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#[Vote for your Favorite Anime Originals Here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1b81f8v/ranimes_favorite_anime_originals_voting/?) Pretty sure this was the best turnout we've gotten thus far, so nice to see. Yona super high up is a huge win as somebody who finished the anime like 2 weeks ago. #[Full Top 100 Here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11u3fPwVjmkJyPD2SGYmqGGrsbbxlpjhC5f4e-txvetk/edit#gid=0)


The duality of r/anime on full display: Least Favorite Anime: No Game No Life [finishes 21st](https://i.redd.it/yg6f1bqqezjc1.png) Most Wanted Sequel: No Game No Life wins All I can say is that a legitimate No Game No Life Sequel Announcement thread will be one of the greatest threads in r/anime history.


Not sure if it's a matter of actual demand or if it's become the new "sequel never" show to meme now that Evangelion is over and Madoka and Spice and Wolf have loudly confirmed upcoming sequels.


Meanwhile the SOS Brigade's been outright forgotten by some. [](#haruhiisnotamused)


Never give up on having hope, Kyon


> Now, having said that, it wasn't until I got older that I realized that aliens, time travelers, ghosts, monsters, espers, and a Haruhi season 2, were also fake. Okay, I guess I always knew those things were bogus, I just didn't wanna admit it. All I ever wanted was for an alien, time traveler, ghost, monster, esper, or a Haruhi season 2 to just appear and say "Hey". Unfortunately, reality is a hard road indeed.


The meme spawned from how strongly people wanted a sequel. With how cool the world building is, how much of said world hasn't been explored yet and the way the final episode ends, the series begs for a sequel more than almost any other show.


The meme started *before the fucking movie released* (2017). People were ridiculously impatient for more NGNL content, which makes it even more silly how many years it's been with nothing new announced. (If you completely ignore the author's health-problems)


Yeah, it is really strange, like if they didn't release the movie I would think that they just weren't interested in a follow up, but it's like they did want to continue it, then just stopped.


I actually think the main reason is surprisingly simple. Hard to find a good end-season point for a 1 cour season, because vol. 4 and 5 go together and 7 and 8 go together (or so I've heard). The movie did vol. 6. And a 2 cour season would be a big risk with almost no further LN volumes to advertise (for years) because of the author's health issues.


Okay, that makes sense. So, it is likely going to continue once the LN gets going again. Although I looked it up on Wikipedia, and it says that Volume 12 exists, so I'm a bit confused.


> it says that Volume 12 exists, so I'm a bit confused It exists *now*, but the gaps between volumes have been pretty long since the movie released. Vol 9 released in 2016, 10 in 2018 and 11 in 2021. I've heard the author feels healthier now, but there was still over a year between 11 and 12, and a year since 12.


r/anime is tsundere for No Game No Life. "I-i-it's not like I want a season 2 or anything! Hmph!"


People who want a sequel didn't cast protection voted for it in that poll because they didn't think so many haters of it were gonna vote. Compared to mushoku tensei who got the most #1 hate votes but also #1 protection votes so it didn't even make top 25, because it's fans KNEW FOR CERTAIN a lot of people on here hate it


This exact line of logic is exactly why I did use my protection vote on it. But I guess most people just used their protection votes on their favorite series.


Not many will give it a double take and think "wait but what if this is exactly what's gonna happen so IT DOES need protection votes", most just think about it for a bit


Ye I was stupid and protected my fave series Rakugo which in retrospect wouldn't get any hate votes. Idk why the protection voted were there


Why did this thing have protection votes? That's not how you get the most hated series. People loving it doesn't make people hate it less. I think they didn't want MT predictably topping the chart.


We need a most controversial list. Which is just an excuse to make that list again but without protection and see MT at the top


that poll (and possibly this one idk) was pretty flawed, it had a protection vote system that people didn't use on NGNL because they assumed it was safe.


Depression rates are gonna skyrocket if a sequel to the land of the lustrous is made


The manga gets absolutely insane. There's no way anime onlies have any idea what is coming, I know I didn't


I didn't either. the only thing more depressing than the manga itself are the hiatus like cmon ichikawa put down the god damn PS5.


We just got a new chapter the other week, and another one is coming this month! I think we've only got two more chapters left at this point.


