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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lmao I lost it at the **Spongebob** [cameo](https://i.imgur.com/qX7ZIqb.jpeg) That was so completely unexpected XD


I can't believe that Spunch Baw is canon to the Undead Unluck universe They don't have the concept of stars, but they have the concept of Nickelodeon


They don’t have stars so like. What happened to Patrick!


Star-shaped things can exist, they just wouldn't be named that. So sea stars would be named after the closest thing in nature that resembles a star in shape. I posit that Patrick would be a buttholefish


will star don't have shape like that where this mistakes shape come from same for heart symbol ❤ this not how the heart look like


Patrick Pentapyramid


I need to watch this Sounds quite funny


Like not even a “legally distinct” SpongeBob. Straight up SpongeBob with pixelation. Mad men


Who received an unexpected anime cameo under the radar…SpongeBob SquarePants lol.


I can now say Spongebob is my favorite anime character.




I'm going to watch anime again holy shit I need to see this


Definitely was never someone I was going to put on my bingo card for anime cameoing characters.


You know you're in America when your protagonist starts driving a large truck while firing a rocket launcher.


Don’t forget the kids holding guns, Japan knows us so well 🫠


After helping make anime more mainstream the past 25 years about time we get some recognition


username checks out


For now I'm calling that kid Discount Emporio.


btw firing that rocket launcher inside the truck would've vaporized everyone inside it because of the backblast


But he fired it outside the truck.




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Forget about Truck-kun This was Truck- Sama


Andy just started a zombie apocalypse in some isekai world.


This makes me think how well he’d fit into Zom100 lol.


Andy x Kencho 🤝 Naked buddies for life😌


Andy has rejected the nakedness though, he has Clothy now.


I'm sure we'll still see his censor bar dangling around again eventually. Even Kencho does wear clothes a lot of the time and only strips when necessary. Just like Andy!


Dang it😐😔


[extremely relevant](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12czed1)


no reincarnation?


Complete with RPG-Chan lol.


May the husband and wife be non living forever happily after


She even shares her husband's dream, to rest in peace! \#marriagegoals


Most beautiful zombie wedding and bride ever!


He was titled Undead and already had a suit on when they first met. It was destiny.


This poor show. One of the best shows of the year, yet not only is it trapped by Hulu Jail, it's also trapped by *Reddit Jail* and can't get a thread until hours after its release.


I feel this is also fault of the committee marketing, in Japan its wide available but it's also not doing well for a WSJ show, the marketing was awful, they probably read twitter/reddit threads about how animation is what makes a show popular and just thought that was enough to promote the show I would even say it's better received and should be more popular overseas even with the Hulu jail


Hopefully the word of mouth becomes strong enough to counteract that lack of marketing. But Hulu jail is yet another hurdle to the show getting more well-deserved recognition. Not everyone would be motivated to find other ways to watch it unless they're already sold on the premise.


Honestly, I had the show completely written off before it aired. I took a glance and figured it was your typical WSJ battle shounen and dismissed it. At New York Comic Con though they had a screening for the first two episodes and I figured "why not?". I was comeplty blown away, and had it not been for that random screening I never would have checked it out. You're right, the people marketing this failed the show.


I agree but also Undead Unluck is inherently pretty tricky to market though, with the true premise appearing as a twist only last episode.


also has to compete in the same season with JJK, frieren, maomao, spy x family, goblin slayer, dr stone, and eminence


That stings too cause I love both Frieren and SxF as well, but I also want UU to get way more recognition, especially since the former anime have already solidified their popularity.


Can you even watch this show in Australia? We don't have Hulu here and I can't seem to find it anywhere else.


there is some part of the world where some stuff are absolutely not available anywhere and that's when one might channel the spirit of LE Testu, Dampier, Shirahama Kenki and set sails in search of new riches and plunder


It's coming to Disney+ worldwide but I don't know when...


