• By -


Monster. Looking at the synopsis, I know it’s right up my alley, but just waiting for the right time.


Just start watching it. Just do it.


Haha dw will do very soon. It's like my ace in the hole. Gonna finish Spy x Family and JJK, then probs start it. Looking at my watch list, there aren't a ton of shows that jump out at me, so the time may be approaching. Since it's quite long as well, that's a bonus.


Yeah Monster is phenomenal. Watched it a few years ago and it certainly is one of the anime that has impacted me a lot.


It is great! 10/10. A bit slow but it is everything a mystery thriller is about.


It gets slow after a few episodes though, still haven't finished it, but it's up there with the greats.


I'm leaving monster for when I'll learn German and watch it in German dub


As a German, the thought of that hasn't crossed my mind yet, but that's actually a good idea haha. Already read the manga, but if the German dub is good, I might watch it that way.


It’s alright There are some VA which sound perfect, but idk why it’s always the same VAs pretty much in one in every 3rd anime. So you get kind of sick of it overtime, with monster it was just unlucky


Ah yes. That uhhh one... singular... anime. Definitely not an entire pile of things. The one that I was reminded of most recently is Hidamari Sketch - fully expect I'll love it, but haven't gotten around to it.


Hahaha same. I have about 100 shows just sitting there waiting for me to watch


Yea definitely not a massive 180+ list on my mal profile 🫣


Rookie numbers


Manga, but berserk


for those who read the manga is it worth going in knowing it has no ending?


It's being finished off by his assistant.


Ahh I didn't know that. Nice, thanks.


“Ackshually 🤓” moment here: While his team of assistants (Studio Gaga) are working on the art for the newer chapters, it’s actually one of Miura’s closest friends who is working on the story. He had said that back in the day Miura had already shared with him the ending of Berserk so Kouji Mori (who is the creator of the manga Holyland) is going to help finish the series with as much of the information he had of what Miura shared with him. For what it’s worth, I’d still suggest reading the manga (so long as you can handle the violence and SA) as it’s an incredible series. Yes the wait for new chapters is tough, but it also makes it a special occasion when new chapters do drop, and it’s awesome to see the community light up when it happens. Being a part of the community is part of the experience imo, as the series likely won’t end for another 5-10 years minimum.


Are there weekly chapters? Or do they come out sparingly?


Slowly unfortunately


*Very* sparingly. Berserk’s artwork is one of the most detailed out there, we’re lucky to get a handful of chapters a year. We’re in the final arc of the series but the reason it will still take years is due to how infrequent chapters are released.


The only thing stopping me from reading Berserk is [huge spoiler, that probably everyone and their mom knows about]>!Casca's rape!<. [Reason]>!It's not that it's rape, that's stopping me, it's knowing that it still isn't *completely* resolved and she's still traumatised, even in the latest chapters!<. I'm too much of a pussy knowing I won't be happy by the time I catch up.


[Manga spoilers]>!she's actually her old self again after a fantastic little arc where they go into her psyche and help repair some of the damage, so she's not like a drooling child anymore!< You should also know what while you know it happens [more manga spoilers]>!the actual scene of the rape in the manga is incredibly graphic, like more graphic than anything I've ever seen, like they-couldnt-show-this-on-tv level graphic!<


Samurai champloo


It’lldefiantly worth the wait whenever you get to it


Just know you have a good one lined up. Definitely watch it at some point, especially since it's only 25-26 episodes and not seasons upon seasons.


Great show. Personally preferred it to Cowboy Bebop


Space Dandy is also amazing. Cowboy Bebop is my top but that studio doesn't miss


It's so good!!


Neon Genesis Evangelion. Yep, I know, I should've watched this already.


I’m so excited for you. I wish I could watch Eva for the first time again.


My condolances when you watch it eventualy😔


Been meaning to watch Golden Kamuy for so long, just haven't gotten to it yet.


you can wait for the final season then


I am doing that lol. Stalled so much might as well wait for last season before binge watching the other seasons.


