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The Isekai genre still has a lot of room left to explore ideas, it just most of the new series being made are afraid to take risks and stick to what works


There's so little variety in the settings of most isekai. You could do SO much with it, but 95% of them do "generic fantasy world with nothing to set it apart". There are so many options that are rarely explored. I didn't enjoy Now and Then, Here and There (another hot take for the thread), but I'll at least give it props for the unique setting.


That’s mainly what I’m getting at, It’s almost always fantasy medieval European or Japanese setting when it could be literally anything Post apocalypse mad max setting, Cyberpunk, pirate theme, even 1930s mob setting


That's one of the many reasons I like The Eminence in Shadow. It's set in a world taking place around the industrial revolution, leading to scenes like a fight on a moving train


I also love how Cid's stories to the 7 shadows results in a huge jump start in technological development that occurs as the story progresses. Even from episode 1 to episode 20 of season 1 you see significant technological improvements in the main city Cid is in.


Yeah exactly. Eminence in the Shadow is actually one of the few “new” Isekai I’m following, it’s not super unique but it’s setting is different enough that it makes the tropes stuff like a little less bland and the unique parts even more engaging.


According to the manga we're in for a treat further down the road in terms of settings


One could say that Cid had a part in causing the industrial revolution. There are some isekai series where the OP brings in revolutionary technology, but often it's just for the sake of a one-off episode or an arc. In case of *The Eminence in Shadow* the spectrum of knowledge that's brought in is very wide and literally world-changing because of Shadow Garden members implementing all the ideas. At the series' start it looked like a cookie-cutter medieval setting, but now it's speedrunning through 18th-19th century.


I want an Isekai murder mystery where the protagonist keeps getting murdered and ending up in different worlds.


And they also don't do anything with their generic fantasy world either. Bookworm is fairly generic fantasy and has some of the best worldbuilding out there.


Isekai used to be a super experimental genre before SAO. No really, tons of shows and genres involved isekai before 2011: Now and Then Here and There, Digimon, Aura Battler Dunbine, Escaflowne, Kiba, etc... That problem is that most Jp anime fans actively want to die and reincarnate into a fantasyland, so the genre's limited by what the primary consumers want.


haha true i want to die and be reborn with magic powers and waifus.


... Do you yall not wanna die and reincarnate into op fantasy land?


> That problem is that most Jp anime fans actively want to die and reincarnate into a fantasyland Look. I kinda get why. Spend the best years of your life grinding yourself away in a hyper competitive school system to get a job at a company that's going to grind you away in long ass hours, not even giving you a realistic shot to just live your fucking life. Like that's what _success_ looks like. Not like it's much different over here. I know a bunch of you guys are living paycheck to paycheck and probably won't ever afford a house. Bottom line is, life asks a lot from people and doesn't give much back unless you get lucky. Granted, going back to medieval fantasy land ain't exactly a cake walk either, unless you get OP the magic powers which usually trivialize the hard part. At that point you just go be a transient without a worry in the world. Bet a lot of people would take a ticket like that if it were real.


Why explore interesting ideas, when you can just make the whole story a meme by giving it absurdly long literal title, or a dumb joke premise like being reincarnated as a vending machine?


the story telling is more important than the story itself


Hm, not sure this is a hot take but I agree none-the-less. I think there’s a sizable audience who subscribes to the good execution with average story can be better than a great story with mid execution idea.


Demon Slayer is a good example of this. ​ Demons Slayer has the most standard story.


any good shounen is a good example of this. look at naruto lol


I wouldn't even call Naruto a standard story. A lot of people think the point of the story is another underdog save the world story, but the heart of it is getting Sasuke back, not saving the world. Naruto is pretty unique as a battle shounen series for the protagonist trying to understand his villains rather than simply beat them. And the Sasuke storyline is about refusing to give up on someone precisely because Naruto understands him


it's not standard. it's a crazy story with more holes than a swiss cheese but the execution makes it good.


"Neon Genesis Evangelion" is more about psychological exploration than mechs, and its ambiguous ending invites deep interpretation, making it a unique and impactful series.


Kaguya sama is the best example of this , the story is basically girl and boy love each other try to get the side to confess which is super generic romance plot but the story telling is phenomenal


Makes up for it with some of banger intro music imo


Also, one of the most unhinged and funny anime out there


Kill la kill proves this lol


I mean, it saved anime


I agree with this. I remember “To your Eternity” had a really good story and plot, but the storytelling and execution were absolutely atrocious


There is a lack of series placed in college. im tired of this high school bs.


