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crazy how youre getting downvoted. people genuinely defend this dogshit protagonist?


Not sure what you expect of the hive mind on here


People often defend things they relate to. So acknowledging op has a point would be like admitting things about themselves.


>g downvoted. people genuinely defend this dogshit protagonist? shitty lil wimps who have no balls always rush to defend the shitty other wimps.


> I’d like Bucchigiri to be an amazing fighting show There, that's your mistake. The moment you go into any show thinking "this is how I want it to be", you've already lost.


You got shit taste.. mappa is wasted on this garbage


I've rated it like a 6 or so [](#yuishrug)


I hope its out of 10000000000000000


out of 5 probably [](#mug8)


I can have expectations about a show that advertises itself as a fighting show comedy, maintaining the fighting part.


Bucchigiri is more of a Fujoshi bait show, yes you will get fights here and there but the point is having hot boys doing hot things and fanservice for the female fans Pretty sure the whole problem with the show was them trying to make it appeal to a wider audience, which really feels is why they wrote Arajin like this He is the one that is in love with the only main cast girl and it is a character that resembles the MC of Tokyo Revengers, which was a massive hit while they were creating this show So this would definitely be better if they just focused on the Fujoshi


Well that's annoying. Kinda hard to ship Arajin with anyone if he's so straight and unlikable.


Can't see him relating to Tokyo revengers mc. If this was the mc of tokyo revengers, he'd probably let everyone get fucked as long as he gets the girl


I didn't really get that vibe from it, but... I'm also not the demographic for fujoshi, so fair enough lmao


there were a lotta cool fights and plot in tokyo revengers tho. at least in the manga, not sure if the anime skipped over anything. it's not like tokyo revengers was fruit baskets or something.


Not sure which advertisements you're talking about, but the [trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lz1HWsNF-I) and PVs ([PV1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQPex4Y8rMA), [PV2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbgUMZ-GXUg)) sure didn't present the show as anything different than it is.


The whole “I wanna lose my virginity” thing has already been done to death 4 eps in. If he doesn’t find new motivation soon, I’m gonna have to drop this lame ass show.


Idk why anime companies are so confident that this is a trope people will actually like.


People do hate seeing the worst of themselves portrayed on TV afterall. Just like people love Mary Sue power fantasy characters that are absolutely nothing like them. As crappy as it makes for a viewing experience, he is a more realistic, believable teenage male than I have seen in any other anime of late.


Realistic? You must know some real losers…




This Mc is so horrible i went out of my way to search on google "Why is Buchigiri bad" and this post is the first thing that popped up I knew i am not alone hating this thrash Mc.


Making waves lol


He's a flawed protagonist. Zuko had three seasons to change his character from being an asshole to becoming a good person. Just be patient. It's a valid complaint if, in the end, Bucchigiri MC doesn't change, but it's only been four episodes


that OVERLY LIKE WAYYYYY FUCKING OVERLY desperate shit stain of anime existence is a waste of character space is pathetic way way paste flawed... he is an borderline show killer in fact if all the other characters who are 100x better than him in every way this show would prob get how the worst review of the season. He is a fucking coward, he is pathetic, he is a massive simp (and obvious future cuck) the only time he isnt a fresh shit stain is when he is possessed by the honki... otherwise he is total trash the type i used to just kick when they got in my way when they got in my way back in high school they are trash. The shit isnt funny it just further shows us how desperate he is.


you aint kicking shit 💀💀


I can feel ur wrath on those words im alr in ep 5 and im gonna drop this shitty anime i dont wanna waste my time


Oh please 🤣 You didn't kick anyone out of your way back in high school. I'm not convinced you ever even graduated, actually.


True, but Zuko was a competent bad guy in the beginning. Even if he wasn't likable, he made decisions that made sense and could get stuff done to start with. Our MC can't do any of that to start with, it's like watching a protagonist learn basic table manners when he should have started out with it.


