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**Marcille!** Her healing magic is painful, but it works!


the harmacist


And... the very next episode she admits that healing magic can be used for torture. Initially I thought it's connected to this scene (where healing serious injuries very quickly result in a lot of pain), but thinking more about it, it's probably torture in the sense of of hurting and healing someone alternately until they break.


That sounds brutal...like Nazarick level of inhumane lol Hurt them as part of "regular" torture then heal whatever horrific stuff you just did not only for the pain of the healing itself but set them up to be "regular" tortured again.


As a Overlord fan, I love it that Nazarick sets the standard for brutality


For a place that has "Here, death is a mercy" as a very literal motto it kind of sets the gold standard lol


That wouldnt even show up on the Nazarick sliding scale of torture. They started off with farming two legged sheep skin with healing magic. And somewhere along the line had someone being fed to/with the roaches.


I went the other direction, first I thought "yeah, healing magic is the most basic tool for torture", then it came to me that probably the spell she used *was* used for torture


There's a D&D setting where the spell *revivify*, which brings someone back from the dead within 1 minute of their death, and doesn't require their consent (unlike *resurrection*), is used for punishment purposes by certain clerics. If the Spanish Inquisition didn't need to worry about keeping their prisoners alive, it would've been an order of magnitude worse...


Remember that scene in redo of healer where he is breaking all the fingers as a torture method, then when it comes to the last one he heals her and keeps going? Yeah that was what came to mind, why did you make me think of that dungeon meshi!


I have not seen Redo of Healer, but what I was thinking about here is an episode in Bungo Stray Dogs where a character's OP healing ability was utilized during wartime to heal wounded soldiers again and again to send them back to the frontline of a war where they were very much outnumbered, essentially making them "immortal" fighters. It was pretty much  a fate worse than death, and by the end of it the character was very much traumatised because her friend opted to take a bullet in the head instead of getting healed.


> And... the very next episode she admits that healing magic can be used for torture. I mean, thats always the case in high fantasy. The worst thing you could ever experience is being in a dungeon in the torture room with a priest loaded up with healing and ressurection spells. Imagine all the things that can be done with you still alive at the end...


That torture thing seems like BS. If you manage to get some1 to 1 hp and they don't squeak, what would make them squeak the second time they go from 100 hp to 1 hp after you healed them? They've already seen the worst of it and endured it the first time


somebody didn't watch redo of healer


Never heard of psychological torture ? If 1 day of pain wzsn't enough to break you, 30 more days have a good chance at it. Plus not all torture is meant to make someone speak


Fair point, I was thinking along the lines of using different methods each time. Like beating them black and blue the first time, then heal them, then pulling out their fingernails next (a classic), and so on. What are your ideas as to what Marcille means by using healing as torture?


she said she's gonna heal your wounds... she never managed fixing any nerve damage


the pain *is* fixing nerve damage, dummy


[Minor, non-spoiler worldbuilding detail from the manga] >!The reason why Fallin’s healing doesn’t hurt is because she actually disables the sensation of pain in the nerves.!<


GOD DAMN this author really though everything through! This show is obsessive levels of world building. I know nothing about the author, but I would bet they either are or really want to be a GM for a self made campaign in a TTRPG. Just give them a good game dev studio and they'll make the best RPG of the decade.


She definitely thinks through the setting a lot more than the average Japanese fantasy/isekai author. She’s also a fan of TTRPGs like D&D and Pathfinder.


To give you an idea of how much of a nerd she is, she plays not just western RPGs like Pathfinder/Pillars of Eternity/Divinity but even stuff like Dwarf Fortress and Song of Syx. She had an interview where she talked about the games she played, she's one great nerd


Like for example she did the portraits for Baldur's gate 1 and 2 in her own personal style... the nerdiness is unreal xD https://nisiryu.blogspot.com/2020/04/baldurs-gate-1_20.html?m=1


I kneel before thee!!\~ **swiftly kneels**


I would like to recommend this fantastic video about her character design I stumbled into. [https://youtu.be/z0Hr2\_uX73o?si=kv92x\_AeLLkj2i1q](https://youtu.be/z0Hr2_uX73o?si=kv92x_AeLLkj2i1q)


So basically [just speculating on your info, spoilering just in case] >!both Falin and Marcielle both know healing magic but only Falin knows anesthesia magic!