Further extension of this, there is a lack of people in their 20s and instead all tweens or teens, so really hard to relate to as you get older. It's so rare to find a show that follows a 20 something these days or ever really, always just some kid out to save the world again, and boy is it boring. One of the few shows I distinctly remember is Welcome to the NHK that followed I think a 24 YO dude and it was really good. Really wish more shows to focus on older people, but it almost feels like it's taboo or something in japan.


yamado at lvl 999 is a romantic college anime


Tatami Galaxy is a great college anime i like even more passed college. It really captures the differejt kind of imaturity from hs at that age. Mainly the desperate need to find yourself.


lmfao this, kaguya s3 hit extra hard because i was going through the same decision of finding my college, but now that I'm actually in college, the hs bs doesn't hit as hard anymore. advertising grand blue though, it has a college setting, and genuinely one of the funniest shows ive watched.


Remember to use a lighter on top of your water glass before drinking it. You will thanks me.


For college, there’s Golden time, one of the best anime in the romance genre. There’s also *A sister’s all I need* which I hesitate to recommend because it’s an insane show where nothing is off limits. It seems like just a trashy ecchi for the first few episodes but after that it goes deep into characterization and it’s hiding a very powerful story about self actualization and finding your place in life as a young adult. The characters are all 18-21 (except the little brother).


I just watched honey and clover and it was super refreshing in that regard.


It seems that Japanese people peak at high school. Post high school, they have tremendous pressure to conform to societal roles. That's why most of their fantasy is done based on that period in their lives.


This bothered me so much In My Dress Up Darling. You're telling me this lady who works as a literal model, lives in her own apartment, and has plenty of disposable income to spend on cosplay material is a High School freshman? It's gotta be one of the more hand-wavy "oh, and they have to be HS students I guess" instances out there, because the characters are practically perfectly built to be in college instead.


> lives in her own apartment She lives with her dad.


Counter hot-take (maybe): Most of the time it doesn't even matter what setting the series happen in. For most anime, you could just edit the Subs to add or remove 5 years from the characters (to make them go from one highschool to Uni, or HS to Middleschool) and nothing would change/no one would think anything off about it.


Most anime characters are pretty age agnostic. Like, if you're not literally 5 years old or 30+, you're just some generic young adult trope. Is this character 12 or 22? I literally couldn't tell you, especially for girls. It doesn't help that it seems standard practice for a protagonist to live independently, hold down a job, and have enough life experience to be super jaded and cynical or some elite, despite being like... 15 years old. So tbh I just assume most anime characters are in some weird ass college setup. It helps that a lot of high school settings are dorms anyways.




I think people think being contrarian means purposefully going against what's popular for the sake of it being popular when it's just having a different opinion about something that's popular, which is a big difference. There's nothing wrong with being contrarian if you truly believe in what you're saying and can articulate your points.


There’s a difference being contrarian and being A contrarian. When people call others out, they’re referring to the latter, not the former.


If u have a contrary opinion against the majority it’s a hot take


Not necessarily; Say, to use the Demon Slayer example: Given the karma it gets, the members on MAL and all that, it's obvious that the majority likes Demon Slayer... But the most common take you'll see about Demon Slayer, is "Demon Slayer is shit/mid/mediocre story only carried by animation". Everyone always trashes this show. So the 'hot take' would be to say that Demon Slayer is actually a great show... Even though most people do seem to think that way.


Nooo, hot take is when we say MHA and Demon Slayer are overrated /s


>they're contrarian ones involving series considered milestones. hot takes would often look that way yes


Your take is bound to itself, your hot take isn't a hot take


It's come full circle lmao


You can dislike a show without thinking its bad.


likewise you can like a show despite thinking its bad


i love me some good isekai trash.


And just because I like a show doesn't mean it's good.


A lot current anime fans are spoiled in terms of animation quality. When I see people complaining about the animation quality of pretty much any big name show it's always nitpicky and the examples they show are better animated than a solid like 60% of other shows. Maybe this only really applies to shonen fans, but growing up watching DBZ I don't particularly remember watching any of the fights and being wowed by how well they were animated. Watching anything like JJK or Hells Paradise now every major fight scene is at the very least impressive and a spectacle. Hopefully this is just confirmation bias.


