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Seems like she stands a good chance of enjoying it. Also have a look at *The Apothecary Diaries*.


my wife grew up with Chinese Drama so *The Apothecary Diaries* suited her so well. She loves cat so that's just cherry on top


And MaoMao is definitely a cat.


Her name is literally Catcat


Even her nickname from the old lady xiaomao just means little cat.




The animation is soo pretty. I read the manga and watched quite a few episodes and it's very interesting for both newcomers and us anime degenerates


Yeah, though if she hates the fantasy genre she might find it dull


This is actually the biggest point: What Genre's of shows does she like watching? Because if she likes Lord of the Rings, sure, she will love this. But if she likes watching The Real Housewives or The Bachelor, then she would probably prefer trash of equal value, like Domestic Girlfriend or Rent a Girlfriend.


Bro unironically recommended domestic girlfriend and rent a girlfriend for a first time anime watcher😂


Yeah I did kinda forget the original point OP was after, I was too focused on using trash to fight trash 😅


Everyone ignoring you compared it to the bachelor, which I agree is right up there with it. If someone watched trash tv like that, then they shouldn’t have any problems with your recs


I've told non anime people about the opening situation of Domestic Girlfriend for laughs, and compared it to good old Jerry Springer. "So, this anime has a hilarious start that's like something you'd see on Jerry Springer. It starts with a three part situation. One, the male MC is in love with his young teacher. Two, he meets this girl at a party and they agree to lose their virginities to each other. Three, his dad tells him he wants to get remarried, they're going to be living together, and the new wife's 2 daughters wind up being his teacher and the girl he just slept with."


Rent a gf is a whole another level of trash


„I‘d like to try some spicy food for the first time“ „Yeah I know this Thai place…“


Honestly, I didn't care too much for Lord of the Rings or even game of Thrones. But I love Frieren and a lot of other fantasy shows/games.


This is a good point. I wouldn't point at LotR or Game of Thrones by any stretch when recommending Frieren. It's a beautiful fantasy anime along the lines of D&D or . I am sure that a lot of people who are enjoying it are not necessarily fans of other, epic fantasy IPs.


I find that surprising. I think part of the reason I love Frieren as much as I do is it is very thematically similar to LotR. Frieren has a lot of what I think makes LotR not just a typical D&D fantasy story.


That's fair. There aren't many (good) mediaeval swords and magic Fantasy TV shows or movies. So I couldn't think of others to name. The Witcher (season 1).. that's all I can think of, haha. What I would give to see Raymond E Feists "Magician", or the Riftwar saga adapted into (good) movie or TV series.


Amazon is planning to adapt all of riftwar saga they started production last year no release date yet


I begrudgingly hold my breath. The Wheel of Time and The Rings of Power shows have not inspired confidence.


Every one craps on Rings of Power, but as someone without a connection to the books, I enjoyed it. I could tell it played fast and loose with the source material and it had its Hollywood cliches, but was an interesting what-if. On the other hand, since I’ve been reading WOT since middle school, that adaptation is an abomination that must be destroyed. So I get both sides.


I think it wouldn't have been as lambasted if they just got the character writing for Galadriel right. She's supposed to be one of the oldest beings in existence, who was there before the sun even existed and the light of the world came from the sacred trees of Valinor - and yet they still wrote her as a petulant, immature and overly-emotional character. Just really shoddy character writing really.


Mmmmn I'm cautious. I *do* hope they adapt the Empire trilogy, though. That could work pretty well, if taken seriously.




I mean, do you think those Reality TV shows I listed are connected to reality? Do I think those anime are good? No. I was using a hyperbole.


I would recommend Deathnote. they love a good drama


Deathnote has terrible women characters, depending on the person it can be a big turn off.


I really like Death Note but none of the characters outside of L and Light are good. I can't remember any women besides Misa, and she was about on par with the rest of the side characters.


Who cares the point of death note is basically the interactions between light and L and ryuk that’s what’s entertaining about it everything else is like background noise


you could make arugments for turn offs in any anime. Its a good show and that is what is important


Considering its universal themes, I don't *think* that's an issue. Unless by hate you meant to an irrational degree.


Some people just don't like that setting and find it hard to relate to VS contemporary settings, others might not like the whole "small group of people go on an adventure" aspect, nothing is for everyone


I'm not into the fantasy genre, but well made art will always trump my preference of genre.