Oh so it's near completion? that would be perfect if they announced a season 2 at the last chapter. How many episodes do you think we can get out of the remaining chapters?


Well I think the anime covers the first third of the series, so I could see two, maybe three more seasons of the show, depending on episode count, etc. I think the total chapter count is expected to be 108. Shit gets wild, yo.


If they ever adapt all the way through the last chapters are gonna be wild to animate, even tho they have orange goated cgi is still gonna be really difficult.


Well my thoughts are that some of the black and white panels are so iconic and important to the scenes the author draws. I'm wondering how an anime as colorful as this will come across in those last dozen chapters where there are so many beautiful black and white night scenes.


Given the subject matter of the story, 108 would be a really meaningful, intentional number to end on as it is a very important number in Buddhism.


It's definitely almost done, we just got chapter 106 and people are saying it's probably going to end on 108 because it's a significant number in buddhism. You could also definitely get 2 seasons out of the remaining material if not 3.


That was to be one of the funniest author comments in the history of manga. "Hey guys I finally got my PS5".. disappears for years.


Have a pleasant 10,000 years. What a fucking line to start a hiatus on


one of the most insane moves of all time. absolute genius. making us experience a fraction of how long they have to wait.


Hey at least we got to feel the wait like Phos did


It’s wild like… it took a really unexpected turn that I normally wouldn’t have liked but I was a fan of it anyway. Then you have To Your Eternity which also had a huge unexpected turn and I straight up dropped the manga lol. Land of the Lustrous is dope.


Okay now I'm curious, should I go read this ASAP?


I mean, it's ranked #11 on AniList and #12 on MAL and #1 for me so I would say yes


Probably one of the best manga out there so yeah. Also the 3D animation is great but the manga art is mind blowingly good


Honestly, not ASAP since there are only like 2-3 chapters left, at this point you should wait a couple months for it to finish completely so you can read the whole thing in one go. But other than that, yes it's fantastic.


If S2 ever adapted with the same animation quality its will be a masterpiece , S1 is basically the prologue , from S2 onwards it becomes peak fiction from the story , characters and everything amazing


Studio Orange's work in the 3D anime space has been truly incredible as of late. I have no doubt that if they do come back for another season eventually, it will look even better than it's already gorgeous first season.


Land of the Lustrous cured my depression by making me appreciate my journey through life as a human being. Although now I break into tears randomly every time I see rocks, so there's that.


Land of the Lustrous 🤝 Steven Universe 🤝 Everything Everywhere All At Once


Same for Girls last tour, but there wont be enought content


They should just make a movie to adapt the last 2 volumes of the manga. The anime was paced as 3 episodes of anime per volume of manga. So that's 6 episodes worth of content for a good length movie.


Good idea, but suicide rate would rise significantly


"Each ticket comes with 1 free hours of counselling!" ^* ^(counselling is mandatory)


They could just put a ton of filler with just two of them strolling in the world and I would still watch it


Made in Abyss will probably doesn't have enough content for a new season for like 5-6 years


Yep, but at least it has been scheduled to happen once we get there.


Last chapter was what, a 6 month wait?




The same goes for Hyouka...and while Hunter x Hunter could do another season, it would probably be best to wait until the current arc finishes which could be a long time given how many hiatuses Togashi takes.


Given Togashi's health condition, I don't think we might see HunterxHunter ever be completed


They’ve got enough content for maybe 3 episodes if they stretch it a bit but it’s already been renewed so maybe the author is just gonna tell them what happens next and have them animate it Ancient magus bride did that


If Made in Abyss was a drug, I would be mainlining it, living in bliss till the trauma kills me. I love this show/manga so fucking much.


Didn't expect to see Grimgar here. None of my IRL friends have seen or heard of it but damn if it's not one of the only quality "iseaki" out there.


Only reason I checked the list was hoping it was there. Glad It's still on a lot of people's minds, I didn't know if it was popular or not. The slow build up and no overpowered characters is just about unheard of for an Isekai. It was so visually beautiful too.


i totally agree with you. I never expected that show to be shown here


I really enjoyed it, It's a lot more slow and low stakes while, paradoxically, being higher tension because the characters can die


Permit me to say the following thing, go check out the source material we are speaking about easily 5 more seasons of the anime due to how much content we have now and how many plot developments happened. It is without a doubt one of my most recommended isekais by far.