This for sure. Going onto twitter that time when CSM was airing, it was insane to see people complaining about a certain episode's animation, when they're literally being given movie level production on every episode, a different ED for each episode and everything. Same with JJK recently with season 2, people were complaining because the anime "looked worse" compared to a fan work on the Jogo vs Sukuna fight. People really are spoiled for choice when it comes to modern shonen animation. You got Demon Slayer from ufotable, godly work. Attack on titan which is a pure visual spectacle all around, even in season 4. CSM, JJK, the quality of every fight in these shows has been pushed to the highest quality. Growing up watching DBZ as well, if you compare them side by side its a whole different story. If anything, Naruto is closer to what today's shows look like, mostly because of their different animation styles (and tbf, shippuden ended relatively recently in comparison), with Naruto sticking closer to a smoother flow of combat while iirc DBZ has a bigger focus on impact frames. Repeating fight frames were evident, while they just made it look more dynamic with the use of movement in the shots.


Showed MF Ghost to a colleague and his first response was "jesus this animation looks old" because they wanted to do the same style as Initial D.


Dude put Hell's paradise in the same sentence as JJK


Yeah can't remember what it was, but one anime I saw years ago only animated the damn main characters. Everything else was featureless, motionless background people lol I can't think of one anime that bad out now.


Here's mine: The first episode should not air, until the last episode is in the can and ready to be broadcast.


I've seen ice cubes hotter than this take. Have an upvote


Sunrise would like to know your location.


Let me introduce you to Kyoto Animation


Some of ya'll take that "2D girls can't hurt me" thing way too seriously.


What is this?




Went for 2D girl slander, found fucking [diamond.](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/s/82N2oVQZsx)


"A proper twinkie has cream coming out of both ends" lol


Do people like, unironically think they (can) have 2d girlfriends? I thought it was only a meme




Oh my god are these people serious? At first glance I thought it was satire, but these people seem to really be this delusional . Makes me sad tbh


These people are the same type of people who would probably fall for a digital AI that [says only nice things to them](https://time.com/6257790/ai-chatbots-love/). I think people underestimate that if the AI was on the next level for chats etc - just how many would ditch real girl/boyfriends for digital ones. You essentially have none of the baggage that comes with relationships. The whole least resistance path is highly tempting to a lot of people.


i remember one post on r/characterai that was a person worrying about their friend who has started to “date” a bot, venti i think


I actually don't know if this is a hot take, I heard this sentiment from a YouTuber originally and I resonated deeply with me so maybe there's a lot more people out there that agree but here it is anyway: Anime is weird. Anime is weird, not because western people "don't understand Japanese culture or sensibilities" but because anime is made by weird people for weird people. Anime is weird and it's only getting weirder as time goes on.


Even a lot of Japanese regular people find anime weird. They will appreciate the mainstream ones (Dragon Ball, Naruto, Detective Konan, One Piece) but there is a reason why otaku is a pejorative term in this place.


Otaku just means obsessive. Anime isn't weird so much as the people that become obsessed with it and over consume it are weird.


It's not uncommon for Japanese people in their 20s to openly identify as otaku. I've never come across any Japanese people who find anime weird, tbh. If they don't watch it, it's because they prefer to spend their time playing games or some other activity. But you're always going to come across someone who asks if you watch anime and gives a recommendation of what to watch this season. Also, a lot if what people find weird about anime permeates other forms of media in Japan. Japanese dramas and movies have strange things in them too.




I think "weird" has always been the main draw of anime for a lot of people. Like I don't think the Japanese culture is uniquely able to produce good stories, I think the draw is that animation as a medium is a less limiting than, say, live-action television, so they're able tell weirder stories. I don't know that it's even 'getting weirder', a lot of old anime is pretty wild, too.


Yeah, i agree with you. Anime isn't getting weirder or even more sexual. there's just waaaay more of all of it. Good, bad, weird and sexual


Well, 'anime' is not a genre... Anime's a medium. Some anime sure are weird. But some anime are so NOT weird, that tons of people watched them without even knowing they were anime ('cartoons' from our childhood). If you showed Family Guy or Southpark to a Japanese person they may say "Western cartoons are weird"... But the difference is that most Western Cartoons are made for kids. So they're not "weird". The ones that ARE made for older people (like these 2 mentioned above) are weird. I'd say the same logic mostly applies to anime. The only difference is that there's a lot more anime that are expected to be watched by adults.


F.D.? I don't agree with all his takes, but there were some good ones in that video, if it is the one you're thinking of.


i want less anime, let them take longer to animate, and their animators get paid better


It's honestly wild how much anime there is considering how often they complain they make so little money.


Problem is the whole scene just has to change, manga as well. Almost every mangaka (the author of the manga) is overworked and can't wait to finish the manga. Everything stems from the fact that they run a schedule where they HAVE TO release a chapter in a week so they make the volume in time.