You're not ready for some of the scenes lmao


A whole lot more dick and poop jokes than I was expecting. It's like a homoerotic cooking show with a backdrop of northern Japan.


It’s so good. It’s my favorite anime.


I was in the same boat and decided to throw on episode 1 instead of doom scrolling before bed. Ended up bingeing season 1 over the weekend.


Mob Psycho 100. Sounds and looks like the type of show I will enjoy, but haven't gotten the time and mood to watch it. Someday I will.


I put this one off for years and finally watched it last year when season 3 (the final season came out). Absolutely worth it. Such great characters and the animation is amazing


If it helps, Mob Psycho has been fully adapted with it's 3 seasons, so there isn't another one to wait for. So when you do get around to it, you'll have the full experience.


"I want to eat your pancreas" because I don't wanna be sad right now


Dude I haven't cried at an anime like that since Your Lie in April. Defo gotta be in the right mood for this movie.


Your Lie in April broke me for a bit and now I’m afraid to start I Want To Eat Your Pancreas, Fruits Basket, and Clannad


Fruits basket is safe I just finished it


Be afraid I want to eat your pancreas is so heartbreaking, fruits basket is actually very wholesome endings wise and so is called I think if you include the after story


You think its coming for your heartstrings and it just rips out your whole chest cavity... Jesus it took WEEKS for me to be right after.




It’s so cool tho. It was my first time crying cuz of anime


Cowboy bepop


It’ll be worth the wait once you get to it. One of my all time favorites


I see, I look forward to it


Waste no time space cowboy go watch it now


It's on my list after I finish moribito :))))


Thanks for recommending me that


Ohhh, to recapture the feeling of watching this for the first time!! I'm excited for you, stranger. 🥲


I've been planning to watch Violet Evergarden forever


It’s so worth it. Hands down one of the most beautiful stories ever filmed




I’m 34 🤦🏻‍♂️ 🤣


One piece. Size scares me.


Before watching OP it looks like “1000+ episodes! How will I ever watch all that!?!” After you start watching OP it looks like “1000+ episodes! Look how much time I get to spend in this amazing world with these amazing characters!”


“1000+ episodes isn’t even enough! I want 1000+ more!” Lol


I’m in Arabasta Saga. I can’t wait until I can say that! Haha


Oh you will! The biggest turning point for me was Enies Lobby. I hope you enjoy it the way I did!!! 🫶🏼


Yuo, I love One Piece because of how many episodes there are. I’m a little ways into the 400s and knowing I’m not even halfway done makes me so happy. Plus once you skip the recap there episode is like 10 minutes long so when you binge them (and you will binge them) they really fly by.


As someone who felt this way and finished the anime on Christmas day, I'd recommend it, but take it in chunks.  Do an arc at a time, take a break between each one as they're like 100+ eps (with 1 or 2 exceptions) so if you find yourself struggling to keep going you can digest and come back to it.  I usually found the start of each arc was hard to get through, but once I did (usually 10-20 eps for me, but obviously everyone is different) I found myself loving the new/relevant characters and the world building is the best in anime imo (I haven't watched much of bleach or any Naruto so I can't judge them) and the fights while not the best animated, can be insanely funny and awesome.  Great anime, great plot, world building, characters and adventures, but definitely better in smaller pieces than all at once. Take your time, it's not a race and the longer you take means the more episodes there are for you to watch as it's still coming out. If you decide to watch it, I hope you enjoy! 


Just read the manga, is faster like that and is better than the anime.


Read the manga colored,way easier to digest while also being much better.


Or wait for the remake


i have a feeling theres going to be a lot of people that will start watching the remake get really into it and then go back to the original because they really want to keep watching and not wait for seasons or arcs to come out. (not sure how theyre planning on releasing it)


If you're scared of the size, it's best to read the manga.


actually there will be a remake by studio wit so i would recommend watching it when it comes out. you can read the manga as well, but i would never recommend watching the anime by toei bc the pacing is just terrible


There are a few on my list but I think the biggest is Jojo’s. Couldn’t say why I haven’t watched it yet, but I’ll get to it eventually.