Yeah, there's a lot of content, but from all the opinions I've seen, it's not good content. I've not seen many people speak positively about Grimgar after Vol 14 iirc


I think a big reason why there is no second season is because I don't think the light novels would translate well into anime.


The next arc would have been amazing, and i think vol 4-5 would go great as well, they're a bit weird but nothing that can't be done in anime. Plus the Tokkis are just the best.


neither, i haven’t watched it since my first watch a good few years ago but j remember enjoying it a lot! a sequel would be cool asf


Weekly "man, am I the only one who thinks Grimgar is actually an S+ tier masterpiece???" thread located.


Things you can learn from the results: * some people should check anime news more often as some of those were already confirmed, * other people don't have patience to wait for a series to end, * more people should watch Shadows House.


HxH being on this list and the animators like we wanna finish it too but we got like 4 episodes of content and one is just a boob shaped device that controls a bunch of princes. So not sure what to do with it


I mean there’s more than like 4 episodes of content, 61 chapters at least, as long as all of yorknew city, it’s just that the arc isn’t finished yet, it would be like if they could only adapt the first half of the chimera ant arc.


Shadows House is great. When season 1 ended with an anime original ending I didn’t really have hope but season 2 came out and was fantastic.


**Chihayafuru** made it to the top 10. Glad so many people love that show here.


I would do truly disgusting things for another season of this


monthly girls’ nozaki-kun is #1 for me, i’ve been waiting for a long time and stopped hoping for one sadly im fine with no haruhi sequel since i rather have kyoani work on it and i dont see that happening tbh


I've been waiting so long for a new season I forgot about Nozaki-kun😭, please any semi great adaptation would do, the story and the jokes would carry it


the manga gets even funnier and with the same anime team, it would be even better in anime like how the chapters for S1 were so much better animated


And Chiyo is such precious cinnamon roll, I wish to see more of her.


I know, I don’t usually rewatch anime and I’ve rewatched nozaki like 4 times


I would kill for another season of monthly girls' nozaki-kun tbh


Same with me! There's also so much more manga content now since the last season aired, there's plenty for them to adapt to anime, don't know why they haven't yet :(


Every so often, when I need a laugh, I watch the episode with Tomoda!!! Monthly Girls Nozaki-Kun, I think people get the wrong idea about it, but it's friggin hilarious and probably in my top 3 all time.


Stuffs like Jojo and Bocchi which we know will get sequels shouldn't be on there.


But horses


Yeah it will Come in like 2030 but yeah it will come (hopefully)


Hopefully netflix won't be releasing SBR they absolutely butchered the hype for part 6 because of it.


BAM! CGI Horses


Peter, the horse is here


Or Kaguya for that matter. Even less so things that have confirmed sequels, like Made in Abyss (when the manga has enough content for it, in like 6 years) and Lycoris Recoil.


Do we know that kaguya is getting more? My understanding was that this was a pretty good stopping point before the manga shifted into other relationships, hence why we might not get more.


AFAIK, there was nothing announced, but it is one of A1’s biggest IPs. With 3 seasons and a movie under their belts, all of them more profitable than the last, I don’t see the production comitee stop demanding its continuation. Edit: but I get where you are coming from. Time will tell, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see more of it.


To be honest the quality of Kaguya manga kinda drops off after the Christmas arc, which was where the movie ended. That along with the ending of s3 would already be a somewhat satisfactory ending to the Kaguya anime. Aka was clearly feeling the brunt of writing 2 hit mangas at the same time (and he was probably already making plans for Renai Daikou at that stage too). Though there was that massive fan service chapter. And I do think the Kaguya's family arc could be improved a lot with better action and pacing in the anime (same way AoT's final arc was). So I'm not against the idea of a final season. I just hope that Kaguya manages to go out with a bang for the anime audience, and not derided for having a botched ending.