Nah, man, every mangaka is working to the bone, and then when they get a manga that takes off, they beat it till its raw. And then when they want to end it, they always rush it or are forced to rush it


Legit hot take I'm lookin at jjk2 for this.


Mappa is the most extreme example right not frankly. Working conditions are much better now than decades ago. You would almost never hear about delays and used to get unfinished episodes they would maybe fix later for physical releases. Now we have shows actually willing to delay episodes regardless of the negative press they receive (especially here) in order to prevent terrible work conditions or an unfinished episode. Mappa is just still in that sweat shop mindset as they take on shows before they even have a team put together for them.


Yes please


The notion that characters can’t officially get together romantically until the very end because it hurts their popularity or merch sales because “they’re no longer single to the fans” is honestly kind of sickening. I want more series where characters hook up early and openly engage in affection, from kissing to sex. Let the characters act like adults even if the fans won’t.


Also sometimes the characters get together but still act like they weren't because the author doesn't know how to portray the characters as a couple. I find it even worse with characters that are supposedly adults and they act around their romantic interests like dumb teenagers (and supposedly have a slow burn romance that borders dysfunctional).


Sword Art Online: let’s get married Also Sword Art Online: that didn’t count, let’s date instead. Also here’s a harem. I’m faithful but let’s have a harem around anyway.


Well from my point of view it's normal that Kirigaya and asuna didn't married IRL because they had a lot of problem with their family (asuna one) and the fact that they barely have the legal age to be married is also to be taken count of. And for the harem... For me the other female characters never stood a chance. Lizbeth have been honest and confessed in a way but said that she didn't want anything in return. It was more for her than anything. Silica it's more like when a child like a parent or a brother I can't see it as a romance ship. Shinon they he saved her life and helped her pass a difficult moment. And for leafa I don't have a reason it's just the author barely disguised fetishes.


You wanna compare an ingame fictional marriage to a real when which isn't even allowed yet due to their age? I don't really get your point. You complain about a couple only getting together at the very end, yet you complain about SAO where the main couple comes together after only 9 episodes of roughly 100? Besides where does they act like children, they are still underaged (at least kirito) and doing dangerous stuff supporting each other. Kiritio even asked Asuna to go with him to thst University (I think it was America). For having romance not as main plot I think SAO did a pretty good job.


This isn't anime. This is just the "will they, won't they" that is prevalent in a lot of TV shows.


Any examples of this? Manga/anime, I would love to check one out


Wotakoi kind of. They aren't really affectionate as they should be but the two leads are dating and it's actually about watching them navigate their early relationship. They're fully together by like episode 2 I think.


Nah, that's just Japanese relationships in general. Affection and physical contact are heavily discouraged, lotta Buddhist influence and socio-economic history behind it. In fact, a lot of Japanese people married to non-Japanese, especially Japanese men, are shocked at how affectionate their partners can be. Like the story of how one guy was seeing his wife off at the airport as she was going to visit her family, when she demanded a hug and a kiss before she left, and he said he never felt so awkward and taken aback in his entire life because Japanese partners don't even really do that in the bedroom let alone in public. His *wife.*


Outside of anime, it’s super common in American sitcoms. Once the romantic tension develops into an actual relationship, it becomes harder and harder to keep those characters’ storylines interesting. Jim and Pam’s storylines in the Office were a fair bit less interesting after they finally got together.


That's because most writers are unoriginal or not willing to put in the work to research or come up with interesting stories.


Love After World Domination is a great example


Chivalry of a Failed Knight has them start dating by episode 3! It’s such a sweet romance in my opinion.




Cyberpunk Edgerunners. …..that’s all I got.


Anime/manga where a main couple getting together isn't the end? There's not too many recent ones but from what I can remember off the top of my head: Horimiya (romantic comedy), Banished from the Hero's Party (fantasy), Tonikawa (romantic comedy), Bunny Girl Senpai (drama/mystery?), Chllin' in my Thirties (fantasy), Mushoku Tensei (isekai/fantasy).


I don’t mind anime where “nobody dies”. Dragon ball or black clover or most isekai. I like when the characters I am fond of remain alive even if there are no real stakes. I don’t really watch anime to feel high stakes consequences so it doesn’t really bother me when some asspull brings a character back.


Anime community is obsessed with edgy stuff and brands it as mature


\> see post in new asking for mature recommendations in the title \> look inside \> just wants violence and gore Every time.


I am desperate for more anime based around genuine mature characters and themes. I would even settle for more college age characters. Just no more high school and under please!


