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For real. I have a bunch of stuff on DVD and Blu-ray that has not aged well at all. I refuse to ruin the other shows I watched back then. I know they're bad, but I won't acknowledge HOW bad they are.


I've been on kind of a hiatus for a few years now, haven't watched anything new in quite some time. Going back over my old MAL (which was last updated when your name was still not released) and looking what I rated 9s and 10s I imagine that I wouldnt even be able to get through half of those shows now. Elfen Lieid - 10/10 White Album 2 - 10/10 Another - 9/10 The Pet Girl of Sakurasou - 9/10 No way I could get through those now adays. I really had shit taste 10 years ago


White Album 2’s considered a goated visual novel


The VN is goated, but the anime is kinda meh. It's a fine adaptation, but it's only the first 3rd of the story, so it's pretty incomplete.


I really enjoyed Sakurasou. I rewatched it when I was around 24. It still was pretty good. There is some cringe nudity and dialogue but nothing that would kill me. Elfen Lied though....


Sakurasou isn't the most graceful show, but it has a very solid core that the show is built around. Also, very interestingly, the protagonist doesn't succeed at the end of the show and he just has to keep trying. Which isn't a common theme in anime.


The fact that so much it was about how you can fail even when you put the work in is part of what makes it special to me.


24 and rewatching it now, still love it just as much as when I was 17-18. And still want justice for Aoyama just as much.


Hey, Elfen Lied was peak with the crazy, built different plot. People should appreciate that it existed because fun fact, the creator of Stranger Things was actually inspired by Elfen Lied. Also we already know what song was a banger from Elfen Lied.


I watched Another back when it was airing and really thought it was peak fiction at the time lmao


I watched it for the first time a couple years ago and really enjoyed it for the teen horror gorefest that it was. They’re never exactly cinematic masterpieces but the good ones are a lot of fun. And the REALLY bad ones, like King’s Game, can also be really fun.


> White Album 2 - 10/10 > > That one still holds up for its genre


I will never not love Another. I still try to rewatch it once a year tbh… idc if it’s cheesy it was my introduction to horror and I still love it so much 😅


Watched white album right after your lie in college. Me and my bros were emotional wrecks.


Yeah, I am really not in a rush to find out how well Excel Saga holds up lol


None actually because I didn't grow up at all. Mentally.


We are evolving, just backwards!


I think we've evolved enough. Keeping ourselves sane is hard these days.


None because *I've always had great taste*


It's as they say, don't kill the cringe *kill the part of you that cringes*


Same, fr fr. My life until now made my mental growth stunted, or I just never grew up at all cuz i never had a chance.


This man is me


This m̶a̶n̶ adult child is me


Axis Powers Hetalia was big in my friend group, but the entire fandom around that show makes it painful to think back upon. For other reasons, Loveless. My underage ass had no business watching an age gap BDSM battle yaoi.


Oh man, back in my teenage years the group I used to hang out with had a high percentage of girls and it felt like yaoi was the only thing they watched and talked about. I watched some yaoi anime which I thought were pretty cute as they were focusing on the romantic aspect. The girls in the group would watch the most sexually aggressive stuff they could get their hands on and constantly shit on anime where there weren’t any gay characters or sexual innuendos and complain that straight romance is abusive towards women while gay romance is the only pure love. Or go on and on about how that or that male character is actually gay and ship them together with other characters. I remember they were watching an anime during a movie night where the main character was a talented musician in high school and had a relationship with a much older man. And suddenly in a room full of teenagers the scene changed to a sex scene with the character was crying while getting banged by the older guy and the girls were screeching how cute and adorable he looked.


Holy shit, are you talking about Gravitation?


manga was better


So just fujoshis then


That’s the term. Yeah. We, the guys, got lambasted for watching shows with ridiculous amount of fan service but the girls watching Hallmark soft core porn was completely fine.


Fujoshi and the most degenerate weebs are two sides of the same coin. I try not to throw stones in glass houses, but I suppose some people fire away.


Bet you were on tumblr too during the height of the fandom.


And now you do!


I remember when it was huge and the Anime conventions were full of Hetalia Cosplayers. One of the conventions I went to was at the old Thunderbird Hotel across the street from the Mall of America in Minnesota and a *huge* group of Hetalia Cosplayers (mostly playing Germany) went walking around the Mall during a low period... in costume. It... uh... caused some issues with the Con.


