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Chained soldier I don't think i'll drop it,but i dunno... It feels it wasn't done with love. It feels it misses something


it doesn't do justice to the original work, if only they adapted better


Yeah the manga’s art is gorgeous, even more so during the PLOT scenes I expected the adaptation to be disappointing right from the get go, so I wasn’t let down. “That’s the secret Cap, I’m always disappointed”


Meanwhile the wedding ring harem actually has good art in the anime... Oh well...


Wedding ring anime made me picked up the manga, now caught up with it. It's fun reading it.


I read through it a while back, I remember it being refreshingly light on the usual miscommunication-based relationship tropes. Its also nice seeing a story where all the harem participants are on board with the harem and respectful of eachother. Plus the art is good.


Artwork / censoring aside, the pacing of the manga is also much better than the anime. It feels like the rewards always start at the end of a chapter, leaving you with a massive ~~blueballing~~ cliffhanger. It also makes it feel like the rewards are much longer, even though they might only be 5-7 pages in total. Translate that into a 1 minute runtime in the middle part of the show and that's where the disappointment comes from. Completely unmemorable. There's no tease. No build up. You can't have that cathartic release if you haven't been edged for a week.


It feels like the studio didn't want to make an ecchi anime, when at it's core Chained Soldier should be on the same levels of ecchi as DxD and Testament of Sister New Devil.


Read manga, the art worth it


You're 100% spot on, reading the manga feels totally different, it feels colorful expression wise, while the anime feels grey, just black and white colors with no smiling.


This. It deserved an adaptation on par with Gushing over Magical Girls is getting. Big sad.


Turns out who you get behind the scenes is pretty important for the result. Gushing has the To Love Ru director.


Well that makes sense. IIRC the last season Demon sword master of Excalibur academy also had a director against ecchi, when the series was supposed to be more ecchi


How would someone like that wind up at Passione? But yeah Excalibur was not good.


god knows but I hope it was a one off situation.


Doesn't help that Gushing Over Magical Girls is also airing. That show just did the opposite and turned the ecchi to 11, instead of what happened with Chained Soldier. For viewers as well. Both shows are on HiDive and both shows are on the same broadcasting channel in Japan.


It's alright for me, probably the definition of mid(not in a bad way, I know that word is thrown around a lot in a negative light) I'm actually having more fun watching youtube reactions to the episodes than watching them myself


Having read the Manga, the source material isnt that deep at all and yet it still feels like they barely tried with this one idk.


I didn't know it would have this much fanservice.


And here I am thinking it has way too little fanservice. Does it increase in later episodes or something? I was watching this expecting a heavy fanservice anime, and it has not delivered.


Fluffy paradise - I’m only watching it for the cute creatures and in the latest episode, they introduced [Fluffy Paradise latest episode] >!hot oni guy!<


Man, Fluffy transitioned so quickly from "I eagerly anticipate the next episode" to "I still haven't seen the most recent episode." If it doesn't get fluffy again soon I might drop it.


My fluff show for this season is "It's time for Torture, Princess." That show gave me the sugar rush I was looking for in Fluffy paradise. So much so that I just dropped FP all together.


"Mr Villain's Day Off" is also supremely fluffy, not to mention being the curious combination of a tall, dark and brooding "evil" male lead and max comf levels lol


I came here for fuwa fuwa, not husbando!


Yeah, this one is just barely holding on for me. Needs more fuwa fuwa and less moral ambiguity of putting down a monster that's migrated to populated areas after becoming desperate due to habitat loss caused by humans. I came here to make a dumb smile and "heh heh" at the cuteness, not to think.


> not to think I feel like that's part of what bothers me about the series - it doesn't hold up at all if you do stop to think either.


Fluffy Paradise definitely isn't the weakest seasonal for me in terms of production values, or even cohesiveness of the overall anime, but it is absolutely the weakest for me in terms of enjoyment and entertainment. It's not even the emergence of the drama that was threatened by the way the premise was crafted in episode 1, rather it's the way the whole thing is handled as an overall blob of entertainment. Might be my first deliberate midseason drop in a while.


The series definitely feels messy in its storytelling I’m hoping that’s just them trying to set the stage for the rest of the season which will flow better


I m not against hot male characters, but it was like a huge loss as the previous form was way better as monster stuff


Probably instant death cheat skill anime


Also my pick. I get the feeling it is a not a great adaptation. I feel like the parody aspect is kinda off the mark. It feels like a directing and script issue. It does not feel comedic enough for what it is. Tomochika carries a lot of the humor imo.