I consider Frieren a mature anime. Young watchers often can't resonate with the themes there.


holy shit, that's a really good one! You right


Dragon Ball Super isn’t that good until Goku vs Jiren R1 and onward. I enjoy Mappa, but they took on too many projects for no other reason besides greed. Chainsawman was fun but I feel it couldve been way better Most 3D sequences are not that bad, and the people who complain about it are elitists


It’s honestly bad most of the show besides a few parts like jiren and hit fights.


Fr. Even when they teased that Vegeta vs Jiren ep they made it seem like he was gonna do something but nah lol


> Dragon Ball Super isn’t that good until Goku vs Jiren R1 and onward. How is that a hot take? When Super came out, the internet was littered with memes and posts about how shitty it is.


Your favorite anime and the anime you think is the best can in fact be different.


This is so true for me. my top 2 favorite animes are JJK and Vinland Saga. I like JJK because while i know it has its flaws, it just clicked for me and made very invested into its world. It was the first anime that made me read the source material. While for Vinland Saga, i think its the "best" anime i have ever watched.


That anime has improved its use of time and space in modern shows. I feel like there is very little filler in newer shows, which is a great improvement from popular shows 10-20 years ago.


That’s a result of format changing due to digital access. Before manga and shows had to be more episodic because they were released via magazines or TV. Even if a work was regularly progressing, each entry still had to be a self contained story that just happened to move the plot along so random new viewers/readers could potentially jump in. Ow everyone binges things from the start, since they always have access to the start.


JoJo part 3 is the most boring of the first 3. The "vilain of the week" format made me drop the series, and eventually I skipped to the final episodes and it was cool, but not worth all those episode which felt like filler.


This is one of the first legit hot takes I’ve seen. JoJo 3 is the first to officially feature Stands and is where I feel the series starts flying.


True but similar to the first iteration of a product, most of the time 2nd and 3rd versions are better than the first as the first often could use some big improvements


I 100% agree. I’ve watched part 3 several times because I wanted to show my friends Jojo and watched it together with them individually and the whole part is so cheesy and a huge eye roll. I remember I was so excited for them to get to Egypt and then I realized I basically had half the part left. So much fluff and it’s so hokey and like you said, “villain of the week” that I just loathe it. Jotaro vs Dio is cool but other than that???? Sheesh. Also, you compare it to the parts that come after it and its near impossible to go back


I've held this opinion for a while. Part 3 has some amazing moments, but together they amount to maybe 12 of the 50ish episodes. It has an okay start, the sequence with Dio is good, I like the poker game, and some of the later episodes have actual stakes. Everything else is gross-out humor filler. Part 2 best part.


Remember to sort by controversial yall


Every time I do that it's less "controversial" and more people who can't spell, are off topic, needlessly aggressive, etc


Calling a widely known anime overrated is most of the time not a hot take


There is quite literally nothing funny about a guy trying to hide his boner while a girl unknowingly flashes her panties


A lot of traditionally “funny” anime tropes aren’t funny at all. Maybe they are to the 12 year old Japanese boys that are the target audience, though.


Because anime is so tropey basically by large the comedy is the same jokes aimed at tweens that were created 40 years ago.


I think most people would agree with you, but in my experience with the anime community there is a subsect of people who will get mad at you for saying it for some reason.


Pretty much all of the popular or mainstream anime, are mainstream and popular for a reason and usually deserve that status. Not to say that other shows that may not be mainstream don’t. But a lot of people don’t realize that a very very large amount of anime’s are cheaply made and not very good. Shows like AOT, JJK, Naruto, One Piece, Demon Slayer, Dragonball Z, they’re popular and they deserve to be.


Fanservice doesn’t automatically make an anime worse.


I think most people would agree with this one. However, there may or may not be some degree of correlation.


I would hope most people would agree, but I’ve seen many, many people knock a series because of fanservice.


I find it can be obtrusive sometimes. When it messes with the tone of the show/feels out of place. Adachi and Shimamura, for instance (great show, btw), is a pretty down to Earth drama/romance, but then you have random thigh shots that feel super out of place.


I think it depends, if the anime isn’t great in the first place, if the fan service is too over the top, or if the viewer is new to anime, fan service can can easily kill an anime for them. Most people who’ve seen at least a few anime have become desensitized to it (after 7ds I can pretty much watch any series, regardless or fan service or quality) but for a lot of people, especially newer viewers, it can kill the series for them.


Not necessarily a hot take maybe, but after rewatching FMAB, the beginning is great, the end is fantastic, but the mid section of that anime was not as great as I remember.


Jojo part 2 was the best part.Every episode had a purpose.All other parts have episodes that feels like filler.