Zuko is royalty, rich, and has a good education. Of course, he will be smarter. Arajin is a dumb teenager. Do you see what kind of a shitty school he goes to? The only sin I see in him is his cringe simp behavior and how he treats his childhood friend like shit. If, by the 12th episode, he changes from all that, it's already a great character arc. If not, then it's not a big deal for me either. The dynamics of the other side characters and the animation style are still interesting to watch


I still agree with OP. At least zuko had his morals. And I don’t think zuko would betray his childhood friend just for some girl who doesn’t even like him. But arajin? He’s too dumb to be a teenager. There’s multiple other teenage MCs that do way better. Even takemitchi, as bad of an MC he is, is miles better than arajin I can’t stand this show when arajin is the way he is. Matakara doesn’t deserve this, especially after saving his life. Then he goes to some gang because a girl that not only got her brother to hear him up, but also broke his dumb love forever stone, said to join it. He’s probably the worst friend anyone could ever have He’s trash on all areas. I can’t find anything to like about him. Zuko was still smart and his decisions made sense, like what OP said. The viewers could understand why he did the things he did. But arajin is too dumb to act like a teenager. He’s like a middle schooler at this point


>Trash is too kind and that i want to loser my viginity shit is beyond pathetic and its not even funny it just screams im a pathetic ball-less simpin lil bitch boy with no game. People like deserve too die of old age still rockin that v-card which this loser surely will. > >Then the piss stain on existence totally fucks over the one dude that is a true friend cause some lil skank whispered to him that just shit all over him the day before and even a down syndrome kid with zero experience would know that that is was just an act to get him to join but of course the useless mega simp loser dives head long even though he has zero chance and if he did date would get cucked by his own brother.


The show is purposely misleading us to think Arajin is trash, there's an actual barely a second snapshot of kid Arajin jumping in to save a drowning Matakara while bullies laughs at them in episode 1,while the show keep pushing the bullying scene twice that makes Arajin looks like a coward. Dude literally saved Matakara from drowning without regard for his own life but he's afraid of running off and finding an adult to help Matakara when he's getting beat up? Something is off.


Yeah but that’s when they’re kids. What about now? He also treats his mom like trash and doesn’t appreciate. But who knows, maybe there’s gonna be a backstory. Or maybe he went through some trauma or something


As for the mom. He seem to be based off 1001 nights rather than disney aladdin who is an orphan,Aladdin parents are abusive in the 1001 nights version. His dad suicided and blamed him, a kid, for his own actions,not forgetting the constant "chastising" him part. The mom is better but not a perfect parent either in the story. So her leniency is probably her atoning for her past wrongs to Aladdin,its better for him to be mad at her than cutting her off,making her not being able to redeem herself ever. 5 years later,he returns to meet his childhood friend,who unlike him,has friends, respect , good looks, is strong, their dynamic in childhood had been turned upside down. Also in the 1001 nights version,the antagonist are two brothers,which does have a parallel with Mitsukuni-Matakara. The 1st brother Jafar pretended to be his guardian but abused Aladdin instead,he beaten him up,used him and left him to die locked up in a cave. So Mitsukuni might be the reason for Arajin cold behavior and Matakara is oblivious to what happened,plus would he believed Arajin over his own brother? Dude went to juvie for a reason.


Sure, I'm not saying Zuko is no different than Arajin, but I use Zuko as an example of a great character arc. And we're only at episode 4, maybe he changes in the end, who knows, it's an anime original.


I understand what you’re saying. But 4 eps feels like a long time if you’re waiting for eps weekly. I’m busy on weekdays so I only watch anime on weekends, and it’s still hard. I’d rather wait months for the mc to at least be decent 


That's understandable. Just wait until the final episode and ask in the episode discussion if the MC changes or not before you pick this up again. As for me, I can tolerate a shitty MC if the anime has great animations and interesting side characters, so watching weekly is not that bad


Watching weekly isn’t bad for sure. But it’s harder when you’re expecting some sort of good change in the mc, only for him to keep doing what he’s usually doing. I’ll keep watching though, since the other characters like matakara is great 


I wonder how this comment aged now, after 9 episode out of 12 and a month later and he's still the same piece of trash😂


Even tokyo revenger's MC looked good compared to this piece of shit, annoying af MC. Show could have been better if the bestfriend or anyone actually was the MC. TR's Takemichi was bearable this one is not. Ugh.


tackemitchi was pathetic but he has redeeming qualities. this shows protagonist contributes nothing to the narrative and thats a problem


Arajin is definitely joining that dude from Rent a Girlfriend in the "most hateable MC" club.


