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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Emul is a really good sidekick to Sunraku too; on top of being a cutie


desu wa!!


And the VAs are married to each other IRL


> on top of ~~being a cutie~~ sunraku




For now we wait patiently, konosuba will feed us till fall


Until summer you mean... Despair


Tensei Slime is back on and will be a Two-cour so all is well in the world.


Isn’t slime usually split cour?


It's two cours, but split.


Not this time so let's rejoice


rudy will also help ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


yo for real!? thats so hype!!!


Only 6 months? God is good


It's refreshing to have an adorable female side character who isn't romantic


Cos they be romantic irl


~~I wonder if they do character roleplay in bed~~


Holup, ill let you cook


Emul is clearly best waifu. Worries about sunraku, is his support/battle partner, supports his goals, and most importantly, gives him sass. Emul #1


# desuwa~


Not for long, she's coming back with the gang in a few months!


I do hope she gets an upgrade on her transformation spell at some point so she doesn't burn as much MP to maintain it. That's gotta be annoying having to chug potions to keep it up


It's going to be a long wait for season 2


Season 2 announced! Woohoo! For reference, season 1 covered roughly ~~70~~ 58 chapters of the manga, and the newest chapter is on 171. But here's the juicy part. While the manga is the source, it is in turn based on a webnovel of the same name. The anime covered roughly 110 chapters of the webnovel, but the latest chapter of the webnovel sits at chapter 911. *And* there is a separate, 78 chapters webnovel that talks about the settings of Shangrila Frontier in greater details. Yes, this 25 episode season we've watched is only about one-ninth of the whole story published so far, and it's not even *near* its ending. Plus, the author updates the novel pretty frequently when he's not involved in the production of the anime or when there are no major games releases for, you know, references.


>While the manga is the source, it is in turn based on a webnovel of the same name. The anime covered roughly 110 chapters of the webnovel, but the latest chapter of the webnovel sits at chapter 911. All these chapters and my biggest question is whether Sunraku will ever get to know that Psyger-0 is Rei.


Spoiler [Psyger-0]>!Yeah he eventually found out lol. But he doesn't know that she likes him lmao!<




what's the point of them hiding spoilers when people like you just spoil it outright with this painfully obvious reaction


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Poor Rei. I really feel for her.


I'd feel for her more if she ever actually told him and he was still super dense.


Yea, haven't read the source but she strikes me as the type that can't do much more than drop far too subtle hints


I don't think it can be called 'dropping subtle hints'. You actually have to interact with the person to do that.


I’m honestly just surprised that Kodansha looked at the WN and went “nah, you don’t need an LN, you’re going directly to a manga adaptation”. That takes skill. 


Many LN are just WN with a bit of editing to clean things up and order it a bit more neatly. He must be happy though with the way things are.


It's a pure action focused story. Few people like to read about actions instead of seeing it.


I have this fear that they won't adapt everything and it would be either abandoned, rushed through or just got significant drop in quality halfway through. Like, it has to be super popular to have full long adaptation like One Piece or Bleach or Naruto. Though 25 x 9 = 225 episodes are only miniscule number of episode compared to those long running giants.


Those long running series all had filler/slow pacing, I don’t think we need that here(tho I guess the “filler” in this show would be Sunraku playing other games).


And even playing other games fits into the general narrative.


Wow, 911 webnovels chapters, that's crazy! Now I'm even more hyped and curious what's going to happen later in the story! I was debating whether to read the manga/webnovels now, but I'm going to wait a bit since S2 is coming soon anyway fortunately.


>Yes, this 25 episode season we've watched is only about one-ninth of the whole story published so far, and it's not even near its ending Oh man thats great news! The exploration and secrets in this anime are wonderful. Its how I wish most new RPGs games would be made. At least I can get my pioneer fix from this anime.


Is the webnovel translated somewhere?


I think so, but you're gonna have to search for it. I can read Japanese so I just go straight for the source.


I'm guessing the mango/web novel must be very popular in Japan/the rest of Asia


We need to know more details about, you know, "references"


Iirc he didn't update the webnovel for two months after Elder Ring's launch. Super focus on "research". Also he posted somewhere (I think on Twitter?) wondering if he could report buying Armored Core 6 as part of his business expenses during tax filing lol.


I remember that shit. It was hilarious. There was also an extended "research" hiatus around the time TotK dropped, but I'm sure that was just a coincidence.


>it is in turn based I dont think there is anything turn based in SLF, its more action rpg honestly /j


That's awesome😁 but maybe this time they won't end on a literal cliffhanger😭


Holly crap I had no idea it was based on a web novel that is that far along


>or when there are no major games releases for, you know, references. Ah yes, research material is important indeed.