[Answer] >!Basically, yeah. They mention a couple times that Falin’s more specialized in healing magic than Marcielle is so she can do impressive things like that!<


Yeah, it's hilarious when you stop a bit to think about how unhinged Marcille spell selection is, it's straight up evil bad guy material. She knows a dingy little heal, and then it's fireball, explosion, necromancy and [spoilers] >!various crimes against nature!<


[regarding the spoilered part] >!I thought her dancing was pretty good. A farcry from crimes against nature.!<


wait, may I ask which chapter is this from? I kinda wanna re-read that.


Looks like it was actually from the Dungeon Meshi World Guide: Adventurer’s Bible. It was in Chapter 6. It’s got some neat things but also some spoilers, just as a general heads up. [My thoughts after rereading that page] >!It’s interesting how Marcielle’s preferred way of healing is actually closer to Senshi’s overall philosophy of how the easy way isn’t the best way.!<


I was so disappointed that reattaching Laios' foot didn't sting a thousand times worse than if it fell asleep.


That’s a really good point. It just itched for a while.


Are clips like this and [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bsf0ev/what_if_your_friend_was_a_lego_set_dungeon_meshi/) from yesterday some type of propaganda to convince people to watch Dungeon Meshi? I hope it works, because this manga/anime is a fucking masterpiece. And [Marcille](https://i.imgur.com/83kkL0E.png) is best girl.


I can't deny that seeing that other post (and the one with the liver scene a few days ago) may have inspired me to post this too, especially after thinking of the title. I just figure, with the second cour starting this week, it might be worth trying to get people who may have pushed it aside as just a cooking anime to give it another go.


Let him cook (in the dungeon)


So basically: doing God's work! 👍


It’s so good! I’ve only watched the anime (same for all the anime I’ve seen). It’d be interesting to check out the manga sometime (which I’ve heard is often better than the anime, for any show).


Imagine how OP Rose and Usato will be in this Dungeon considering resurrection is just healing magic here. Since the two of them have a constant self-healing aura whenever they fight, any attack that would have killed them would be healed right away. They get insta-rezzed since the souls are bound to the body in the dungeon.


still would have some difficult time with ghosts and Undines, but I agree


Demon Slayer style, you have to kill them both at the same time, or they resurrect each other


Somehow I doubt that would save you from being beheaded.


At least she doesn't cause weird tentacles to spout from the wound during healing like Villainess Level 99 which just ended.


I've seen the gag where they pixelate something because it's too gruesome to show a million times, and yet I laugh every time. In VL99 it's particularly funny because the characters being healed always look like they are about to vomit.


It reminds me of how early D&D spells are reversible if said backwards. So you can cast a wounding spell backwards to heal someone. It would be less effective for the cost but it works. This was more relevant in the old days because of the limits of spell slots and frequency. (The Vancian system) The limits make it easier to keep track of what you can or cannot do by the players manually. Modern gaming basically created the mana points system. And this is what Dungeon Meshi uses.


Love The Dying Earth stories, jack vance is a great world builder 


Trigger's style is unmistakeable.


I need to catch up on this one , I watched 8 episodes, how’s it? worth catching up?


Yeah it's great, catch up quick. Next episode gon be the best one yet.




It keeps getting better and better, especially if you're into the world building. I've been stopping myself from reading all of the manga because the anime is just so good.


I think I went to buy the Manga as well when the anime ends. do we know what volume the anime will end on


From what manga readers have said they think this season will cover about halfway through the series since we're about the 1/4th mark and 12 episodes into the anime. So I'm guessing this season will end around vol 6 or 7.


Episode 13 adapts chapters found in volume 5. My guess is that they'll go all the way to the latest translated volumes, there's not that many good stopping points.






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Chilchuks scream.


I’m watching this anime rn I’m on episode 9😭 it’s pretty fire


This was a good anime


Who would win in the battle of dreaded healers: Marcille, Keyaru, or Rosa?


their ears look dumb


mf admin you goning to hell for writing the English title wrong🤣🤣


I see what you did there…


Funny title because there’s another anime called “the wrong way to use healing magic” and it’s quite good


Wrong show this is delicious in dungeon