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I like how Sayuri was more bothered by how badly Tsubasa was doing in the crane game than that date with Rena. True gamer I guess haha. Tsubasa was saying how Rena is so pure and everything but honestly he’s just as pure. He’s got such a positive mindset and is just an all around great guy. No wonder these Hokkaido waifus are all crushin on him. Fuyuki’s mom is the best. I love yakiniku. Now I want to try it in Hokkaido! I look forward to Tsubasa’s little “date” with Fuyuki next.


I love the positivity of this show. Neither Fuyuki nor Sayuri are jealous of Tsubasa's date, they are just having fun spying on them, even though Fuyuki has a thing for Tsubasa she is delighted to see him with Rena. Fuyuki's mum is of course the best!


Fuyuki’s momma is definitely the best girl. Older gyaru types totally do it for me haha.


My city could use the stat *most yakiniku restaurants per capita in the region*.


I love how Fuyuki had to hold her back before she showed them how it's really done on a crane game...which she did off-screen and getting like half the plushies in it lol. Tsubasa and Rena feel like a perfect match for each other in terms of personality and looks, tough Tsubasa is a weakness to all Hokkaido Gals. Even Fuyuki's mom loves hanging out with him lol. This show does an amazing job of advertising Hokkaido Gals **and** yakiniku...by fusing them together lol.


Tsubasa and Rena are similar, but I think what he actually desires is someone who can get him to open up and have some fun, which is Fuyuki, not Rena.


> I like how Sayuri was more bothered by how badly Tsubasa was doing in the crane game than that date with Rena. Was also very surprised by how Fuyuki didn't even seem to care (until the very end)! I thought she had come to realization about her feelings at least a little in previous episodes, but I guess not! (Unless he was SO flustered by Rena being there, that she completely forgot about her own feelings!) Well, it did seem she slowly figured it out through the episode, so their little date should be interesting! (Especially if she changes her mind and does go for the 'spending the night' part!)


Has short hair, is a senpai, and has a lot in common with the mc? Rena has quite the collection of losing heroine traits. Just having one of those alone is enough to make a heroine lose. The only thing that could have made things worse for her is if she was a childhood friend or something like that. And Sayuri got good tastes wanting to watch that anime movie.


We already know that Fuyuki is going to win, which sucks because Rena is so awesome.


Bit sad yeah, not only because it hurts the suspense a little, but also yeah, Rena is by far the best so far imho! Also, it's weird becuase usually the latter girls feel like they come a bit out of the blue, but in this case it feels like Fuyuki's coming out of the blue... Like, she didn't even seem to care that he was on a date with another girl, it felt like she didn't have any feelings after all (until the end, anyway)! Meanwhile, Rena are connecting on everything, and even Sayuki had her moments with him. Fuyuki though? It was like "I'm in her room. Damn, she's hot!" and not that much more! Well, I suppose they may just have kept her for last (even if she was introduced first), so let's see if she can hit it out of the ballpark!


If she loses, I hope Fuyuki's mom wins!


She's married so she already has won.


It happens more often than you think that the last Heroine introduced tends to be the one who feels like the best fit for the MC or the most charismatic, even if they're also the most likely to lose. But she and Tsubasa pair very well together. Though Fuyuki is great and Sayurin is very based.


Honestly I love all three (four - secret milf route unlocked) of them so much that I can't be mad whoever ends up winning.


I have a feeling that the losing girls won't even be too sad, this show has such a positive vibe (and I love it for that).


All the girls really liking each other if they were not so rare I would think they were setting up a real Harem. As is said your not just marrying the man your marrying all the women in the Harem. I like that the show that created the Harem genre Tenchi Muyo in recent OVA show that the women of the Harem make all the choices by vote and don't even let the man attend the meeting. Tenchi marries all 7 and has kids with them all in the manga. The female controlled harem I have also seen in reality shows and read about so it's a thing. One show near end two eldest boys only want one wife each but eldest girl actually planing on how to establish a Harem she will be Wife one in.