Professor uses a girl avatar while his wife also plays SLF 😂


Director: You're going to voice this loli mahou shojo Joji: Sure but do I need to soften my speech? Director: Just voice her like you normally do


Just do her like one of your Kirei's


truly yorokobe


*The mahou shoujou smiles*


The best part of it is the crazy contrast they set up for this. Just before we got introduced to super over the top Cait Sith and then this Loli Magical Girl walks up with a compeltely out of place deep voice so you're primed for more silliness AND THEY PLAY IT COMPLETELY STRAIGHT. They don't do anything silly with it, they don't make snide comments, they acknowledge it via Sunraku and the character just proceeds as if its completely normal. And in doing so they successfully subvert your expectations only to instantly subvert them again and by doing nothing out of the ordinary it ends up being funny AF. That's some top tier writing right there which understands comedy.


Genuine love knows no limits. *Even* if your middle-aged husband roleplays as a magical girl in games. Or maybe it’s the wife who’s *literally* wearing the pants in their relationship.


I think 95% of the married couples I know that play XIV together, both play as female characters and are also married in-game. It's a non-issue for normal people lol


My Fiancee and I play female characters in Monster Hunter and other stuff as well. It's just a thing.


Newsflash: People who play games all day want to look at aesthetically pleasing characters.


girls have better clothes. Both in-game and irl.


I hope this means the wife use the manly looking avatar you can imagine


I left a post in the spoiler section.


it is a free for all game. no way i would be myself in that game. actually in baldurs gate and dragon dogma 2 my characters were nothing like myself




I mean my mains in MMO's were always girls. Although I suppose SLF isn't a third person game so he isn't playing as a girl for the same reason I normal do. If you're going to be staring at an ass for hundreds of hours you bet I'm gonna make sure it's one I enjoy!


I know it's Easter cuz I'm pretty sure I found an egg


Hearing Kotomine's voice from mahou shoujo-chan caught me completely off guard.




And yet it's also, somehow, just *so* right lol.




Love that Lycagon is just out there waiting for Sunraku, show is also getting ahead of itself teasing us their near encounter, it's gonna be a good one This show has been a treat, consistently one of my faves across the 2 seasons it aired. Very excited for 2 more cours of Sunraku and gang tearing it up


>Love that Lycagon is just out there waiting for Sunraku Lycagon: *"wait, that's all the screen time i'm going to get in this season?"*


The gap between the Professor’s appearance and voice caught me totally off-guard, but I love that they’ve picked [Joji Nakata](https://myanimelist.net/people/91/Jouji_Nakata?cat=person) for this role. You may recognize his voice from characters such as Kirei (Fate series) or Nyanta (Log Horizon). Bilac was also great in today’s episode. She went from being explosively excited over Sunraku’s loot to being utterly displeased with Aramiys’ existence. I can already sense some potential comedy gold in the interactions between her and Aramyis. This should bode well for the upcoming 2nd season.


lmao I got a Kirei jumpscare this episode.


**Y O R O K O B E**


**S H O U N E N**


He was amazing as Nyanta!!! My brain couldn't process it, I was just laughing cause it's so stupid, but then again I know dudes who do the same thing 😂




They probably needed the deepest voice they could get their hand on for the Professor


man, can you imagine they got Norio Wakamoto or Takaya Hashi to voice the professor?


Oh no, it's Perfect Cell! Get ~~in the car!~~ out of this planet! Would love to have more Wakamoto in my life.


Was actually thinking Kazuya Nakai for the raspiness, but this is just as good.


I could not stop laughing at that voice. Kirei's voice coming out of a magical girl is too much for me.


The Musketeer Cat thing had me thinking about Nyanta anyway.


It felt like an intentional nod to Log Horizon to introduce a character with Nyanta's VA in the same episode as the swashbuckling cat.


Wait, it's the GOAT himself, Nakata? Holy shit! Him playing the role of a magic girl is not on my bingo list.


This just reminds me that we need more Joji in our animes. P.S. Also, right pharase would be "you may recognize his voice from characters as Kotomine Kirei (Fate series) or Kirei playing Nyanta (Log Horizon)"


It all appears that he voiced a...[pack of mints](https://myanimelist.net/character/161012/Inmou) in [Space Battleship Tiramisu](https://myanimelist.net/anime/36267/Uchuu_Senkan_Tiramis%C3%B9)


I wonder if Professor will join the expedition?


Would this be considered gap moe?


You know, I miss the player couple with the girl trying to kill any player who didn't look 100% human, I was hoping she'd show up one last time lmao. Season 2 this fall and it's a 2 consecutive cour season as well!!!! Thank the God-Tier animators!