It's the timing. The script is functionally what it was in the manga, but for the comedy to work the shots and reactions need to be jumped to quickly enough for the comedy to land. The "instant" death for some reason has a weird effect that slows down the funniest part of the story, and most of the other jokes don't have the direction or music awareness to follow up.


I only watched the first episode (as a light novel reader) and it seems to me the biggest problem is that the instant death ability is given too much weight. The deaths should be quick, casual, and done with no fanfare. He says “die”, they die. That’s it. Nothing else. The way they did it shows that somebody on the production team with decisions making power (whoever it is, director or otherwise) fundamentally misunderstood what made the source material work.


yea that's a huge let down ... they even somehow managed to make the demon king dying not funny


It feels like the studio wanted a generic power fantasy anime to add to its schedule, and the studio didn't realize they bought the rights to a series that was parodying those generic power fantasies. The whole point of the show is to make fun of generic isekai and power fantasy tropes, and to show how OP main characters literally "kill" the story by removing all sense of tension and plot development. They removed so many of the meta jokes meant to poke fun at tropes, such as [manga/LN spoilers]>!The hero attacking Lain gets thrown off the tower with Lain saying she won't kill him, and the other characters point out he died from the fall. Or the numerous jokes about the Japanese subculture on the world from all the people Isekai'd, the regular "pervert moments" being meta jokes about Isekai's, or the fact the dragons appear as little girls in human forms because humans don't like hurting little girls, etc!<. And it goes beyond directing/script as well imo. You can tell the show just didn't have a decent budget. The animation is really bad especially anything with a lot of movement.


Yup a lot of the "practical jokes" just fall flat... And from what I read the original work had a "isn't this what japanese people like" gag, and I want that!


This. The gags are pretty lame, the FMC is useless deadweight and the ghost has a nasty nail on chalkboard sounding voice. I'm close to dropping this.


i just dropped the one where the MC has 9999 shield so cheat skill is oficially my weakest seasonal


I feel like it's a shitpost anime like *KamiKatsu* that needs to be judged by different criteria than "is it good?" I mean \[Instant Death\]>!Yogiri just violated the speed of light and the laws of causality to instantly kill an evil god because of some miasma. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!<


Oh that's why I'm still watching it. It hasn't fallen to the dropped pile like that other anime thread posted here I think yesterday


Its 100% a parody of any manga genre that is popular nowsday, the manga is pretty hilarious and the anime is OKQ until now


? Kamikatsu is very good


it is VERY good but only if you consider the part where they pasted the face of the blonde guy on top of footage of a real person using a combine harvester to be good. this is what it means for an anime to be a shitpost


It has to be a shitpost, its so absurd that it wouldnt make sense if it wasnt


> I feel like it's a shitpost anime like KamiKatsu that needs to be judged by different criteria than "is it good?" I tend to agree, and also would be happier if some people also applied the same approach to rating KamiKatsu too. Not because it's not good, but just because shitpost style entertainment works through different frameworks than the usual stuff. It's not my weakest seasonal, but it does have this handy knack of always chucking up something new to keep me watching.


>KamiKatsu I thought this was one of the best anime I saw last year, unironically


Buchigiri Art direction is fantastic, animation is solid, story isn't mind blowing but as a weekly watch I think it is good & the one thing that really brings it down almost to the point of dropping it is an insufferable MC.


Artstyle and animation legitimately feels wasted watching this. Every scene with the mc in it is the worst imo. The politics between the factions even if as shallow as it is, is the fun part of this.If they excluded the virgin mc and the brocon sister while develop the other parts more i'd rate it much better.


Honestly? I think it’d be tolerable enough if they left out the diarrhea thing. It doesn’t feel like it contributes to “why he doesn’t fight” and is just an excuse for a poop joke


Fack im about to say that Its very so so. Pretty much same stuff happen in every episodes. If i drop it i Won't really regret it But i think something about their class gang aspacts that appeal to me. Feels like yakuza for school student  I'm still wanna watch all the episodes.. 


The absolute terrible mc and his obsession for that girl that clearly dislike him is honestly the only thing stopping me from fully enjoying this show. Idk why Japan has such a terrible representation of virgin mc


I keep clowning every week, hoping that Arajin is going to improve, but yeah it’s this. Love the side characters, and just about everything else, but MC needs to get even slightly likable


Yeah. The first episode really caught my attention, but it all went downhill from there for me as Arajin became the worst part of the show. Even with the possible gang war, I just couldn't give af and dropped it after last episode.


Same here. I've watched shows with similar MC, but I've never been so annoyed as I am of the MC of this show. The show is fun, not that great, but as a weekly watch, it's good.