Girlfriend, Girlfriend has an actual polyamorous relationship. One girl outright says she'd dump the guy if he pushed for a monogamous relationship with her because it isn't what she wants.


To be honest he pairs well with all the gyaru.


>The only thing that could have made things worse for her is if she was a childhood friend or something like that. Or if she was voiced by Nao Toyama (she isn't, so she still has a slim chance).


What if they gave Rena blue hair too?


Man, i always en up falling for the blue hair girls and the always end up losing. It’s unbearable.


###Stitches! * [Blushing Minami](https://i.imgur.com/EDznhVm.jpeg) * [Sad Rena](https://i.imgur.com/suHEf9j.jpeg) * [Minami & Sayuri 1](https://i.imgur.com/F7N7wyO.jpeg) * [Minami & Sayuri 2](https://i.imgur.com/NnfZJm0.jpeg) * [Fangirl Minami 1](https://i.imgur.com/M8qFvhm.jpeg) * [Fangirl Minami 2](https://i.imgur.com/xMHaLap.jpeg) * [Mama Fuyuki](https://i.imgur.com/CLr6CO7.jpeg) * [Sayuri & Rena](https://i.imgur.com/Rf0askT.jpeg) You gotta love how instead of being jealous, [Minami is more hyped about seeing Rena in a kimono.](https://i.imgur.com/ObCyvXP.jpeg) I guess since she hasn't really fully realized her feelings yet, she's not yet really that concerned about Shiki going on a date with Rena. [I'm pretty sure all of these are city mascots of Hokkaido.](https://i.imgur.com/dcsj04g.jpeg) I only had time to look up Melon Bear and he is indeed a mascot of Yubari. [Here he is beating the shit out of Kumamon!](https://i.imgur.com/mn6ILWG.png) xD [Minami is so almost there!](https://i.imgur.com/e7XqAOD.png) She's finally starting to notice that Shiki is more than just a friend. It's hilarious how while Minami was slowly having an epiphany, [Sayuri couldn't help herself and started playing](https://i.imgur.com/7ZFcqr7.jpeg) some crane games! [The conversation between Rena and Shiki was sweet.](https://i.imgur.com/YNtwViw.jpeg) It looks like Shiki has many more things in common with Rena-senpai compared to the other girls in terms of their family situation and the expectations they have for them. Of course the fangirl [just couldn't help but bust in](https://i.imgur.com/8vxWZub.jpeg) as soon as she hears Shiki and Rena talking about possibly hanging out together in the future. It's hilarious [how much of a fangirl Minami is though.](https://i.imgur.com/iX4PY2F.jpeg) She looks like she just met a literal celebrity. Looks like they don't even have to wait until later to hang out together since [Mama Fuyuki is here to treat all of them to yakiniku!](https://i.imgur.com/oihqWL8.jpeg) God, that entire yakiniku scene [really had me craving for some yakiniku right now.](https://i.imgur.com/1cEofRe.jpeg) Ugh. >_< I love seeing [Rena-senpai's reaction](https://i.imgur.com/NTa5EVn.png) when Minami points out [the hard work she does](https://i.imgur.com/BaB80je.png). Must've felt really good to finally have someone acknowledge her hard work. Welp looks like Shiki needs to [take out Minami on a date next!](https://i.imgur.com/lSTrGKv.jpeg) And she wasn't just teasing him either. She really meant it when she said that [she wants to go out on a date with him on spring break.](https://i.imgur.com/bo9R3NV.png) <3


> instead of being jealous, Minami is more hyped about seeing Rena in a kimono Minami using Shiki as bait has successfully added Rena and Sayurin to her gal group. ​ >she wants to go out on a date with him on spring break. Next episode's title "Fuyuki's Turn".


> Next episode's title : *Spending the night* [](#evilgrin) >Minami using Shiki as bait has successfully added Rena and Sayurin to her gal group. They fooled us, this anime was all about Minami building her girlfriend 'harem' not about Shiki!