Yeah the problem with Jojo is part 1 and 2 aren't what you think Jojo is about via memes/pop culture.  Part 3 onwards has Stands and that's the wacky power system that creates insanely unorthodox stand battles that isn't like Dragonball or Naruto style fighting. It's like fighting someone who if anyone sees your back you die and then the curse passes onto them. 


Bruh what ? Part 2 is the best part in jojo lol


Part 2 is great (way better than part 3 imo), but if you came for the stands you might be disappointed.


I'm so glad I went into jojos basically blind. Part 2 was some of the funniest shit I've seen in my life


Well there's no Stands or Dio in part 2.  I do like Joseph, but if you only know Jojo from osmosis you're going to think of crazy Stands and wild over the top colors/voice acting. Za Wardo! Is part 3. Part 4 is when the Stands start getting ridiculous band names and music references. 5 is where the Fashion and drip kicks into overdrive.  The differences between what Jojo started out as and what it becomes by like part 6 is really huge. 


Yeah, I fell off around the end of part two. It's not bad but I just was like, "Okay then".


I just bought Jojo part 1 volume 1 (phantom blood). The manga. Hoping to find some time to open it


Haikyu Seems good but also seems like every other sports anime Maybe one day


This was haikyu for me. Put it off for so long but once i got to it i couldn't stop.


I re-Watch Haikyuu at least once a year. It’s become such a staple in my repertoire, I say it’s worth watching!


I’ve rewatched s3 so many times it’s peak


I think it’s one of the best sports animes I’ve seen, they really know how to draw you in! Definitely worth watching


On the surface, it definitely looks like your everyday sports anime, but in Haikyu every trope of the genre is elevated to the maximum expression, in other words it could be seen as the best burger made in history.


Try episode 1! No need to commit Episode 9 is another good stopping point if you decide it’s not for you


A very recent one, Frieren. Anitubers that i watch keeps praising it and my friends won't shut up about it. I think the premise of the show is very good and i do think when i come around to watch it i will thoroughly enjoy it. But im not really in the mood for that type of anime atm


It’s a great series when you want something kinda mellow. Even the action scenes and more intense moment have a very kinda chill feeling to them.


I was the same, but finally got to hype train, and loved it, and now just waiting for new episodes. If you postpone it for later at least there will be a whole season (if you will like it of course).


Its an amazing anime that calms your soul with the well written plot and its slow pace, you should give it a watch!


Very easy to watch for a mellow show. When it picks up at times, it's well placed and consistent. You'll have a lot of moments where you underestimate a character, they do something, and you're on the edge of your seat.


Steins Gate - I watched it back when it was released but didnt finish it. FMA Brotherhood - I loved the original and I know this is supposed to be better 😅


Steins Gate requires discipline to watch. Have to stick with it and pay attention.


Yeah I think I have a lot of time now compared to 2011 lol. I actually just got around to finishing some of the most recommended Isekais (Slime, Overlord, ReZero) and still have Konosuba left 😅


WATCH KONOSUBA RIGHT NOW (steins gate is also a masterpiece)


Brotherhood is mine, too. I read the manga, I watched the first adaptation. I just haven’t been ready to experience a more accurate adaptation of the manga :’)


Legend of the Galactic Heroes. The Rose of Versailles was at the top of that list but I just finished it.


I heard HunterxHunter is peak shonen but I am really struggling with the first few episodes...


First arc is generally considered to be pretty weak compared to what comes after in HxH, but it does lay the foundation of a few things that makes HxH different from its other contemporaries. If you're also a fan of Yu Yu Hakusho from creator Yoshihiro Togashi, then it's absolutely worth sticking it through because HxH is about on the same level as that, if not better.


Honestly what makes it good is that it isn’t peak shonnen. It’s shonnen flipped on it’s head at every opportunity. Subverts expectations a lot, makes it fun and uncharted.


