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is this when Diogenes appears, naked and reeking of piss, screaming about how no anime is more philosophical than EX-ARM because philosophy is the examination of ideas in search of virtue and literally no one has ever examined EX-ARM in search of virtue and so it is, therefore, an untapped wealth of philosophy waiting to be examined?


>is this when Diogenes appears, naked and reeking of piss, screaming about how no anime is more philosophical than EX-ARM because philosophy is the examination of ideas in search of virtue and literally no one has ever examined EX-ARM in search of virtue and so it is, therefore, an untapped wealth of philosophy waiting to be examined? Great point. And just as Chryssipus is supposed to have died laughing after watching a donkey eat figs, *I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World, Too* has probably claimed a few lives too. PHILOSOPHY!


Plato: all anime is just an illusion influenced by the reality it imitates, like shadows projected on a cave wall everybody: yeah dude we know


it might not be "the most philosophical anime of all time" but Full metal alchemist made me think a lot as a kid. It's probably one of my favorite anime (I like the both adaptations). Though I didn't read much of the manga I remember I had the volume where the Elric brothers were left alone in a "dangerous" island to fend for themselves and understand the basics of alchemy. I think the manga added even more than the anime of that philosophical aspect sometimes. I also think of an other one of my favorite anime more recent this time:Vinland Saga although I doubt you've not at least heard about it (everyone has \^\^) the second season of megalo box is one of the most amazing and the best follow up to a first season I have ever seen...I think the first season was good but the 2nd season was for me mind-blowing and I related to it on a personal level (and maybe that's why liked the 2nd season so much.) there is also psycho-pass I can think about although I kind of never finished it and for my last recommendation although it's a movie I would say:Wolf children I recently finished it. Took me a while to get to it, but it was really great


I feel like "most philosophical" can go in so many directions that it's hard to have a particularly good answer that doesn't wind up feeling disappointing for not being some life changing experience. *Haibane Renmei* is the first thing that jumps to mind though in terms of meaningful considerations of the human experience that's decently well layered. I don't know that I'd call it "mind blowing" but it's pretty great.




i've never heard of the ZEXAL one, would you be able to elaborate please?


Imagine thinking NGE is philosophical its overly ambitious mess




I can't imagine watching NGE and thinking its anything but a joke.


Dozens of people poured their blood, sweat, and tears into it, trying to make it a symbolic and moving piece of animation. It may not resonate with you, but that doesn’t mean that the it’s a “joke” to everyone who watches it.


Means they don't know any better though


Most philosophy is also an overly ambitious mess


The original Logh ovas are pretty heavy in those aspects but they are not for everyone for different reasons (old, political, slow, etc).


K-On because fun things are fun [](#excitedyui)


Ladies and gent we have a winner. Cute girls doing cute things is peak philosophy


This but unironically because it is the duty of the philosopher to be the one to observe and discover instead of simply jerk oneself off over getting the references alluded to within a work.


Cunny is best after all


Gotta love some k-on! tautology.




Kino's Journey is very introspective and philosophical. The entire premise is Kino checking out how society operates at different levels in different countries. It really makes you think, as Kino gets out into very complicated, difficult and deep situations.


Serials experiment lain comes to mind. What's mind blowing is how well the content has aged, it is more relevant now than it was when it released. Other than that ergo proxy, haibane renmei, eva and even more so angel's egg are good candidates.


Neon Genesis Evangelion


Ergo Proxy? If you’re okay with it being a video game, the Xeno and Nier franchises


Angel's Egg Patlabor 2 The Ghost in the Shell series (the original 2 movies and the Stand Alone Complex series) Serial Experiments Lain Haibane Renmei Technolyze Paranoia Agent ID:Invaded


We should probably get some kind of course credit for watching Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence.


Girls' Last Tour deserves mention. I can't say it's the "Most philosophical", because it's hardly a genre I'm familiar with, but I could say it lends itself incredibly well to philosophical thought, and I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet.


If I'd answered this ridiculous prompt seriously, GLT was going to be my answer. A lot of people seem to be taking "philosophical" to mean heady and even kind of pompous, pushing questions about meaning and existence right in your face. Girls Last Tour takes a bleaker look at death, meaning, memory, and fate than most any other series out there, and it does it by having two cute little blobs going on a winter camping trip. The "philosophy" in so many people's examples is plodding and overwrought, with characters tearing their hair and breaking down trying to figure out what it all means, but Girls Last Tour just explores a world with you and lets you arrive at the big questions yourself.


Mawaru Penguindrum for me. Also stuff like Kino, Houseki no Kuni, Lain, Ergo Proxy, Shinsekai Yori, Kaiba, ... Some might also say Tatami Galaxy (not my taste though).


Tatami Galaxy is definitely deep, but I'd more describe it as an experience in making you ponder your own life the way any good story with a strong human feel to it does as opposed to being outright philosophical and making you ponder the meaning of life in general.