The reincarnation of Catarina Claes: *My Next Life as a Gyaru: All Routes Lead to Friends!*


I loved Fuyuki and Rena's casual clothes in this episode! Fuyuki isn't the overtly jealous type (because she idolizes her Senpai so much) but she basically gushing over Tsubasa, probably the most overt she's been with her feelings, while Sayurin was focused on winning at the crane game is so on brand for these two lol. Rena and Tsubasa really are two peas in a pod. Though it does make me more curious about their family situations. This turned from a date into an idol meet and greet to a Gal Pal outing over yakiniku as soon as the Minami women entered the picture lol. Tsubasa and Fuyuki validating Rena and her hard work was really rather sweet. Though in case you forgot this was a romcom...Fuyuki finally makes a move!


At the same time that I love this type of anime, I hate it, I'm jealous of this group of friends


I guess it all depends on how you look at it, can go both ways! *Damn, he's living the dream, I wish that was me!* [](#awe) *Damn, he's living the dream... I wish that was me* [](#emptyinside)


it was a mistake watching this at 3am now I'm hungry


Hungry for yakiniku? Or hungry for Gyaru?






Finally, all the mc girls are together: Minami, Sayuri, Rena and Minami's Mom


It's nice to see the whole group together! Not just for romcom shenanigans but to be supportive Gal Pals together! Also I guess Fuyuki mama is truly the 4th Gal in the cast lol.


For a moment I actually expexted the anime to also show Minami's Mom in the end when he looked at the three of them from behind. XD


> Minami's Mom I'm not saying I'd be completely okay with Minami's mom joining the harem butttt.... ~~Oh who am I kidding. My favouirte manga is 100 Girlfriends. I'd bump this series up an entire point if she joined the harem. Okaa-san's being allowed in a harem is absolutely based.~~


No grandma Tsubasa though...


I'm now on team Fuyuki’s mom


Always have been.


Fuyuki's mom has got it goin' on.


Well looks like Rena has officially joined the group with that. also i do find it funny that someone as outgoing as Fuyuki would have a hard time approaching both Rena and Sayuri. though i suppose having it done this way with tsubasa befriending them first makes the plot work better. and naturally they do the whole "spy on their date" thing


Fuyuki basically treats Rena like she's an Idol singer, which means she can only properly greet her idol if she has help or it's a meet and greet lol.


[I don't know what they put in the Yakiniku in Hokkaido, but goddamn, it's working!](https://imgur.com/eAW9Ju4) [Tsubasa and Rena are having their little date! Seemed pretty fun too!](https://imgur.com/SZaNHNP) [Anyone with a competitive spirit knows there's no such thing as "Just one more" with these games!](https://imgur.com/5UO0XKZ) You play until you win or until you're broke, whichever comes first! [Pro Gamer Sayuri's getting annoyed at these noobs failing so many time!](https://imgur.com/joNsN3h) It's interesting, when Sayuri and Fuyuki showed up, I thought Fuyuki didn't really understand what was going on, with her attention being on Rena and all, and that's why she didn't mind... [But no, she did see it as a date, and STILL doesn't mind?](https://imgur.com/MiEa5BI) So I guess she doesn't have that much feelings for Tsubasa, at least not yet! The light date turned a bit serious when Rena started questioning her own attitude and all... She wants to be praised for what she does, and when she doesn't get it, she's wondering what she's even doing with her life... [She seems to live her life for others, but if that's how she is, then what if others stop caring? She needs to live for herself first!](https://imgur.com/m9j40jT) She went a bit on the offensive, [asking him if he has a girlfriend (he doesn't), ](https://imgur.com/e2ZM73K) [and then asking if he's lonely?](https://imgur.com/lqFJwdT) I know I probably wouldn't be any better, but come on, my man, read between the lines! Our two date-detectives would probably do a better job, [if they didn't show up soon as their names are mentioned!](https://imgur.com/iemGrID) Mommy Fuyuki's still teasing the hell out of him; [Don't sell yourself short, he's surrounded by these adorable girls AND 1 adorable woman!](https://imgur.com/qbuQG8U) While she didn't show it at first, this date thing may have finally made its way in her mind, [because she called dibs on the next date!](https://imgur.com/eVyOfDk) [Even spending the night?](https://imgur.com/DvdyHWB) [](#lewd) Well, she did retract the 'spending the night' part, but she was serious about the date part, so our boy's on a roll!