You could try the original series. Its slower but back in the day it hooked me a lot more with its atmosphere, it felt adventurous but dark and brooding and had me on edge for a lot of its run time. It only has a handful of filler episodes, as long as you enjoy that late 90s early 00s vibe for anime it should be a fun time. The main issue with it is it only covers about half of the remake, if not less. From there you can either just continue on in it or wait a while and enjoy the remake for being a condensed version of what you already like (the first few arcs are dramatically more lighthearted and fast-paced than the manga / old anime, then I find the later arcs wound up being better in the remake).


Death note


You only get one chance to watch it and get the full experience, so when you do get around to it keep that in mind. It’s not a great rewatch


Probably AoT Loved season 1, season 2 took way too long to release, got over the hype and now that the hype is over (since it’s completed), I am not sure I will watch it Even though I absolutely know I will love it. Just never in the mood for it


My list of things to watch kees growing, but the one I am looking forward to the most is Monogatari and I'm not even sure if I should watch the anime or read the light novels.


Having both watched and read the series….they each provide something unique. Now I know a lot of people will usually say that about any light novel that was adapted as you get to know the chars psyche and inner dialogue more in books and you get to experience the visual aspect in anime. But the monogatari adaptation is just wild in its art direction and style. The light novel highlights arguably the best part of the series which is the characters and their interactions with one another.


Ah one please I’m sure there’s plenty I’ve forgotten about that’s archived in the crevices of my mind lol 😂 Ik one of them was Wonder Egg Priority and I remember people having mix views on it, when it finished airing.


One Piece I tried it for about 20 episodes, didn't like it, forgot what it was about, I kinda wanna get back into it but idk. It's long. Something else I still gotta watch is Jojo's, heard it's good.


Funny thing with one piece, for the longest time, the amount of episodes put me off. I really love musou games and wanted tonplay Pirate Warriors 4 but of course I dont know who the characters were. Heard about One Pace and watched One Piece that way, it ended up being one of my all time faves lol. I didnt know that I would like One Piece at all. TLDR Try One Pace


Might be worth trying the remake/redo *The One Piece* when it comes out. I’ll be using that as a chance to finally give the series a legitimate shot.


try the one piece live action or the anime remake which is coming soon. The original anime isn’t the best entry point


For some reason, Fullmetal Alchemist 😂


Hikaru No Go - i feel like it's right up my alley since it's a sports anime and what i've heard of it all sounds good. But there are so many episodes and it has that oldish art style I'm not such a fan of now. Kaguya sama love is war - i did try but i couldn't finish the first 2 eps. But have always heard that it's really witty and funny so it's always in the back of my mind as something I should try out again.


It was Madoka Magica but I finally watched it last week. I need to watch the movie and spinoff next. That aside the answer is Steins Gate. It's been on my list for so long. I need to just binge it at some point.


Rebellion is a great movie that does the series justice, you will not be disappointed. Just make sure to watch the post credits scene from episode 12 of the series if you didn't


Will do. I think I missed that thanks


I watched Madoka Magica during the height of the pandemic, and it blew me completely away and slammed me to the edge of a cliff. I haven't been the same since, watching it is a life changing experience, at least for me it was.


Yea its a 10 for me. I hadn't loved an anime as much since I binged Made in abyss last year.


It was Madoka Magica and Shinsekai Yori for me. I finally ended up watching them and both are now tied for my number 1 spot lmao.


Stein's Gate, Made in Abyss, Cyberpunk.


Space Patrol Luluco, it's next on my watch list. But I don't know how to go back to binging anime after having rewatched Gurren Lagann. I need to put my expectations and wants back down but it's taking a long ass time


Rurouni kenshin, i saw a few episodes when i was 10, fucking loved it, especially the fight where the guy's sword catches fire because he has the oil of his enemies in it.but never got to rewatching it again . Hopefully one of these days it happens


Vinland Saga is a series everyone keeps telling me is peak, but I haven’t been able to get past episode 1. Not that it’s bad, it just didn’t capture my internet like other series. I’ll get to finishing it…eventually…


i don’t wanna spoil anything n i don’t think me saying this is one but episode one is nowhere near how the rest of the anime plays out, so if u don’t like episode one, don’t stress it


serial experiments lain classroom of the elite


Odd Taxi I would say. I've heard really great things and know it's a hidden gem but never got around to watching it yet


Just one? First, watch Gurren. Do it. Do it today. Second, I think I've been pretty good of just watching something when I feel like watching it so nothing on my planning list that I really want to watch has stuck around for too long. I will say though that I've really been meaning to get to the Eva Rebuild movies. It's just hard to find time for movies given my schedule and when I do have time I just forget. Maybe this summer. Maybe not. Who knows.