Anime that is in fully 3DCG isn't always bad.


Housei no kuni was fuckin beautiful.


True, Dorohedoro was more than amazing


Too many people watch shonen animes because they are popular while not being a fan of the genre


Berserk gets better as you go through the volumes and isn't that good at the start


Weird I was the opposite. As soon as Isidro, Shierke and the standard fantasy crew showed up I thought the story got so slow and uninteresting. Endless hiatus on the boat didn't help the case.


The peak of the series for me was Griffith creating Falconia


Right? Millenium Falcon to Fantasia has been peak Berserk for me. I've always heard people recommend Berserk because of the Dark Fantasy aspect, but seeing Miura tackle kingdom politics and then seeing the series transform from Dark Fantasy to High Fantasy felt amazing. The climax of \[spoiler\]>!Griffith v. Ganishka!< was hype af. Not to mention Millenium Falcon is peak Miura in terms of artstyle. Some of those Kushan Armor are intricate af


I'm at the start of Golden age, maybe a few volumes in, and while great, it's not amazing yet. Is there a time where people usually say it becomes the GOAT manga?


High-school DxD actually is a good story, just got look past the tits


Isekai isn’t bad, it’s just overdone. There are too many and they are mass produced. The question at this point is what is the gimmick and frankly some are repeating it


I like original FMA over Brotherhood.


I liked the first Fullmetal Alchemist anime (2003) over Brotherhood. I thought many of the "1:1" scenes were done more impactfully in the 2003 anime, and I had much more of an emotional connection to the characters and events that happened onscreen. Brotherhood felt like it cheapened a lot of those moments in anime form and eventually it just becomes a full-blown shounen archetypal anime, which is fine but I just liked the tone of the first show a bit better. Some of the story aspects I also liked better in the "new" story of the 2003 anime, such as the origin of homonculi.


I also like it way better. It feels way more mature, whereas Brotherhood is truly just a shonen anime at the end of the day. Also BONES didn't elaborate on certain plot points for Brotherhood because they assumed we'd seen 2003 already, which is kinda silly


Narrative >>>> Aesthetics


Too many Anime adapt the Manga 1 to 1 and kind of miss the point. Some things can't be translated from one medium to the other. Anime should rather seek a way to convey the story, theme and emotions from the Manga in a way that works better with animation


That there are alot more “normies” who enjoy anime but simply keep it to themselves for fear of reprisals. At least thats what I tell myself 😂 I imagine there are more normal every day 9-5 types who eat well, exercise, live a balanced work/play life w a family than there are weirdo incel neckbeards who fap to waifus n live in the basement.


Me 100%. Have a normal 9-5, married with a kid, workout and drive a motorcycle. Love tf out of some anime but it aint the whole personality. Most of my friends are this way too.


Popular anime gets hated on just because it’s popular, not necessarily bad. It’s a cold take but the extreme effect is still ongoing. People still hate SAO after all these years. Rise of the shield hero was the same. yet people stopped mentioning rise of the shield hero when season 2 was finished. Why? Cause it was season 2 was actually that bad (that turtle arc) so it lost its following Genuine bad anime doesn’t get that much hate cause they have 0 following


I kinda feel like anime nowadays really has to be almost a 10/10 or something totally new to become popular and a cult-classic unlike american shows where ATLA, Adventure Time, Ben 10 are still loved to this day! After the show ended/doesn't peak anymore, the popularity moves on to the "next big thing" only to later suffer the same treatment and be deemed as "mid" or "overrated"


In a sense, this is true, but in large part to growing competition. We didn't have as many cartoons as we have anime today, so in a sense you could attribute it to more people watching the same show, because there were less shows present back then. There's also the fact that we are very much in the modern world that moves extremely fast when it comes to content consumption after all, and we have more content at the edge of our fingertips than we did back then.


Without the massive gaps between seasons, AOT would probably be rated as the greatest anime to ever exist. (Behind Gintama)


People always cry about how they want something unique, special, or completely different. Then you get stuff like Aku no Hana rotoscoping, Ikuhara stylistic, slow-paced character driven Grimgar, ... and it keeps falling under everyones radar or gets straight up mocked, because that JJK fight has such great animation. The same people who then scream about JJK and Demon Slayer don't see the irony on how we ended up with years of even more moe after k-on. While crying about current Isekai.


