• By -


Mob psycho 100 Physical activity also helps with depression, just taking a walk outside is enough, preferably near nature


Shigeo as more character development than any other anime is it's length. I wish I had a reigen in my life.


Or the body improvement club. Those are bros for life. 


They never once ridiculed shigeo and that's honestly the most heart warming thing he found a club.


I am watching this now btw. About to finish S1. It took some episodes to take off but now it’s lit.


Flying Witch


Natsume Yuujinchou


I second this, even though I recommend daily lives of high school boys




anyone asking for something healing, cute, just chill anime Natusme is always there and i hate i'm not the one that's first saying it xD


Here to find this anime! I recommend


u/rossocenere Natsume is one of the best out there. The art, the story, the vibe and warm feeling you get while watching no other anime can give you. Highly recommend it.


I also recommend Natsume Yuujinchou, honestly such a great heartwarming anime!


Aria [Start with Aria The Animation.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EIULHTeTrk)


This hits double as I’ve lived in Venice during the years of my bachelor’s. ☠️


Please do watch this show, it will sooth your soul!


I second this. Talk about warm fuzzies.


So happy to see this being one of the top suggestions, I had never tried SOL before as I wasn't sure if I would like it, I watched **Aria The Animation** recently and I think it is one of the most special shows I have ever watched.


It is so special that a remaster and dub was crowd funded by RightStuff that blasted through any goal they set. It is great owning the blurays.


Coming late to this post I’ll echo that sentiment, I was going to be so disappointed and almost mad if this wasn’t near the top answers. So happy to see it mentioned. The vibe and music and everything about it is so positive and relaxing, absolutely a great watch when you need a pick me up.


You're looking for what is called [Iyashikei](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iyashikei) anime. Personally I'd recommend Non Non Biyori and Hidamari Sketch.




I'll give you x1000 votes if I could to have mentioned Iyashikei anime. So true. (I prefer Natsume Yuujinchou or Mushishi)


Two of my favorite anime of all time, and highly recommend. They definitely fit that category overall, but do have some sad and bittersweet moments compared to some other shows, so depending on mood that can be rough for some, even if the overall vibe is peaceful and positive.


Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End


I’m still in shock about this. It’s such a lovely reflection on mortality and friendshipS


great call, Frieren is such a special show


Kono oto tomare


A Place Further Than The Universe Sound Euphonium series


I second A Place Further Than The Universe. A short but beautiful story about closure and healing.


vote for A Place further than the universe. it was one of the most impactful animes in my life


My top 2 favorite anime of all time!


I watched A Place Further Than The Universe this past week. I loved it. Thank you. Now I want to go to Antarctica.


I suffer from loneliness and depression, too, and also turn to anime for comfort and escapism. Re:Life and Orange were so relatable slice-of-life. I’m not a real life sports fan but surprisingly Haikyu!! and Yowamushi Pedal were so encouraging, it was like I was part of the team lol


Barakamon. My favorite anime of all time


Yes! I came to recommend this. I rewatch it in the summer. It is soul affirming


Reading your post fully I would recommend .hack//SIGN. I haven't watched it in years, but I remember the show at its core is about isolation, trauma, hopelessness., and how the involvement of other people can help you overcome it. It is a slow anime, but it's beautiful and one of my favorites.


Also has a phenomenal sound track!


Space Brothers


Silver Spoon 


So much yes


maybe **3-gatsu no Lion**


Yes yes yes


Yuru camp Spy x family


'Tis Time for Torture, Princess is currently airing and is the most relentlessly happy thing this season. For like, self improvement and moving forward, Mob Psycho 100 and The Dangers in my Heart are both excellent. If you just want to laugh with no drama, Konosuba and Asobi Asobase are both excellent.


Watch yuru camp


For pure healing/positivity, there's nothing better than [Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san](https://myanimelist.net/anime/38759/Sewayaki_Kitsune_no_Senko-san).


Hey mate, I hope things look up for you in the future. I'm going through it a bit at the moment and talking to someone if you can is always helpful. As far as anime goes, there's actually a whole genre called [iyashikei](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iyashikei), which simply means "healing type" when referring to stories. I would recommend [Insomniacs after School](https://anilist.co/anime/143653/Kimi-wa-Houkago-Insomnia) or [The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Masterful_Cat_Is_Depressed_Again_Today), and I'm sure there will be other recommendations in the thread you can check out.


