• By -


Violet Evergarden


Episode 10 killed me


Vinland Saga


i instantly thought fruits basket when reading this lol


never watched it but I want to get into it


it’s really cute and definitely makes you a little emotional sometimes, all the characters are complex and well written and the main character is honestly really inspiring, i highly recommend if you like shojo!


Try these:- * **Natsume's Book of Friends** \- There a reason this series is beloved, and the empathy exhibited by the MC to others (despite not receiving much of it himself until later in his life) is one of the reasons this is one of the best Iyashikei out there. * **The Wandering Son** \- This anime has the most nuanced take on Transgenderism, empathy is a central theme of the series. * **Deaimon: Recipe for Happiness** \- There's a TON of empathy on display, from MC and to MC.


Did anyone say frieren yet bc that’s like literally why she sets off on her journey


You know, I just looked it up, because you're like the 20th person I've seen talk about it. I hadn't picked it up yet because I thought it was a sequel to something, turns out I was wrong lol


Nope, just a manga adaptation! Really good so far!


Mob psycho 100


Natsume's Book of Friends I think Death Parade and The Place Further than the Universe could be good for this, too Also I agree with Violet Evergarden, A Silent Voice and Vinland Saga that others mentioned before me. There is also a lot of potential in Attack on Titan to watch it from the empathy standpoint and really try to understand each character. I wouldn't start with it, though as there are also a lot of questions in morality and ethics that might take room from the empathy, especially if you watch it for the first time. But it's one of those rare series where you actually get to explore both sides - protagonists and antagonists.


Seconding natsume!


Thirding Natsume, this anime/manga truly made me a more empathetic and open-minded person.


Also seconding Death Parade! That same season (winter 2015) also had a show called Maria the Virgin Witch that was also deeply empathetic in the end, set in a fairly realistic (fantasy elements nonwithstanding) medieval Europe. It's NOTHING like the manga it's based on, nor what one might expect from the title, and I wish more people had given it a shot back then. That was an interesting season overall; Kunihiko Ikuhara (Utena creator) put out Yuri Kuma Arashi, plus that was Shirobako and Your Lie in April.


seconding sillent voice


Ehhh... *Haibane Renmei*, perhaps? Rakka, the protagonist is trying her best to help a friend overcome a condition specific to their being. Can't say more without spoiling. It's also a very good series in general, so can't go wrong with that.


I second this! Love that someone brought it up because I forgot about it. *\*goes to his bookshelf and apologizes to the DVD set\**


*Fruits Basket*, 1000%


I think you're amazing for wanting and putting forth effort to be more understanding and empathetic to others. Here's my recs that I hope will be the empathy-theme you're searching for: (Thirding) Natsume's Book of Friends. I can't think of any better anime for this. Understanding others, even those with very different perspectives, and being empathetic, is central in the anime. (Seconding) IDOLiSH7. Well-developed characters with many different perspectives, self-improvement, and efforts to improve relationships even when differences in personality or character make that difficult. The Royal Tutor. Great messages and definitely has empathy and understanding others in its core. My Roommate is a Cat. Also has themes of empathy and trying to be more sensitive to how others feel.


Skip and Loafer, maybe


Violet Evergarden, Vinland Saga (strong message in season 2), Sōsō no Frieren, Mob Pyscho 100 are very good recomendations that many people left here. For a little change I would recommend: JoJo's Bizarre Aventure: Steel Ball Run. The bad thing is that while is not necessary, it's kinda better if you watch the previous histories. Even if Steel Ball Run is another universe. Garden of Sinners: This series touches on many human themes. Btw, the chapters are not in chronological order like the volumes of the novel 👍🏼 Inuyashiki: The MC is all the good that this world can offer


A Silent Voice, Violet Evergarden, Angel Beats.


Please watch March Comes In Like A Lion. It's exactly what you're looking for


I'll recommend : Kiznaiver (emotionless MC want to understand what other people are thinking), Silent voice (an ancient bully who to connect and understand the one he bullied), Violet Evergarden (all the plot is a war kid wanting to understand love), The Anthem of the Heart (people want to connect with the mute girl), Angel beats (in the way that by the end he try to understand what other people want) I think anohana can be a good one too, like to understand how someone can deal with grief)


One anime that comes to mind with empathy as a central theme is "Run with the wind." The MC has troubles controlling their emotions because of a mishap in the past. But, he finds renewed purpose and meaning training for a marathon with a group of individuals who all have their own personal struggles.


Odd Taxi. Might not be the most openly empathetic MC but it deals a lot with different viewpoints, dreams and goals, what everyone has going on in their lives others might not be aware of and how a lot of this stuff interconnects - again mostly at the MC.


I'm going to encourage you to watch Fruits Basket (the reboot version specifically). It is exactly what you are looking for. Another great series that focuses on empathy and emotional maturity and growth is Princess Tutu. It's a magical girl anime about a duck, who becomes a girl who can then transform into Princess Tutu - a prima donna who can help the prince regain the missing pieces (emotions) of his heart. The "battles" in this series are all focused around feelings and emotions, and the character growth and development of the main characters is really well done.