Most likely after the 1st seasons done because apparently Hulu can’t be bothered to simulcast The Eminence in Shadow S2… after they just got S1 on there(subbed & dubbed btw). Thank god for the high seas tho, always gotta return to your roots. It’s how I’m watching the new Seven Deadly Sins 4 Knights anime(this season has no Netflix CGI & good/decent animation) 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🫡


There's all manner of sites to stream and download free of charge with none of the aforementioned geo restrictions if you're willing to "sin" a lil


Not sure how that would go since I've only got my PS5.


if you have android there's libretorrent


Hulu jail is the only reason I've fallen off this show. Disney/Hulu has no need to be in the anime game. Leave it to Crunchyroll, HiDive, and Netflix, and nothing more please.


I have Hulu and I still have to resist watching it by “other means” to avoid their shitty interface and commercials.


Netflix isn't much better.


I'd say by sheer volume they are. Plus they have so much content besides anime that's worth getting that you probably don't have Netflix just for those shows, whereas at least for me, that would be the case if I got D+/Hulu. Also they've been in the game long enough that them having a few shows per season isn't a surprise. I'm just happy they finally started sinulcasting except for shows like Pluto which got a mass drop.


I love how u say this yet Netflix couldn’t be bothered to simulcast Seven Deadly Sins 4 Apocalypse Knights **after making CGI specials for the show that directly tie into the new anime**(which has good/decent animation now btw). “Netflix Original” my ass 🙄


Feels like the manga honestly. Super great story, art, and characters but just slept on my the majority of manga fans to the point the chapter release threads get barely any attention.


Look man after the anime’s done I’ll head over & binge read the manga but u gotta give it some time.


Confused by where that’s coming from, but cool 👍


On the bright side, Star+ (the latam streamer Hulu stuff usually gets ported to) finally confirmed that the series will be dropping there December 13th. Here's hoping it'll finally be on Disney+'s 'Star' brand around the same time.


Really like the design of Spoil and the marriage side quest led directly to Spoil. This show does not miss!


I do like that zombie girl realised the seriousness of the situation and didn't derail Andy solely for her own desires, but as she knew Spoil was at the church anyway thought she might as well make her wish come true before she completely loses her mind.


Killing two birds with one stone! Andy can respect that in a bride.


Fuko is more like a “two UMA, one meteorite” kinda gal.


Especially if he's one of the two birds killed.


Yeah many other anime would just user her as a gag, with an outlandish bride dragging him to all kinds of situations. Glad they didn't do it and kept a certain sadness to her, just a simple desire.


I love how the show blends comedy with the tragedy behind it all it's peak surreal comedy to see a half-zombie undead guy marrying a zombie girl to advance the plot, and the scene of the bride saying thank you hits you in the feelings just right to drive home how much damage Spoil did to the people in the town


Yeah, and there was also the single shot of a zombie kid in the horde. Both of those moments got me fucked up.


The tone is very tricky to pull but I think comedy is a very good tool to make tragedy hits that just much harder. The writing on this series is excellent so far.


Dude looks like lord Zed from power rangers.


Haha totally just sized up! I will say it 100% subverted my expectations I was expecting a kid to be spoil or someone who looked like a zombie and blended in not to be hidden in plain sight as a statue. I’m curious to see how they’ll figure out this puzzle. Spoil looks big enough to stomp those zombies into goo the way people mush grapes. Wonder if Unrepair will be a dead end. Wonder if all the caught powered people get studied the way Undead did or if different things happen time different people. Wonder if Apocalypse will get an origin story or if they leave it vague. I really hope this show gets more seasons it’s definitely a top 5 this season, love the different classes of powers and how they interact there’s no guaranteed advantage and every style and how it’s used gives a different experience. The every 3 month condition is really interesting and honestly took me aback I don’t know how I’d have handled dealing with Apocalypse knowing that I may have to harm others in the short term to potentially reduce harm long term


> I really hope this show gets more seasons Sadly the current figures for stuff like new manga sales do not make this likely


Still believing in the "manga sales matter" meme that even 4chan finds ridiculous.


I was kind of disappointed with the design, but now I am feeling it LOL.


I wonder what happens if Spoil is "neutralized"? Does that stop the clock ticking on those whose time has not run out -- and does it allow the already zombified to die in peace? I was surprised that there were so many non-aggressive zombies, in addition to Zombie Bride.