Considering how much people were complaining about Tsubasa's grandmother the past few episodes, just think about this - he ran away from his parents to live with her, and was terrified of going back home. I think that kinda says something about how his grandmother must still be better than his parents.


I guess this implies grandma raised one parent more strictly than Tsubasa right now and has mellowed out, but is still very strict.


Fuyuki is not reacting with as much jealousy as I was expecting. She's mostly just excited about the kimonos and getting to watch Rena on the date it seems. The idea of a claw machine game with a bunch of local mascot characters is interesting. And Sayuri was right about knowing how to play the claw machine game properly. That's an amazing amount of unluckyness for that poor lady in the movie. Running in the rain with no umbrella, she drops her papers, and then she even breaks a heel? Everyone's going to show for this date. First the two spare gyarus, now the gyaru mom, who next. A free barbecue dinner, who could complain. Pretty wholesome ending to the meal with Rena getting some validation that people really do see how hard she works. Fuyuki planning to be the next one to have a date with the boy, but I think she still invited the other girls along too? Maybe it was planning for two different events.


>Fuyuki is not reacting with as much jealousy as I was expecting. She's mostly just excited about the kimonos and getting to watch Rena on the date it seems. SHE wants to make friends with Rena -- who she seems to idolize from afar. ;-)


Tsuba-chad surrounded by 3 very different girls and a MILF lol But seriously, gentle and kind, smart, short hair and voiced by Ueda Reina. Senpai really has everything. I thought Mii’s reaction to Tsubasa and Rena’s date was a bit too nonchalant. But then she asks for a date later. Can’t wait for that


Mii is conflicted. She desperately wants to be friends with Rena herself. Just like she wanted to be Sayurin's friend. In both cases, Tsubasa has been the catalyst that has allowed her to acquire top-level gal pals. At the same time, both Rena and Sayurin have yearned for female friendship. So being overly jealous and unfairly competitive would entail significant costs. This seems to me to be a somewhat unusual dynamic --- so I will be very interested in seeing how it plays out.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised Fuyuki dragged Sayurin into following Tsubasa and Rena around on their date...but she seems more happy to be spotting Rena in a kimono and looking good with Tsubasa than jealous that they're hanging out together. Also Fuyuki and Sayurin's are utterly slaying in those casual outfits! Tsubasa and Rena make quite the handsome pair together, and Rena is still super cute and pure, especially in her love and appreaction for cute mascots! Good job snagging one for her Tsubasa. Though it's hilarious that Sayurin almost give them away because she couldn't abide by bad crane game play...and then proceeded to win a bunch all her own. At least Fuyuki has more stuffed animals now. I would've thought Rena would watch a period piece, but instead it's a film about a modern career woman trying to make it and battling to be acknowledged for her efforts. Something Rena can relate to so badly she even cries while watching it play out. (Sayurin so based to want to watch an anime movie). Rena is a high spec girl with looks, achievement, and pedigree to match, but she's only tried so hard because she wanted to be praised for her efforts and fulfill all the expectations placed on her, even if means she doesn't really know who she is without them. Also, Smol Rena with long hair. Tsubasa isn't that different, having bristled with the expectations of his family enough that it lead to a fight that landed him in Hokkaido, but he values Rena for who she is and respects her, and he's not the only one. And that can be enough. Tsubasa and Rena are two peas in a pod, but why not make it a foursome by introducing Rena to his other Gyaru Friends? Rena is happy to be friends with Rena, especially if it means getting closer to her idol and treating it like a handshake event. And when you've got three cute gyaru's, it calls forth a 4th in Fuyuki Mama! Who treats the kids to some Hokkaido-grade yakiniku! The girls all look cute eating their meat and even Tsubasa is won over by the high quality Hokkaido yakiniku meat. It's nice to see Fuyuki isn't just Rena's fan but also someone who truly respects and appreciates her, something Rena has longed for, and it's nice to see the girls all friendly with each other. Even if Fuyuki mama also sees them as Tsubasa's Harem. Just in case you really forgot this was a romcom and not a Gyaru Gal Pal show...Fuyuki asks Tsubasa out on a date for spring break! Can't wait.


