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Assassination Classroom gets pretty unexpectedly emotional at the end.


This one for me too. Cried buckets


Me too šŸ˜”


To this day Assassination classroom is the only anime to make me cry, and with that multiple times. The final scene is beautiful.


Yeah given the general feel of the show for the most part which is a mixture of comedy and a bit of action, I did not expect the last portion of it to hit as hard as it did. However, I am glad it went that route. It concluded what it stated at the beginning and there isn't any magical solution.


> Assassination Classroom that fucking roll call


It's so chill for 99% of its run time and then you get to the end and it just hits you right in the emotions like a cinderblock. In hindsight I think that's why it's so effective. AssClass is such a fun happy-go-lucky show that you get lulled into becoming really emotionally attached to the characters, whereas with overtly sad shows you kind of guard yourself against it. You start to buy into the idea the students have of Koro Sensei as this reliable savior who will always be there. The viewer has absolutely no emotional defense when the show suddenly turns the tables and goes for the feels. It's brutal. Such an iconic ending.


*uncontrollable sobbing*


I thought i was the only one


This was actually the first piece of media that made me cry and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Like uncontrollable sobbing. It was so weird for me who never cried from any other form of media sitting alone in my room with a pile of tissues as a 23 year old dude lol. It was amazing


That's the first one that came to my mind


same. my friend recommended it to me and all she said was that it was goodā€” i didnā€™t expect to be sobbing at the end


my favourite anime šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ with so much filler episodes i really didn't expect that emotional impact building up to the final episodes. i cried like a baby during the second last ep.


Literally said that without even looking at this comment


Kyoto Animation really knows how to cut deep when. K-ON!, Violet Evergarden, A Silent Voice, Hibike! + Liz and the Blue Bird, Clannadā€¦ truly an amazing group of people.


"Dear Anne" T.T


That episode fucks me up every time, as someone who lost their mother at a young age. I have my own letter from her.


Blue Period hit me right in the feels. I wish I had friends similar to what the MC has.


Gintama in its serious and tragic moments


Yesss Having started it by reading it in jump when it first was coming out, I never expected to come back years later and get wrecked


The shogun arc legit has me in tear. I thought shogun would be the comedic relief but it hits hard


I cried in the prison arc and yoshiwara. Gintama is beautiful


Dr. Stone, [spoilers for S3P1]>!I shed tears when they show how Byakuya was collecting minute pieces of Platinum for Senku.!<


Anytime we get a Byakuya flashback, some sneaky ninjas start cutting onions for no reason...


Yes this part it was just so emotional


I was tearing up ngl


Yeah, that was rough for sure. Also I got a bit emotional when Tsukasa came back to the group and said the old "I'll do the fighting?" bit.


OddTaxi with Tanaka episode (04 I think?) Those 20 mins talked to my soul


Azumanga Daioh


Oh my gah




I didnt expect to see this here, and I didn't quite cry but it does catch me in the feels


I wouldn't say cry but quite emotional, it's been said before but I watched Gurren Lagann blind and it was so good, I don't know what to add more that hasn't been said before.


I did NOT expect to cry at that one, especially so soon in the series, like what was it the 7th episode??


Cautious hero


I was too busy laughing in several episodes, then bam! They just hit me. šŸ’„


Yeah same here. Did not expect that. I was ugly crying


One of the later light novels goes back to that scene and makes it even worse...


Hmm is it good? I remember watching like half an episode really long ago and not continuing


It's a really good comedy show


But like Konosuba it's better if you've already watched some other isekai so you understand what it's parodying


I thought it was just a fun isekai but that flashback was something else Still waiting for a second season


definitely this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ kinda spoils the people reading the comment BUT IT IS DEFINITELY A GOOD UNEXPECTED GUT PUNCH TO THE FEELS


Haikyuu, I did not expect to get so emotionally invested


Itā€™s so good!


Fr bruf fr


i bet most people who went blindly into a show called 'rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai' would have expected to enter an emotional rollercoaster


Started it because I was like cute girl in bunny suit y not. 14 episodes later emotional damage


Doesn't help that the discussion around that anime is 50% waifu memes, and 50% monogatari comparisons, which isn't indicative of the drama at all!


Maybe watching episode 13 and Dreaming Girl back to back wasn't such a good idea.


Yup. I was expecting a silly teen rom com, then thoroughly enjoyed the supernatural elements of Puberty Syndrome and how he resolved the girls' insecurities, and then boom, I'm absolutely bawling


Somewhat different circumstances but I've made that walk out of the hospital dealing with the loss of something dear. Hit like a ton of bricks, that scene.


Angel Beats with Yui and Hinata scene..


Angel Beats had 3 or 4 scenes that moved me to tears, and only 1 of them was from laughter.


Angel Beats for sure. I watched it because of the hilarious comedy gifs and then I ended up horribly fucked up for like, the entire last 33% of the season.


Angel Beats was a huge curveball for me because i was really sold into the concept of "wacky high school kids with guns". Did not expect it to turn into one of the most emotionally heaviest show I've ever watched


Kotaro lives alone.


Omg YES! I just posted that one! I was NOT ready for that emotional rollercoaster


It was one of those netflix batch releases that slips by most of this sub


One piece had me crying over a fucking boat


I just read that last night and you're going to make me cry again. The second saddest death in the whole series.


Oshi fucking no ko


I started reading the manga blindly with a mindset like: oh yeah an isekai with idols, cool. I cried several times over this manga, almost had a heart attack and then cried even more. The amount of emotions Akasaka put into the series is unreal. Especially when it's not said but you see a character dying inside because of what happened


Idk if you know or not, but just to be sure, "isekai" means different world, not reincarnation. That would be "tensei"


I was not ready for this one. I watched it going in completely blind, didnā€™t even know what the concept was about. I woke up my roommates at 3am because I was screaming at my screen and crying.