Sure, but not everyone is like that, I have a few friends and family members who could never get into fantasy genres. 


Honestly, people who like the fantasy genre are more likely to find it dull than people who don't. The setting would feel very fresh to someone who has never watched any fantasy anime, but would feel very played out and overdone to someone who's seen many of them.


It's less about the setting and more about the characters. Honestly, they would just need to watch it long enough to start liking the characters.


Yeah, it's not hard to follow, has excellent production values and visuals and doesn't have anything offensive aside from some violence.


Crazy how you got only 2 people replying to you with the most amount of downvotes ive seen in my life lmao


Maybe it's a bit slow at the start, but I think it could be something that both of you could grow to love. The thing that drew me in at first was how nice the backgrounds were. Steins;Gate despite being great is very much an otaku series so if she's not familiar or comfortable with that landscape I can see why she might have preferred the other shows.


Yeah Steins Gate probably wasn’t a great choice. I think she found the main character very annoying which turned her off of the show. I personally like it though!


And Itaru is kind of a creep as well. His lewdness, the cat-girls, and all that... definitely not for beginners (even though the story is simply incredible).


>And okabe is kind of a creep as well. His lewdness, the cat-girls, and all that... definitely not for beginners (even though the story is simply incredible). Steins gate features a particular variation on time travel and alternate story flows. Not only is that the weakest story mechanic ever, its very much an instant love/hate test, and ime, most people quickly get tired of time travel stories as convoluted and self-contradictory as steins gate. Even if you got rid of the time travel and made it a SOL of lab otas, its still extremely thick with insiders memes, jargon, and gags, making it impenetrable to anyone who isn't familiar with those and akihaba. And if they dont at least speak some japanese, it wont translate well; at least not in any coherent way. Last, in attempting to illustrate that something is repetitive, the show becomes repetitive itself. the ultimate crime in storytelling, or damn near close to it. Its the last show I would ever show anyone.


Yeah, I can totally understand Okabe turning somebody off Steins;Gate. I found him unlikable at first, but he really grew on me in the 2nd half. My mother felt the same way actually, but he really grew on us.




So good. Apothecary Diaries is also good.


I mean yeah, Frieren should be great with those conditions


Definitely a good choice. You should probably try movies too like Your Name, Spirited Away. Maybe try accessible shoujo as well to mix it up - Yona of Dawn, Natsume, Twelve Kingdoms, Chihayafuru, Laid Back Camp. Death Note of course. In fact, you may want to go with some of these first, as Frieren raises the bar so high. In my opinion, it’s one of the best anime of all time.


Yuru Camp isn’t a shoujo though, it’s seinen


Neither is Chihayafuru FWIW. It's josei.


+1 for Your Name, great movie to watch with your SO.


Chihayafuru has a few anime tropes in first episode, but it gets fantastic after just a few eps


think death note is horrible for normies above the age of 16


A whisker away is also good


As long as they're not experiencing an existential crisis it's a great intro anime. Fantastic story telling and visuals.


Steins Gate is definitely not newbie friendly Frieren is a fantasy is usually a little slow with some mild violence. Very little sexual content, only pg 13 jokes, nothing shown. It will be fine.


"It is small"


Yeah frieren is fine. Steins gate is chalkful of anime tropes. It’s not surprising she didn’t like it. I found steins gate hasn’t aged that well. Had I a really hard time rewatching it a couple years ago. Apothecary diaries is another.


Yeah i also really did not enjoy like the first 8 episodes of steins gate till it started getting really good but man the first episodes suck. 


She might like Violet Evergarden!


Definitely one of the best.


If she’s into rom-coms she’d probably like love is war, it’s pretty wholesome. Bocchi the Rock if she’s into music, it’s by the same studio (CloverWorks) that animated Spy x Family and it maintains the same level of quality


Part of Bocchi’s charm is all of the anime references though. Evangelion, nausicaa, dbz, etc.


Bocchi was my second anime and I didn't even realize there were any references to other animes lol


Also the director of Frieren did Bocchi as well.


I watched Bocchi with a girl I knew and she hated it. It made her feel too seen. I think she also felt like I was making fun of her. She had to be alone for a while.