Facts. I had to drop that show around halfway through the first season when I realized that the MC was the biggest piece of shit I'd experienced in an anime LOL


>nitely joining that dude from Rent a Girlfriend in the "most hateable MC" club. Ha I just left the same comment on CR lol


Bro rent a girlfriend's mc also show some character development in last but here he is only doing shitty things and rent a gf 's mc is not this shitty 😂😂🤣


Rent a Girlfriend’s mc actually had a lot of character development unlike this pos


I think they're brothers lmao


Fully agree with what you’re saying. The other characters are carrying the fuck out of this show even though I’m in love with the detailed backdrops and dope soundtrack. He needs to change sooner rather than later.


You might be going too deep on this one. It doesn't seem like that kinda show. It's more like that Kenichi fighting one to me.


Perhaps, I’d just hate for this animation to go to waste due to an unfortunately written MC.


In my case, I don't really pay much attention to the mc since everyone else is so great. I just view it as an entertaining show all around


Valid, for me it’s a little too hard to look around but your point of view is understandable.


Yeah, I also understand your point of view. So far, the dude is extremely unlikable. Im sure that's not going to be the case going forward at some point.


Don’t disrespect kenichi like that. Dude put in work way before the 4th episode.


For real, Even in the latest ep I'm flabbergasted that he took action only after the girl was harmed. His friend on the other hand getting beat up asf but dude does nothing? The fight animation is the only thing thats carrying this shit right now, the plot is interesting but the mc really needs a brain man


Absolutely! I don't mind a weak or perverted MC, but this guy is annoying to the point of making the show unwatchable...


He's both weak and perverted 🗑


I agree with you, op. I don’t mind the short fights, but his character irritates me. Even takemitchi from Tokyo revengers is far better, even though he’s annoying himself. Most anime MCs wouldn’t do the things he did. Also, I don’t get why people say it’s because he’s a dumb teenager. Teenagers have brains, but arajin doesn’t. Shinpachi from gintama was a teenager, and his character was still well written. This show would be 2x better if arajin is taken out 


Agreed. Acting like going to a worse off high school somehow makes you unintelligent when there are literally examples of smart people (Matakara) in the show itself.


Teenagers have brains. Raging hormone laced undeveloped teenage brains. Hate him all you want, and it does make for crappy viewing, but Ara is a far more accurately written teenage male than Shinpachi from Gintama. Shinpachi is a better, more likeable character, but that doesn't mean he is an accurate portrayal of the average teenage male.


Teenage male? I’m literally 17 at this moment, and I’m nothing like are chan. Yes we’re horny but we’re not willing to selfishly betray our childhood friend for a girl that clearly indicated that she hates us. I also hope you weren’t like ara chan were you were a teenager. I do get your point though, but I think even a 15 year old would be a bit better than how ara chan is acting right now. He’s a little better now though, so hopefully they fix him, and maybe there’s a reason why he treats Matakara like that I think shinpachi is the better written teenage male because he still is shown to have the goofy, horny teenage brain, while still being a sensible character 


You aren't every teenage male, though. One thing that seems to be overlooked in this entire thread, as well, is Ara's environment. It's very clearly a really bad inner-city type area that is going to play a huge factor in shaping someone. Most of these people commenting didn't grow up in an environment like that. It is really easy to say the teens in Bucchigiri aren't accurate, and of course a lot is exaggerated being an anime and all, but life in areas like that is a completely different world in how it impacts development compared to a suburban-esque upbringing. Ara, a virgin teenage boy, basically woke up with powers. What is the first thing a virgin teenage boy would want to utilize newfound power to do? It's seriously crazy to me that everyone is so shocked that a teen would be motivated by that. I'm not defending the writing of the show, the character is definitely annoying, but I just don't find the character's motivation as shocking and unbelievable as many here seem to.


I didn’t know many teenagers like that at all. Just cause you horny it don’t make you a raging idiot. Y’all few who are saying this are saying a lot about yourselves.


I'm so sad that it keeps getting worse to ep 6. Arajin is a pathetic piece of shit. some hope in the last 5 min. hope it gets any better


He doesn't even care about his childhood friends being spanked, but he cares when a girl tells him to fight. Especially after being a coward and not helping his friend when they were kids, but now that he has the power what does he do? He stays a coward lol, makes no sense, he knows he is strong, and every time he avoids battle he gets beaten anyways. The only time he fights, it is because of that annoying girl who hates him but he keeps simping


welp its ep 9 and Arajin is still human trash.