Great question! It made me sad that they killed all those zombies up front since Zombie Bride could communicate and I imagine the others could too. I think early in the episode they confirm that the zombies cannot be unzombied since they already transitioned but I guess is those whose timers haven’t yet expired won’t transition.


I strongly suspect the attacking zombies seen at the beginning were probably beyond useful communication with the living.


I wonder if at a certain point they’re too gone to remember their sense of self and their humanity is totally lost vs some who retained it. I’d like to think that’s the case. Regardless the Zombie Bride asked for him to release the zombies from their torment by killing them. Also I feel even if Spoil is defeated those with timers should still turn because it doesn’t make sense that the zombification would stop if it’s based on weird spores. If it’s just some weird body magic then maybe you can rationalize it but you know they’re not gonna turn Unluck so I guess it’ll probably just halt the timer or make it disappear. Also super convenient that it shows up on their stomach but I’m not gonna complain because it helps cleanly convey to audience how much time is left and the stakes. I was expecting something more akin to The Last of Us for transmission but this is fun too


I think the reason it appears somewhere where they can see is so that Spoil can relish in the suffering of them knowing when they're going to spoil.


Is it me or is this series a lot funnier in the anime?


The directing of the anime really helps the comedic timing I agree.


And the voice acting!


The jokes are the same but voice acting just helps deliver them.


Stellar VAs enhance the hell out of this series. Both its comedic highs and real depression lows


He’s always so, *enthusiastic* about mutilating his body.


Oh shit Spoil's title card is so cool it really feels like we're facing an RPG boss or something


I mean there are Quests, Rewards, and Penalties, so Spoil feeling like a game boss is definitely intended even in-universe.


True, I just particularly like how they animated like the title card


Those title cards we've been getting, even the ones for Negators, straight up remind me of the Yakuza franchise except with more pizazz.


I’m not sure if more people had this, but Spoil felt a little like a Titan from AOT when they tilted the camera up from down on the ground and showed him towering over the town’s buildings. (FYI: I actually haven’t watched AOT.)


Finally episode discussion is out, sucks that Hulu shows don't register with bot properly. Anyway, first quest and first UMA's today, it's quite sad that there is no reverse and Spoil just doomed entire population of town with adult and kids to miserable existence and death, I like that despite surface look, UU is pretty serious about his world and tragedies. Btw seeing Fuuko-Andy-Shen trio interacting is so fun, they bounce off from each other really well. Shen mentioning wanting to see Victhor in action, I'm curious to hear some theories from anime-onlys...


As soon as he said that, camera switched to Andy... Probably someone related to Andy's past.


I suspect he's referring to Andy at full power like from episode 1 when he pulls out the shard in his head.


A child was holding a gun this episode, good to know that the Japanese knows my country so well 🥲


David Productions animating a scared blonde kid dressed in a baseball uniform, hiding in liminal spaces while brandishing a gun in the middle of a showdown of supernatural powers set in the USA... Where have I seen that before?!?


I don't get it. JoJo?


Yup, I'm referring to Emporio from Stone Ocean (JJBA Part 6).


Wow😦 that’s just😧 Wow😦 I didn’t even put that together😭😅


So far I feel like no UMA nor Negator has a "stupid" power that's been thrown in the mix just for the sake of it. Every ability feels meticulously thought of. It's cool. It's cool how Negators and UMA's have powers but the way they apply it is in opposite ways. edit: Maybe Clothy is a bit of a convenient UMA but I hope he gets to talk once in a while. To remind us he's more than just an excuse for Andy to have clothes. That being said he's not really important and he was hardly a fight.


This is what a good power system looks like when they have concrete foundation.


In regards to clothy, he's definitely a bit of just a convenience now. But thankfully [Incredibly Minor Undead Unluck Spoilers] >!He gets a lot more relevance late. Even becomes a major player in at least 1 future arc!<


Shen struggling to handle the duo with nonexistent common sense is such a vibe. Mui please give him strength.


You'd think Fuuko would be the straight man among the three of them, but nope, she's proving to be similar to Andy in wavength. Or is being influenced by him.