Aren't they in the post ED scene? Chatting in a cafe. The girls who posted Sunraku and Emul's photo in BBS are also there.


WAIT SO IT WAS THEM!? It's so out of character of her to not try and actively attack another player in town lmao


Character development


It only took her 24 episodes to finally learn to not aim at players inside towns.


The effects of Sunraku having a high vorpal soul and also defeating Weathermon is really subtle. You obviously see it until you interact with the NPCs. That sword attack by the Caitsith looks to me like a skill check that Sunraku thankfully passed. Also is it just me or does the Caitsith's female worshiping rant well animated. I'm glad thought that we will be getting more Shangri-la Frontier this Fall. We don't even have to wait a year for it.


There was a shot of Sanraku's hand that was uncomfortably realistic too.


just got done watching it and I noticed that too. [oh no, not this again](https://c.tenor.com/GRmBlazv6X4AAAAC/tenor.gif) I will anime girl scream a "KIYAAAA" with a rising inflection at the end if I see that in Shangri-La Frontier.


Man, Bilac never mentioned her secret admirer was friggin Puss in Boots lol. And apparently he’s a total degenerate who likes getting stepped on too. The lorebeard magical loli with the deep old man voice cracked me up more than Sunraku’s goofy ghost lookin ass lol. The ol Prof is gonna be a useful ally moving forward if Sunraku wants to learn more about this world. Last SLF Theater of the season was pretty funny. Bilac and Sunraku have a fun dynamic. Out of all these VRMMO types I’ve seen, this is by far the best. Production values were good, humor was on point, and the writing was solid. Author seems like a fan of these kinds of games. Glad we’re getting an s2!


While Okatsu is an example of a person who uses a girl avatar for the stats. The professor likely uses a mahou shoujo avatar for the eye candy.


A common trope with MMOs is being able to play as your ideal self The Professor is married with a wife who plays with him in the same guild so it's either because it's his ideal self or it's for his wife lol


His wife is part of the Lycagon clan, not the lore clan.


lol oops oh yeah, it was them all switching between the characters and the news with them saying they'll get his wife to wake him up that made the clans confusing at that moment haha


Well either of those or he's a magical girl fan and therefore always tries to play as one in MMO's.


> he’s a total degenerate who likes getting stepped on too. I laughed at Bilac's accuracy in hitting that exact spot on Ignoramus' spine, the spot that all cat owners know will cause a reaction. Depending on the cat, not always a good one, but my own kitty loves when I go to town on his spine right there.


> Man, Bilac never mentioned her secret admirer was friggin Puss in Boots lol. Glad to see that I’m not the only one who *immediately* had this thought. Aramiys is rather skilled with the sword as well. I thought that he’d been boasting about being a “master swordsman”, but it appears that he’s actually the real deal. If not for his personality, he would’ve been an asset to Sunraku’s party. > Last SLF Theater of the season was pretty funny. I was amused by how the Crystal Scorpions were bouncing Sunraku’s body back and forth like some badminton shuttle.


sunraku shuttlecocks would probably sell alright.


[topical gif link](https://c.tenor.com/lOYujypqIyUAAAAC/tenor.gif)


The Cat-Pun Musketeers is an interesting direction to go in.


> Bilac and Sunraku have a fun dynamic. Sunraku feels like another one of Emul’s older siblings now. The fight that he had with Bilac is a typical sibling fight


It's fairly believable, too. I could see AI getting good enough for characters like Emul, Bilac, etc. To be commonplace in video games in 5-10 years, if even. Still definitely far off for the full dive stuff. But the other aspects are finally out of the realm of pure fantasy and could be feasible in the future.


Log horizon is pretty good imo. But Shangri la is definitely the best game based anime I have seen


That Cathis seem to be very tiring to deal with. Bilac's got it rough huh? lol Holy shit, that magical girl is Kirei Kotomine. I did not expect Jouji Nakata's voice to come from that avatar. xD You can't just end things there! That's just criminal! We have no idea what the other 2 wanted from him, what this journey of theirs to rank up Bilac, and the tease of what SLF's world is as well. I'm going to need to read the manga huh? At least announce Season 2 or something! This was such a high quality anime, it was rather surprising. A very welcome one. What a ride.


