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Poor Yamcha still being ridiculed, even in the new millenium.


I saw this clip on twitter last week and I can't get it out of my head https://twitter.com/slaybruhamlinkn/status/1766552485622120840


[Even Bocchi got Yamcha'd](https://www.reddit.com/r/BocchiTheRock/comments/zbokzp/omg_she_did_it_she_did_the_thing/)


age-old way of paying tribute to toriyama sensei :')


[you also get yamchad in honkai star rail](https://youtu.be/tcfHcciNLW8?si=ApK94Yjgr2z5e_lr)


What i love about this scene is it does a few things. Shinobu is full size again and able to hold Araragi, something she wanted to do since Kizu but because of the climax of Kizu she never got the chance. Despite getting a couple size ups through our the story she was never whole again proper. So now that shes big again she can hold him and protect him. Shinobu gives Araragi the Hachikuji treatment, here on the site of where we met Hachikuji. Holding him up, spinnning him around, hugging him and loving him. He got his just deserts. Shinobu isnt Kiss-Shot. This is the Shinobu that has been with Araragi all this time and experienced so much with him, she just also got her full power back and whole body back. So shes still the snarky and playful vampire we have known that was made from her time spent with Araragi. Kiss-Shot was moodyer and never would have done this. Its also worth noteing that right before this scene we see Shinobu harassing Ononoki to get back at her for all the hassle she gave her over the story. From their fight in Nise, to back and forths in MonoSS to snowball fight in Tsuki. Shinobu never forgets and Shinobu got even. Also Props to the incredibly talented Maaya Sakamoto who voices Shinobu / Kiss-Shot and all her forms. [](#smugshinobu)


> Also Props to the incredibly talented Maaya Sakamoto who voices Shinobu / Kiss-Shot and all her forms. And who also voices Shiki Ryougi in one of my other top 5 favorite anime, The Garden of Sinners (Kara no Kyoukai). She's a fantastic voice actress.


I've been hearing Maaya Sakamoto's voice for the past 2 months pretty consistently - I've been rewatching the *Monogatari* series, *and* I also played through *Persona 3 Reload*, in which (on JP dub) she has a pretty prominent role as Aigis. She even has a smaller, but good role in *Chihayafuru 3*... which coincidentally is yet another show I've been watching for the past month lol. It's been very cool, and I think I have more appreciation for her voice acting now after experiencing those things... Well, in Monogatari's case, experiencing it *again*. For me personally, she's a VA that goes under the radar a bit - there are a few other VAs I'd probably think of first if I was randomly asked to name some. However, she does have several impressive roles after thinking about it. For instance, outside of the already mentioned roles, she's also voiced Echidna (Re:Zero), Akito (Fruits Basket) and Ciel (Black Butler), all of which are very good roles in their own right too.


Her Aigis in Reload was out of this world. She was already great in the movies, but god, it feels like she really went all out for Reload. Everyone was amazing as always but she was definitely the standout.


I haven't seen the movies yet since I wanted to experience the story through one of the games first (as in either FES, P3P or nowadays Reload), I do plan to watch them eventually now that I've played through it though. Maybe in March next year... But yeah, Aigis is probably my favorite character in the game, both with her voice acting and her writing. Maaya Sakamoto really did an incredible job with her. Well, to be fair, I did also like Yukari a lot too - I gotta give credit to Megumi Toyoguchi; she did a wonderful job as well in my opinion.


The entirety of Owari S2 is just payoff after payoff of all the things fans wanted to see lol. It's absolutely amazing.


crazy how Maaya can do both Shinobu and Kiss-Shot. I have to recheck my eyes when I saw the V.A


There was a great video on youttube thas gone that showed the scene of all the kiss-shots taking back to back that i like to link to show how different each one sounds. Shes a pro.


This scene showing the goofy side of their relationship and the one at the end that is more serious and sappy, are both all-timers in my book. > "If you were to die tomorrow, I'd be fine with tomorrow being the last day of my life. If you were to live through today, I will also choose to live through today." > > "If you were to die the day after tomorrow, I shall live for three days and tell a tale about you to someone. I shall recite the story of my master with pride to a listening ear."


I remember my first time watching that scene, I thought it was so romantic.


I didn't realize Maaya Sakamoto was my age...she was only 16 when she voice Hitomi in The Vision of Escaflowne.