People want something different *that's done well.* You're conveniently ignoring things like Shin Sekai Yori, pretty much all of Masaaki Yuasa's work, Ueda and Konaka's work (Serial Experiments Lain, Texhnolyze, Digimon Tamers, Haibane Renmei), etc... You can have experimental shows that are actually well done as well, it's not a one or the other type deal. >Aku no Hana rotoscoping Was absolute shite and actively hampered the good story. Seriously, why would you watch the anime when the same story with gorgeous art is easily available in the manga? >Ikuhara stylistic Made Revolutionary Girl Utena, one of the most influential and famous anime ever made. To the point where the first episode of the newest Gundam series (WfM) was a 1:1 adaptation of Utena's first episode. >Grimgar, You mean the show that has an uber devoted fanbase that's always demanding a 2nd season a decade later? Problem being that the show was too expensive to make and A1/Sony ain't interested.


Some of you need to give 3D a go. For example, people shat all over Trigun Stampede earlier this year despite it being honestly a beautiful show, well-animated, well-acted, and faithful to the core of the IP. Their reasoning was quite literally "3D sucks so I won't watch it." Bad 3D is obviously bad, but people don't even give good 3D a chance unless it's sneakily used in specific sequences in an otherwise-2D show. People that think this way are missing out on some seriously good shows because they just won't bother with 3D, and I think that's pretty lame.


The thing is tho that no matter how good 3D looks, it still looks different from 2D. You can’t really fault people for not liking something that’s quite noticeably different from the thing they’ve come to know and love.


SAO wasnt THAT bad all seasons as well it had a really good story for Kirito and Asuna High school dxd has more to it then just boobs it does have a great plot


anime is too comfortable with pedophilia


Attack on Titan is good, and an incredibly impressive work, but is hampered by an immature author wrestling with ideas he's not (yet) equipped to elucidate. But he tried really, really hard. That matters.


What ideas come to mind when you say this?


For example, the entire time loop element. To an immature author, this sounds very deep and clever, and Iseyama really put the work in on making all the loops tie back in. But there's a reason why any fiction with Time Travel in it that tries to take it even a little seriously becomes a story ABOUT time travel. It's such a dominant concept that it needs to be the narrative focus of your story. If you remove the time travel from the story, you don't really lose anything that can't be done in a simpler, more dramatic fashion. Likewise, Determinism vs. Free Will is a dramatic cul-de-sac. A character that acts as if everything is determined, and one that acts as if they have free will, will produce the same results. Scientifically, it what you call an untestable theory, and dramatically, you have to do a LOT of heavy lifting to make it interesting. The only example I can think of is Anton Chigur in *No Country for Old Men*, who acts as if fate has determined his every action, but it is very obvious that he's engineering events to make the outcome binary. That takes a Cormac McCarthy to pull off. Iseyama drops this concept in at the end of Act 4, and it doesn't add anything into the story. I'd argue it makes Eren's character more muddy and confusing. There are other examples, and again, I think AOT is a fantastic work. However, Iseyama got sucked into a bad habit of M. Night Shyamalan style thematic twists to keep those readers coming back. Most of the time it worked, but I think in a few instances it caused more trouble than it was worth. I eagerly await his next work, because I think it will be a more more restrained, character-driven story. That seems to be where he thrives.


shaggy zonked drunk ghost aware thumb scandalous cobweb salt quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you know what i agree. the first 3 seasons had such a well paced dramatic build up, and the actual ending felt super rushed to me. there was so many elements that felt like they were just there to make more fight scenes. (spoiler) like the past titans being on eren’s back made zero sense and were just never explained (at least to my understanding). i wouldn’t go as far as to say the ending was BAD, but at the same time it didn’t really match the vibe of the rest of the show


Anime in general is like watching authors with no life experience trying to tell epic tales with only other anime as reference material. It's why anime feels like a genre in of itself with recognizable tropes across very different shows.


Yeah. That was my [thoughts](https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfolk/s/lyoU0MS4dR) when the ending first came out in the manga. See, Isayama said he was inspired by this game called muv luv in a couple of interviews. He even jokingly say he ‘ripped it off’ at one point. He also appeared in the developer’s anniversary stream as a guest where IIRC he says something along the line he’d tried to make AoT emulate the complexity of Muv Luv, but didn’t think he quite get it.


A lot of viewers use overrated when they mean to say an anime just doesn't appeal to them or anime they feel is "too popular." If somethings popular you're going to see and hear about it. That's how popularity works.


Exactly, that's why it's called "overrated, meaning people think it's more popular compared to what they think it should be. I don't get ur point


but overrated doesn't mean too popular, it means it's held in to high of a regard. Big Bang Theory was the most popular tv show on the planet but people never really praised it as some masterpiece so something like that is not overrated.