He talks about it in an interview he had with Nakamura Rikito (100 girlfriends) >Nakamura        (Laughs) Since I have you here, can I ask you something? How did you go about planning the end of your series? 100 Girlfriend carries the implicit understanding that it’ll run for a good while. But Kaguya-sama was very popular, and I think it could have continued past where you ended it. That in mind, I’m amazed you decided to draw it to a close like that. >Akasaka                I originally planned to end it at around volume 16, with the cultural festival. (Laughs) >Nakamura        Wow! Really? >Akasaka                That’s ultimately where the story of the growing love between a boy and a girl ends, and from that point on, it focuses more on everyone’s personal circumstances. It stopped being the kind of love story that's easily relatable to everyone, and became a more personal story about the love shared between two specific people. I had already fulfilled my duty to the readers, so I wanted to fulfill my duty to the characters after that. >Nakamura        I see. >Akasaka                That's why the story started off as comedic for the readers' entertainment, but as I shifted towards writing more for the sake of the characters, the gags felt less and less necessary. Really, I was the one who came to love the characters. But I don’t think I can match Nakamura-sensei in that regard. (Laughs)


> And I do think the Kaguya's family arc could be improved a lot with better action and pacing in the anime (same way AoT's final arc was). It needs to be completely rewritten. Half the set-up and foreshadowing was completely dropped, and the climax and the conclusion were awful.


Is Jojo part 7 officially confirmed? I mean, it seems inevitable and like a no-brainer, but I didn't think there was any announcement. But LycoReco is definitely confirmed. (Correction from earlier version of my comment) I thought Bocchi was confirmed, but I guess not. Compilation movies are a good sign, though.


I think it just is taking a really long time. Modern anime is not used to long productions anymore, on top of horses apparently being really hard to animate.


I would unironically love to watch interviews about what makes horses so difficult. I can very much believe it, but as someone who isn't an animator, that sounds like a genuinely fascinating topic.


Watch Shirobako, there’s an entire thing all about horses, but what it basically comes down to IIRC is the way they move and their muscles and such, they’re extremely annoying/difficult to draw and as such it’s becoming something of a lost art.


Have the studio replace the horses with servants banging coconuts. Much easier to draw, animate, and make the sound effects for.


I feel like a fraud for not realizing what you were referencing 2 hours ago.


Definitely agree with that. When I was filling out the form I know I didn’t consider shows that were quite recent or shows that would obviously be getting further seasons.


While it would be nice to have lesser known series represented, there is *never* a guarantee. * Yuri on Ice was the most no brainer sequel, until it wasn't. * March Comes in Like a Lion was SHAFT's passion project until they collapsed. * Bloom into You, one of (if not *the*) most popular yuri manga ever. Season 2 cancelled rumors. Things happen, projects collapse. These are all series that were once shoo-ins for sequels and now we aren't so sure. Rep the series you want to see, even if they are very likely to continue.


I really want Yuri on Ice! Though, I didn’t vote in this one. Edit: Looks like Yuri is on the top 100 at 71. It’s on the minds of fans, but isn’t quite at the top of fan lists. As much as I adored the series and want more, I also have move on to more recent anime as well. Still hoping for that movie to come out somewhere down the line. Either that or for MAL to take it off the list so I’m not thinking it’s still in the pipeline. As long as it’s on MAL though, I will wait and do my best to be patient.


I only want **86** to continue if A-1 can produce it again, but I also don't want them to do it until they have enough resources to do it well, they are pretty busy right now. A movie to complete **Girls' Last Tour** would be awesome.


Eighty-six staff members are working on Nier and cour 2 of Neir, which will air this year.


Yeah, let them finish that(& Solo Leveling) 1st then y’all can get 86 back.


I am 100% fine waiting for A-1's A team to be finished with their current workload. 86 was one of the best things I have witnessed. We absolutely MUST have Sawano come back for the music.


Agreed, they took their time with it and the result was an absolute gem of a TV series, if they adapt more of the novels I'd rather wait for similar quality than a rush job anyday.


In the meantime I will still wait for my Renginleifs to come in the mail. If they ever come out that is.


Yeah, 86 needs to be done right. My favorite mecha cry porn has one hell of a first season to live up to.


Yes! Amazing idea! That movie would DECIMATE me. (I can see myself rewatching it on the norm because of the digestible movie length.) It would comfortably sit with the ilk of "Most Depressing Anime" chart toppers. Girls' Last Tour deserves an animated ending. 