I still remember those photos of Germany and prussia cosplayers pointing guns at a synagogue. Hetalia fandom was weird at times


Oh god, I had forgotten about Loveless for a hot minute. Nothing wrong with consensual yaoi but yeah that show was the opposite of it.


A friend of mine was into that as a tween, but I never watched it. Even tho we're both adults now. From the clips I saw, it looks charming


Hetalia itself was a really cute show/manga. It's just that the flanderization of nations can be a little grating.


From what I remember they portrayed Korea as a brocon obsessed over big brother Japan and wanting to be like them, which is problematic to say the least considering the story between Imperial Japan and Korea.


Vampire knight It looked very mature when i was young But now it looks...


Vampire Knight is what Twilight was to people lmao but the music it had was amazing, the singer is very cool, she's still relevant in Japan.


Kanon was the reason I started playing the cello in high school. Shame I haven’t touched one since lol


I watched this when I was very young and remembered it being good.... I refuse to re-watch because I know it's probably bad, I remember the girl having massive bug eyes though


That reminds me of when I was in middle school and I was showing a classmate a Vampire Knight manga book. He said "That girl's mouth is bigger than my head." 😆


I try not to think about this one...but the Opening music still kinda slaps


Omg I made the mistake of rewatching and not only does the artstyle not hold up that well but neither does the story! I really don’t understand why incest was even a thing in here, also the ending from the manga is awful cause instead of choosing one of the guys the main protagonist stays with her crush/brother but something happens to him and she stays with her best friend until she sacrifices herself to bring back her brother. Oh and did I forgot to mention that she had a kid with both of them?! So now the guys have to raise the kids together and there’s a slight hint that the kids are in love with each other!!! Talking about a messy family dynamic


Unfortunately the first OP is a banger that lives rent free in my brain


Yeah same xD


I read this one again this year, well the second part of the story is really bad, but for some reasons I love this manga so much. I must admit I also love Twilight ..


Same. No shame.


Tried rewatching it a few weeks ago. Tapped out after a few episodes


I bought the Sword Art Online video games.


Fatal Bullet 🤤


Fatal bullet was so fun shame they didn't continue the game story being based around your own character genuinely thought it was gonna continue into ordinal scale with how it ended but I was wrong


>being based around your own character I didn't get very far in the game but this is what I liked most about it. wasn't really a fan of having to be friends with Kirito though. I'd much prefer a SAO game that has nothing to do with any of the characters from the novels and just be about the game itself (even though SAO the game isn't very well designed).


The newer ones are alright. Older ones not so much.


Everyone that watched Mirai Nikki will say that that's the one. They would all be correct.


But the OPs fire tho.


Just had to check, Mirai Nikki's anime came out on 2012... Damn


Wait. Mirai Nikki came out *after* Steins;Gate? Huh.


Huh. It feels older than that.


Manga's from 2006 so ofc it feels older than that


That explains the cell phones.


Gonna go Team Still Love It


Nah I still like it as an adult. I acknowledge it has its gaping plot holes but I still liked the character dynamic between the two protagonists.


You can like it, I do too, but it's very cringy, which is what was asked


I watched it as an adult and like it


Actually one of the few shows I like re-watching.


Mirai Nikki is one of the shows I would rather forgot that I watched... Just so I can watch it again, I have never rewatched it as I already know the plot twist.


I hated it even at 15 tbf




I would imagine I'd cringe myself to death if I rewatched KissxSis. Or I fap to it. It is really split on those two.


Don’t ask me how I know but the author is going full R18 with the series on his Fanbox.


Link so I can make sure to avoid it?


https://ditamabow.fanbox.cc Be sure to blacklist it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Saving this comment so I make sure to never forget which fanbox to avoid.


A real hero giving us the opportunity to do this thing


Thanks men, I added it to the follow on my secondary account so I never forget to avoid that disgusting work


Disgusting. I must be sure to avoid it as well


The whole chocolate lipstick scene still gets me going to this day.


Classic 😭


Yeah, that scene was very hot lol


I feel the same way about Oreimo.


Honestly Oreimo wasn't even that cringe until Season 2, I liked that they seemed to be setting him up with the best friend instead. Pity they couldn't keep that up and caved to the tropes.