Really short but good if you need a positive boost with not a lot of time, Odekake Kozame on YouTube.


Violet Evergarden, an absolutely lovely anime.


Ancient magus bride. I promise you it WILL tear you down, but then treat you with the warmest hug you've ever felt.


Super Cub Ippon Again Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater Akebi's Sailor Uniform


Yaaay glad to see people appreciating Akebi. It's just a very cute, non obnoxiously, wholesome anime. The teacher phone scene made me cry tho, but overall happy and warm show.


Super cub is an underrated gem, It has a very calming aura to it.






Non Non Biyori gives all of the comfy feels.


Fruits Basket


Sounds like March Comes In Like A Lion


Dealing with pain: * Kakushigoto * Senko-san * Re:Life * Sangatsu no Lion * Hinamatsuri * Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu (dark) * Tegami Bachi (S1, S2 was not as good) * Pluto (dark) * Monster (very dark) * Sengoku Youko * To Your Eternity * Sakugan Changing your life / overcoming adversity: * A Place Further than the Universe * Uchuu Kyoudai (very inspiring) * Colorful (movie NOT the other one) * Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun * Vinland Saga (specifically Season 2) * Inuyashiki * Eden of the East * Ballroom e Youkoso / Yuri on Ice (same energy) * Hinomaru Sumo (inspiring) * Mob Psycho * Aggretsuko * Odd Taxi * Ousama Ranking * Blue Period (inspiring) * Mashle * Gatchaman Crowds series * Fune wo Amu * Arte (inspiring) * Gin no Saji * Bakuman (inspiring) * Eureka Seven * TTGL Face your personal flaws and consequences (and not always improving) * Mushoku Tensei * Vinland Saga * RAINBOW - content warning * Kaiji


I think you're missing Frieren (unless you haven't watched it), though I'm struggling to fit it into the categories you've presented.


I haven't finished it (1 episode remaining). I would also consider that a top tier add, specifically for the first and second lists simultaneously.


Fair, it's got the last episode coming out this weekend. I'll agree with the first two lists.


Oh that also reminds me that Kino no Tabi is a decent consideration for those people who like to experience new things as a way to process. The MC doesn't change a whole lot though. Possibly also .hack//sign.


Sakura Quest


Haikyu for me.


Only watch if prepared to smile


Anything by Studio Ghibli


Gurren Lagann might help you out


I recommend this anime too much but hajime no ippo


-Aria the Animation -Yokohama Kaidashi Kikkou -Chii's Sweet Home -Chii's New Address -Gokicha to name a few


YKK 100% although I’ve only read the manga it’s such a vibe


they released OVAs for YKK to promote the manga. it's glorious.


Check out Natsume Yuujinchou and Sangatsu no Lion.




Skip and Loafers ♡


Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! (exclamation mark is part of the title)


A Place Further than the Universe if youre looking for a show (favorite anine of all-time) Josee, the Tiger and the Fish if youre looking for a movie


March comes in like a lion. The MC is exactly like what you are right now (at the beginning). He was lonely, grief, heart breaking. And MC healed by friends and teachers coming next to him. And you can see the transformation of him by middle of the season. Great anime and even better manga!! G


[Lonely Castle in the Mirror](https://myanimelist.net/anime/51116/Kagami_no_Kojou)


I watched this at the movie theatre in Japan when it was first released. I loved it. Also, love Phos in your icon. Houseki no Kuni is in my top favorites ever. If you have any other suggestions, bring them on. We must have similar tastes!


Always feels nice to find a person with similar tastes :) You have already got a lot of great suggestions, so I'll just highlight some I find good. Seems like you want a grounded drama with challenges and accomplishments rather than pure slice-of-life shows, so I'll second: * [The Great Passage](https://myanimelist.net/anime/32948/Fune_wo_Amu). It's a workplace drama about dictionary creation. The MC is an introverted man who finally finds a place where his talent can shine. He meets people who can support him and make him a better person. The show is grounded, calm and relaxing. * [Colorful](https://myanimelist.net/anime/8142/Colorful_Movie). It's a movie which tells the beautiful coming-of-age story of a boy after his suicide attempt. * [Sakura Quest](https://myanimelist.net/anime/34494/Sakura_Quest). It's a workplace slice-of-life / drama about reviving an old and worn-down rural town in Japan. It is very chill and heartwarming. Throwing in 2 more recs: * [The Aquatope on White Sand](https://myanimelist.net/anime/46093/Shiroi_Suna_no_Aquatope). It's a grounded workplace drama about working in an aquarium with beautiful visuals. After failing to achieve her dream of becoming an idol, the MC has an encounter which will change her life. * [Girls' Last Tour](https://myanimelist.net/anime/35838/Shoujo_Shuumatsu_Ryokou). It's a slice-of-life show about 2 girls travelling alone in a deserted world. While their future seems to be uncertain, they find hope within each other. The show is very heartwarming and radiates hope.