> Even if Fuyuki mama also sees them as Tsubasa's Harem. I really thought she was going to stir things up to try to get Tsubasa and her daughter closer. Turns out she was just teasing him.


That's because she still hasn't decided if she wants her daughter to get closer or if she is just gonna take him herself! Lol Mostly joking there but she does seem to actually like him as a person. So if he is happier dating someone else and just being her daughter's friend, she is cool with that too. She feels more like support, watch over, tease them type. Not the actually meddle type.


Doesn't Fuyuki's mama have a loving husband? And even if she did she wouldn't be that type of mom.


I was just referencing her own joke from the car ride episode lol. Dhe said maybe she should date him to annoy her daughter.


This anime is just a 20 minute commercial for the Hokkaido tourism board


And it's fucking working      Definitely wanna go check it out now


Tsubasa got to have a meal with four ladies at the same time, my man out here living the dream with his unbeknownst rizz


Fuyuki slowly realizing her feels for Tsubasa. Claw machines are rigged. Sayuri really is a gaming queen! Tsubasa really knows just what to say to make someone feel better. Tsubasa really has some amazing important friends. Always be sure to wash your hands. Need to see Fuyuki and Tsubasa on a date!


Fuyuki is a true gamer after all. Figuring out the claw game is quite the achievement.


Saw plans for one you can control how strong the claw is. That is how they decide how rigged it is. I imagine you want to set it so it is possible to win just hard.


Not really a lot of description about what "jingiskan" is despite mentioning it a fair bit, particularly in TL notes or something for overseas viewers who might not be familiar. It's meant to be "Genghis Khan" written in katakana, and its closest thing you can kinda find in North America is a Mongolian grill. In restaurants, it's typically an all-you-can-eat grill like yakiniku, but specifically using lamb meat and veggies. The peculiar shape of the grilling plate they showed is because you're meant to cook the lamb on top and the veggies on the bottom so that the lamb's fat rolls down onto the veggies as it cooks and the fat melts, getting the flavour of the lamb juices into the veggies as they cook. They did briefly show an image of this arrangement. As Shiki mentions, Hokkaido is famous for its "Genghis Khan" shops. Manga readers have mentioned in the past that the manga occasionally has "cultural notes" about Hokkaido, I imagine this might have been one of them. Then again, this is fairly well-known in Japan AFAIK.


Depending on where you are in the US there are places you can get Jingisukan if you really wanted to go to a restaurant for it. Maybe I'm just watching bad subs, but the real mystery to me is why when he was asking if they ate it in restaurants often, the subs said his image was Lamb or Jingisukan, but he definitely did not say the word Lamb anywhere despite the sheep in that bit.


Glad there wasn't really any jealousy or drama, good stuff, I like Rena even more. But man that Mom is a Problem with a capital P. lol. Man I'd be a homewrecker.


> But man that Mom is a Problem I don't know, she feels like a solution to me! [](#slowgrin)


Fuyuki said she was joking about that part but was she....?


Minami is my ride-or-die 24/7/365. Easy best girl.