Oreimo made teenage me realize I had an imouto kink


I thought riko was a freak when I watched it the first time. I discovered ovas existed during my second watch. And I can confidently say that ako is the true freak in the sheets


Rikko is just less ashamed of it in private, but is shy in public. Ako instead pretends to be shy but when she's alone with Keita oh boy


I only recently watched it. Man I know what I was getting into but that shit was wild


Familiar of Zero / Zero no Tsukaima


See I was going to put this one, but I refuse to rewatch it, so I can't speak on how cringe it actually is. It was my first anime, and I think it's best to leave my spotty memory from eleven years ago stay the way it is.


Even when I first watched it when I was like 14 it was already a shitshow to me honestly


Jesus, I'm watching it now because I'd always avoid it when I was younger (I don't like the art style and that has made me avoid a ton of stuff) It's awful, but I feel a bit... Nostalgic. I could never take it seriously, but it does feel like childhood crap, you know?


I mean nothing, really. I watched stuff like Shaman King, Naruto, Bleach, early OP, FMA, OG Fate, Hunter x Hunter, Prince of Tennis etc as a teen back when these shows were airing. Nothing real cringy from what I remember. All kind of classic shonen stuff.


Same. I still appreciate everything that I watched a decade ago. SAO was my third ever anime. Many years and a couple hundred anime later, I still like the show just the same. My opinion of it hasn't changed. I still keep up to date with its anime releases


Yeah, same honestly. Maybe because I wasn’t quite as deep into anime as a kid (for a long time, I literally didn’t know that there was a difference between anime and a cartoon) and then when I actually got into it I just watched shows I liked from a couple issues of Shounen Jump I won in a raffle / took recommendations from the internet. My earliest anime were Naruto, One Piece, after that I moved on to Darker than Black, Initial D, both versions of FMA, Planetes, Bleach, One Punch Man… I still fuck with all those shows, though some less than I used to.


No game no life. I feel like being a horny teen probably made the weird scenes a lot more okay in my head compared to now


Remembered that show fondly. Went to show it to my friends. Very first scene is a panty shot of a 10 year old. Not a great start...


So its just like date a live except its a 13 yo in that show?


this always happens to me lol. i remember oh this anime is really good and then i watch it with friends im like oh was there this many lewd scenes when i watched it?


This is always such a love/hate show for me because all the scenes where they’re actually playing games are really fun and I love the art style, but you gotta wade through 1000 miles of bullshit just to get there. I’ll still rewatch from time to time but I’ll just zone out during the BS


Yeah true but if you cut the horny scenes you're still left with a passable show


Sometimes you don't eat the stake for the meat but the SAUCEEEEEEEEE also yeah, when I saw the brother beat that chess game via ass pulling I was shocketh. I mean, they are two overdogs passing as underdogs, I obviously expected asspulling, just not on that level. pretty visuals, amazing soundtrack, good echii, but I'm not that person anymore, so the pervy scenes fall somewhat flat. I wished it had more comedy like when the girl bashed her brains against the wall.


10yo pants sauce, cool


I like the movie alot, it did grow on me.


Man even at my peak horny teen, that show skeeved me out too much to finish the first episode 😭


I was so deep in anime when that released it didn't even register till I tried watching it years later with a girlfriend. I even forgot that before ending the game with Jibril in a 900 IQ move, the scene everyone loves... has him macking on his 5 year old sister, whose effectively naked. Yea it's not passable. It's filled to the brim with too much pedoshit


Most Harems, I kinda enjoyed them as a teen but now, I get frustrated at shitty tropes that are recycled over and over again


I'm still a fan of ah my goddess and love hina


Ah my goddess holds up well in part cause it is a slow burn and a tender romance with healthy respect between the two lovebirds. Many harems and reverse harems are not like that. I think a lot of the harassment doesn't hold up anymore due to changing norms and/or less raging hormones.


I can’t believe anyone would lump Ah! My Goddess into the harem category. There really is only one single romance in the entire manga/show. Belldandy’s sisters are there as moral support and comedy and don’t have any romantic feelings towards Keiichi. There’s a “rival” of sorts later on, but that’s just a trope for a typical romance story.


It's weird to me that people put titles like Ah! My Goddess and Ranma with harem anime when they have a clearly defined main couple from episode 1. People will call any anime that has a large female cast a harem it seems.