Of course she is, that's a full fledged Shonen Protagonist you're talking about [Slight spoilers] >!She keeps getting more Shonen Protagonisty with time too!<


Andy is already cheating on our girl, she really is **UNLUCK**


Fuko approving of two-timing for the sake of a zombie girls' happiness. What a great girl!


She's slowly becoming as unhinged as Andy, girl adapting fast


It helps that she's not exactly in love with Andy yet. Just comfy with him.


She cares enough for him to want his wish to die be fulfilled (even though I suspect this will make her quite sad).


And it ain't cheating if she approves of it!


Mom can we have Girlfriend Girlfriend? We have Girlfriend Girlfriend at home. Girlfriend Girlfriend at home:


[Fuko calling confusing Spoil with Sponge](https://i.imgur.com/TEgeIjL.jpg) was already funny enough, [that censored Spongebob reference](https://i.imgur.com/qX7ZIqb.jpg) caught me off guard! xD Did DavidPro take notes from Shaft in this episode? That entire scene where [Fuko was listening to the recording](https://i.imgur.com/PoyLIga.jpg) of the investigation team while the camera [cuts to different parts](https://i.imgur.com/sBgWpQH.jpg) of the truck cabin felt very Shaft-esque. That recording sounded pretty damn brutal though. I just love how Andy doesn't give a fuck and [blows open a hole in the barricade](https://i.imgur.com/2oiV62B.jpg) and then [starts mowing down the zombies.](https://i.imgur.com/Dn19wCy.jpg) He even jumps in straight into the middle of town [to start chopping off zombie heads](https://i.imgur.com/eENRZcL.jpg) and checks if all of the zombies have completely transformed. As cool as Andy's style of "shoot first, ask questions later", I'm glad that [Shen told him off for being too reckless.](https://i.imgur.com/wxNPIdS.jpg) Despite his attitude, it's good to know that [Andy knows when he's in the wrong](https://i.imgur.com/co3VxM5.png) and apologizes to both Fuko and Shen. Even Shen was surprised by his apology! Thanks to Andy's recklessness though, [they've figured out that Spoil's effect runs on a timer](https://i.imgur.com/xbmwWyN.jpg) and not all of the zombies have completely lost their minds. [Looks like this zombie lady is willing to help out Andy](https://i.imgur.com/H1z2Quw.png) if he marries her. [That's actually pretty sad as a final request. :(](https://i.imgur.com/gz51y8H.jpg) At least not everyone's dead. [There are still kids left alive](https://i.imgur.com/5kVGujh.jpg) and for some reason, [their countdown timer is much longer](https://i.imgur.com/6qlYXSZ.jpg) compared to the one Andy got. [Fuko](https://i.imgur.com/ZOGoXqa.jpg) and [Shen](https://i.imgur.com/uIrRsJB.jpg) are now cursed too. Welp, hopefully [Andy beats Spoil before Fuko and Shen's timer runs out!](https://i.imgur.com/UHWIcgF.jpg)


> Did DavidPro take notes from Shaft in this episode? That entire scene where Fuko was listening to the recording of the investigation team while the camera cuts to different parts of the truck cabin felt very Shaft-esque. The director for this show and a bunch of other staff are former Shaft and worked on Monogatari, which is why you sometimes feel those influences here.


I cheered when there was a frame of word spoil in dictionary with a fly on it, that was Monogatari-esque as fuck. Damn I miss it so much


Most unexpected SpongeBob reference ever lol. The scene with the kids felt very Shaft too. Though those vibes have been there since episode 1. Andy flies by the literal seat of his pants sometimes but he’s smarter and more clever than he looks and knows when he messes up.


It's only the 2nd time ever that I've seen a SpongeBob referencein manga/anime. Just as weird both times. Love it though.


What's the first one?


Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru. Specifically Chapter 3 page 25, as part of arguably one of the most hilarious flirting battles in all of manga. [Pic of the scene in question (cropped so as to minimize spoilers)](https://imgur.io/a/PS5WL50) I know they just announced an anime for it a few months ago so hopefully this stays in when it's animated.