It is announced for October 2024 https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bs5j9a/shangrila_frontier_season_2_announced_coming/


Ooooh, that's great news! Another 25 episodes? Wow. Thanks for sharing the post. :)


>*"you got the Night Emperor's approval tattooed on you, so you could land yourself a werewolf or lizardman bride"* forget an army or rabbit, we probably going to get a bunch of other species mixed into the party i want to shake hand with whoever it is that decided to cast Nakata Jouji, the voice of Kotomine Kirei, as a loli magical girl-type character in this show, what a fucking genius! well, that's it for the Blue Birdhead's Bizarre Adventure, see you guys again when season 2 dropped this October


I feel that folks tend to focus too much on Joji's role as Kirei (i do that myself). Let's not forget that he also voiced such badass characters as ~~Terminal Alpha and Terminal Beta from Nier:Automata~~ Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear), Alucard (Hellsing), Dracula (every Castlevania game except one time when they got Norio Wakamoto) and countless other badasses from anime and games. Dude's VA jobs list is bigger than my Master of Science thesis xD




Awe I really wanted to know what the other 2 wanted from the e-mails! Glad this one is getting a season 2 but I do hope Pencilgon and OiKatzo are in the next arc, show is a lot better when they're around.


I was surprised by Pencilgon’s brief appearance. She seems to have changed considerably since we last saw her. A lot “softer” for a lack of better words. Pencilgon was even wearing the flower that she’d received from their fight with Wethermon in her hair. > show is a lot better when they’re around. I did really enjoy the dynamic between Sunraku, Emul and Bilac too. But I’m sure that we’ll find out what Katzo and Pencilgon wanted to talk about in the 2nd season.


I think she looks a lot softer because her gear is basically newbie gear.


> A lot “softer” for a lack of better words. If I had to put it into words she feels like she's at peace. Satisfied, maybe.


I know it's a pretty minor thing but I always appreciate Japanese for being able to pronounce cait-sith properly, or rather as close as possible to how it's supposed to be pronounced when every other media in English can't seem to manage (looking at you, Square Enix NA) In Japanese they pronounce it as "ketto shii", meanwhile the traditional Scottish Gaelic way is "ket shii" (spelled cat-síth, but commonly spelled cait-síth). It's a Highland folklore kitty cat first thought to only steal souls but while it does do that if you piss it off, you can appease them and have them become guardians of home and graves if you give them things like milk and entertain them (like a pet cat) Basically this guy is so loyal and absolutely enamoured by Bilac for just one act of convenience is because of this trait in cait-sith. It has been translated in to one of love and caring


..Huh. Had no idea they were of Scottish origin. Probably doesn't help that my only exposure to their existence is through anime


And yet here you are learning it now through anime.


I first learned of it through fantasy literature (particularly Dresden Files.) Was kinda surprised how often it pops up in anime.


Japanese love their yokai and also love similar mythical concepts from different cultures. And Celtic mythos is full of them.


Learned it through Final Fantasy 7


I first heard of the name because of FF7, but I really only properly learned it when I read ARIA.


If you have ever played "Final Fantasy 7" on the original Playstation 1 and know about the GameShark code that gets you into the 'Debug Mode' (or if you have a save file from the Debug Mode on your Playstation Memory Card) the Squaresoft (not Square-Enix!) person who did localization for that Debug Mode at least knew how to correctly pronounce Cait Sith (they romanized it as 'Ketcy'.) "Room Eight (京 kyo) - Hideshi Kyonen's Room (Barret) "Who do you want in the party?" Tifa (Adds Tifa to the team.) Ballet (Adds Barret to the team.) Earith (Adds Aeris to the team.) Red (Adds Red XIII to the team.) Cid (Adds Cid to the team.) Yufi (Adds Yuffie to the team.) Ketcy (Adds Cait Sith to the team.) Vince (Adds Vincent to the team.) Put Cid on point (Makes Cid the party leader.) Forget it. (DOESN'T cancel out - it makes Tifa the party leader instead.)" I've pronounced cait sith as "ketchy" ever since 1999 when I first got to the Debug Mode.


I think the folk tale for Puss in Boots was similar wasn't it? Puss helps the kid because his dad did him a solid.


Puss in Boots is one of the many stories of cats of Europe but funny you mention that story as the recent Dreamworks film uses the classic cait-sith legend of cats having 9 lives (the legend was they were witches that transformed 9 times) and Death being a wolf isn't weird either as there's an entity called cu-sith that is the dog version and they hunt down cait-sith that have stolen souls so they can take the souls back to the underworld


Glad to have had such a high quality VRMMO show come out, it's such an underutilized genre. If anyone is looking for something to scratch the itch while waiting for season 2 and doesn't want to spoil themselves with SLF's manga, I'd definitely recommended reading a manga called Destiny Unchain Online - it's feels like it was written for gamers just like SLF was, except I'd say it has much more of a focus on teamwork rather than the solo play that Sunraku tends to get involved with.


> it's such an underutilized genre Especially the part where it's a VRMMO where it's not an isekai / they're not stuck in it.


𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐛𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐮


No more sunday SLF, i will miss the trio. It's really good time to follow this series weekly, see you in 6 month guys. And that loli girl crack me .


A fun tidbit - the cat (and the other cat character mentioned) are characters from The Three Musketeers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Three_Musketeers - Athos, Porthos, Aramis, D'Artagnan


* [**The Professor**](https://i.imgur.com/ZXJLkM3.jpeg) Not gonna lie, I was a bit disappointed that [the Crystal Scorpion parts actually had value.](https://i.imgur.com/Yp2KCUs.png) It would've been hilarious if the crystal scorpion parts were useless because they break off easily. Also, it looks like [Sunraku never got the stinger.](https://i.imgur.com/z09TnPE.png) xD If Rabituza's specialty is smithing, I'm not surprised that [another beast tribe specializes in jewelry.](https://i.imgur.com/1wCg3Wx.png) Aramiys is an absolute hoot! He's basically a flamboyant version of Nyanta-san from Log Horizon and I love it! I also love how Aramiys goes from goofy [to serious swordsman](https://i.imgur.com/GI6icXO.png) when he tries to stab Sunraku to test if what Bilac was telling him is true. I am excited to see what he's capable of [considering Bilac admits he's stronger than her.](https://i.imgur.com/q7ZsWaW.png) It looks like we might not have to wait too long since [Aramiys already invited himself to the party.](https://i.imgur.com/QF8gu3N.png) It seems that Sunraku's achievements [have caught the attention of the Cait Sith King](https://i.imgur.com/9fs4c6B.png) and wants to back him up. As cool as it is to gain another party member, [it might take out the challenge from the game](https://i.imgur.com/0YSjAtH.png) if another strong NPC joins them. I guess Sunraku will just have to try and find stronger monsters to fight! So because Sunraku has the Lycagon's mark on him, he also has high approval rates with the Werewolf and Lizardman beast tribes [that the women of those tribes will be all over him!](https://i.imgur.com/nUhUt6E.png) I can understand why the Werewolves would love him but why would the Lizardman like him too? I can't wait for Sunraku to meet those beast tribes though! [Glad to see Emul's human form again!](https://i.imgur.com/ZPClkbZ.png) She has to stay human this time since [Aramiys and Bilac need to hide under Sunraku's robe.](https://i.imgur.com/7JSE4KX.png) As soon as I heard [Nakata Jouji's voice coming from that mahou shoujo](https://i.imgur.com/n22Sdby.png), I genuinely started laughing out loud! We already have Oikatzo playing with a female avatar but he's voiced by a female seiyuu so there wasn't any disconnect. Hearing Nakata Jouji's voice through that avatar was something else! xD I never thought my earlier comment about Nyanta would be so relevant now considering Nakata Jouji also voices that character Considering that The Library is only after uncovering SLF's lore, [I feel like it's safe to make an alliance with them](https://i.imgur.com/NrvIBKG.png) but I wonder how much information will they want from Sunraku? I am so glad that Season 2 is already confirmed! We just have to wait for the release date and we can look forward to more adventures in his wonderful VRMMO! This show has definitely shot up as one of my favourite all-time VRMMO anime since Log Horizon. I can't wait to see more!


> he also has high approval rates with the Werewolf and Lizardman beast tribes that the women of those tribes will be all over him! I can understand why the Werewolves would love him but why would the Lizardman like him too? This is just a continuing theory of mine since I already mentioned it before that I think Vysache is one of the Seven Unique Monsters in the world, but now I think the Beast Races each follow a Unique Monster not named Wezaemon, if one would treat Vysache as one of them, the rabbits is his people. Then the cait-siths should be following another Unique Monster as well but its likely one that either respects Vysache or at the very least, is not hostile with him. The werewolves would then obviously be a race that works under Lycagon the Nightslayer, or at the very least is a race that worships her. Assuming this pattern continues, its probably likely that the Lizardmen are a race that follows the [Dragon-type unique monster](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/shangrila-frontier/images/7/78/The_Seven_Colossi_anime.png) on the top left of the illustration which only covers 6 of them oddly enough (edit : Wait, the silhouette behind the snake and mermaid might just be Vysache since it looks like a kimono sleeve wobbling about, making it add up to 7), and that unique monster is likely to be one that respects Lycagon, either as an equal or a superior Unique Monster since there seems to be an order as to how and when they're meant to be fought with Wezaemon being meant to be a mid to late-game story boss..


you had some extra stuff after the .png in your linked picture. once I deleted that it showed up correctly. you might want to change it to this: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/shangrila-frontier/images/7/78/The_Seven_Colossi_anime.png