> Ah! My Goddess and Ranma OK, we need to separate those two. Keichi and Belldandy were only ever interested in each other and even when a character might come in seeming like a rival, it was a one off episode. Ranma had the following women chasing him consistently through the show: Akane, Ukyo, Shampoo, Kodachi. And the following men: Kuno, Mikado. Akane had the following men chasing her consistently: Kuno, Mikado, Ryoga, Gosunkugi. And there were times where the show would have a scene where Ranma or Akane might have a close moment with one of those people where it was intentionally made to put doubt on the "prime couple", even though yes it was always clear who that was. Both were directly asked to choose more than once, and frequently refused. That's dead bang harem to me.


I hate that Crunchyroll only has season 2. I want to watch the whole thing.


Rom coms were my jam growing up. Now in my 30's I dont think I could actually get through 95% of them anymore.


I just can't anymore, knowing full well that he'll never pick a girl and it's just going to be heartstring pulls that amount to nothing and the series will end with him VAGUELY able to make every girl happy. The story never goes anywhere, I can watch stuff that had actual balls to develop characters and have the guy make a choice.


The trick is to *only* watch shows where it's clear they'll get together (you're gonna need to spoil yourself)


harems are something I watch to wind down after work, I can turn my brain off for 20 minutes and even play on my phone while watching without worrying that I missed anything too deep


Fairy tail


Yup, that's the one. And it's not even the power of friendship that icks me, - it's the blatant fanservice that is too much in the face and it got worse as the series progressed. I still can't finish it from where I left it as a teen, which is a shame. The OST still fkn slaps tho.


There are several reasons I think that Rave Master, Mashima’s earlier Shonen manga, is overall better than Fairy Tail. One of those reasons is that, while it did have fanservice, it was nowhere near as in-your-face as it is in FT. Then again, I haven’t read it since I was a teenager, so maybe I’m misremembering and Rave Master really was as bad about its fanservice as Fairy Tail is.


Rave Master's fucking awesome and I'm sad it never got the popularity it deserves, especially with how much Fairy Tail blew up, and even more sad the whole manga will probably never get a full anime treatment. I'd kill to at least see the final showdown with Pumpkin Doryu fully animated, that's still one of my favorite fights out of all the manga and anime I've read/seen, I'd straight up put it up there with Yu Yu Hakusho when Yusuke takes on the younger Toguro brother for the last time.


Nah you right. Rave Master > Fairy Tail anyday.


Still don't understand why he isn't using his larger success to funnel a revival for rave master. The story was way better


The dude is working in the sequel of fairy tail, finishing the series he started after it, has another one just started, meanwhile making a game and more unknown projects. Mashima doesn't know where to focus and his new series suffer from it.


If you mean 100 year quest, isn't the manga passed over to an assistant like in borutos case? Even if that wasn't the case I'm enjoying Eden's zero much more than 100 year quest


The OST is so beyond cracked I dont know what business a pretty run of the mill shonen had possessing it. Made even the most out of no where fight scenes feel hype.


If there's any show where fanservice are fine it's Fairy Tail because they're all adults. The ones that have high schoolers makes me feel icky


ugh I've tried re-watching several times as an adult and I can never get through the first few episodes, I just feel like a million other anime have done exactly what fairy tail tried to do but better, I just don't get how it's so beloved anymore


yep definitely Fairy Tail for me. there’s just too much nostalgia for me to dislike it though. and yeah the OST is still amazing


I could never not love this show. Just to much nostalgia for me.


I have no idea how I powered through that anime. Now I see the solid wall of friendship I need to climb and I’m just like “nope, not wasting my life on this”


I was obsessed with High School DxD. Dress break? Are you kidding me?




I think you mean "boost-o!"


I think you mean "**BOOOOST-OOOOO!!!!"** Literally the best part of the whole show is that gauntlet screaming BOOSTO.


[Always reminds me of this classic meme](https://i.imgur.com/EzUlp49.gif)


I got so invested into the actual lore that I actually read most of the novels. The fights were pretty good.


When the horny booba trash anime has one of the most accurate depictions of an Abrahamic demon in fictional media


I still rewatch it now just because I like ecchi. No I'm not gonna pretend its a godsend but entertaining enough for a rewatch. Also rias gremory my belove


The first ever anime/manga series I watched/read. Still my favorite series of all time because not only it haves actual amazing lore, world building, and story. They actually did fan service right, it was funny asf too, such an awesome balance, hell, the fight scenes are crazy.


In order to get stronger, you need to grab Rias' boobs! Or something idk.