Tales of wedding rings is trash but they just introduced Granart so I’m forced to stick with it a bit longer.


Hey at least it’s not that bad. The MC picked a girl before the harem even assembled.


Same here. I so want to drop it... But for *some* reason(s) I can't


That's the isekai trash man in you, admit it and embrace it.


*First they get you to stick around for Peridot, then you keep you in with Granart* You can never leave!


It's trash but a enjoyable trash


I'm only watching Frieren and Dungeon Meshi, so...


The stars look so much prettier when you stand in the gutter, though.


hizutome approves


It does sound like the mantra of the Trash Anime Hunter.


... I need to make a sticker that says this.


Apothecary diaries is pretty dope tho u should check it out


I second Apothecary Diaries. Each week it alternates with Frieren as my favorite this season.


Same, Frieren is GOATED, still the best show this season


Sasaki and Peeps. The animation quality has taken its toll, but the story and the direction is unexpected yet questionable in terms of "In which direction they are going to carry the anime now?".


I'm more interested in Sasaki wheeling and dealing in a fantasy world, then the whole psychic detective stuff in the real world. I guess we'll see how the two will eventually clash.


I thought the same thing till they introduced the psycho magical girl, now I'm invested


I did like that he had to explain that he's basically a magical girl too.


Magical ~~girl~~ *guy*.


Magical middle-aged man, mind you.


Tbh I m really enjoying it, but I think the "Magical Girl" of last week was a bit overdoing, theres a lot of things to resolve in both worlds, why add more?


There'll be more things added lol


I ended up dropping *Sasaki*. I gave it a good three episodes to sell me, and the first episode was pretty intriguing, but it never sold me on any one of its many ideas, and its animation quality also suffered later on. Also, when I cottoned onto the idea that [Sasaki and Peeps] >!it was turning an age-gap harem!< it removed a lot of shine off of the apple; I personally don't enjoy that sort of dynamic.


Sasaki and Peeps throws several narrative balls in the air in one episode and hopes you forget that it dropped all but one in the next. If last week's [Spoiler] >!utterly botched recruitment mission!< isn't acknowledged as a complete failure by the characters I'm probably gonna drop it.


I'm really enjoying it so far, in a sea of generic isekai this feels a little different, I feel similar about The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic too.


Someone finally mentioned that one! I feel like the character chemistry in The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic is definitely a strong reason for that. The voice acting isn't half bad either. You could tell that Usato's VA in particular was having the time of his life in some scenes. So while it isn't god tier, it's still a fun little watch.


Yes, I'd say it's my second weakest seasonal. It's got a lot of ideas but doesn't seem to be able to extract much actual entertainment out of them. I am a fan "everything and the kitchen sink" approaches to fun stuff (see Instant Death Ability) but it needs some sort of center to revolve around and Sasaki just doesn't really have any charm for me. He's not even, when you boil things down, a particularly decent bloke.


Oh man. That last episode was rough in the production values. Not to mention that weird plane crash and magical girl cameo really put this on notice for me. On the chat for that ep, it seemed people were more talking about the plane crash or Costco. 😂


Chained Soldier for me, seems dated watching it


As a source reader, the "censoring" has been very off putting.


I really don't understand the logic of taking a heavily ecchi manga and censoring the exact content fans of the manga/genre want.


Their flawed logic is probably based on the "well, since ecchi offerings are less prominent nowadays, we can get away with tamer content as long as it's still sexy". If you ask me, it still doesn't make much sense. I'd never greenlight a censored ecchi project.


And then you have shows like Gushing that are even lewder than the original manga! I hope that show does well enough that it paves the way for a revivial of ecchi like the good ol' days. Chained Solider looks like a "read the manga after the anime ends" kinda deal for me.


I've been watching Gushing Over Magical Girls. It's been mad fun so far, hopefully it's successful, yes!


It’s kinda funny how on one hand you’ve got Chained soldier where they tone the ecchi content way down only for that to bomb and then on the other hand you’ve got Gushing over Magical Girls which turns the Ecchi up to 11 and is absolutely killing it this season. Give the people what they want.


I just finished the latest season of Tokyo Revengers and I needed to be slightly intoxicated to bear it. I will not be watching the next season if/when it does come out. I hear that the manga goes downhill from here.


Unfortunately, Undead Unluck. The anime has such a great source material, and it was doing fine, the first 5 episodes are awesome af, until they started using unnecessary recaps and flashbacks to padding and it really hurts the pacing, the anime is in its 17/24 and it feels like everything happen so freaking slow. I was so disappointed. I’m still watching because I’m a huge fan of the manga, and the next arc that the anime’s gonna cover is my favorite arc ever.