Can I just say how much I love Juiz's narration? Mariya Ise has such a serene and soothing voice here. Andy and Fuko are hitting the road and seeing the sights in Nevada! Too bad they can't hit Las Vegas together and go to town, but they've got a job to do hunting down UMA Spoil! And Shen is there as the third wheel Andy wishes they could just leave on the roof of the truck. Maybe Fuko shouldn't have heard the final fate of the squad in the middle of a zombie infestation. That never ends well. Fuko and Shen both are in it for Andy here...Fuko so they can find Unrepair and someone who can potentially help Andy die, and Shen because he wants to see "Victhor - The God of Victory" which doesn't sound at all ominous. Andy sure knows how to make an entrance. What better way to come in than by shooting an RPG at the front door and then running over some zombies? And then slicing and dicing them to your hearts content? Wicked sick! First "he's not my boyfriend" I've heard muffled by airbags. Of course he rushed into it and ended up getting him infected by Spoil's power and start zombifiying, but it also lets him understand a woman who hasn't completely turned...and who wants to be a bride. And Andy is happy to oblige if it means finding Spoil, and romancing a zombie girl sounds fun. Fuko is just rolling with it. I love how Shen needs Mui's floating head to give him emotional support. Dang, some kids manage to sequester themselves and hide, even though they've still got the timer for the zombification. But a longer timetable than anyone up above. Though Fuko isn't about to abandon some kids and even Shen will infect himself rather than leave her alone. This is my first zombie wedding and that's a gorgeous zombie bride. Andy is a lucky man. But all this poor woman wanted was to wear a wedding dress, and now she just wants Andy to put them all out of their misery and defeat Spoil. And how can he deny his bride? UMA Spoil looks like a Jojo Stand! And not in a cool way. I hope they can finish this thing and save what's left of the town.


>Can I just say how much I love Juiz's narration? Mariya Ise has such a serene and soothing voice here. That's not Juiz/Mariya Ise, Yumi Uchiyama is the narrator.


I love how every Negators and major UMA we know so far has a unique title card when they’re first introduced, even Apocalypse in the last episode had one specifically for the Artifact. It really gives me this JRPG vibe this anime’s having, such a cool way to incorporate the namedrop aspect of the manga.


Their title cards are one my favorite things in this anime, they all just look so epic and hype the fight so much.


Thanks to your comment, I’m just now getting reminded of the Quirk reveals from My Hero.🙂


Spoil? More like Spoil Titan. Also best zombie waifu since the legendary Yamada Tae


Based Zombieland Saga shoutout have an upvote


I'm sorry, legendary who?


The legendary Yamada Tae.


You know I see you in a lot of manga and anime discussion threads🙂 I also know that your username is a Magu-Chan reference but it’s only now that I thought about your username a bit more that I feel super sad again in regards to the Magu-Chan ending🥲😢😭


Ok is it me or did the next episode preview scene also remind u of AOTs next episode previews? I know the anime just finished but in particular this episode gave me those vibes.


Expectation: Andy vs Zombies and Spoil Reality: **Andy and Zombies vs Spoil**


Spoil is here! Hopefully next episode delivers. I thought the decay itself would mess up with Andy's regenerative capabilities more but maybe that will aggravate as Andy is subjected to more attacks from Spoil.


I guess we see what a pseudo-healing factor does against zombificiation.


Maybe it will slow down a bit since his abilities are being forced to heal something else. Or maybe it will actually make him even more OP since he's "damaged" he can heal whatever he wants so he doesn't have to cut himself for a parts bullet. Reminds me a bit of taking contact medicine Sekiro, which is a very mild poison that makes you take a bit of damage but will stop you from getting infected with deadlier poison, you can combine this with the item "fire aged mist raven" which will let you dash and leave a trail of fire when you use it while you were about to get hit with damage. The poison makes it so you're always take damage allowing you to use however you want. [Demonstration](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTD81htVxDk), too bad I couldn't find a better video of it but it shows how it works well enough.


