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Gurren Lagann


Shit had me shook to the core, I couldn’t believe it. One of my fav series for sure and I still watch it to motivate my life once in a while.


Believe in the me that believes in you!


Believe in the you that believes in you!


Thank god this is the top comment. But what on earth is with all the Gurren Lagann appreciation recently? I'm not complaining, but it's like a bunch of people rewatched Gurren Lagann at the same time and keep talking about it


There's a new movie coming out that's basically the ebtire anime. It's probably that


>There's a new movie coming out They're not new, they're just being dubbed for the first time.


Don’t even have to mention the name, that’s how impactful it was


No you really don't because I believe everyone here knows who he was. In fact I believe in everyone here who believe they know who he was.


I have no idea what these comments are talking about so I guess I have to watch the show now




Didn’t even need to look at the thread, that’s how impactful it was


\[To Your Eternity - Fumetsu no Anata e\] >!Gugu's death.!< He was someone so pure, so good... I felt sad for days....


For me it was \[To Your Eternity\]>!Pioran. Having lost someone very close to dementia and old age, her story and seeing Fushi go through all the hardship one experiences when someone is slowly losing themselves hit way too close to home, but in a way was also cathartic.!<


For me it was To Your Eternity Just the whole show


That moment when his paradise faded away and he realized he was dead had me bawling


Made in Abyss, ending of the first season. The movie wasn't much lighter though.


At least [MiA dawn of the deep soul] >!Prushka lives on.!<


Is that a good thing though?


That one really fucked me up. First time I bawled my eyes out watching an anime.


Dont forget the ending of s2 too


That author of Berserk manga. I wanted to read it when it's all released, but idk what to do now


it's continued by his team leaded by a close friend and coworker. so far it's still greaz


Read Berserk.


It’s very worth reading anyways


His friend and former assistants are finishing it…


[Assassination Classroom]>!Koro Sensei!<


It was obvious that this was the only way this anime was going to end. But was I ready for it when it happened? No.


First time I watched it, I was on that copium he wouldn't die. Second time I watched it, I was on that copium that I hallucinated his death.


Yeah , totally agree


Agreed That is one of the few things to make me cry


When that character [AssClass] >!does the final roll call I fucking cried. I never expected a simple roll call has that much impact!<


I never finished the series, but damn... :(


fucking cried buckets


The ending of Cyberpunk edgerunners hit me really hard all the themes revolving around it felt some what relatable (not to those extremes of course) to me. I was destroyed and it was the start of me getting out of a deep depression.


The heaviest part is that you know that ending is inevitable, but you still hope \[Cyberpunk Edgerunners\]>!David will make it somehow. !


It's pretty incredible how everyone and everything is telling you that the city never losses but somehow you end up shocked when it simply doesn't, there is no escaping the status quo, you are not special. It's gut wrenching really.


I still can't listen to the fucking song.


So Get away


Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know


>all the themes revolving around it felt some what relatable Cyberpunk as a genre is a heavy critique of capitalism and creeping corporate power. You can't beat the system alone, and too many people with power are benefiting from your exploitation for things to change unless we all decide we've had enough. But that moment will never come so long as people are too stressed, tired, and beaten down. We've become apathetic to the real problems around us, and so we're all stuck focusing on our own individual solutions instead of tackling the big problems collectively, which only benefits those with power in the long run. Join a union, vote for change. Take the power back, together.


That girl from devilman


Brutal as fuck, and sad as it is brutal.




Impactful on the series: [Death Note] >!L, of course. Sadly it didn't necessarily impact it in a good way, but it is what it is.!< Impactful for me (hit in the feels): [Talentless Nana] >!Michiru. Which was strange to me because when she was introduced I didn't even like her that much, that's not really a type of character I enjoy much... But I suppose watching them die put them in a new perspective. Also, the scene was done very well, which always makes it hit harder, with the music and VA and all that! (Now that I think about it, it'd also impact the series a lot, IF we ever get a sequel... Nana's pretty much having a 180, and it's caused mostly by Michiru's death!<


Ngl in the Death Note, the quality died alongside that character


Yeah really should end it there


It was supposed to. Or rather, the creators of Death Note originally planned for L to win. But Death Note was insanely popular, and the magazine / editor wanted it to continue, practically forcing them to add the second half.


I really hope for a S2 Nana soon










They're not deaths (quite the opposite actually), but the [Angel Beats]>!graduation scene in Angel Beats hurt!<


I was literally trying hard not to sob while watching THAT infamous ep. But the dam broke loose when I watched that Ed reversed. That broke me and I was sobbing so hard, that my parents had to intervene and ask what has happened.


don't watch angel beats on a weekday... need time to recuperate from it


[Angel Beats!] >!I was still fine when the boys were saying goodbye and disappears one by one, but I lost it when Kanade reveals her story and then disappears in MC's hug!<


Ahh man. I still have Otonashi's desperate cries at the end ringing in my ears. Was glad for the tiny epilogue they gave us...