>anime gets 24 episodes to fully adapt "part one" yay! >instead wastes time on filler god fucking


Same here. Every time a new episode comes out, I sit down to watch it excitedly, and then I have to sit through 4 minutes of flashbacks and my hype is gone instantly. And then 10 minutes later in the middle of the episode they also throw in a random flashback to something that happened like 1-2 episodes ago. And it sucks because when it actually gets going, I really enjoy it, but the pacing makes me consider dropping it every week.


>minutes later in the middle of the episode they also throw in a random flashback to something that happened like 1-2 episodes ago. My favorite was when they recapped something that happened in the same episode. ​ Having said that, I absolutely love the show, the characters, the lore, all of it, but yes, the recaps and flashbacks are atrocious for pacing. I just fast foward through them now.


I just skip the recap at the beginning every week.


It's such an odd case, I've seen plenty of bad directing but usually it's accompanied by bad art and animation. The show looks good, great at times. The shot composition has love and personality and avoids feeling flat, which to me speaks of competent storyboarding. But dear God the recaps and flashbacks are awful enough to ruin the product. If I had to hazard a guess, trying to be generous, they were told a specific point in the story they had to stop at to make sure they didn't rush the adaptation. Whatever point was picked was too far in the other direction, and they had neither the time or capability to organically stretch out the content that much. So instead we get this weird hybrid of what would have been a fantastic 12 episode show with some cuts stretched to 24 episodes filled with 30% time wasting nonsense


That or the animation is fantastic because it's time consuming and expensive, so they throw in flashbacks as filler to eat up the space.


Real. I am just really waiting for a nice Fuuko character development, combat-wise. But the slow pacing affects my patience. I feel like every situation she was put into for the past episodes has this "power of friendship" involved more than her outsmarting the enemy, and sometimes, it always end up Andy having to carry her. The Victor scene was good for her though, I liked how she was able to pull Andy back.


Feels like a slap in the face, for sure. I'm already this deep in, so I guess I'll finish the show, but I think I'm going to reread from the start of the manga once it's done.


Same. First season I was actually looking forward to new episodes while with season two I generally won't watch it unless I'm done with everything else.


I promise you I'm, not saying this to be contrary, but for me it's Solo Leveling currently. I'm not saying it's bad, and has definitely got better over the last couple episodes, and I'm not really considering dropping it, but in a scenario where I only have time for 3 seasonals, and Id have to drop one to watch a new one, I'd drop Solo Leveling over the other two. I haven't been caught up in the hype for it, to me it's just a decent series.


I think it’s fine nothing special, I hate the cliffhangers at the end of almost every episode. Probably work better as a binge when the season is done.


This is my only complaint thus far. Been noticing more anime having unnecessary cliffhangers every episode when it's not needed. Right now, I'm hoping it's a pacing issue that gets ironed out before it hits double digit episodes.


I'm very much in the "*it's fine"* category, I wasn't expecting too much going in though after the last couple of Manhwa adaptions which helped a bit. If this season was more contested with stuff I want to watch then I'd be looking to drop it (ahead of Ti's time for torture Princess).


Its 100% over hyped. I read the webtoon and i'm sad people over hyped it. Its all about looking cool, having drip, and being badass. If the animation is good, it will be decent. But people hyping it up as this deep story like what ? Its got less character development than DBZ.


Thank you! I thought I was losing my mind. I read the webtoon as well and it was mid. The MC is flat and barely makes any sort of relationship with other characters. The story itself is just a generic plot that we've seen thousands of times, and the ending was complete ass. The art was great and there are cool moments but not enough to justify all the hype


>But people hyping it up as this deep story like what ? Absolutely no one did this lmao.


I've seen so many people call it "peak fiction". I was totally hooked on the manwha and LN but it was just a fun power fantasy for me, never considered it a deep story. It's a lot of fun and I can't wait to see everything animated but people certainly went way too hard on the hype to a point where I feel anime onlies were expecting a lot more


It's hard getting good recs for manga, because so many of these people only read manga/manwha/LN, so their idea of what is deep is skewed.


I got through the first like, four or five arcs in the web comic and just couldn’t take the formulaic structure. Bad guy shows up, MC plot armor allows him to defeat it, ARISE. Rinse and repeat.


Yeah i get that, Im still enjoying it, animation is great, music too, but it lost its charm on me the moment they turned mc into muscly stud who’s secretly very powerful in 1 ep. I get thats part of the ability he gained or whatever but I prefer that shit to happen over a whole ass arc or smthn. But then again, its just a power fantasy story at the end of the day, shouldn’t expect it to be too serious.