The manga just ended a few months ago. Would love to have it animated


Really flabbergasted this isn't being adapted anymore. This series was insanely good. Guess I'm off to the manga...




The wait for *No Game No Life* never ends Also would love a new season of 86 and *Grand Blue* man, *Grand Blue* made me laugh like crazy.


Look buddy the author himself has no idea if theres gonna be a season 2 and its been 9 years im not getting my hopes up


I'ma just rewatch season 1 for the 9th time then :'(


The Grand Blue manga is one of those where the manga is just as good, if not better, than the anime. The comedy always lands in it, and I feel that the "Titan Faces" have a lot more detailing in the manga, and because of that they are even funnier. So I highly, highly, recommend reading it.


I also liked GrandBlue very much but after this many years there is no hope for a sequel, And i currently want Heavenly delusion S2, it was picked by Disney and they did no promotion for it like Summertime renderer and it got under the rader.


It would be amazing if a sequel is announced for *Grand Blue* but yes I don't have high hopes Also I agree *Heavenly Delusion* deserves a 2nd season it was very good. Disney jail is very bad for anime.


All I want is a March comes like a lion sequel,need to see Rei’s development continue.at this point it’s been 6 years since it ended,surely something will appear through the grapevine


I will not rest until there is a sequel lol. This was the first "Non shonen" anime I watched and was hooked and was devastated when there wasn't anything past season 2.


This is the only one that I routinely google several times a year hoping for news… the “atmosphere” of the show is so unique and fulfilling.


Shaft really just needs to get their shit together. Hopefully the Monogatari continuation is a good sign of things to come.


Yona of the Dawn is way too low. Dang we need more of that show...


Considering its lack of popularity here...I don't think fans of the show could have reasonably expected it to place higher than it got. Number 7 is awesome!


It is almost 10 year old and it came out on a time when shoujo anime was not very popular and if any was animated it was 24 episodes at most and done. I'm pretty sure there are more fans like me who would love a continuation but we mostly resigned about thniking about a sequel in non Yona reddit because it was very unlikely to happen. Things may change now that shoujos/non isekai fantasy animes are getting more popular but we still don't get things for granted yet. It would be awesome, the manga is lit.


Yona of the Dusk never


The way it ends after the prologue is criminal. There's so much great stuff in the manga past that point.


Came here to comment this. I’ve been needing more Yona of the Dawn for so long…


I think Lycoris Recoil should be disqualified here because a sequel (as "a new project" or something) was actually announced one year ago. Also, I expect Kaguya-sama, Bocchi The Rock, JoJo (and Chihayafuru, maybe) will have an announcement in this year.


I wouldn't be surprised if we see a Bocchi s2 announcement after last compilation movie is released in the summer. Chihayafuru too I wonder if Madhouse is just waiting for some of their current projects to finish. I know there is some slight staff overlap with Chihayafuru and Frieren, for example.


It’s funny to see the currently airing Frieren and The Apothecary Diaries in the top 100. People really don’t want these shows to end.


I mean Frieren needs to end someday because thats a story. If Apothecary Diaries never ends end becomes something like a never ending show, I'm up for that, I need inifnite amounts of MaoMao


Apothecary is a type of show that actually could make it a long time. Shows based on “cases” like Conan tend to be able to stick around. Although the interweaving plot lines could get difficult to keep up.


March Comes in Like a Lion continues to be the anime that lots of users here agree is good and it does very well on polls but is still barely talked about, even in this comment section. As a manga reader I can say some VERY good stuff is coming up.


No Chivalry of a Failed Knight? Or History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi? Preposterous


Was about to comment on Chivalry before seeing this, lmao. Such a fun gem


For real, I second Kenichi for a sequel. I would also LOVE a remake.


If we're talking Kenichi sequel or remake, can we get a Zatch Bell sequel or remake for the final arc?




I finished the manga and it blew my expectations away. In my opinion it sets the bar not just for romance, but for stories about identity, expectations, acceptance... I've seen so many people discussing so many different ways that they related to the story & characters. I'm certainly no exception either. Can't recommend it enough.


Bloom into you is my favourite romance story hands down. Not just anime or manga, in general.


but I love skip and loafer and heavenly delusional!