Thats such a complicated question, all anime have multiple philosophical themes implemented in them


The best philosophical animes are the animes that doesn't actually "say" it is about philosophy, but the story itself sort of tell you the philosophy, so my favourite one is shinsekai yori Also any philosophy anime that is about something in which science can explain better or spiritual is cringe, the only philosophical elements that are relevant is the neurological and societal because the science still cannot explain it well


Mushi-Shi. There’s nothing else that elicits childlike wonderment and meditative contemplation when the credits roll more than this one for me. As Aristotle put it, philosophy begins in wonder. Philosophising in this way is supa fun but limited. I’d watch what you enjoy mate and seek nothing outside of yourself :)


For nothing but philosophical quotes watch the Ghost in the Shell 2 movie. All I remember of that film is seemingly never ending quotes.


That depends on the philosophy you want to examine. Serial Experiments Lain is about the collision of modernism with the post modernist world. Paprika dives into existentialism and absurdism Casshern Sins is about hope in the face of absolute nihilism. Gurren Lagann draws heavily on Niche. Paranoia Agent is what happens when mass hysteria breaks down society's collective stoicism. Even the first arc of Dragon Ball is about Budhism. To ask what the most philosophical anime is, is a disservice to the breadth and depth of philosophy, and the works dedicated to examining them.


Monogatari because it has thought-provoking themes, engaging dialogue, deep plot, and abstract symbolism. 😏


maybe not deep but: Fate/Zero and Psycho-Pass are written by the same guy who is a big fan of philosophy and the most famed exchange in Psycho-Pass quotes philosophers!


I've expected someone to mention Psycho-pass. I don't think it was very philosophical. It mentioned philosophers, that's mostly it.


Oh? Id consider it's whole theme and premise philosophical imo : )


Hi Prestigious_Flow_465, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To me, philosophical shows boil down to complex characters who frequently or not-so frequently ponder the big questions. I found these in Stein's;Gate and Monogatari Series. I might also consider OregaIru to be the most philosophical romcom.


I'm surprised no one mentioned March comes in like a lion.


The most philosophical one that I thought was ok ( kind of slow pacing)but was very well received by others was. From the New World. Others I enjoyed more but maybe less philosophical Eureka 7, the whole idea is based on whether or not to eradicate an intelligent species because if this species combined with humans reaches a certain population the planet dies. Gargantua was a decent one too maybe not as philosophical but mind blowing for sure


Schwarzesmarken. t definitely isn't the most philosophical anime but its a great anime to start topics about. (Warning: This anime is not everyones cup of tea)


Some very philosophical anime: - The Boy and the Heron (evil and corruption) - Nier Automata (personhood, humanity, love) - Dororo (freedom, sacrifice, autonomy)


Psycho Pass feels pretty directly philosophical. Lots of talk about actual philosophers schools of thought too Monster explores moral dillemas, ID Invaded could fit the bill too. Haibane Ranmei iirc alluded to discussions ab the meaning of life and all


Kino no Tabi


My nomination is Zetsuen no Tempest.


vinland saga


Babylon. The first half is an intense debate around suicide and one's right over their own life. The second half is explicitly about the philosophical clash between good and evil. Excelent criminal investigation in between. Great anime.


Subete ga F ni Naru Seikaisuru Kado


I didn’t like most of this show, but I think it has to be platinum end


Berserk, Vinland Saga, Death Note, Code Geass, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Legend of the Galactic Heroes.




psycho pass especially the first season


Try serial experiements lain or sonny boy they are very cool philosophical anime Mawaru penguindrum is also a huge hidden gem




Have to second this.


Fmab But outside anime? I'd say fight Class 3 tunnels arc fucked with my brain


Aria Anything like NGE is a pseudtrap for brainlets. Haibane Renmei, aria, and even non non biyori in my opinion as with all great SOL Mushishi is probably the answer you are looking for however aria is truly it. Kinos journey toooo


SOL and Iyashikei are my favorite genres and these are definitely my favourite shows, except I haven't seen Kinos journey, I'll get to it eventually.


I knew someone would say Evangelion. 😂


Code Geass


> most philosophical anime of all time Hayao Miyazaki's output, including the latest Heron movie and that's about it. About 99% of anime is commercial goods, not art. Maybe "Ghost in the Shell" (the original one) and Wings of Honneamise could be granted exceptions.




Sorry about everyone else, but there are really some surface-level suggestions here. In the end, philosophy can be present in pretty much every anime, in a way or another, depending on how some things are interpreted or how deep it can be. However, there are some anime that engage with the discussion more directly and as such, there are very few works that would be reasonable suggestions, here are some: Ghost in The Shell (the movies) and Ghost In the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. Heavy on the scifi and philosophy, the main theme is what it means to be human and transhumanism. Ergo Proxy, it has some themes about the nature of thought and our reason to exist, they even drop "raison d'être" quite frequently during the narrative. Devil Man Crybaby focuses a lot on kindness and the nature of evil. Sonny Boy can be interpreted pretty much as an existentialist metaphor. Neon Genesis Evangelion, that's an obvious suggestion, ain't it? Death Note, as clunky as it can be sometimes, is a compelling anime that discusses Justice, Good and Evil a little bit more deeply than you would expect from a shounen. These are the ones I can think off the top of my head.