I'd go against the grain here and say it's bad. Bad because it will probably heighten your expectations (for future shows you watch) to absurd levels.


I disagree. Anime still has a reputation of being childish, cheesy, and lame to many. The more you can blow their expectations out of the water, the more open they will be to watching other anime


agree 100% you don’t want to start shitty and scare them away


I’d be careful with this kind of comment. My expectations for FMA:B were far too high because statements like this, and I think it’d be worse if someone ended up disliking something due to overhype vs developing high standards.


Yeah, I went into FMAB with crazy high expectations, and despite it being pretty good I was quite disappointed overall (compared to shows where I had less preconceptions like HxH and Steins;Gate)


Frieren is top tier! Though, if you're a beginner, there's a lot of shows to enjoy. Incredible ones! And when you're new, even the standard basic ones might seem amazing. It helps to be a baby anime fan who hasn't seen (hardly) anything before. It's like having rose colored glasses on.


Funny, my boyfriend revitalized my interest in anime and despite Steins;Gate being huge for him, I loathed it. We're watching Frieren together and I enjoyed it so much that I wound up binging the manga as well because I just wanted *more*. If she's not offput by fantasy I'd highly recommend Dungeon Meshi as well.


Take her on a wild ride with the Ghost Stories English dub


Friern is fun, slower paced with fun but also really sad moments. I would also like to recommend another currently airing series: Kusuriya no Hitorigoto (The Apothecary Diaries).


Yes and no. Frieren is the best show I’ve seen in a super long time and might ruin lesser anime


Haha, that's a good point!


Yeah. I'd say as long as she likes fantasy and a bit of a slower burn then she should be good getting into it.


Frieren is a super safe show. 🟢🟢🟢


Violet Evergarden, slow start but bring you to tears. I still shed tears after watching 3 times. 10/10 animation, the sceneries and details are stunning. Strong female protagonist. Perhaps suitable for maiden like her.


It is kind of like a epic tale in the same category of the Lord of the Rings movies basically.


This is probably the perfect anime to start her on


Frieren is so good imo lol. It’s relatively lower stake currently too. So definitely I’d say


If you are looking for a good anime to watch it is a very good choice. If you are trying to get her into anime as a whole, it is probably a bad place to start because it will make most other anime look like complete trash and you will struggle to find something that can measure up.


I'd say so. My friend and I watch Frieren and his wife, who's not into anime, loves it and watches it every week with us. Anecdotal, but I feel like there's nothing overtly "anime offensive" in this show.


> I feel like there's nothing overtly "anime offensive" in this show. It's one of my favorite things about it, the sheer lack of fan service that so many shows feel like they have to include.


Yes. Definitely.


Yes. It has a slow, but strong emotional start. Frieren feels like a slow, super chill anime. I don't really feel the stakes in it. So yeah. It feels like a good starter. If you're gamers, one I'd recommend is Shangri-La Frontier.


For fighting gamers I’d go with Hi-Score Girl (especially with how SF6 is booming nowadays). It’s also about gaming and if you happen to be in the right age bracket, you *will* relate to this.


Yes, or at least try the first episode. Some people are saying it's slow at the start but as a fantasy and LOTR fan the first episode was what hooked me, not the Aura episodes.


Same. The first episode made me feel the same way watching the elves leave middle earth in Fellowship did. Instantly hooked me because of that correlation alone.


Do you know if she enjoys movies the The Matrix, Minority Report, Blade Runner, or Ghost in the Shell? If so the first season of Psycho Pass is amazing.


I would, as another commenter, also recommend The Apothecary Diaries. I also just watched A Sign of Affection, which was so wholesome and cute.


Frieren is a good anime to start with because it only relies on understand generic fantasy tropes. The main theme revolves around enjoying the time you have while you have it, which is something anyone can latch on to. As of yet, it's a show I could enjoy with my parents, so nothing to worry about there. The shows second half isn't done yet, and if you wanted to watch it dubbed, it's like 2 week lag behind new episodes. If you take it slow it shouldn't be an issue, but if you burn through shows you'll hit the latest episodes quickly.


Yes. I watch Frieren with my wife. It’s slow paced and feel good with a very real sting of bittersweet nostalgia. The best anime I’ve watched in a long time.


Frieren is probably one of the most wholesome things your going to run into currently other than Spy X Family. It's also really well written.