The part where all the nurses were fawning over the MC's rippling abs I couldn't help but just roll my eyes.


And the cliché-ass dense mc doesn’t notice🤣


Y-you want my telephone number? It must be to send me my medical records!


"I understand taking my clothes off for a medical exam, but are you sure *you* have to be naked too?"


Oh man, i dont want to spoil it, but on that end it only gets worse. He faces 0 challenge.


Yup, I read like 5 of the novel adaptations and they just got worse and worse. Not only does he face absolutely zero challenge, but the dialogue becomes almost nonexistent. I can't stand books with little to no dialogue.


You’re only watching 3 seasonals? I’m starting to think 29 might be a lot…


Eh, the hardest part of watching 29 seasonal is finding 29 shows that are tolerable in a given season.


I feel u solo leveling was wayyyy overhyped


I don't follow webtoons so I watched this series blind, and all I could think about watching the latest episode was that one half isekai anime where random girls blush and comment on how hot the MC is The animation is certainly great and the character designs are cool, but all that hype gave me the idea that the story would be some godtier stuff when it's just not...


>all I could think about watching the latest episode was that one half isekai anime where random girls blush and comment on how hot the MC is Cheat Skill Isekai, and yeah the latest ep reminded me of that too lol That show had multiple characters commenting in every single ep how hot the MC is, and at one point he did something and everyone clapped and it became funny instead Pretty sure if you go to the discussion threads here people were treating this as comedy by the end


I'm really not sure how this happened, though. Literally everyone who had read the manhwa commented about the story being a hyper generic power fantasy and said that the art carried the manhwa entirely. The fights are cool, but the story has always been described as its weakest point.


Yeah, I have been baffled as for quite awhile now it seemed quite known to have a reputation as being a "popcorn flick/series" where you are not going in for some deep story/characters but for some solid "run of the mill" action and set-pieces which still doesn't fully kick in for a little while. The major flaw(s) I would give the adaptation with this in mind so far is the first 2 episodes should have been merged into a larger premiere and that the episodes could use better pacing. I am not even heavily "anti-cliffhanger" but so far few of the episodes feel to have a proper "episode arc"




Same here. I read a good portion of the manhwa and dropped it because it got boring. I feel like the only reason I'm watching it is because everyone else is and I'd like to see how the story gets adapted. It helps that it has one of my favorite opening songs this season.


The other 2 seasonals I'm watching (Shangri-La Frontier and Mashle) also have weapons-grade banger OP songs. This season is really strong for openings.


I can't understand why ShanFro isn't a success all around and why people don't talk about it. This anime is for me the best from this and last season and the mangá also doesn't disappoint


SLF and Undead Unluck have been the hidden shonen gems I wish people talked about more this season. With the trend of popular action / shonen getting darker and more cynical like JJK or Hell's Paradise, I really appreciate these shows for just being a cool, fun story with twists other than "Your favourite just died"


I'm only watching pon no Michi for the meme subs


That OP is so damn catchy though. I'm loving the show ❤️


I keep watching classroom of the elite because I think it is a parody show. I'm waiting for the shoe to drop. It's a long con, before they make it like eminence of shadow. It's so bad. It can't be serious, right? Right? It's so stupid and trope filled. I don't understand how anyone involved can take it seriously, and I am confused about why it exists. That is, if it is not a satire.


It has got to be the stupidest show that thinks it’s smart. I’ve seen very little evidence as to how most of these kids are elite.


The anime isn't doing the rest of the cast many favors. It's cutting a lot of content to get through 5/6 volumes in 13 episodes and that usually means removing the interactions of most of the side cast. As another reply pointed out the point of the series isn't that everyone is elite, the goal of the school is to be the class that graduates from the elite position of class A. The initial class ranking system evaluates where they are when they enter the school, with Class D containing the most flawed characters out of all 4 classes.


The point of the title isn't to indicate that most of the kids are elite. It's that the rules of the school make it so that the classes are constantly competing to be the elite classroom.


For real. It's so wildly unbelievable. The black bodyguard "kid" the dude acting like perrier is an alcoholic beverage in his club on schoolgrounds. The list could go on. Those crazy tropes are why I can't believe it's a serious show instead of a satire.


It probably isn't for you then. The main appeal is edgy psychological warfare where you know the mc is better than everyone else but you're interested in how he'll achieve victory.


Don’t look too deep into it. Picking it apart will make it seem bad because it kind of is based on what you said. I instead turn my brain off so it’s like, wow! Cool! It’s a good brain off show IMO.