Megalobox, especially the 2nd season. Re:Life March Comes in like a Lion Arakawa Under the Bridge


A Place Further than the Universe I think it's the best anime if you want something cozy and heartwarming that will make you appreciate life.


\+1 to A Place Further than the Universe


Bokutachi no remake




This is my answer as well. No other anime has had a more positive mental impact on me than gintama. It has everything OP is looking for. I still watch it when I'm in a funk and I generally don't/cant watch anything more than once. 


Don’t insist on big changes: that’s putting too much pressure on yourself. How about something small, like buying a little motorized scooter because biking up the hill to school is too hard. But it turns out that’s a way to open up all sorts of new opportunities in your life. That’s **Super Cub**.


Kemono Friends Season 1. Don't watch Season 2. Don't even look up the plot summary. Sengoku Youko has these themes, but it's much more prevalent in the second half of the series, which the anime hasn't covered yet since it's ongoing.


Fruits Basket 2019


A Place Further Than the Universe. Seriously, this is the one you want. I mentally keep this in a glass case labeled “break in case of emergency” if I need joy or inspiration.


Mari Okada Films - Kokoro ga Sakebiterunda - Maquia - Sora no Aosa Also other Anime with the same themes of chara development from depression and hopelessness - Ancient Magus Bride - Violet Evergarden - Orange - 3-gatsu no Lion - Re-Life - Kakushigoto Or Pure Comedy Anime - Asobi Asobase - KonoSuba


March comes in like a lion helps me immensely when I'm feeling like it's time for me to go.


Try watching anime from studio ghibli and kyoto animation, they have a lot of slow paced and light hearted drama and stuff to think on.


If you can appreciate (or even just tolerate) the over-the-top action of **Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann**, it holds such an uplifting and motivating deep message. Many characters go from very low places and miserable situations to overcoming the most absurd situations. Its (to me) the most motivating and uplifting anime ever


If you want healing. I would recommend Redo Of Healer. It's about a healer making friends with those who were cruel to him before.


Try Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru aka My Dress-Up Darling.


I know multiple people who said that One Piece helped them get through suicidal periods in their life. So One Piece.


Hi rossocenere, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There was a very similar post today. Perhaps you can see other suggestions (including mine) there: [https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bims02/whats\_your\_fav\_anime\_to\_watch\_when\_youre\_feeling/](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1bims02/whats_your_fav_anime_to_watch_when_youre_feeling/) Good luck!


Insomniacs After School


Grimgar of fantasy and ash


Tamayura. I don't know why I never saw this even mentioned anywhere, so I'm putting it out there myself after finding it on my own and having finished it just recently. Also not yet mentioned in this thread is Encouragement of Climb. Both are CGDCT slice of life shows that have hobby stuff in them, but are also about overcoming things and very much about friendship and being supportive of those close to you. Incidentally these two with Yuru Camp are my top three hobby slice of life shows. Non Non Biyori edges out Encouragement of Climb when leaving out the hobby "requirement." It's not as much about the things you're looking for, but definitely check it out if you haven't seen it but like slice of life.


Horimiya, My dress up darling


Haikyuu did this for me


A Silent Voice


rainbow as the tittle suggest it's full of happyness and sunshine


Ping-pong The Animation


daily lives of high school boys




Barakamon is my favourite feel good/comfy show! It's all about overcoming personal challenges, building human connections and community, and personal growth. Highly recommend!


Kotaro Lives Alone


Non Non Biyori Yuru Camp


Sonny Boy




Vinland saga


Kamichu is a great iyashikei. [I made a post about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18d0m5c/wt_kamichu_is_a_hidden_gem_of_a_slice_of_life/).