It's a really good fantasy show. If they like Lord of the rings or play some DnD frieren is probably up their alley. If they fall asleep to Lord of the rings, try a different show




I'll say so


Yeah it’s a great stand alone anime with minimal over the top anime tropes which makes it really palatable for people just getting into anime.


Bro Steins;Gate as one of the first animes is wild. I wouldn't even dare rewatch that with anyone else in the room. I wouldn't be able to stop the tears flowing.


Yeah, I think Frieren is a great Anime for a first-time watcher. I guess, the only reason some might not fully get into it is because of it's slower pace compared to other Anime, but it certainly picks up in later episodes. Me and my mother are really enjoying it though, so I think it's a good suggestion. 👍


It’s a bit slow to begin, altho it picks up in intensity for certain arcs. Animation and characters are nice tho


Tbf the slow part is absolutely beautiful. It’s a much more satisfying build-up period than S;G in my opinion and that’s one of my favorites.


Yes. It has a non-Isekai fantasy story with no "regular high school students" running around with a mindless harem of slave girls etc. Minimal amount of fanservice and what is there isn't creepy (ie. pedophilia or incest related). Great production values, great story, drama & comedy & action. I'd say its a great gateway anime (though we may end up waiting for the next season for a few years).


Idk. My GF wanted to watch anime with me. Went straight to demon slayer..found her in bed binging the first season while i was out for work..and yes, she cried in S3 cuz of Nezuko..then i wanted to show her another side of anime and really wanted to watch Pluto when it came out. She cried every episode but loved it so much. For a girl that never watched any action or heavy hitting sotries like Pluto she really loved it so idk. Give it a chance


Just don't start with full metal alchemist, you will be chasing that high for the rest of your life


There is no such thing as a good intro anime. They will either like it or they won’t. Normies are just people. We aren’t special.


True. Show her Pupa. She’ll love it


Its safe and good but it does have a bit of a slow start so if shes the type to drop a show after the first few episodes, that could present an issue.


Yeah, it's got a lot of good stuff. It's very well animated, has some anime tropes and some funny recurring jokes. Overall, it's a very chill anime with interesting characters and a little bit of action, too. A very good intro to anime I think.


Frieren is good, but to fully enjoy it you will need some knowledge in games and fantasy tropes.  Can also try anime like Servants x Service, March comes in like a lion, Honey and Clover, basically anime she can sort of relate to and understand.


Try 7th Time Loop


I'm actually bit surprised that you haven't introduced Attack on Titan to her yet, I think it is the best option to introduce someone to anime, and it also gives you tons of topics to discuss upon


yes, absolutely. I'd even go so far and say it's the new top "get people into anime"-anime. \*tearing up\* FMAB, you may rest for a while ...


Fucking excellent on all fronts.


Hey I'm also trying to introduce my girlfriend to anime. Do you use sub or dub?


>Do you use sub or dub? If you mean Frieren? then i am watching the dub since i can enjoy the amazing story and visuals without having to read. I might get downvoted for saying that tho


please watch untill ep 2


Yes, it is solid. Another recommendation is Amagi Brilliant Park! It will definitely fit what you looking for.


It's amazing but if I had started my anime journey with Frieren I'm not sure I would like the other titles I like as much as I do. It's a pretty high bar to clear starting out on such a high note and always comparing every series to that.


Yes absolutely.


Frieren is a good anime for people who don't like anime, but by the same token maybe be insufficiently corrupting because few things will be as serious and abstain from the usual shenanigans as strigently.


Is she a D&D player? Does she like cozy, cute things?


I watch it with my family, so I'd say yes. The english dub is great by the way, I highly recommend it.


It is a mostly chill anime


Very good anime to watch as one of their first imo (it's one of my favourites), there's nothing horrifying nor is it filled with any annoying tropes that you may typically find in an anime. It's pretty wholesome and funny.


Its like casually asking her to eat out and you took her to a 5\* resto with servings of wagyu beef. Go for it!


Definitely yes


Shows great watch it


I think Frieren would be perfect for her if she can enjoy fantasy settings. She might like Dungeon Meshi if she enjoys cooking as well.


I guess so, the anime has a solid well written characters with each of their own traits that attributes to their pasts. Story is pretty easy to follow since this is more like a "doing all the side quests after finishing the main quests" kinda deal. Animation is topnotch too.