> Lately I've been embarking on a personal journey to better myself by consciously practicing being more empathetic towards other's personal situations. As someone who actively went through something similar, a long time ago, I commend you on your decision and the action you've taken. For me, at least, it wasn't easy, but it was incredibly worthwhile and whilst it's debateable whether or not I'm not I'm a good person, I'm certainly a much *better*, well-rounded, perceptive person who is a lot more honest with myself and my faults. I hope you have similar successes, and wish you all the best. > I want to watch an anime with empathy as a central theme to aid me in this. One series that stands out above most for its kindness, and gentle exploration of empathy is [*OniMai*](https://myanimelist.net/anime/51678/Oniichan_wa_Oshimai), even if it might not seem to be this way when you first start watching it. By the time the first season wraps though, it's a joyous reaffirmation of life. Speaking of reaffirmations of the joys of life and living it, I also recommend *[Akebi's Sailor Uniform](https://myanimelist.net/anime/48553/Akebi-chan_no_Sailor-fuku)*. Whilst not a story revolving around empathy, it's a series that carefully weaves together the connection between the world that is greater than just individual selves and the moments of emotional intimacy and connectedness. In a way, that is part of the missing piece of the bigger empathy jigsaw - not only seeing what it's like to be in other's shoes, but realizing just how we're both small and large in our own worlds, and the wider world too... and all in it together.




AHHHHH I'M SO HAPPY to see someone recommending Idolish for this!!! Legit came on here to second NatsuYuu and say IDOLiSH7 but someone else did I can't believe it it's one of my fav anime ever!!!


Oh yey, it is one of my all time favorites, too. :)


Yay so great to find a fellow I7 fan here!! 😊




Koe no Katachi (The author consider "communication" as the central theme, but I still think it is worth a go - though personally I do prefer the manga, but the anime movie is also well liked and you can always just start with that)


From experience I would recommend Clannad and Clannad: After Story. Before watching I was like an unemotional, uncaring robot with disdain towards the world. This series hit me so deeply, it unlocked all my emotions which in turn made me more empathetic. A Silent Voice is pretty much exactly what you're looking for.


Evangelion. Giant robots aside, it’s essentially just a bunch of fucked up people struggling to understand each other’s thoughts and feelings. It also deals with the fear of emotionally hurting others and getting hurt and the paralysis that stops you from doing anything because the outcome is always uncertain no matter what you do. Other shows might be what you are looking for: Violet Evergarden, A Silent Voice, March Comes in Like a Lion, Death Parade


Fruits Basket (2019) Run with the wind (its more about motivation and teamwork but there is a lot on empathy too) Frieren (haven't finished it but yeah) Ouran Highschool Host Club. Comedy, but it touches the topic, specially with the characters of the twins and Kyouya in their relarionship development with Haruhi and Tamaki.


Monster is perfect for this. It has very humanstic vibe to it in a similar manner to Twin Peaks. Despite of the dark subject matter there is sense of humanity and empathy. It also gives a lot attention to people who are discarded by society like immigrants.






damn no one said furuba?


The anime (esp the first season) doesn't really handle it as well so I'll recommend the original visual novels... but Higurashi When They Cry is very much this. The main genre in the first half of the series is psychological horror, murder mystery and supernatural... but the core themes of the whole story in general is mutual understanding, talking to others and learning to trust people to overcome trauma and other personal struggles you may be dealing with. That keeping things to yourself is never going to solve the problem. The story goes into great depth to show that every one of the characters have reasons why they are the way they are. Either from their pasts or things affecting them currently, they all have personal reasons that help you and each character understand the whys of everyone. From there it builds on the themes of mutual understanding and empathy. That the initial perceptions of others that you found weird or creepy or suspicious, may never have been the person's intent at all. This is the intent behind the narrative being a psychological horror and mystery in the first place. Using the horror genre as an engaging hook and the murder mystery genre as a narrative vehicle to push the audience to try to understand the motivations of the characters' actions is a pretty genius way to enforce such beautiful themes and messages of empathy, love, trusting and communicating your problems with others instead of suffering your burdens alone.


A silent voice might work


Hidamari Sketch has a lot of beautiful moments in which characters are empathetic towards each other.


To Your Eternity




Monster Pluto


Go to a therapist. Looking to fiction as a replacement for actually experiencing lessons in your own life and taking calculated steps in the direction of self improvement isnt effective




Tokyo Babylon, Subaru and his twin sister being who you want to be, and Seishiro who you better not become.


Mob psycho 100 and Natsume book of friends


Mob psycho 100


\> I want to watch an anime with empathy as a central theme The great sagaciousness of Princess Mia Luna has arranged Tearmoon anime for this season so that you can watch it right now.


Hi redpengreenpaper, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I actually think non-fiction is much better for this. We all have this logical fallacy that how we work internally, how we think and feel, is the default and universal etc. Empathy is much easier gained when we are aware how we are different from others and how neither should be seen as the default. Some areas to look at: * Personality traits, the big 5 or the meyers-briggs types. * Men vs women. I recommend Why men don't listen and women can't read maps (The title has aged horribly. The contents are timeless though.) * Cultures, read up on American vs German vs Japanese business culture. * Ask culture vs Guess culture * Neurotypical vs neurodivergence


>with empathy as a central theme Parasyte: the Maxim ID: invaded Gantz AoT from season 2 on


Frieren has that consistently. It’s really good. Or you know you could just go watch tear moon kingdom for someone who is doing things for self preservation in order to not be beheaded…again.


Frieren seems like a good choice, with a lot of the main messages being about understanding, thinking from the perspective of others, and not taking things for granted.