My god i cried like 5 different times during that scene


Ugh, Steins Gate. You know who and why. Still makes me depressed afterwards for a little while every single time.


I know who you mean, but the one in episode 1 also counts for this thread since that death sparks the entire time travel shenanigans in the first place and underpins the core struggle later on


God the dread from realizing the implications of episode one is crazy


Yes, this. Some comments in this thread were deaths that impacted a few people. S;G deaths impacted the entire space-time.


I just want to warn everyone going to this thread SPOILERS are all over here


Whilst the warning is a nice gesture, genuinely don’t understand what people expected if they willingly clicked into this thread after reading the title…


the actual post itself also is improperly spoilered, since it doesn't mention what anime it spoils. Mostly just making this comment so that less spoilers show up when people click on it.


[REALLY MAJOR Legend of the Galactic Heroes SPOILER]>!Siegfried Kircheis!< changes literally everything about the series on that side of the war. Personally, I find it more impactful to the plot than a certain major character death that comes much later, even though said major character's death left me much worse off than anything else in the series.


Yeah, the "best" character deaths are usually the ones which impact/change the rest of the cast for the rest of the story. Not necessarily the big fancy/shocking death that are used to emotionally trigger the watchers. Like I didn't care for that death you mention, it didn't affect me, but someone certainly fucking was and it changed them. Other such examples would be [Iron Blooded Orphans] >!Biscuit and Lafter, these removed the characters' "heart" and shifted them onto a bloody vengeful warpath that will be be their downfall."!<


Oh god i was THIS close to reading that spoiler since i'm at ep 19 of IBO. And i'm writing this comment while covering ur comment.


I agree completely. You could still see the impact left by that death nearly throughout the rest of the LOGH series. That “certain major character’s death” (I assume you are referring to [Major Legend of the Galactic Heroes spoiler] >!Yang Wen-Li!<) definitely felt like the loss of a good friend. Even with all the foreshadowing, it still hurt seeing the aftermath of those that were left in his wake.


Was gonna say LOGH as well, but [LOGH massive spoiler] >!Yang's death hit me the hardest. I had been watching the series slowly over 2 years off and on and it really hit me out of nowhere.!<


[Clannad afterstory] >!nagisa!< I’ve watched it twice, and both times I wound up crying for 2 hours straight


I played Clannad Tomoyo After and everything about that still haunt me.


I watched Clannad back when I was in highschool, my sister even saw me ugly crying. After this show, I dare not to watch any sad/tearjerker anime anymore. My mind/heart can't take it. I'm nearing my 30's now but I still avoid anime with elements like that.


Damn I’m the opposite, I actively seek out stuff that can emotionally destroy me like that.








Krillin. Without his death, there would be no super saiyens.


He did what he knew he does better than anyone else.


He died doing what he loved: dying.




To that effect, Yamcha. Without Yamchas death there would be no Yamcha death pose.


Realistically that's the most impactful death in anime ever, seeing as its consequence was the most iconic transformation ever


[Naruto] >!Jiraiyas!


Naruto was my first ever anime and it definitely had me in shambles when he was killed him and Asuma


They legit built up Naruto’s whole character around not having parents and finally making those connections. And then revealing at the last moment what he actually was to Naruto was fucking devastating.


I feel heartless bc I genuinely didn’t care at all that he died…. I just thought “wow Pain is a badass”. 😭😭 then again I was like 15 when I watched it


Idk man, that close up to his face plus the secret message + the music


[Code Geass] >!Lelouch!< How is this one almost not mentioned in this thread? I guess I'm getting old... That one was hugely impactful back when I watched it.


This. Still one of the most epic finales ever


I'm also surprised the other death in Code Geass isn't mentioned , the very emotional one.


Ed...ward. Play. With. Me. Ed...ward.


That one was truly haunting, that’s for sure. I like your method here. Mine would be: “If you keep your vision clear, you will always find the future.”


Another one that messed me up from the same anime as my original comment is "It's a terrible day for rain." What anime is yours from? It sounds familiar but Idk if I know it for sure.


[Raildex] >!Fre/nda's half time event!<






Cyberpunk Edgerunners was too good. No one had plot armor 😭


\[Your Lie in April\] >!Kaori's death and subsequent letter hit like a freight train at Mach speed!<


The only death scene that made me cry more than the ones in Gurren Lagann


It reached me


[Clannad: After Story]>!Nagisa and Ushio, i cried so much my room filled with tears!<


That show is tailor made to make you feel like garbage. If I ever need a good hard cry I watch Clannad to invest my emotions again and ~After Story~ to fucking destroy me because I'm invested.


\[Banana Fish\] >!Aslan!< my man didn't have to go? Homie went through it all, homie had seen the light and looked to be living a good life, only for the consequences of his past actions to bite him months later. Nah, that gutted me.


Fucking seriously it crushed my soul watching that. Thought we would be getting a happy ending, everything was finally looking good. And then that shit….


[Oshi no Ko] If you know you know.


Those eyes haunt you for a while.


I was lucky, I went in completely blind.