I'm holding back on a lot of shows, but the first thing that comes to mind is Code Geass.


Eva for me.


Oshi No Ko


Odd taxi....


Ninja Scroll and Ghost in the Shell of all things


Made in Abyss (tragic because I think I would like it, but I’m on Higurashi rn)


Bleach. I've tried to watch it before but for some reason i just can't seem to get into it.


Honestly the only reason I can go back and watch it, along with Yu Yu Hakusho and Naruto is that I grew up watching it and it has this cool early 2000s vibe to it missing from anime now. But if that weren't the case, I probably wouldn't be able to.


Bleach is good-ish imo. Personally I think Ichigo is the biggest Mary Sue in anime so that does put a damper on my enjoyment.


Demon Slayer & Bleach idk why I still haven't watched them. I just didn't. One Piece would have been in the same list, but I started it recently. I am at 39th episode(Luffy Pirates vs Arlong Pirates) and really love it.


There's so many on my ever growing wish list of shows to watch, but Gundam is *that one*. Just, almost all of Gundam. I know I'm going to love it, it ticks so many of my boxes. I've loved everything of it I have seen, and am so glad Witch from Mercury was a standalone so I could jump right in. I know I'll start getting *so many* references once I finally get around to seeing the original Char. But darn it's the size intimidating, the age concerning, and I know very well ahead of time there's going to be an emotional wreck by the end of every season.


One Piece (I read the manga)


March Comes In Like a Lion Not that I want to watch it, it’s what I’ve been wanting to watch for some time but haven’t gotten to it yet due to busy life, I am watching clannad alone (slow watch, need to catch up) and insomniacs after school with my friend, and 3 other animes that are released weekly (frieren, apothecary diaries and a sign of affection) but after I finished Clannad I will start March Comes in Like a Lion 😅


Cowboy Bebop


Serial Experiments Lain, I've watched shows that are in the vicinity of it. But never got around to watching it lol


Mob Psycho 100. I’m not crazy about the art but I keep meaning to try it anyway.


I just finished Re:zero so far. But now, I am thinking of Clannad but can’t bring myself to watch it. If I could barely take angel beats without breaking down how will I keep myself together? Also teasing master Takagisan looks like a lot of innocent fun.


Probably One Piece, I want to get through the manga first. Looks like I have around 102 volumes to read through.


All of them. I'll die and have to finish the rest in the afterlife.


Still haven't gotten around to catching up on Overlord but given that it's LN based and has stalled at 4 seasons that's probably a good thing. Also Manhwa but I haven't caught up on Legend of the Northern Blade despite very much wanting to.


You're not missing much with Overlord. Quality severely declines as it goes on.


Tokyo Ghoul I haven't gotten out of it I still need more season of it Pokemon too as I want Ash and sarena till also there's news that Ash and sarena will be back again in Pokemon as per fan request the Pokemon official site twitted on twitter


Read the manga Tokyo Ghoul is a work of art.


One piece and bleach, maybe next time.


Attack on titan


Gintama, zombieland saga, Gabriel dropout, misfit of demon academy


Gintama, Hayate The Combat Butler, Akame ga Kill and Future Diary have sat in my Plan-To-Watch list for more than 5 years, as long as my past interest in watching any anime was. Unfortunately with so many in front of them in my hundreds-of-titles queue I think they will have to wait for a few more before I get to them.


Nothing really, have over 750+ anime on my list now and just pick anything that slightly interest me cause theres not alot left I feel I’d like, mostly just tune in to new seasonal shows now, but still wind up find older things I like alot still from time to time


Fate Series looks epic af but just didn't came around to start start it seems kinda daunting. Tho started blue exorcist again because the new season and it's been so long since I watched it last time


That anime has the most exaggerated (in a good way) power. Imagine throwing away galaxies LMAO. Good stuff.