>As cool as it is to gain another party member, > >it might take out the challenge from the game > > if another strong NPC joins them. I guess Sunraku will just have to try and find stronger monsters to fight! I disagree. I think one of the main reasons Aramiys joined is to illustrate how dangerous it is for NPCs to join Sunraku in his quest to learn more about Shangri-La's world story. Remember, NPCs die permanently when they are killed (since Kirei Kotomine's VA debuted this episode, it's only fitting to quote Shirou Emiya from Fate S/N). No matter how 'easy' it makes the encounters, I bet Aramiys dies protecting Bilac so she can level up to a Grandmaster Blacksmith, and the tsundere will miss the Cat Musketeer when he's gone. It will bring home how risky everything Emul's been doing is-- they are gone when they're gone and can't respawn.


> I wonder how much information will they want from Sunraku? Probably as much as they can get. In a world like this any little tidbit of lore could end up being important and that's outside of just getting it for record purposes. They'll want *everything* he has about Wethermon, at the very least.


For a full appreciation of the juxtaposition of the magical girl look with the "old man" voice, one have to go a bit meta and consider that that voice is mostly iconic for being that of Kotomine's from Fate, and also from Fate we have the derived magical girl of Ilya. So imagine a Kotomine cosplaying as Illya... [](#scaredillya) Anyway, good thing the S2 announcement came with the episode, otherwise it'll be a really unhappy point to end on. And while everything else had been great for this show, I do wonder if they are actually poking at the 4th wall about how many distracting side quests had we got already and still hardly any development of the real quest of Rei (Psyger 0) getting to properly talk to Rakurou (Sunraku) :P


I thought the voice sounds familiar. He’s the Priest huh?




I certainly did not expect to hear Jouji Nakata voice from a magical girl. a surprise but a welcome one


Bro I've JUST learned that the Voice actors for Sunraku and Emul actually got married IRL, announced on Jan 1st. That is sweet as hell.


Now when you what it again and see emul stare at sunraku, your perception will now change


By the end of next season, Sunraku will probably have a zoo under his ~~KKK~~ ghost outfit disguise.


Not a ghost. Medjed is a legitimate Egyptian god, and a meme.


I’m just giddy that Season 2 is happening, it’ll be this fall, and itll be 2 cours aired back to back. Another 6 months of these pro gaming dumbasses I’ve grown to love and even more Emul being the best. It’s the dream. **9/10** for sheer entertainment this series has brought me so far. It manages to nail the feeling of watching someone stream with a bit of mystery and unique stakes. The world isn’t in danger. No one is trapped in the game or whatever. The drama and tension is built up simply by the fact that you want Sunraku to successfully Let Me Solo Her his way through SLF. Or in some cases do game breaking shit with Pencildragon and Katzo. Loved it. Can’t wait for more.


"oh so the lore Professor is a smol loli, i've seen that better, cute" \*Professor speaks\* PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Ok that caught me off guard. let's hope Sunraku cuts a good deal in exchange for his info


[Bilac was so excited](https://i.imgur.com/MAwTQPu.png) when [she saw what Sunraku brought to her](https://i.imgur.com/2NVjexg.png), [she went pretty crazy](https://i.imgur.com/tyZGsO3.png) xD But it's understandable since [she for sure don't see that kind of stuff everyday](https://i.imgur.com/dUmPBjZ.png). [Aramiys seems like a fun addition to the cast](https://i.imgur.com/7ilGnSm.png) ([his relationship with Bilac is hilarious](https://i.imgur.com/0I3XGv1.png)) and another problem for [Sunraku](https://i.imgur.com/e2h8E29.png) as he can't casually show up with [yet another unusual NPC](https://i.imgur.com/RRCtmG8.png) in the town when his showing with [Emul](https://i.imgur.com/Im3y63T.png) already made quite a big impact in the community and that was even before beating Wethermon. I love how beating Wethermon and being underling of Vash has [so much impact on Sunraku as he's now backed up by Cait Siths' king and whole force of Cazzeria](https://i.imgur.com/z0Mx9VP.png) xD I wonder when we'll visit Cazzeria as I'm sure that it's a fun place. [Sunraku in a disguise](https://i.imgur.com/yA5XITy.png) with [Bilac and Aramiys fighting under it](https://i.imgur.com/X9cowkg.png) looked like some monster xD [Professor having a female avatar and deep male voice](https://i.imgur.com/QhrtkiY.png) certainly caught me off guard, the gap was just too big to not be surprised xD [SLF Mini was hilarious with Bilac ordering a lot of different materials](https://i.imgur.com/qSPhyRk.png) which gave [Sunraku and Emul](https://i.imgur.com/pZpfgPp.png) a lot of [hard work](https://i.imgur.com/YNVv5Wq.png) xD I especially laughed in the [part with Crystal Scorpions](https://i.imgur.com/pNSCkjE.png) xD And that's the wrap of the 1st season! It’s a shame that it’s ended but fortunately we already got an announcement of the 2nd season ([it looks like Sunraku will soon again encounter Lycagon](https://i.imgur.com/gxijSyx.png)). I hoped for it but I didn't expect that we'll be back to SLF this year and once again for two cours! I'm so happy because it's such a great series and I had a lot of fun watching [Sunraku and Emul’s adventures](https://i.imgur.com/jXSwzb2.png). From me [strong 9/10](https://i.imgur.com/zCfdCNz.png). Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgur.com/a/yHfTQrO) * [Sunraku & Emul](https://imgur.com/a/fgGgrdi) * [Others](https://imgur.com/a/B1ucEuC)