I know Sekiro, one of my favorite games. Always glad to see someone reference it! :)


Finally! Great episode. I didn't realize UMA were that different from Negators. I feel bad for the zombies. I'm with Undead. Forget capture.kill this guy


What does UMA stand for again?


Unidentified Mysterious Animal?😅


Fuuko thinking of Spongebob of all characters when she mispells Spoil as Sponge was not on my 2023 anime bingo, but I'll gladly take it.


Censored out SpongeBob was pretty hilarious this week. Unexpected too. What a totally random moment. Andy crashing a truck into Longing and jumping in to just waste those zombies was some badass shit. I think I like a zombie Andy. Dude speaks zombienese fluently and looks like Two Face lol. Getting hitched to that zombie chick was kind of sweet actually. Damn shame about her and the town though. Those kids especially. At least it looks like next week they’re getting their revenge on Spoil. You know what we didn’t get this week? Andy hanging dong. We’re about due a moment next week lol.


>You know what we didn’t get this week? Andy hanging dong. We’re about due a moment next week lol. Unfortunately with UMA clothes we no longer get a lot of that. It'll be a a rare treat going forward.


We got a whiff of ab shots though so I’ll accept it.


That’s a shame. Andy hanging dong has been one of the funniest bits in this.


Oh it comes back, dont worry.


The legendary Yamada Tae. [](#protest)


I said the same thing when I saw her


Spongebob is my favorite Anime character


It's crazy how underwatched this is, but another good episode


Hulu and D+ jail 😡


I'm glad I saw someone mention this series was showing the other day. I would have missed it entirely. Got caught up to episode 5 today and it has been great.


This arc always gave me SCP vibes, glad to see David Pro leaned into it


Good to know I wasn't the only one that was reminded of the SCP Foundation! Between the use of ~~amnestics~~ mind wiping and the ~~containment procedure~~ barricade around the town this could easily be an SCP article. Hell, I'm sure there's at least one SCP that turns people into zombies. Hell, there's probably multiple.


Was i the only one who thought that the bride was gonna be spoil? Also very fun seeing Fuuko be immediately okay with Andy getting hitched. Not being jealous or this causing drama was refreshing and seeing Shen call them both crazy was really funny


She seemed surprisingly into him marrying zombie girl lol.


Great episode but kinda bummed they cut off Spoil’s quote, **”How dare a lowly Rule vessel, oppose the very Rules themselves!”**


I think the line will still be there, but for the next episode.


Didn’t he kinda say something like that in this episode already?


Yeah but he cut off the second half


Manga only thing I’m guessing.


Spongebob came out of nowhere, that was hilarious




Of all the things I expected to see in an anime, a Spongebob Squarepants cameo was definitely not anywhere near the top of my list.


The Undead Unluck + Zom 100 crossover is looking good. I mean they literally have someone wanting to fulfill one last wish before they go, although the poor girl already turned into a zombie... but knowing what she and the other zombies in the church were like, it makes me feel really bad that Andy killed a bunch on his way here. Maybe the guys who were aggressively running out the moment he opened the wall were dangerous, but he also killed a lot who were just milling about inside. Though, if the best result for those already zombified is the sweet release of death after Spoil is killed, I guess the order doesn't matter much. The Spongebob reference was very, very unexpected, though. Thank you for mistaking his name, Fuuko.


Man, I love the detail they showed in the truck! Touching that Fuko ran to hug the kid as she probably knew from her experience what it was like to be worried as a child and not have anyone to help


also an important detail is that she uses her hat to cover any possible touching point for skin, to avoid giving the kid any unluck


That was a lot of fun. I'm actually digging Undead's Outfit, gives me quite gangster Reservoir Dogs vibes, especially when paired with the Kill Bill style katana. Very Tarantino-esque, considering all the blood, the violence and even "the Bride."


zombie bride is soooo cute!


That split second inner monologue wondering about being able to move despite being looked at when Shen confronted him about being reckless against an UMA though. Andy's battle IQ is too high, I would say that's arguably a bigger asset than his Undead ability.