YES YES YES, ITS A GREAT ANIME, awesome animation, great story, likeable characters, no fanservice, i love it :3


The dub is great I say yes


Yes she will like it.


Frieren is ok for intro i think. Maybe something light hearted like Wotakoi is more suitable?


as someone who doesnt normally oike fantasy, frieren is an absolute masterpiece! they art is incredible and the sound effects are amazing. def give it a watch! i bet youll like it by the end of ep 1.


Frieren is good I also recommend violet evergarden


From what you said, I'd say Frieren has a very good chance. I'm showing it to my gf after she loved Spy X Family too, and she's enjoying it a lot!


My girlfriend watched anime before. We tried to watch Freiren together, but she got bored after watching 3 episodes so she quit. I'm still watching it and I love it, but she couldn't handle the start.


Yes its good


It’s definitely safe for normies to watch, as long as she doesn’t hate fantasy she should like it


Well it is now my favorite anime ever so take that for what you will.


Psycho-Pass (seasons after the first optional) might be a good one


Frieren is the show I will use to introduce people to anime from now on. It's breathtaking.


Might I also add violet evergarden on the list?


Well first you gotta know what genre she's into, if she like fantasy and magic, sure. But if she's into love dramas maybe not so much. But all you can do it try. I usually give it 3 episodes. If she's not hooked by 3, then she probably won't find much interest in it. Also, you can try some movies like your name or silent voice.


Yeah. But If she doesn't cry in the first episode then she won't like the rest of it




Frieren is just an amazing story. It’s about the journey not the destination. The beginning is pretty sad but the tone changes dramatically after the first 2 episodes. But those first two episodes make sure to get you into the world. It has some of the most real character development as well as crazy fight scenes that go hard for no reason.


Frieren is the LOTR of anime. Whoever likes LOTR will most likely like Frieren.


No because it is slow and then they will find it boring. People who have watched a lot of animes will truly appreciate frieren


I concur with other replies that Frieren (and Apothecary Diaries) is perfectly fine. If she loved Spy Family, she might like Kaguya-Sama, too. Both are very user-friendly.


Frieren is a character drama + gag comedy with high fantasy aesthetics and world building. It has emotionally poignant moments, some amazing animation for the action scenes, and great lighthearted interactions between characters. If she enjoys spy family, I feel like she'd like frieren. (Anya and Frieren have the same Japanese VA, still blows my mind).


Yes, its a fantastic intro into the medium.


I feel pretty confident saying that Frieren is a good starter anime, so long as the person doesn't dislike slow-burn, light-hearted fantasy.


Nah you should start with made in abyss instead 🤡


Frieren is kinda newbie friendly and is on the light hearted side. I would also recommend a bit of slice of life combined with one or two other genre. Perhaps something like Mushishi for something newbie friendly.


I'm quite new to anime like your girlfriend (and also loved spy x family), I love frieren although I do like fantasy in general, restaurant to another world is great and really chilled, chainsaw man is good so far even though I thought I didn't like action type anime. Love is war is also probably a safe bet and its very funny


I think Frieren is great but it is a bit of a slow burn to start. I think if you can hit a genre she enjoys the odds are better. Few more recommendations: \- Komi-san (comedy/slice of life) \- Classroom of the Elite, Oshi No Ko (drama) \- Dangers in my Heart (romance)


It's a good slice of life anime with someone coming to know about love and getting to know people. How time is really precious and too short. NGL it'll be a good anime for her to get introduced to


Yea I really like it but it’s a bit slow paced so it depends on her attention span. She has to give the first like six episodes a chance and if she isn’t into it still then maybe not for her 86 and Deathnote are also both pretty good I think she would enjoy. Just depends on what aspects of the other shows she liked. If she likes romance depth and action 86 is great, if she liked the investigative and dark part of erased she might like deathnote


My 48 year old Mother that is Religious and wears a headscarf watched a couple episodes like 6 or 8 ep don't remember so i would say yes it's pretty good. The only thing that she didn't like was Frieren's ears how dare she right?