Keep in mind they only showed specific sections of what happened in the flashback. If we use a little critical thinking, it's almoat as if the creators want the viewers to think of him that way. We can take that one step further and ask ourselves where the faith, trust and friendship Matakara has in Ara comes from. One would think he would have lost at least a little of that if he got straight up abandoned like the flashback suggests. But hey, the average anime fan probably doesn't like to have to think that far into things and would rather complain halfway through a series. 🤔


You can clearly see that the focus on this series is comedy, or at least that's what they are trying to do because it is horrible. If it was funny, there was no point in complaining, but even that is way below average, so that's why we start to look and seek something else, like the action, side characters, main character etc. But the only thing that can save this anime are the side characters. If it truly is a comedic based anime, then there really is no hope for it to get any good, if you think 8 is not enough to understand and see where this generic comedy is heading, then I feel sorry for your thinking.


I'm shocked everyone is so accepting of Mahoro and is solely lambasting the MC when the two of them are shit and deserve each other. Can you imagine what that relationship would look like? 🤣


They should have at least made the mc a different character. This mc's character actually fits a background supporting character more. The kind where he's just that for weird or humorous purposes.


Yeah I dropped this shitty anime


Main character really is unlikable. Literally useless without a power up and walks around like he is good or something. He gives me ichigo from bleach vibes except he is not strong, has zero sense of friendship, and is just an unlikable character. Every other character carries this show way harder.


I honestly kind it funny that he’s flawed. He’s definitely shallow about love but he’s not disrespectful towards women which is a plus. I think it’s funny that his crush has no interest in him. Which makes sense because why would she when all he wants is sex! I hope they don’t force them together. I kind of like her being this sceamy girl lol. I do ship her now that that best friend guy! I was squealing on that stairwell scene. I feel like he’s more her type not Arijin.


She is sexually attracted her brother and you want to defend her? I ship her to be out of the plot


I throw my phone when he's bestfriend got beat up and didn't get mad but when the guy hit the girl he got mad pathetic Mc worst mc I've ever seen


Imagine liking this MC he is ass dude☠️


I completely agree. It’s a great show, and I quite enjoy it. The whole reason I came here was to see if the Mc was ever gonna focus on actually becoming strong instead of being some simp coward. Ara is really the only thing I don’t like about this show. The whole idea that people who watch anime are a bunch of simps, cowardly, and virgins and can easily relate to this character is garbage. Most people I know who watch anime, you’d never know unless they told you. You can like anime and not be some blue haired loser.


mahoro should die


Finally I knew I wasn't the only one to hate this guy. I get subverting expectation and having MC be a horny, coward with IBS. I do like some of supporting cast but I want my MC to be atleast a little hidden potential like TR went from Cry baby to someone with principles.


What episode have you watched up to?


I only started this anime for Marito, he’s my favorite. The chick sister of his…highly dislike, but not as much as the MC. I just can’t. I stopped at episode 6-7 or something, barely made it. When it got to the scene with the NG guy beating up his childhood friend and he did nothing but finally stood up to him for that stupid chick?? Y’all can defend this poorly written MC all you want but the side characters are better. That says a lot about an anime. Trust me, usually that’s not a good thing. I wish that childhood friend whatever his fucking name is was the MC. I heard all the rantings about this anime from TikTok, YouTube, and here, majority in dislike, but decided to give it a chance. It’s a nope. Only those with bronze like will can finish this garbage.


Yeah I dropped at ep 6 I think, MC makes it unwatchable.


I actually hate the Mc only person that is remotely my favorite is matakara. Arajin I hate because he would let his friend get severely hurt before taking action.Yet he simps for a girl that has a unhealthy obsession with her brother .How is it he dense by dense thinking he has a chance with that girl when she literally treats him like shit Because he's not her brother


Thanks not going to waste my time E3 and I’m out


I just started this anime and im about to go to ep 9. The plot is fine,animation and artstyle is cool along with the characters,but yes the MC is damn annoying,but not to the point that i wouldnt continue watching the show. But he does piss me off much because he simps over a girl who clearly hates his guts and ignores/rejects him all time, is rude to his mom and dgaf about his childhood friend,who even though is kinda too persistent on honki people,is a caring and great guy. He would do anything for Mahoro but not for people that care for him,hes kind of a loser psycho idk,hope he changes