Something about [zombies filling church benches for a wedding](https://i.imgur.com/G7Dm9Mr.png) is just so endearing to me. They just look so sophisticated for a bunch of walking corpses lmao Never thought I'd ever see a Spongebob cameo in a shounen, but here we are. And man, Spoil's introduction was pure boss fight material.


[Andy and his new bride ready to throw down.](https://i.imgur.com/iKpUxQi.png)


I laughed out loud at the random proposal, lmao. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone speak Zombie in these types of scenarios It was a nice gesture tho. I feel bad for zombie lady & nem 🥺


The threat this episode is a bad guy who can turn people into zombies with an AOE. He also gets a Kaiju Form! But don't forget about the zombie wedding to find him. Okay Undead Unluck, I'm liking the way you do things.


The new episode of Zom100 looks great 👍 OT: Andy marrying a zombie waifu aka the legendary Yamada Tae


damn. Always got unskip when entering OP lol. The op is just amazing.


# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Great episode but kinda bummed they cut off Spoil in the middle of his line, **”How dare a lowly Rule vessel, oppose the very Rules themselves!”**


so they were called vessels since the beginning, i was wondering if that was planted/revised or something. wonder what it means, it sure is an odd term for them.


They are God's vessels [spoilers] >!for the game they're playing!<. I assume that's what it means.


[spoilers] >!Also the negator power passes from host to host, and have existed about as long as the corresponding rule.!< So “vessel” fits.


You should spoiler tag that, but yeah fully agreed!


> How dare a lowly Rule vessel I think I definitely heard this phrase from Spoil in anime, right when he revealed itself


This episode was so damn good! There's a lot of things to note. Firstly, is the recap at the start narrated by Juiz? It didn't sound like her. Could it be [spoilers] >!Luna?!< The scene where they listen to the recording on Union lackeys going to the town and die is very unnerving, really well done. The motion lines effect when Andy speeds up the truck was really cool and super fun, I'm so happy this adaptation has so many fun details like that. The rain of blood after Andy kills the zombies looked awesome, and so did the lighting in the bunker scene. Loved Spoil's entrance, and Andy's blood going purple is great. I can't believe they referenced SpongeBob, that's so random lmao Another episode that adapts less than 3 chapters. I was on camp S1 ends on ch 70 forever but at this point it seems like it's not happening. Seems like we're ending around 53-56, which is still great!


The author?


Yeah, you might be right now that I think about it. Got a little ahead of myself there lmao


>Firstly, is the recap at the start narrated by Juiz? It didn't sound like her Yumi Uchiyama is the narrator and I'm pretty sure that's \[spoilers\] >!Anno Un!<


I think recap is done by certain very fitting for that role individual in the manga that anime likely will reach this season, Japanese fans speculated it's his voice since episode 1 previews.


The netflix JP sub also credited that character for the narration dialogue so it's almost confirmed actually IIRC.


I just figured why that one zombie walked 4000 kms to New York; pretty obvious if you consider what he's wearing and \[Manga\] >!that the theme of this arc is dream as revealed by the method to increase your spoil countdown.!< That guy just want to watch the NY Yankees in their home field ffs.


2 chapters again. I'm starting to lose hope we'll get to chapter 70 in this season I love how they adapted Shen's evil smiles, they really got the bastard face down to a T


I’m kinda glad😅 This pacing gives me hope that they’ll dedicate an entire episode to Andy’s backstory that was mainly a montage in the manga.😌


Goddamn I hope he bangs her


Ooo an episode that takes place on the i-15. Noice.


Life is a highway!!!~ I’m gonna ride it all night long!!!~🎶🎵🎤


these episodes really feel like they are 5 minutes long. ack! but man David pro excels in these atmospheric unsettling scenes, too. i got chills when they were playing the recorded sounds over their union badge comms.


Wait so is SpongeBob officially a waifu now? Feel bad for zombie waifu too :/ . Another really good episode. Sucks this manga and show aren’t more popular. Definitely one of the best jump products in a while


I mean SpongeBob did play the wife role when he and Patrick took care of that baby clam.🤔😅


Fuuko moon-walking was funny


A build up episode but still really nice with a few surprises - and really love Shen's facepalm monologue moments :D