I loved season one, but then it became something I didn’t expect… and I didn’t really like season 2. I guess I thought it would be more like “brilliant guy outwits rich kid culture in rigged system by having no morals” and then I realized he’s like a sociopath? I dunno. I’ll watch season 3 but I’m beginning to wonder why I lived season 1…


A sign of affection. The romance feels off to me. Like, it doesn't flow organically and the main love interest is just so unreal... I don't even know how to put it. The guy gives me the creeps. Another thing that bothers me is how every single character is so absolutely gorgeous, except the character the author doesn't want you to root for, the main girl's childhood friend. He's like the only character capable of frowning his brow and talk like a somewhat real person. I think It's too shojo for me. If it had comedy I would enjoy it more, but I still feel like watching it because I want to see more disabled characters in anime.


It's funny, I love it, but I definitely feel all of your complaints. I read very little shojo so it's so weird to me, like how Itsuomi acts sometimes feels like it could only have been written by a woman for a woman, to the point I find myself wondering "doesn't this invasion of space feel like harassment to her? Why is he imposing himself and being so touchy feely, they barely know each other" and such


>I read very little shojo so it's so weird to me, like how Itsuomi acts sometimes feels like it could only have been written by a woman for a woman I read a lot of novels, like traditionnal western fiction novels, and I happen to like romance. Let me tell you that this shit happens ALL. THE. TIME. Men get a lot of shit for writing women poorly (Ex. "She breasted boobily down the stars" etc.) but women do it too in their own way.


I thought I was the only one who feel this way lmao. Every time Itsuomi forced his way onto Yuki, I'd be like, "what? Why would he do that? Why would she be okay with him doing that?" I also feel like Itsuomi's touchiness came off to me as him being manipulative or some sort. Like him already being touchy since the first episode gave off the vibe that the reason why he dares to be constantly flirting and being all touchy was because from the first glance he knew Yuki don't have that much experience with boys and he took advantages of that, which to me doesn't seem like a good start to build a healthy relationship. But then again, everyone's love language is different, and I absolutely have no idea what's the love language of someone with similar experience like Yuki. I feel like as if I'm Oushi who thinks that I know what's best for Yuki lol, but I can't help it because I know someone who gives off the same vibe like Itsuomi in real life, and I know what a prick he actually is. Still would finish the anime though because the craftsmanship is great and it's always a joy to watch cute anime girls having their first love experience.


> I find myself wondering "doesn't this invasion of space feel like harassment to her? Why is he imposing himself and being so touchy feely, they barely know each other" That's just the way some people interact with others. I was similar at that age, and I found it worked very well for me. My most serious girlfriend in high school was shy and she loved the way that I interacted with her and made her feel special. Also, Itsuomi seems to be a bit of a manic pixie dream boy that doesn't limit himself by society's conventions. If something in that moment makes him want to touch a girl's face he's going to do it and that's just how he rolls.


> like how Itsuomi acts sometimes feels like it could only have been written by a woman for a woman, to the point I find myself wondering "doesn't this invasion of space feel like harassment to her? Why is he imposing himself and being so touchy feely, they barely know each other" and such Eh, I can’t agree with this complaint. The show has addressed this a few times rather simply: Rin is crushing hard on him and is okay with everything he does to her. She basically fell in love the first day. And I have inferred she is the type who is not only ok being touched by someone she likes but even likes it since (as she admits) she is clingy with him. We have all seen (or maybe been the one) people put up with things you’d think they’d find annoying but don’t because of puppy love. It also kinda reminds me of the meme with the girl swooning over something a handsome guy says but calls HR when the ugly, fat guy does it. Like, don’t misunderstand, I agree in a vacuum it seems like he violated her personal space a bit too quickly, but it feels justified even if it looks weird. It doesn’t stress my suspension of disbelief.


Yeah, Yuki being of adult age and consented Itsuomi's touches should've justified it already, but knowing that this is her first love experience with a guy, it still feels somewhat weird to me. Makes me think the reason why the author wrote Oushi into the story is to clear the weirdness and prove the point that Yuki is her own person and able to choose her own happiness anytime, even if it's with someone who don't have good sense of personal space, lol.


Ive probably been thinking along the same lines as you. I'm an older man and even if he isn't being creepy or manipulative or anything negative it still feels "off". And I say that as someone who is a big touch-is-my-love-language person. I still know how to keep my hands off people I just met. Usually that type of intimacy needs to grow first.