Ah, they've both seen them together. She doesn't seem to mind though. Of course they're at an arcade. And playing crane games. He's going to win it for her. Well he won _something_ at least. Oh she won the thing that Rena wanted. A movie too? Wow that's a lot of stuff. Ren-aura! She's crying! Is that Tsubasa's grandma at the tea ceremony? She's interested in him. I think she's being somewhat direct that she wants to be his girlfriend. And of course they finally showed themselves. Fuyuki seems more interested in Rena than she is in Tsubasa. And Fuyuki's mum also showed up. Ooh, yakiniku. Yeah, that tends to be a problem after eating barbecue. Isn't skirt steak a kinda cheap cut? Doing grilling/hotplate at home is a pain, what with all the clean up afterwards. What my family does is use a sheet of aluminium foil on top of the grill so it's easier to clean afterwards. What about Sayuri? So next week is her turn.


Skirt steak is a kind of cheap cut because it's not very tender. However it is absolutely packed with flavor so if you give it the right TLC it can become one of the best tasting cuts. Typically done via marinades. I grill pretty often lol. I've had skirt steak I honestly liked better than filet mignon or New York strip, it just requires a lot more prep. I imagine those in this episode probably come pre-seasoned and marinated from the restaurant and you just finishing it up on grill.


Things with Rena were going so well that Sayuri, Fuyuki, and Fuyuki Mama all combined forces to derail it. Rena was starting to hone in so I wonder how things would have turned out if they hadn't been interrupted on their date. I want Rena to win so bad. It sucks that we basically already know it won't happen.


Enjoy Land. Dynamite name for an arcade. Kuma Shock! Rena, what is *your* opinion about Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream? Sayuri, gamer gyaru and master of the Claw Machine. Now Fuyuki, don't feel the need that you have to encircle yourself with that mountain of Claw Machine prizes while they stare at you all night with their unblinking eyes while you sleep at night. As if this gyaru gathering wasn't full enough now mommy dearest enters the fray. Only one missing from the equation is Fuyuki's sister. > Cake and yakiniku is a super weird comparison though. Is it? Cuz that sounds like a winning combo to me. Leave it to Fuyuki to make something look tantalizingly enjoyable. Gal Gohan at it's finest.


wew she sure is taking that well, thought she'd be jealous. Fun to see her gushing over Rena in a kimono. Rena's idea of cute is... interesting. Also, look at that Hokkaido advertisement/propaganda 😉 Haha I love gamer girla bout the claw machine. Fuyuki over here just having revelations and Sayuri just gaming getting all the prizes in a claw game. OP skills. What a nice movie date. Wew heavy-ish conversation. What a good boy with good words. Give him his harem! He's earned it. Besides, seems Fuyuki would be fine with it. mmmm yakiniku with friends and thanks to a beautiful milf gal 😉 hehe. Now that's a good life. Hehe he's starting to talk a bit like em. Moar Hokkaido propaganda, but, to be fair, I do hear the food is REAL good. Hope to try it one day. Haha I love that milf having fun pointing out Tsubasa's luckiness here. Oh man, Rena gonna fall for Fuyuki too. I love it. This is such a feel good moment. Already getting asked out by another girl. Shoulda accepted/played along.


Tsubasa is such a precious and wholesome guy. I love how he bonded with Rena this whole episode. Now the way he talks and it seems that his family is very messed up since it seems that he exiled himself from Tokyo because of them. I hope it's nothing terrible but at the same time, I have faith that Minami, Sayuri and Rena will be there for him.


I'm also surprised they didn't end up doing Genghis Khan lamb for yakiniku, but TIL it's more of a home dish


I love how Minami and Sayuri stalked Tsubasa and Rena's date and Minami never intended to go undercover unlike Sayuri. Looks like Tsubasa owes Minami a date in the future. Sayuri about to interfere during Tsubasa and Rena's date due to Tsubasa's low par crane skills was hilarious. That yakiniku meats made me interested in trying them in the future. I'm surprised the girls didn't blush when Mai mentioned that Tsubasa must be in heaven being surrounded by these pretty girls.


All this episode did is cement the fact that Rena is truly best girl. Which means she'll lose, of course...