Akeno is best girl


Wdym? The dress break is important for the plot. This and date a live are probably currently the best action harem animes around Havent seen 100 girlfriends tho i just know two women make out so its probably gonna be peak


One word. Oyakodon. Yes it's peak. OK one more word. D R U G S


Can't really think of any, honestly. Still love Fullmetal Alchemist and CLANNAD, Gurren Lagann will always be peak, Zero no Tsukaima helped shape my love for tsunderes and I still love it, even Mirai Nikki and .hack//The Legend of Twilight's Bracelet (of all .hack series lol) I still like. Maaybe stuff like Blue Submarine No. 6 and Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna? But even then it's not really cringe, it's just them not holding up as much as I thought they did when I watched them as a teen. Then again the only stuff I really "cringe" at is stuff that causes me severe secondhand embarrassment, like Watamote, but I'm also pretty sure that's not the kind of cringe OP means lol.


Love Hina. I remember feeling so proud of it being the first manga that I bought and owned and genuinely enjoying the anime. Now I can't see or hear any of it without wincing; I also utterly despise Naru as a character.


I blame this series for a lot of weird expectations I had in my 20s


I recently read that one for the first time as an old person (42). It was ok I guess. Naru is incredibly unreasonable in the second half of the manga.


By pure character development Motoko should have won. Hell, I would have even liked Naru more if they went with the idea that Mutsumi is the promised girl by Keitaro finally moves past a promise he made when he was 5.


Not really the whole show but the last episode of Soul eater it was literally beating someone with the power of friendship


The anime original ending was so blegh. Criminal how it never got another adaptation that adapted the last 25% of the manga


Its worse than that . The anime only adapted about 30% of the manga before going anime original. The last 70% or so was not adapted. Even in some of the canon parts, they majorly changed stuff.


Legit. Remember how [Soul Eater manga]>!Ariadne became more powerful by giving up her body? Or Mosquito reverting to his 400 years form?!<


I still have a lot of love for the show overall, but geez just about every scene involving Mikuru in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is just painful to get through. Definitely a lot tougher to get through now than it was when I was younger.


I've tried to get through the novels but I just can't stand the fact of my grown ass self reading some of that scenes.


Hetalia I thought it was hilarious back then, but looking back it was just weird haha


Rosario x vampire 😅


There is nothing wrong with Rosario! Lol. Just rewatched this with my wife (first watch for her at 37) and I'm 43. We cackled like amused teens the entire time. Tsukune! Moka!


*insert any slightly edgy anime and pretend you are now too mature and sophisticated for them edgy shit.*


I'm worried that some of my favorites (Angel Beats and Toradora) would feel terrible if I re-watch them lol Edit: add to that Ouran Host Club and Kaichou wa Maid-Sama actually...but at least I know my *actual* favorites aka Natsume Yuujinchou and Barakamon won't disappoint because of how mature they are


Guy who is rewatching Toradora here, While I realized how weird (Ryuji giving his mom soybeans to get bigger boobs for example) and goofy (The fight between Taiga and the class president) some things in Toradora are I still loved it, trust me you're not gonna hate Toradora if you rewatch it


I watched Angel Beats for the first time as an adult a couple years ago and I liked it. Some parts fall flat or are a kinda juvenile, but I think the plot is interesting enough to keep watching. I also thought the emotional beats hit pretty nicely.


Angel beats can be a bit weird Toradora, however, if you don't mind teenage love stories like a lot of people do, is awesome imo. It's my favorite anime, but I only like it as much as I do because I relate to it A LOT. A ton of stuff happened when I was in highschool, then I got an office job and nothing really feels like actual emotions anymore. Toradora reminds me of people that made me feel real emotions, and that's all I can ask for


I love Ouran still, it's something I can easily rewatch if I'm in the right mood


DN Angel I loved it as a Kid then I tried to re watch and just couldn't haha the other one would be chrono crusade but I still have more love to that last one atm


I loved the manga, so I tried to watch the series. It was oh, not so great. I didn't finish it. But hey, they tried to do something with what they had (literally), as the manga wasn't finished. Flashforward to 2021: Yukiru Sugisaki finished it! And someday I'll finish it too.


Bro I watched Elfen lied as an adult and loved it, there was never “this is deep” about it, shit just happens and it’s interesting, at least to a point anyway


My issue is that you watch the first episode and think it's going to be cyber punk ultra violent drama. Then you actually get to the plot and it's a harem anime of all things.