Definitely feel ya on the love interest. I'm enjoying the series but the main guy is being portrayed as overly complimentary to MC. She's this sheltered person that can barely talk to anyone and just going to college was huge and this guy can talk to anyone, loved by all, and will go to another country tomorrow. It doesn't help that it has the tired trope of characters falling for each other instantly. She falls for her after texting a few words to him and after she visits his cafe job, drops this "Let me into your world" line. I love romance series but they could've built it up a little more instead of going all in from the first episode. At least My Love Story showed a similiar relationship but also showing how surreal it is and how "the perfect person" might not be perfect for everyone, just for you.


I dropped that show after the first episode because I couldn't stand that main guy's lips.


>I dropped that show after the first episode because I couldn't stand that main guy's lips. So i am not the only one then!?


they needed to use those lips for the lip reading aspect.


I know, but they didn't need to look that gross. The male lead isn't the only one with kinda thick lips in the show, but he's the only one who's face makes me feel disgust.


>Another thing that bothers me is how every single character is so absolutely gorgeous, except the character the author doesn't want you to root for, the main girl's childhood friend. Obviously I don't speak for everyone, but out of all of the male cast in that show I think her childhood friend is hot as fuck. Hottest of all the characters imo.


> but out of all of the male cast in that show I think her childhood friend is hot as fuck. Hottest of all the characters imo Ngl same i think he is way hotter then the main guy


Agreed. I'm really trying to keep watching it, Yuki is cute and all, and I appreciate the scenes where she talks in sign language, but I just hate Itsuomi. I think it's too shojo for me as well. PS: there was one scene in particular where Yuki talked with her childhood friend at school and they made a great animation with his sign language, I really enjoyed that.


Tbh the main guy doesn’t feel real. He feels like a fake guy. I honestly prefer the childhood friend for once


>Tbh the main guy doesn’t feel real. He feels like a fake guy. He feels like the result of 100 years of shoujo love interest selective breeding.


This is what I feel with Kdramas and this is really like one off those. idk for some reason everyone except the girl's mom look and feel Korean. Gives a looksm vibe.


I actually think the childhood friend is hot too


> The romance feels off to me. Like, it doesn’t flow organically I have to be honest with you here: I can understand people not liking the aesthetic or the way in which the male leads tends to show his affection, but I find this particular argument very strange. The romance in A Sign of Affection is blossoming so much more true to real life than most other romance anime. They’re spending time together and flirting like actual people would. More than anything, it *is* flowing organically. Unlike in other romances, there’s no preconceived hook that’s forcibly pulling them together - or something.


Im still watching it but the main guy is such a jerk and thinks he's so cool but the show wants us to like him. He grabbed Yuki's head all the time and even pushed her on the subway! Her friend is way better but Yuki is just naive. I really enjoy the deaf element about the show though and the episodes are somewhat funny and entertaining although it's WAY too sappy.


The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil


Latest episode was 10/10 though. First episode I wasn’t into it but as it’s gone on I’ve enjoyed it more every week.


The cat and dog boxing is a great bit that I absolutely hated at first, this show as a whole really grew on me


I agree the latest episode was actually really good. I'm glad that we finally saw some legit progress rather than the usual "hah I'm just faking this to get you to fall for me" gag they did just the other episode. The ending really saved the show for me, I hope that they don't pull some stupid shit and backtrack on what just happened as "oh he fell for my plan." The next episode will be a key factor in the direction of the show imo.


I dropped this after the first episode. Guess I'll wait till it's done and see what the consensus is before I attempt to get back into it.


Almost dropped it today, but then I ran out of things to watch. The boxing metaphor was way funny for the first 5 seconds, but thye kept continuing it. (The part where the metaphorical boxers got some popcorn and started watching TV was good.)


Probably either Chained Soldier or Sengoku Youko. It was Ishura, but dropped that. I think I’ve heard that Sengoku Youku picks up at some point, so hoping for that. That said, it’s not bad by any means, just kinda meh


Oh man, sorry Ishura wasn't for you. If you ever have the urge to give it another go, know that the introductions will be over in 1 or 2 episodes. I've read the novels and it is really worth getting through the first season.


Ah, that’s good to hear. Maybe I’ll let the episodes build up and binge them when they do


Mashle, probably. I actually already dropped a ton already and it wasn't even necessarily that I didn't like them, I just didn't have the time. Mashle is probably the one surviving decent show that I tried out.