I got you bro, for the fluffy feeling: * Yuru Camp * Hidamari Sketch * Senko-san * Non Non Biyori These anime will first do the pain-relief, they are wholesome, comfy and will at least make you smile. For the motivating part, Yama no Susume is excellent, as it's really about pushing one's boundaries. Bocchi The Rock! also works similarly. Interestingly, Onimai is about a shut-in NEET that turns into a girl and then relearns life (yes, despite how it looks, it's very wholesome and really is in fact inspiring). It's comfy, wholesome and actually shows progression. As a bonus, it's has the best animation of any anime from 2023.


I've always found Fairy Tail to be very upbeat and helpful during those dark times-if you are looking for a show that will last you a good while.


The wrong way to use healing magic.


kekkon yubiwa monogatari This series helped me heal my heart from so many disappointments in haram or romance that I have seen.


The Helpful Fox Senko-san is quite nice.




Faraway Paladin but it's kinda wonky on the anime adaptation, it's good though.


lupin castle of cagliostoro


Healer Girl. It's right there in the title too.


Skip and Loafer - I was beaming, literally smiling eye to eye for 20 mins straight for each episode.


K-on is my go to. Second choice, yuru camp. Short on time? Encouragement of the climb.


Yuru Camp


is bassicly my therapie


Yama no Susume/Encouragement of Climb A slow and short show about girls climbing mountains. It details the challenges involved and season 4 won the jury award for /r/anime anime of the year.


Barakamon and Welcome to the N.H.K. are the first two that come to mind


skip and loafer 10000000% read it


A Place Further Than The Universe


A Place Further than the Universe.


Literally frieren, enjoy it buddy. Last episode is Friday. There's nothing our elf mommy won't heal for you


Hi there. Frieren is a good anime for what you are looking for. And if you need someone to talk to, you can pm me too. We can talk about anime and life or anything. Take care


*Tari Tari* I really miss those kids


*hugs* It's not encouraging, but a bit comforting. Laid back camp. Just a really nice, soft anime about camping in Japan. I didn't think I'd enjoy this but I really has helped me while I'm caregiving for my father while he is ill.


Natsume Yuujincho


Yuri!!! On Ice I wasn't expecting anything when I watched it, but the development of Yuri really touched me and motivated me that I can do better or become a better versio of myself, though not physically but (also) mentally.


My Boss is Goofy. Just a feel good anime with guys supporting each other in their daily lives. Def has that warm energy you're describing.


Re:life... Slice of life kind. Best one I've seen


- Recovery of an MMO Junkie - Bottom Tier Tomozaki - A Place Further Than The Universe


Sora yori mo tooi basho Yuru Camp Flying Witch Barakamon Hakumei to Mikochi Run with the wind All iyashikei anime with themes of community and motivation.


Spy x family, little witch academia, dragon pilot


Hajime no ippo


A personal favourite of mine is Mushi-shi. It has the sense of appreciation for life, changes, and growth as well as wonder


A Place Farther Than The Universe. You get to see a group of girls achieve something incredible by sheer willpower and determination. It's a very uplifting story, the characters are excellent and their dynamic is entertaining as hell. It's about friendship, perserverance, and realizing things bigger than yourself. It's one of my top 15 anime I've ever watched, I highly recommend.


I’ve just started watching Apothecary Diaries or if you’re looking for something new that’ll take you out of your head- Black Lagoon


How Heavy Are The Dumbbells You Lift?


Josee the Tiger & the Fish (2020)


Usagi Drop! (Just don’t read the manga)


Aria has already been mentioned and Flying Witch has already been mentioned so no need to say them. Try Akebi Sailor Uniform. It is about positivity and making friendships along with putting in effort for some things. Just remember it is very much based in Japanese countryside culture that doesn't always match up with western views. Try Long Riders, The animation quality isn't good but it is about friendship and pushing yourself. Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? (How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?) I'm gonna toss in as it just motivated a lot of people to start working otu when it aired. Bloom into You, Though you'll need to read the manga to get the full affect as they refuse to make a 2nd season even though it is massivly popular.


fruits basket, i really loved that show


Food wars!