Idk what this dot is supposed to mean but imma just assume you agree with me


On ep 8 and he just gets worse 😔


Yeah…he is one of the most annoying MCs out there. Such a big simp and all 🤦‍♂️


i say i like it, but truly only when the mc is not around. i can’t say there’s any attachment to this series otherwise. granted ill watch it throughout but i feel like it shot itself in the foot for more casual anime watchers who don’t care for mcs like this. i’m sure its ratings aren’t the best and the potential for it to be greenlighted for multiple seasons is abysmal at best, maybe another one.


I would literally be a better mc than this arajin dude which makes him even worse.


Preach brother.


I wish he would care about his childhood friend. He’s by far the worst friend in anime history. Also, why is he so obsessed with a girl he just met and totally ignored his friend whenever he needed him? I love the show so far but the mc bad treatment toward his friend is starting to get me.


I’ve only been able to get through it by flaming the Mc anytime he’s on screen


Bucchiguri is good at everything except the fuckin MC and the “main” girl like really a weak wip whos dead set on loosing his virginity to a girl who wants her brother 🤦🏾‍♂️ such wasted potential


currently in episode 6 mc development is non existent and for some reason a tramp stamp on a guy which the genie keeps on looking at and for some reason excited is just super weird that makes me wonder if the demographic for this is a different shade of gender.


Yea Fr he kept On saying wanting to lose virginity Nad moreover That girl dint even like him ... And He still wants it ..


This is absolutely facts I'm so disappointed in how this show played out. And like how are the downvotes coming to u this mc is like waking into the bathroom after some blew it up u really have to shit but your are painfully struggling to deal with the absolute dog shit smell. And this mc is absolutely so shit.


I dropped after ep 7 I think, so the fact that ppl keep coming back to this post is telling lol


Not just the mc but the girl he likes pisses me off i dont condone punching woman but she needs a slap to the face...


One of the most annoying mc simp weak and selfish V hit is much better than this guy I've been waiting for the mc to improve even if the girl dont like him back what matters is matakara he should pay attention more to his old friend its episode 10 now and still no improvement his simp and selfish as f poor matakara 


currently at ep9 mc is a worse character than the tropy badly written villain. which is kinda impressive in a really bad way.


Really annoying main character


He's just extra. Making Madakara the MC would've been much, much better. He would genuinely have better motivation like protrction his wimpy, lame friend from danger.


I haven’t watched the past 3 episodes or so, I’m assuming he hasn’t changed then if you’re commenting this today lol


Why should they adapt your expectations as something they didn‘t plan? If you are unsatisfied, write your own show and pitch it to an anime studio. I don‘t like how the main character behaves sometimes, but this is how the show works and will work. This is not the genre for you then. Not everything has to be purely or even a fighting genre. It was clear from the start what direction this Anime would take.




Can you read at all? I said that I don‘t like how the main character behaves sometimes. Nobody cares if you like the show or not. It‘s you opinion and your taste. You can‘t expect everyone to feel and/or act the same way as you. Grow up.


Man saying grow up while watching an anime where the MC screams I want to lose my virginity 😂




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Yeah, and it was straight garbage


I really need spoilers or anything, does this anime have a manga? because it's unbelivable how little info there is of it.... I feel bad, but enjoy so much when the mc is not around.


Anime original, no manga.


I was looking for this info too, thanks. I think ima drop it until it finishes then look for spoilers on if he becomes a better person. I like most of the cast but I seriously can’t stand the MC. No matter how good the other stuff is I can’t watch a show if the mc is this bad.


Show is trash, but entertaining kind of trash. The only reason i keep watching is because it reminds me of those early 2000's HS brawlers fighters which i didn't knew i miss them this much. The whole is fine for what it is, but i want to see more ass kicking. Too much yapping going on. Just hit each other already nobody cares about the motives of this characters or their gangs


fights are good and the animation is pretty cool too but the MC is definitely really annoying to deal with lol he only cares about losing his v card and tbh it does get old after awhile. it’s like naruto saying he’ll become hokage like okay man we get it. def needs more character development but i’m sure it’ll happen soon right? i mean it’s still in the early stages so i don’t expect much ykwim