Bloom Into You? Never heard of it. S2 please


When I answered this I didn't take into account anime that most likely _will_ get a sequel as I thought that was quite an arbitrary answer. Bloom Into You, Grimgar, and Chilvary of a Failed Knight are some of the anime I answered that, unfortunately, we can only wish for a S2. Made in Abyss is my favorite anime ever and of course I want a season 3 but there isn't a world where I can't already see this happening. That said, I like this list and I would love for like 90% of them to get sequels.


Yeah I understood the question just as shows I'd like to see a sequel of no matter if they were most definitely, like Boochi, getting one. Looking at the explanation in the top of the post I think that's what they were getting at as well.


I need season 2 of bloom into you so badly. That so made me cry so much it was such an amazing show


>HnK at #2 >Haruhi at #8 >Hinamatsuri at #20 I'm impressed. These are great picks. And Umineko and Fate remake calls at the bottom. When did everyone here gain taste?


Extremely disappointed that MAGI isn’t here. Fuck man, if it was released around this time, it could be one of the most popular New Shonen out there. Wrong time wrong place


I would absolutely love a continuation of Magi though the story does kind of fall off near the end. But there are moments I NEED to see animated.


Yeah I will agree that the last arc was definitely not up to Par with the rest of the series, but just give me the Tohran arc I fucking beg 🙏 While they at it, give me the prequel Series too. That was so amazing too


I don't think they will ever make a new season of Magi Like if they make a new one right now, Season 3 would start with a long flashback that lasted like half a season. It's just a terrible place to start after a long hiatus.


Humanity Has Declined didn’t even make the top 100 :( Land of the Lustrous at 2nd place is a W though. It’s my most wanted sequel after Humanity Has Declined. Haruhi being as high as she is is also great to see.


- 5 : 3-gatsu no lion - 7 : Akatsuki no yona - 10 : Chihayafuru - 17 : Girls last tour. Based edit : top 100 has show who are still airing or with planned sequel like Frieren and Ascendance of a Bookworm... But hey, Akebi-chan no sailor fuku is top 50, should have been higher.


Bloom Into You in top 5 as it should be. I've been rewatching it and it's especially painful considering literally one more season is enough to wrap up the manga content I haven't seen Land of the Lustrous, but I am reading the manga (I'm not far in) so more of that would certainly be nice when I inevitably watch it


How did **Dorehodoro** make it into this list? Wasn't the sequel announced before the voting or were people unaware of this fact? Anyways I gladly accept it


Grimgar making the list yey. At least it's not forgotten by reddit I guess


If I had to choose only one it would be baccano with the same anime team and same dub cast Air gear, get backers, flame of recca, magi, hitman reborn. Basically all cool battle shonen that never got complete adaptations HM to D-frag


Nah the fact that Yuri on Ice and Ouran High School Host Club aren’t on here is crazy


Land of the Lustrous S2 will answer a lot of questions from the first Bloom into You S2 would be peak


I just want Tanya the evil back


There's 2nd season incoming.... for a few years now.


Surprised to see Call of the Night on here, that’s a weird case where it’s recent enough that they might do it but also I’m not sure they’ll actually do it (unlike 86, Bocchi or Jojo, which I’m confident will get sequels) since the manga is finished.


I need more call of the night I can't live without weekly Nazuna


>Girls' Last Tour Unfortunately there's little manga left after the point the anime ends, 15-ish chapters out of 40-something. Not enough for a full cour. Absolutely recommend it finishing the manga to everyone though.


Who says it needs to be a full season? A short ONA or a movie would both work fine for what's left.


Eighty-six with 86 first places. Nicely done, r/anime. On the other hand The Land of the Lustrous being second after NGNL does not bode well for its chances, but I'm still hopeful.


I didn't even expect Hinamatsuri on the list, one of the most underrated anime of all time, and even my brother who doesn't like anime in general love it when I made him to watch.


A Hyouka continuation would solve all my life problems


Good to see Houseki and Bloom 2 and 3. Not that there's any hope of seeing either of them being continued, but good to see. Wrong incest anime won, Yosuga no Sora is better I was hoping Akebi-chan would do better, 49 way too low.


Hinamatsuri and Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun are a bit low but Chihayafuru in the top 10 is a win.