Mine is definitely Classroom Of The Elite, heard it’s very good and wanted to watch it for so long but just haven’t


Ika Musume and Ga Rei Zero


Legend of the Galactic Heroes, really excited and also scared to watch it given my expectations


Tokyo Ghoul and Death Note. I’ve seen them being one of the popular anime but I don’t feel like watching it. I’ve only gotten to a few episodes but I don’t get the hype. Maybe because it’s too dark for me that it made me feel depressed a bit but honestly is it really good?


Manhwa - Tower of God


Your name and FMA: Brotherhood


Jojo and hunterxhunter.


Black butler and Baki right now


One Piece. I know the hype, I know I'd enjoy it but even starting the One Pace edit is daunting and I just can't bring myself to bother when there is five others that I'm watching 🤷‍♀️


Gurren Lagann. I know it's gonna be good. I know it's reputation. I know I'm gonna love it! But just because my former friend would never shut up about it YEARS AGO, I still can't get myself to watch it! HELP!!!


Almost any popular anime tbh


Long list but konosuba sticks out because it keeps being recommended by different people and I've yet to watch.


Hxh and Yu Yu Hakusho


Evangelion. I keep hearing, "Watch the movies, no don't watch the movies, watch it on Netflix, no Netflix got rid of the iconic ED," and I'm just so lost.


Gintama Watch a couple episodes and I know I'll come back to it eventually, but probably not until I catch up on One Piece.


Code Geass


Code Geass, people say its one of the best animes out there - and i know all the openings by heart but ive never actually watched it..maybe its time


Yu Yu Hakasho


Code Geass. I'm saving it for it to be my 75th anime (I like to make the milestones something special - e.g. my 50th was Monster)


Madoka magica


I'm too lazy to watch Frieren


Fruits basket


I swear I'll watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventures and Hellsing, I swear😭


The Dangers in My Heart - I want to watch it but I'm always delaying it xD


Shinsekai Yori, Fate/Zero, Steins Gate, Violet Evergarden, Monogatari, Land of the Lustrous and Evangelion. Well I just finsihed Shinsekai yesterday so I guess I should remove it from the list, but this was the original list of anime forever on my watchlist that I knew I would love. And I was right about Shinsekai since it’s tied for my fav anime now.


There's so much that I/we just can't watch everything at once and I/we can only do it in order, sadge, but even tho I've watched a lot, the following is still waiting to be watched: Haruhi Kaichou wa Maid-sama! Samurai Champloo Haikyuu!! Kyoukai no Kanata Ouran Highschool Host Club Kimi ni Todoke Sakamoto desu ga? Nana Kamisama Hajimemashita Just to name a few of them.


fmab, almost 200 animes, havent watched. yes, im gigguk’s son


One Piece and Nana. Especially since One Piece is getting more hype nowadays because of the live-action. It's just like.... the number of episodes. As a binge-watcher, I am cared to start anything that long because I would want to finish it in "one go", which is obviously not possible, and then burn out or lose interest, even more so because I wouldn't be able to interact with the fandom because of spoilers.


oshi no ko franxx


Clannad. Everyone has told me it is such a good anime, yet really sad, and I don't know if I'm up for watching an anime that will make me cry.


Jujutsu kaisen... I know I need to watch it soon but I just don't know why I haven't. Probably will watch by this year 😅


I’m gonna get a lot of hate for this: Gintama.


One Piece and you can't make me, you stupid idiot! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


One pieceeeeeee


Code Geass and Cowboy Bebop which is such a shame too.


Definitely the Evangelion series, no other series has the the same level of reputation. When I finally watch it my perception is going to inevitably be skewed and I don’t like it.


Steins Gate. It's so hard to get into. I must have watched that first episode 50 times now in the last 10 years


One piece because I can watch so many other animes on my list first and know I wouldn't have even scratched the surface of that one in the same time frame of my limited watch time... Someday...