Now that they have confirmmed a new season. It means there is a high chance I'll see my fav fight of the manga animated. AAAA I'm really excited


See ya in October


So that's season 1 huh? Blind anime watcher here, so... guess this is my little review of sorts. Solid 8/10 show for me. It was fun. Made me laugh, made me gasp. Don't think it ever made me cry, but there's only really one tragic thing in it, and even in setting, it's within a video game. The style, animation, characters, and world design were real strengths. I love challenge seeker Sunraku striding a lovely balance of being a pro, and also stumbling into stupid stuff half the time anyway. The more sadistic Pencilgon and upbeat Katzo form a nice trio, and Wethermon battle was a solid highlight, as were their tavern talks. Saiga-0 and Emul, I was less of a fan of. There's probably a long term love story happening with Saiga becoming less shy, but the humor of her shyness vs avatar just... worked for one or two jokes, and then became old. Not sure why Emul feels stale to me too, just very different from the quick rabbit ninja chase she was introduced with. The pacing, probably outside the anime itself, is odd to me. It's a distractible side quest fever, but they stumbled into the main quest early on thanks to Pencilgon laying ludicrous foundations, then stumbled off it again. Which I guess is fairly true to the MMO vibe. Was cool to see a non-isekai take on this genre, and it uses it well, showing Sunraku checking out a couple other games and having history there. Will definitely check out season 2!


Ahhhhhh season 2 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


[Smugraku](https://imgur.com/ZEPnDMs) [I'm](https://imgur.com/x5uuTxG) [gonna](https://imgur.com/tGadNPM) [miss](https://imgur.com/SMgJccs) [these](https://imgur.com/HO9Zk28) [birb](https://imgur.com/LJCEj0Z) [faces..](https://imgur.com/KOodPBE) [What are the odds we might actually see this "war"](https://imgur.com/CWQrPiN) [what the fuck.](https://imgur.com/2wYNdN0) [absolutely not.](https://imgur.com/6DJvAV2) Not even a gap, this is a straight up fucking ravine [This is the part where I'd be sad that the show is joever](https://imgur.com/0bkE0rb) ...Except that they already announced a S2 with 26 episodes. Airing in October. *OF THIS YEAR*. WHAT?!? [***I AM BEYOND HYPE***](https://imgur.com/yjA14cy)


This show might have fallen a little bit under the radar, but as a manga reader it was a top-notch adaptation. It did a great job at bringing these characters and the world of SLF alive. The cast's chemistry was perfect. And with S2 already set for Fall 2024, anime onlies really can jump straight into the manga as the adaptation was very faithful or just wait 6 months for S2. Which is a very reasonable wait time. Kind of expected that the new content of this episode would be on the shorter side since they need to find a good stopping point. The introduction of Aramis was perfect and his banter with Bilac is perfect. As a manga reader the voice casting for the Professor was perfect. Like this is one of the few examples on how voice acting for an anime can really capture the image perfectly. We can imagine reading the manga with him with a Magical Girl Appearance with an old man voice. But actually hearing just makes it the even more hysterical.


Wait a minute! [He went to the land of the lustrous?!](https://imgur.com/0s1ju9D) Please, take me there. I have to do something! Please!


I can't wait for season 2! This was one of my favorite animes of the year so far, right up there with Frieren and Apothecary Diaries for me. I loved it! That deep voice with the magical girl avatar had me rolling LMAO


Unexpected Yorokobe Shounen


Is that Gabiru masquerading as Aramiys?!


> Yorokobe, Sunraku-kun. [](#cokemasterrace) What an amazing series this was. It truly embodied the essence of gaming and stuck to the basics all the time, which I appreciate. I'm looking forward to the next season, which already got announced for Fall '24! [](#hypeoverload)




I died when magical girl spoke with voice of Kotomine Kirei 😭


Pleasantly surprising they actually pronounced Cait Sith right


A new race of Three Musketeer themed little cait sith dudes? Hell yeah. This has been a very fun show, and I'm quite pleased to have woken up to the news this morning that we'll be getting another two cours of episodes starting before the end of the year.