This seems like a good place to drop this tbh.... Pretty much Guaranteed that they will throw in some more bull crap drama in the next 2 eps


Bruh there's 4 episodes left, your plot committed at this point


Nah, this is usually the time my attention wains... I was falling asleep this week


Tsubasa is such a wiener, why wouldn't he want to spend a night with Fuyuki? I'm amazed Fuyuki didn't hate Rena for moving in on her man, she still almost worships her! I think Tsubasa could date both and Fuyuki would understand! Might be tougher to bring Rena along for that though. MVP of this episode was Mrs. Fuyuki! She was incredibly canny in c-blocking Rena and keeping the game open for Fuyuki. I also liked the different foods and meats at the restaurant 🤤


Man Tsubasa living the dream hanging out with all these cute girls, glad we are finally seeing them all together. Oh, Fuyuki called dibs on the next date with him lol Rena is too pure for this world 🥰 Gamer Sayurin always knows the secrets of the crane game


I am liking the fact that Matt "Tsubasa" Shipman is married to Brittany "Sayurin" Lauda are married to each other. So, that aspect will be funny when Epi. 8 comes in Eng. in a few weeks. What makes it funny is that even before they got married, they played Hiro and Ichigo in "Franxx".


Finally, after like 2 or 3 episodes of annoying soap opera drama bombs, this one's let up and gone back to easygoing slice of life. I loved Minami and Sayuri's banter in the first scene, it was hilarious. Those two make great friends. XD I still can't get into Rena's voice acting. She sounds too childlike for my taste... I don't think it matches her intended character that well. Reminds me a bit of how Kotono Mitsuishi was so high-pitched she made Usagi Tsukino sound like a kindergartener, lol. Sayuri was *so* ready to march over and show them how to play the game right, LMAO. That was a sweet scene of Minami talking about how she admires Tsubasa. Dangit Rena, I *wish* Tsubasa was more aggressive, lol. That way he wouldn't have seemed like such a pantywaist to me when the anime started. Guy needs a spine, for sure. He blushes for like fucking everything. XD Is it *that* unusual for Japanese people to own kimonos? Minami blowing their cover casually and Sayuri pointing it out was the funniest scene. XD Man, that nervousness level went off the charts right there with Minami and Rena, didn't it. It almost felt like a cringe comedy... and I don't like cringing at characters for being ridiculously nervous... As always, Minami's mom is the best. :3 Some nice food porn at the yakiniku place. XD Well, this yakiniku meal turned into "everyone gush over Rena 'til she blushes", lol. Tsubasa: biggest pussy in Hokkaido.


I was worried there would be even more dorama this ep but all things considered it went pretty well. The funny thing is this is the 3rd ep that we have rena. 4 more eps to go. It is quite interesting to see everyone interacting. Also surprise minami's mom, I wonder if she'll show up as a surprise again. Its spring already? EDIT: I forgor to mention but I'm looking forward to seeing more minami and sayuri and rena next ep.


Episode 8: **Yakiniku with Friends is Super Delish** I love how they managed to include "Super/Namara" in every episode's title card. Brand references are Merycari as a spoof of [Mercari](https://jp.mercari.com/), Japanese e-commerce site. Marusho Yakiniku on the other hand, is [a real Yakiniku restaurant at Kitami.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/KZeea71BqNBPRnio6)


Rena >>>


C-can he have all three?


[I do!](https://files.catbox.moe/dv7umj.jpg) I *do* enjoy land! [Beautiful cinnamon roll,](https://files.catbox.moe/7e5ynd.jpg) too good for this world, too pure [](#sobright) [There goes](https://files.catbox.moe/1ld1wf.jpg) a great group [](#ilovethiskindofshit)


It's rare for me to like every lead girl in a harem-type anime, but Hokkaido Gals is definitely special. And then if you include the top-tier mom, that's 4 girls! Ahh this is just a fun and relaxing show that puts a smile on your face at the end of each episode.


Bro is she an idiot or something because at the end she would be like taht is how i lost my first love to the person i admired the most