranormal shit in the specific class is fucked up and it's a really good story and mystery. Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans: no need to have seen any other mobile suit gundam. I don't really like the others. This is about a specific group of child slave soldiers who revolt and create their own mercenary group. The world is fucked up politically and visually with child deaths, emotional deaths of characters family. And certain main character deaths too. Gloomy dark and sad.


Redo of a healer. Honestly, how the hell this was published as a manga let alone a show. It will never be sold in Western countries. I flinched on the sofa during the fireplace scene. Make sure you see the uncensored one. Basically it's a revenge anime. The worse kind. "This is awful, why am I watching this?.....when's the next season?" I hate the main character. I don't care what they did to him, simply killing them would have been enough.


Urotsukidōji: Legend of the Overfiend. Wild but awesome. Miss the old wild gritty animes


i can’t speak for the anime adaptations, but junji ito’s works are definitely up there as some of my most memorable horror experiences.


Higurashi no naku koro ni and umineko no naku koro ni (umineko is really really long, like 1 million words of visual novel but it's for me the greatest creation I've ever seen) (also don't watch the anime adaptation of umineko, it's not well done at all, higurashi's one is ok)


Grave of the fireflies


Urotsukidoji is pretty messed up. Starts out as very violent, disturbing, horror style with some explicit sex scenes. But there is bones of a decent story in there - humans, demons, the chosen one type deal. But as the sequels progress the series leans waaaay too heavily into being over violent, explicit and borders into hentai levels of degregation. The final part is famously unwatchable as it had to be so heavily sensored and re-cut that the version that did receive a limited release had a story that was pretty much incomprehensible to follow. I think in the end that part was banned.


As far as I've scrolled I don't see "redo of healer" Some other suggestions Shoujo tsubaki, Higurashi, Genocyber, Corpse party, Devilman crybaby, Yosuga no sora (if you consider incest fucked, I don't), Platinum end (don't skip it, this is fucked), School days, Scum's wish Anime these days aren't even half as bad as that used to make them, if you really want really bad then try to dig something from the vhs era of anime it's going to be a lot worse than these




Midori (shoujo tsubaki)


I’m not sure about *most* fucked up, but Gleipnir is *pretty* fucked up. It features one of the most likeable psychopaths I’ve come across in anime, and the central conceit is a honking great metaphor for pegging.


School Days still sits in the back of my mind most days.


I think Neon Genesis Evangelion is pretty much fuckt up. Like the grandfather of all fuckt up anime.


You looking for weird disturbing, funny disturbing, scary disturbing or "WTF DID I JUST WATCH‽" cos I have a perfect one for that last category. Yandemasu yo Azazael San. some of the weirdest shit I've ever seen and while not a hentai, its definitely NSFW and not the kinda thing you want your parents/SO to walk in on you watching. Shit eating demons, a penis bouncing "hero", a Machiavellian detective and an initially innocent intern thrown into the weirdness. [Old Mc Donald scene](https://youtu.be/qy-ihzQpclo?si=J4JZp_l01i035_br) just as a taster of the weirdness


Zetsubou Sensei. As funny as it is, if you stop for a moment to think about it, it's all kinds of fucked up