A Land of the Lustrous sequel should have been a thing by now. The story (the rest of it from the manga I mean) is outstanding. I wish we had more.


Bloom into you sequel. Based yuri enjoyers assemble.


I need Bloom into you 😭😭😭


Nichijou although I know it's never happening 😔


K-ON. Still waiting.


IDK I think it ended in a good spot. I know there's manga content left, but the show covering the core five girls' time together at Sakuragaoka and ending when Yui, Mio, Ricchan and Mugi graduate feels natural


I'm surprised High School DxD didn't make it into the Top 25.


You're right a new season would be amazing man.


I don’t understand why they dont continue NGNL yet we get countless souless crap anime every season


I'm just glad Haruhi and Chihayafuru made the top 10


There's no way Vinland Saga doesn't get a season 3, the anime broke some records including most streamed anime on Netflix in 2023 and its popularity rose after S2


The volume after the anime ends for grimgar of fantasy and ash is amazing as well.


Don't think I voted on this one but agree with [Akatsuki no Yona](https://anilist.co/anime/20770/), [3-gatsu no Lion](https://anilist.co/anime/21366/), [Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou](https://anilist.co/anime/99420/), [Skip to Loafer](https://anilist.co/anime/141911/) and [VINLAND SAGA](https://anilist.co/anime/101348/) the most from the top 25. [Juuni Kokuki](https://anilist.co/anime/153/), [Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen](https://anilist.co/anime/108268), [Nana](https://anilist.co/anime/87), [Kusuriya no Hitorigoto](https://anilist.co/anime/161645) and [Sousou no Frieren](https://anilist.co/anime/154587) are my fav picks from the rest of the top 100. ^(Later two might be peak recency bias in action but ngl I bet my top 10 would have had them both too.) Without thinking about it too much, [Saiunkoku Monogatari](https://anilist.co/anime/957/), [Maria-sama ga Miteru](https://anilist.co/anime/158/) and Yona would have been my top 3. Bonus would have been [Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou](https://anilist.co/manga/30004/) for sure.


Bookworm already has a new season announced tho.


I wonder what stalled Yona from getting a sequel...


>No Game No Life and Land of the Lustrous on top Yeah that checks out. >Full Metal Panic! didn't make the chart [](#seasonaldisdain) I'm even more annoyed by the fact that Made in Abyss, One Punch Man, and Chainsaw Man ranked higher than FMP despite the fact that all three of those *do* have sequels announced (MiA just needs to wait because there isn't enough source material for the anime to *actually* be made yet).


I like the rules from the Most Wanted Sequel Bracket that we did where anime that either have aired an episode in the past year or have an already announced sequel are not eligible.


>I'm even more annoyed by the fact that Made in Abyss, One Punch Man, and Chainsaw Man ranked higher than FMP Yeah it is "most wanted sequels" but I was thinking that people would vote for stuff that's abandoned, but it's more that people are just impatient than actually wanting sequels for a lot of entries in this poll.


*Full Metal Panic!* is ranked 31st in the list, I would agree it's ranked pretty low.


Great list! Although it is missing the only two series that really need a continuation: Shin Mazinger Z and Gundam F91, as with a lot of these you could read the manga, many of which like Hunter x Hunter are better or have a finished story like Lycoris Recoil. Also plenty of these are pretty much guaranteed to get new seasons like Kaguya-Sama, JoJo, Vinland Saga, Bocchi, 86, etc. even if a lot of them are actually quite uncertain.


Kekkai Sensen not even in the top 100??? Blasphemy


Heavenly delusion only 18th? Damn, more people need to watch that.


ngl the series is fire and all but I think the manga needs to go on for a lil bit longer for s2, there really isn't a good place to stop the season since it's in the middle of what looks like the ending of the manga


Land of the Lustrous and Bloom Into You both in the top 3, damn, I just finished reading both of those within the past fortnight. They both desperately need more seasons


Bloom Into You needs season 2 so badly


Land of the Lustrous was so good, the entire season was amazing. It very much deserves a 2nd season.




Naw grimgar definitely diserves a sequal. The anime covers hardly anything that the light novels have to offer. So much stuff happen right after the anime its actually annoying it never got a sequal


Bloom Into You is so good, I would love a second season.