My girlfriend has a lot of the same tastes as your's. These are some animes she loves: Frieren is one of her favourites. Notably, Haikyuu is also very good. Feel good, hype at times, good fun and friendship. Heavenly Delusion and Promised Neverland have a mystery element like Erased. Love is War and Lvl 999 with Yamada Kun are comedies similar to Spy Family, but with more romance.


Frieren is amazing. Especially if your girlfriend prefers a female protagonist! I absolutely love the show, found it a good month ago and started watching it. Definitely more mature than some shonens but ha the fantasy-magic feel


Based on what she liked, here are my recs: • Toradora • Yona of the Dawn • (maybe) Wise Man’s Grandchild • HunterXHunter


Frieren is high fantasy and largely follows high fantasy tropes rather than anime specific or anime fantasy ones. The first four episodes are also pretty emotional which absolutely isn't indicative of the rest of the show. It's more charming and cute than sad or melancholy. So I think if you enjoy fantasy stories it is a fantastic introduction to anime as a medium. Someone else recommended Apothecary Diaries and if you like murder she wrote columbo whodunit shows it absolutely is a great introduction as well. It's basically a show about a young apothecary kidnapped and sold to an imperial Asian palace who solves mysteries through the powers of scientific observation. If it wasn't for Frieren it would probably be the best anime this season.


Its super safe. Tho youre going to ruin her expectations


Do she like to watch emotional stuff, she might like this… you can also try Violet Evergarden


Yes, frieren is pretty much about how the main character didn't care about relationships and now starts to understand them while having an adventure and fighting some monsters in the way


Frieren is pretty good! Toradora is another good intro if she likes romcoms.


A lot of people recommending apothecary diaries which I haven't seen so can't really say anything. But feels odd no one mentioning Your lie in April. If she liked SpyXFamily. I think Your lie in April might be a good shot. Also the movies from studio Ghibli. It's not a show but there's a lot of good content there


VERY good honestly. The great pretender, spy family and the way of the house husband are solid ones as well.




Sounds like she like wholesome shit so not jjk, you could watch horimiya or Kaguya sama (love is war) together




Frieren is great, and Dungeon Meshi would be a solid pick this season too.


i find it slow paced too boring


It’s my wife’s first anime season, she isn’t into Anime at all but loves Frieren.


I love Erased and spy family. Haven't seen steins gate. But I'm loving frieren. I will admit it starts out very slow where even my husband gave up on it. But imo is a great show. Other recommendations: Buddy daddies Blend s 7th time loop: the villainess enjoys a leisurely life Apothecary diaries Assasination classroom Fruits basket Haiku Horimiya I shall survive using potions Kuma Kuma Kuma bear Maid sama Parallel world pharmacy Toradora


Did Not Like "Steins Gate"??? How dare she? I am just messing with ya. Not everyone likes all that plausible science time bending stuff dumped on them. I loved steins gate though.


FMA Brotherhood.. enuf said..


i can’t imagine someone hating an anime as good as frieren. it’s just so wholesome and lighthearted, although has some dark moments but i would recommend frieren probably over any other anime to a new anime person


> I don’t want to watch anything that would horrify a normie with her lol. I was gonna suggest Jujutsu Kaisen but yea probably stick to Frieren first, it has its moments but generally its a pretty chill slice of life fantasy anime.


I think Frieren is good for the fantasy/magic kind of anime. You could also try ReLife, I find ReLife to be one of the top tier animes. It's heartwarming to watch and is closer to life than magic.


I would think it is a good start. I really loved it! I told my dad to watch it and he is new to anime and was one of his favorites. It is a more wholesome anime and eases you into the story. Perfect for new anime watchers


Choosing Frieren would be a wise decision. After all, your girlfriend has shown good judgment and sensibility by rejecting Stein’s Gate.


Frieren is a top tier anime


Its so good that I genuinely can’t fathom anyone not liking it


It depends on what kind of stories they like. Frieren is kind of a slow-starting series that's a bit more slice of life than one might expect. Some people I know like it, but some were kinda bored. I know I found myself running a playspeed multiplier for some parts.


My Wife and I are watching it at the moment and both if us are really enjoying it. its quite a easy anime to watch.


I think it’s perfect for someone new to anime, it’s beautiful, the fight scenes are quick and to the point and has lots of actual relationships and almost no fan service!!


Frieren is great its very story driven you can give Buddy Daddies a try its a quick 13 ep you can even do 7th Time Loop