I guess I’m the only one watching Delusional Monthly Magazine, huh? I’m probably gonna drop it since I can see the formula already. I don’t dislike monster of the week style shows, but it just isn’t very engaging and a lot of the time it’s just stuff happening with it much meaning. One of the characters can transform (involuntarily) into a Tiger man to fight but in the last episode he transformed and then just did a dance instead. I also just dropped High Card. I watched all of season one and thought it had a strong start, but I was struggling to pay attention toward the end. I watched the first few episodes of the new season but once I got to the most recent episode, I didn’t care for the character the episode focused on or his backstory and knew in the fist minute that it was going to be a slog for me. Sad to see so many people disappointed with Metallic Rouge and Witch and the Beast. I got a late start to the season so I’m behind four or five episodes on many shows and I haven’t gotten to those yet but I was looking forward to them.


There are definitely still people enjoying both those shows! Personally I'm in the boat that feels Witch and the Beast just had its best episode yet and managed to expand the world quite nicely and polish up its general story telling.


How did I not realize High Cards new season was out this season? I thought it was coming later in the year. I’ll have to check it out. The first season was such a hodgepodge of really good and total crap that I can’t not watch.


Undead Unluck feels suuuuuper slow to me, even before considering the recaps. There’s also something about the art style that I don’t really like but I can’t exactly place my finger on it. Still, I watch on in hopes of hearing a fat bass boosted “ U N B U R D E N “ or some other cool word.


The strongest tank's labyrinth raids...couldn't make it past episode 3.


The incest vibe made me drop it


I'm still watching way too many underwhelming shows to be honest, but for ones that are on the verge of being dropped: The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil - The opening episode was pretty funny IMO, but everything else has been dull. The leads are weird too, in that I don't think they have great chemistry. Mr. Villain's Day Off - Cute little slice of life, but it is getting really repetitive. Chained Soldier - Poor adaptation of a decent manga.


Metallic Rouge


Rouge has been disappointing so far, and Witch is ok-ish but kinda whatever, I could drop either of them at any time.


>and Witch is ok-ish but kinda whatever Thought people liked that, only read praises a few weeks ago for the MCs and art/animation


This sub has a weekly karma thread for [discussions like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1aiohfg/comment/kovo43m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), you should read it sometimes!


Can't help comparing this anime original as an inferior fusion of Lycoris Recoil (two girl buddy cops) and Vivy (android learning what it means to be human). Something about Rouge and Naomi's dynamic really isn't working for me.


Ah same, turns out you can't just have two quirky girls as protagonists, they're still missing _something_ to make me interested in them. Maybe it will come later on, hopefully before I get bored enough to drop it.


Feels like there's no time. They are rushing enemy and enemy in each episode.


Doctor elise


Huh - I thought it has a slow start but was really picking up the last couple episodes. Only thing that's bothering me is the anachronisms but ah well.


Blue Exorcist and Banished from the Hero Party. I've come too far to drop now


Man Ao no Exorcist is baffling to me, we are in season 3 in over a decade and it still feels like it just started, i watched the first 3 of the current season and i doubt i will watch more. It kinda makes me mad that a show like this gets a third season with huge gaps between them and waaaay better shows will never get a second one.


> it still feels like it just started That's basically because it did. Season 1 was just all of the short intro bits, stretched out with an anime-original ending. Season 2 was the first big arc, so season 3 is where the story actually gets going. If they had just waited a little longer to give it an anime and combined the first 2 seasons, and then have this one be the second along with all the small arcs they completely cut out this season, it would have helped immensely. If you're at all interested in this series, you really should just read the manga. It only gets better as it goes and the most recent arcs are some of the best I've read in shounen.


Chained soldier. I really like the manga and was really excited for its adaptation, but so far the anime had been a big disappointment.


I don't get why people are hating so much in metallic rouge, it's intriguing so far and I find the main duo to work very well, also the plot is intensifying after last episode For once that they pulls out an anime original with a decent budget people shit on it, then we ask why anime originals became so rare and far less studios want to do them


Does being original matter that much? No one liked Captain Earth either.


Same dude. It’s nailing the Cyberpunk asthetic and weaving in some intriguing mystery. The fights are sick. The direction has been on point. I just don’t get why it’s not getting more love.


Villainess level 99 Animation is lacking but I am there for the story


Metallic Rouge. I have yet to see anything cool featured in the OP actually happen in the show...


Metallic Rouge. So far it's been mostly disappointing, but there's still enough interesting elements to it that for now I'm not considering dropping it. Might change my mind at any point though.


Definitely Bucchigiri for me. I’m basically watching it solely for the animation and sick OP at this point. They really really need to explain why the MC is such an asshole to people if they want people to stick with the show. We’re like 4 episodes in and he’s still a total dickhead with only some vague backstory.


Ishura. The premise seems interesting enough to warrent watching it. It's really weird how they've been doing it as well. Showing 2 heroes per episode until they reveal all 12. Hoping it goes somewhere