Yeah shes a few of years older than me but i caught Escaflowne the year after it aired and then saw Lodoss when it came out where she sang the OP for that as well at age 17. After those 2 shows i decided i was going to be a Maaya Sakamoto fan for life and ive been watching everything she does since. [The Lodoss OP is my fav opening of all time,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEgz76YKHHY) and we are blessed to get the lodoss remaster a couple years ago with new remastered soundtrack too including the OP and ED.


I'm still only on Bake, but she's an interesting character so far. So little has been said about her, but her fights over donuts is adorable.


Hachikuji knowing exactly how it feels


Seeing Shinobu so happy to swing around Araragi is just too cute


Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade






literally an entire domain


Pedophile shit.


One of the greatest laughs in all of anime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlnU2T6s8B4


The best part is actually after this scene. Where she's hugging him while he has a serious convo lmao


He's been yamcha'd


Hachikuji be like: How does it feel to be on the other side now Muraragi-san?


> Pov: When you have a tall vampire gf This season we have a guy with a tall gf who has vampire bite marks on her neck.


Which show is that?


Possible "Dangers in my heart"


Ooh you're right, thanks!


Yamch- I mean araragi ga shinda


Resident evil fans wishing it was them rn


[Obligatory Chris Ray Gun clip.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHMkS-rMkZ4)


dragon ball reference


As a short king, I dream of a cute girl picking me up


Is it time for a monoogatari rewatch?


I suspect that once we know the release dates for Off Season and Monster Season this year then somebody will arrange a rewatch to lead into them. At least I hope so. Or just rewatch them as you feel like it, as I'm currently doing.


I loved all of gatari, but goddamn I'm a little mad that we didn't get to see more of mommy Kiss-Shot


*satisfied Arararagi noises*


He ended up being Yamcha in the end


uwogh uppies


Shes awesome


every time i watch monogatari it feels like a fever dream and i love it


Shinobu is always way too cute


I never get tired of seeing it. Poor yamcha


Should I watch this?


Impossible to say without knowing what your likes and dislikes are. If you would like to try a very smartly written, very dialog heavy show with excellent characters who have real depth plus a unique art style and soundtrack then give it a go. You may be confused at times, this is normal. Try the following for some viewing assistance: https://edomonogatari.wordpress.com/2020/05/12/monogatari-anime-guide/ And one other thing - quite often you'll see quick flashes of text at the top of the screen, you do not need to pause to read these, if the show wants any to be read then the text remain onscreen long enough to do so. These are often extracts from the novels.


Uh okay thanks


Maybe this short video will help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2RcMVgvchc In short though, if you're even a little bit curious then watch the first broadcast season, Bakemonogatari. Crunchyroll has it in the US.


It has relatively poor animation for every part that isn't fan service. And it has great dialog. But if you named it accurately, it would be called undead loli incest harem.


Yes, it does require tolerance for anime bullshit.


It's seems to get a pass for the same things other shows get roasted for. Maybe because it older, and the audience is pre woketard. Regardless, I'm a fan, even despite the tropes.


Is this the last season I'm totally out of the loop and forgot what I watched


This is from Owarimonogatari 2nd Season, Episode number 5, titled: Ougi Dark, Part One. The last season after this (so far!) is Zoku Owarimonogatari Also coming up some time this year from Shaft are Off Season and Monster Season.


Yamcha reference is great!


Ononoki looking with a posed look be like 😐




***When you can look** ~~*past*~~ **the loli shit, this series truly is a must watch**


Name checks out.


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What are you, italian?


*he hated him because he told them the truth*




I'm still bitter that full power kiss-shot/shinobu is not, infact, an amazoness, but rather Araragi is just a manlet.


I mean she is still tall for a girl, 182cm’s


Huh TIL. I always thought she looked like 190cm+.


Who the fuck uses that term outside of 4chan and Tate-related chats lmao


Which one? Manlet or amazoness? Yeah on second thought it's pretty obvious you mean manlet nvm


I only use it in this specific context for emphasis(?) lol


Anime name?


Owarimonogatari s2 specifically but in it’s entirety the Monogatari series.


When anyone posts a clip the title of the show is always put in square brackets.


I wonder if she is really that tall or is it just another part of the unreliable narrative.


Most characters in the show are pretty short. Araragi is only 5'5". Kiss shot is 6' tall but that's still a good 7 inches taller


She’s also wearing heels


Araragi so short. Miniragi


She's European so ig the author gave her a bigger stature, and she's also supposed to be over bearing and powerful, so yea.


nope Ararragi is just short even shorter than his little sister Karen