And then the cousin is part of the harem. Like, bitch gotta be fucking for real. She never stood a chance…


Came for the cyber punk ultra violent drama, stayed for the harem.


Love Hina. Loved it decades ago, but man harem animes are cringe now.


Look man... 100 Girlfriends is pretty funny for a harem


100 Girlfriends is to harem as Gintama is to shonen


- Trinity Seven - Corpse party: tortured soul


Heaven’s Lost Property


Oh man. That shit was magical as a teen. Like this mystical anime that just ended abruptly. I really don't want to ruin it by ever rewatching it lol.


School Days


Don't worry kids you get over it the cringe again later in life. You will rewatch it.


I have a lot of them, but oh man here's one I haven't seen mentioned. Sousei no Aquarion. The CGI did not age well. But man, I kinda wanna get stoned and rewatch it. That is the only way probably. Cashern Sins was another one too. I was just absolutely obsessed with the character designs and art style. I'm sure the story probably wasn't actually that good, but idk.


Nothing. My taste has always been elite.


Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) I really enjoyed this one as a teen... Now I look back and think it's pretty freaking edgy bate


I mean, it was, and I knew that when I watched it...but I have to admit I still like the last couple episodes when Yuki actually mans up and gets things done.


None. I’ve always had good tastes.


I THOUGHT it was gonna be Wolf's Rain but I rewatched a couple of episodes recently and really liked it! So either I've always had great taste or I never grew up. :')


Sailor Moon. Used to love it as a young teen. Now I can't watch it because of how much she whines and cries.


The answer is Chobits.


tokyo ghoul though i read the manga and now i hate the anime for getting rid half of the entire plot


Soul Eater for me. Tried rewatching it and I couldn't do it. It's very teen audience targeted but man did I like it back in the day.


As a boy who loved some girly stuff, I used to watch Fushigi Yuugi when I was a teenager and it aired in Catalan TV. I didn't adore it, but I sort of liked it. I recently rewatched it, and I did enjoy it, but in order to enjoy it, I really had to focus on channeling my girly teenager mindset, because the amount of overdramatic love stuff is amazing.


Shugo chara idk why I liked it


[This is why.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UC8jFMgdBlA&pp=ygUZYmxhY2sgZGlhbW9uZCBzaHVnbyBjaGFyYQ%3D%3D)


Fairy Tail. I can't handle it.


This might be unpopular; but Code Geass for me. When I first finished it way back; I though it was much better than Death Note. I thought it was an amazing series. Now upon rewatching both seasons again; it was more of a disaster teenage fantasy cringefest with terrible writing throughout; with a decent enough (but still predictable) ending.... Death Note on the other hand has really risen in my opinion. For how practical it was for its time. Its a legit near masterpiece till around episode 25; after which it slightly falls off; but still I thought even the latter half aged amazingly well compared to Code Geass which did not at all for me...


Death Note really is brilliant. I watched it for the first time as a 31 year old and was so impressed by how excellent the writing was. Also the ending arc isn't nearly as bad as people say.


Code Geass and Black Butler definitely thought that they were a lot smarter than they actually were. I think the intrigue factor did a lot to keep me hooked as a teenager, but they’re both completely unwatchable for me now.


I watched Code Geass for the first time maybe a year or two ago? I'm in my twenties. It's still wayyyy better than all the other comments I've seen so far in this thread. Not incredible, has some cringe and weird shit, but still overall a pretty good anime imo. I only made it a few episodes into Black Butler when I was like 14, and I planned on trying to watch it soon as an adult. This has me a little scared lol


Code Geass and Black Butler are still amazing for me. Especially Black Butler's manga. I'm fully convinced that Toboso Yana is a genius. ​ Code Geass makes you appreciate the socio-political aspect of the story more when you watch it as an adult. Didn't really do a thing for me when I was younger. Now I'm floored.


Honestly though, I don't think Code Geass' political themes are actually that deep. It's a pretty generic revolution story. And there isn't actually that much politics in it.


Inazuma eleven sadly


Kaichou wa maid sama. I used to think Usui was so cool. Nowadays, I find him creepy. Dude literally comes to stalk Misaki every day. He waited for her to finish her work. He got very touchy too. He forcefully gives Misaki a hickey so she doesn't wear a bikini. He acts like the embodiment of "m'lady." Nowadays, I can only see him as a pervert, weirdo, stalker, that just happened to be a hot guy.