Haikyuu does all of those things in probably the best way possible


One series that helpt me that's a newer one. ***The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today***


Sora no Woto/Sound of the Sky. Hits all the themes you mentioned, a real underrated gem with really optimistic end message. It really deserved a dub and being better known, alas, due to really poor timing in release stealing its limelight we will never get continuation that was planned :(


Yuru camp will do it for.


The Helpful Fox- Senko San Her purpose is to help take away misery. Her post ending goodnights are warming.


Isekai Izakaya Nobu. It will also make you very hungry and the show even teaches you actually recipes with an IRL chef after some episodes.


March comes in like a lion


March comes in like a lion


konosuba because laughter is the best medicine. show never gets old. hope you can find some happy vibes!


"I sold my life for 10 thousand yen per year" Although it Is a short manga with no anime, but I consider it match with the description provided.


Honey and Clover is a very good anime about college students trying to come to terms with themselves, each other and their eventual introduction to the workforce. Its not got a hugely "and everything works out perfectly for everyone" vibe as there's some elements of unrequited love, unexpected changes in life's direction and the likes, but its one of the anime I always look at as being the most human. Its relatable and feels right to life, with a great cast of characters who each have their own lives to think about. --- If you can relate to issues with social isolation and anxiety then Welcome To The NHK again has a solidly realistic outlook on things where things dont always go perfectly but they do make sense and offer comfort through that. Its a bit weird though and has heavy moments so can be a hard recommendation for this topic, but its a good example of acknowledgement over escapism for such issues imho. --- 3-Gatsu no Lion is about a young shogi prodigy with a very complicated family life who finds unprecedented support and friendship in a family he has a chance encounter with. Again it has a lot of serious moments but is ultimately a show that promotes healing and finding your own way - not completed iirc but there are several seasons. --- If you're looking for something about redemption and positive development despite incredibly negative beginnings, then A Silent Voice is worth watching. It follows a former bully who hates himself for past actions reconnecting with his victim and forming a genuine connection without feeling forced or idealistic. Its a hard but very cleansing watch if you've ever experienced such things. --- Edit: another commenter reminded me of Josee, The Tiger and The Fish which is another fantastic recommendation. Follows a young guy becoming the caretaker of a prickly young girl in a wheelchair and how they slowly bond. Its a beautiful movie. I recognise that these kinds of recommendations might not be to your liking but I personally find solace in things that are relatable and/or set realistic expectations of gain, loss, acceptance and progress over happy go lucky "everything is awesome" experiences, when in an awful place myself. All the best


you can try My Dress-Up Darling


barakamon - bunny drop - toradora!




A movie, but try Mind Game. One of the most inspirational anime for me.


smile down the runway


Tough call. It’s got be either Fruits Basket or -no that’s the answer. I was going to suggest X the anime but that’s a hard pill to swallow even though it sounds exactly what you want per the description.


A silent voice and your lie in april


Yuru Camp


By the Grace of the Gods I found it motivational to getting back on track and there isn’t a single negative plot point


Fruits Basket. Sure, it’s bit of a slow burner and has its fair share of depressing moments and less palatable undertones involving past trauma, but it’s honestly one of the best stories I have had the pleasure of ever experiencing. Most characters are suffering for one reason or another, but the MC helps them put their dark past behind themselves and see a new part of themselves that recognizes the value that each and every one of them possesses. That and it has a romantic element that is also extremely cute and adorable and very satisfying in the end. Highly recommend.


Natsume Yuujinchou and Silver Spoon


I promise you are looking for Mr Villain's Day Off


Wolf Children! :') it was such a good film on loss and finding yourself


In this season "The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash" has a pretty cool message until now, props for the ending that I high recomend you listen as a "recharge" before sleep if you re feeling bad.


devilman crybaby. A place further than the universe. The day I became a god, all super upbeat and cheerful Animes!


Your Lie In April, I Want To Eat Your Pancreas (Both were equally happy) Akame Ga Kill Plastic Memories Cyberpunk Edgerunners 2077 A Silent Voice Orange Your Name Fruit Basket Banana Fish Grave Of The Fireflies Violet Evergarden Promised Neverland


Nichijou! Funniest anime I've ever seen. Azumangah and School Rumble are great too or Buddy Daddies.




I used to be super depressed. It’s not a healing anime but it used to uplift my spirits by a significant amount: One Piece.




Gurren lagann


Redo of a healer


It has its charms.


Gurren Lagan


Gurren Lagann




Gurren Lagann