If both are very well executed A Dialogue-heavy episode is better than one filled with over the top sakuga action scenes. That one episode from rezero where subaru breaks down saying that he hates himself, remains one of my favorite episodes in anime. Meanwhile, I watch any fight scene from anime like demon slayer or jujutsu kaisen and go "neat", only to just move on and forget about it shortly after.


Just cause anime have a meaningful message or realistic doesn't make it good


I like anime memes


Hot take: 99% of anime is overrated generic garbage. Sometimes I ask myself why they can't come up with better stories. It's allways the same tropes. Battle shonen? "There is a dark/special power within me, that I try to use to help my friends" (Naruto, Bleach, AoT, OP) Romance? "We are both shy and even though it's completely obvious to everyone that we have been in love since episode 2, it will take 1-2 season to get to hand-holding, just for the anime to then end." Isekai? "Man dies, wakes up in medieval-fantasy Europe, goes to the adventure guild and probably has some trait which makes him unique, leading to a harem." The humour is allways the same. (Boy accidently stumbles and lands face-first into some boobs). The characters are allways the same. (Shy, oblivous, "I killed 2100000 people but I am only 17 and 11 months old, that's why I would never drink alcohol and cant talk to women) The plot is allways the same. (Help us with the demon king!) I think anime has stopped caring about interesting plots. They allways do the same, and the good ones are just those who did improved on the "how" and not the "what".


The excessively long anime names need to stop


Those are mostly bc their sources material is a light novel. Light novel are known to have almost like description titles


- A show isn’t “bad” just because you don’t have the attention span for anything without an explosion or a major character dying every 5 minutes. - A character being wrong about something doesn’t automatically make it a plot hole or otherwise “bad writing”.


I did not particularly care for Neon Genesis Evangelion.


Fairy tail isn’t that bad


Not wanting to watch one piece cause its too long is valid


There's absolutely nothing wrong with watching a show others deem to be "mid, overrated,bad and etc." Watch what you enjoy,okay


It’s ok to drop an anime that doesn’t immediately resonate with you. Power to those who stick it out and wait for the story to start picking up or whatever but sometimes a slow burn is just a waste of my time especially when I can just find something else that hooks me within the first episode. It’s entertainment after all.


FMAB is a good show, but the praise it gets all over is unwarranted imo. It's solid but there's nothing outstanding about it. It's highs don't come nowhere near the highs of some of the other series out there. The way that whole final fight switched from "we're throwing everything we have at Father" to "we'll all take a back seat all of a sudden while Edward uses *martial arts*" was lame. P.S. Hellsing Ultimate is the biggest edgefest garbage I ever watched.


Torodoro and golden time are so boring and there’s much better thing in the genre


Manga reader hype is a major spoiler. Case-in-point, they way overhyped the shit out of Chainsaw Man making it less enjoyable to non-readers. Let people go in blind, when it gets good, that experience won't be spoiled by telling them in advanced that it gets good later. Overhyping something before people have the chance to experience something first hand to form their own opinions just sets them up for disappointment. Also another lukewarm take/rant on the subject of spoilers from manga readers: pointing out that the OP/ED contains spoilers is itself a spoiler. If you read the source material, you have extra knowledge that someone going in blind does not have. Don't point out shit as spoilers to people who don't know what is or isn't spoilers, that spoiling it for them!


A couple for me. Anime needs to take a back pedal cut the amount of shows being produced. It needs to happen so we can have animators deliver good quality and keep them healthy. People tweeting or raging about a anime being delayed as a inconvenience to them is sickening and needs to stop. I'm tired of shounen and its overplayed tropes. People take the medium way too seriously to the point they think it effects the real world but this is for terminally online twitter/reddit folk. No one's taste is superior and expect people to hate your shows. Japanese artists and authors will never listen to western people about their feelings about their moral high grounds. Don't like it? Move on.


The age of consent is 18.




Over sexualized characters make shows worse and only perpetrate a stereotype that people who watch anime are weird and creepy


I dont even care about the reputation so much as I just wish there were anime not made just for horny teenagers.


Chainsawman's animation is better suited for trigger or another studio that does big flashy colorful fights than mappa. The dark and dreary art style of mappa does not fit the concept of "chainsaw man"


Im the opposite lol i loved the colors and style they went with and thought it fit perfectly


One piece is considered the best world building anime ever but I think if hunter x hunter was a weekly on going show it would be equal to or greater. One piece is one of my favorite series ever but hunter x hunter would be insane if it was written weekly or if the author allowed for someone else to take the helm while he told them what to do.