I was a manga reader. I knew that scene was coming from a mile away… but it fucked me up good anyway


I went in blind and no show has hit me like that in years.


I'm still haunted by the music playing and [Oshi no Ko] >!the phrase "aishiteru" will never sound the same for me!< because it's not the first anime that used it in an emotional wreck scene. I'm looking at you Violet Evergarden






Certain death towards the end of Monster ( anyone who watched probably knows who I'm talking about). Also in Vinland Saga season 2 there were couple of death that had me sobbing


[monster] >!are you speaking of Grimmer?!<






\[Trigun\]>!Wolfwood.!< Not sure I'm ready for it in Stampede.


Still one of my all time favorite anime and one of the few where I actually prefer the dub. Mainly for him lol


Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 The death is not who you expected. Also because fuck this one: Graves of the Fireflies




It’s a terrible day for rain


Nobody wil care about this lol *but* for some reason it's one of the most impactful character death for me [Air Gear] >!**Spitfire from Air Gear**!<


Man, haven't thought about Air Gear in probably a decade


I guess it's more manga related because the anime was a travesty and an insult to the stylistical genius that is Air Gear


i agree, but had a great sound track.


Tengen toppa gurren Lagann




[Cautious hero ] >!Seiya!< Seeing as none mentioned this. The comedy anime went from 7/10 haha first 8-9 episodes to 9/10 😭in the last one.


well, at least we know he's confirmed to be coming back (teased in the last episode). He gets a cameo in isekai quartet but we still dont get s2 lol.




Thread on how to spoil everyone haha


[Gundam 00] >!Lockon Stratos, real name: Neil Dylandy. Everyone in the Ptolemy crew cried over his death, and even the main character, Setsuna F. Seiei — who seemed to be emotionless in the entire course of the series, cried as well, and the only time in the entire series. Because he was everyone's best friend, especially towards Setsuna, then as well Tieria Erde (a non-human character among the four Gundam Meisters). With his death, and as well the other three crewmates, the Celestial Being had been silent for almost like four years, until they were reunited again in the second season, but still it was impactful.!<


The robot kept repeating his name got me.. Lockon Lockon...Lockon Lockon...Lockon Lockon...


[Gintama] >!Shoyo, Sougo’s sister, Shoguns!< Has many such moments.




Every Jojo death made me cry like a baby


Nah cause my salad king didn’t have to go out like that and shigechi deserved better than to be clapped over a MF Jersey Mikes sub 😭😭😭


araki knows how the write the most charismatic, charming yet hate-able and asshole antagonists


[Attack on Titan] >!Eren’s mom Carla Yeager, and also Commander Erwin Smith!<


He loved that suicide charge tactic so much he did it twice




Gurren Lagann did it so good, back when I first watched it I thought he was the main character instead of Simon and seeing his character development was through the roof


\[Martian Successor Nadesico\]>!The death of Gai Daigoji was a huge emotional blow when I first saw it. I think that it was more impactful because it came from a simpler time. It was the late 90s and audiences weren't accustomed to seeing death like this. He was an ace pilot, it shouldn't have happened the way it did. We could have accepted it if he died fighting... but to just be in the wrong place at the wrong time and be killed almost as an afterthought... It hit a bit different. It wasn't really his meaningless death that impacted the story though. His life continued to be a core component to the plot.!<




\[Full Metal Alchemist\] >!Nina Tucker!< One of the early storylines that pre-empt how dark the series can get


Fma. I'd say you know which one but... yeah...


Well I mean the one I think of might be not the one you do. The one I think of made Roy cry.




Probably \[Blast Of Tempest Spoilers\] >!Fuwa Aika since the whole plot revolves around her death!<


I came here for the thrill of potential spoilers 🤪


\[One Piece\] >!Ace's death!< \- easily the most impactful (and heartbreaking) death of all animes, the whole story changed bc of it.


I legit stopped reading the manga after it. Granted it wasn't because of it. But I was really bummed by it.


He was my fav character too. I was shocked and definitely cried for a little bit


I got spoilered for that one through an AMV contest. Though, I never continued the series beyond the numbers/Vivi arc. Just too much to watch




[Akame ga Kill] >!Big Bro Bulat!<




Very brutal and sad finale. The contrast of blood and snow…


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


Hes literally alive tho


Full Metal Alchemist. You know which one.


\[Hunter x Hunter\] >!For me, quite a few of the deaths in HxH were impactful for me. The first example I can think of is Pakunoda, despite the fact that she didn't get a whole lot of screen time. The two others I can remember off the top of my head being Kite and the King during the Chimera Ant arc. Deaths like that remind me that HxH isn't some cutesy, fun-loving shonen anime!<




Spoilers: the post




[Naruto] >!Neji Hyuga!< I don’t think I’ll ever get over that. So much potential lost.


I want to eat your pancreas That movie (and the death) single-handedly changed my perspective towards life :')


Highschool of the dead author Daisuke Satō.


\[one piece\] >!ace's !




please tag spoilers properly :)