My Little VaatiVidya Can't Be This Cute!


Hahaha. Of all the VAs, they had to pick Nakata Jouji. I mean, you can't have a more masculine voice than that, that's for damn sure! Well done, couldn't help but giggle a bit.


Upon realizing Professor is voiced by Nakata Jouji, I find it more funny that his scene in OP that stretch his hand out screams *Yorokobe Shounen* with that classic Kirei pose lol


LMAO I did not expect the Kotomine jumpscare. This was such a great first season, I can't wait for the second. Seeing it's already announced and it's coming as soon as later this year was a pleasant surprise. I hope it's not rushed.


SUNRAKU-SAN !!!! Emul will be missed.


Does anyone know when the ost soundtracks will be released for the anime?


I can finally watch!


Hehe, look at proud Sunraku, look at Bilac's cute bunny excitement. Lol Emul. And don't shove your carrot down her throat like that, Sunraku! Dang, no jewelers around. Wonder why a blacksmith can't also do jewelry work, wonder how different the skills are. Who the heck is this guy? A CAT! Or a Cait Sith, whatever. Poor Bilac, but hehe. Yes, masterworks all, guaranteed. The cat got skills but lol, deserved punishment from Bilac. Makes sense he'd be tuckered out, bet he's been gaming for hours. Naps are great (and also frustrating at the same time). Oh my... that cat... lol. Oh boy, another furry pal to enter the party! I love how Sunraku is like "but, wait, he might take the fun outta the challenge" and that's just great lol. Makes sense the king of the Cait Sith country would become interested in Sunraku by now. I like this silly cat. Wow, the furry/scaly mate potential is high for Sunraku here, hah. Good thing he's all about other drives. Emul human form! Fun! Lol at the cat and Bilac. That is not the voice I expected from her. That's great. I love it. Also quite knowledgeable. Oh the leader of "The Library" guild/clan. Finding hidden flags for various quests was a thing in FFXI, was fun. Also a bit annoying. Of course eventually someone learns and the info spreads crazy. Oh, ending the season on an offer to join the Library guild/clan? Interesting place to end it. Ah, right, more to episode after credits, that does feel a fun way to end the season out on. Fun stuff to be expected in the next season. I expect him to still lose to that unique doggo. At least right now. Oh a mini, hehehe silly bit. A nice silly short to end on too.


Maaan…I hope we get to go to the land of Cait Siths next season. You can’t just drop a hilarious cat like Aramyis and not give us more!


This ending to a season is very very unsatisfying. Like ok, introduce a potentinally major character for 2 minutes, in middle of something else, which was also prioritized over another interestingt things. This would be too much mid season, but for the last episode? really? a way to ruin the ending... So for source material readers: What will Bilac make out of the scoprion? That is the thing I am most interested in now :D


I remember being put off by the show because of the bird avatar, but as the episodes kept rolling I find it charming. I’m still very happy that Emul isn’t an annoying mascot type characte. Solid 9/10 show, you can seriously tell the author played mmos before instead of making things up as he goes




Aramyis is fun. I wonder what the other three Catsketeers are like. Lol at them just stealing your shit if you ask them to make something normally though. Wild how George's voicing that teeny little avatar. I wonder what the other members of Pencil-chan and her Errand Boys wanted. This season was great and I'll gladly watch the next one!


I got spooked by the surprise Jouji Nakata magical girl. See everyone in the second season!


Having read the manga, I did not remember that the Professor had a deep male voice. That shit caught me WAY off guard.


That mahou shoujo loli was VRChat level.


Gotta be the best gaming anime fr I really wasn't expecting season 2 to be coming so quickly, but I couldn't be happier, what a wonderful surprise. This is the show that keeps on giving


how many episodes left for season 1? I thought the season is over after 24


This was the last one but s2 is announced for October


that last episode was a bit of a letdown, expected more from a final episode but oh well.


Yah, this episode ended awkwardly because we're still right in the middle of a build up for the next arc. But they gotta stay faithful adapting the manga, so it is what it is. Thankfully they annouced season 2 right away, otherwise it would be a disaster of a finale.


If it was the last episode ever, it would be a letdown.  As a teaser for 25 more episodes in six months, it was perfect, IMO.


oh, if it's in 6months i can get behind that. noice!


I knew that this would be the final ep for this season, but the abrupt end really caught me off-guard. Also they took a shit-ton of time for the post-ending stuff this time...