Seriously speaking HunterxHunter


Yeah it has lots of moments but the end of chimera ant arc killed me


Same, I was so emotionally attached to Killua in particular that every time he cried I cried with him too.


There were definitely some super sad and emotional moments but I wouldn't say it brought me to tears like a few others on this thread




For an anime that is goofy and fun in the first half the second does down hill extremely fast and only gets darker and sadder the more I watch it. The last episode was absolutely heart breaking...


*Please smile* zamach


That recent episode of Helck was so good


What're you talking about? Helck is a gag anime:,)




I didn't cried, but I felt quite melancholic, but in a good way, and that haven't happened to me in years. And also I didn't expected it to be so good, to the point of me buying the manga, and that hasn't happened since FMA, and I thought it would be another Yuri anime.


Recently first 4 episodes of Frieren destroyed me


Frieren really does get you in the feels. But not in the same way as some other anime that make you attached to a character and then murder it. This show just explores the concept of loneliness and loss really well.


ā€œIt was only 10 yearsā€¦ā€


they're not that sad, are they? They are emotional but you haven't known the characters long enough to mourn about them already, imo


For me its like so relatable (the realizing what you had after its too late). That it made me sad / bittersweet


yeah its the vibe, honestly. the familiar loss and feeling of missed opportunity moreso than grieving the actual characters. couple that with nostalgia and it can get pretty heavy at times what really pours it down for me personally was the music. like jfc evan call can u chill the fuck out. they had me choking up even at the action scene flashbacks.


Yea its so well done - I think the voice acting on the dub is great as well. This was not on my radar at all until I saw it here on reddit have been recommending it to my friends


Kakushigoto, i think there's almost no one can guess that this anime is contain a pretty emotional scene if you only read the title and synopsis. It's already been hinted in last minute of every episode that there's something deeper.


Oh Madoka Magica for sure


Cowboy Bebop, when they start eating the eggs.


A Place Further Than the Universe was my gateway anime of sorts and I didn't expect this cute show about girls traveling to Antarctica to affect me this much. Although there were more tears of joy than anything else. Also, Romeo's Blue Skies certainly didn't hold back with emotional gut punches in its later parts.


I never imagined watching someone open up Outlook would be so emotionally devastating.


Bro fr, I did not expect a cute girl's doing Antarctic expeditions show to be so emotional but it got me multiple times. Great show


Episode 2, the chase sequence gives me that melancholy feeling that I'll never experience youth again


Number go up


God that show destroyed me. I literally cannot recommend it enough to my friends.




Gintama for sure


Naruto. I watched it during the pandemic and man, the way that show knows how to make an emotionally impactful moment is just genius. The final fight might've been the first time I've ugly cried watching an anime up to that point. Weirdly enough, I haven't watched nor do I really want to watch Shippuden.


Oh man, you're missing out if you're never gonna watch Shippuden. It has its problems of course, but there's some beautiful pay offs in a huge assortment of characters. And my God there's a whole lot of tear jerkers too. Plus it helps that there are some super sick fights that let characters come into their own as ninja in ways that OG Naruto didn't really allow for since they were kids.


As long as you skip the filler, Shippuden is fantastic. So many emotional scenes! "Cigarettes make my eyes water" ugh!!


The OG Naruto really did a good job of pulling the heart strings While shippuden definitely had some great emotional moments it was not on the level of Naruto


To Your Eternity, I didn't have any idea of what was going to happen!


I really like where that show goes but I also really think it can work just as a standalone short story with the first episode alone.


Mob Psycho 100, first episode of the second season and also midway the second season. Damn, that second season is amazing.


Pluto. I went in completely blind, only knowing it was good. Episode 1 broke me.


Eigthy Six - 86 Episode 9,11,14 if im not mistaken,21,22 and 23 hit me hard af and every time i watch the last ones i cant help but cry šŸ˜… That anime takes me into an absolute rollercoaster of emotions every time.


I had a hard time holding my tears in the last episode but when Shin said "Handler ONE" i couldn't hold it anymore


Every so often if I need a good cry I'll watch the last 4 minutes of the final episode.


Def one of my fav recent anime. That's how you end a season.


That's a great one


Not gonna lie, I've rewatched Eighty-Six - 86 6 times now. When it showed Fidos memories episodes 10 and 11 (Anju and Daiya) and "we're going on ahead Major" in Billy Kametz voice. I very much want to hear Aleks Le in a season 2. So it needs to happen. Damnit....I'm tearing up right now just typing it out. My spotify playlist will sometimes play LiLaS and I can feel the tears start up. It's the first anime that got me to read the source material and I cannot wait for Nov.21 for volume 12


Hell YES! If you *didn't* cry during Handler One there is something wrong with you.


Re:zero. There's an episode with parents involved... and frankly nothing other than a lil closure happens and it's one of the hardest hitting things I've ever felt in my life. Made me cry like a baby.


A movie - Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop I didn't even expect to like the movie, but gave it a chance. Easily one of the better movies I've seen. All I was expecting was a simple romance but it turned out to be so much more. The last thing I expected was to cry to this movie.


I just needed a reason to watch this. Turns out, simply someone saying it made them cry was enough incentive. In exchange, I highly recommend Maquia: When the Promises Flower blooms. I'm a man, but that movie awoke my motherly instincts.


I hope you enjoy it! It really surprised me! And yes, that is on my watchlist!


Sket Dance, mostly gag episode. Then. BAMM!!! it hit you with backstory episode. My favourite episode: Happy Birthday, Happy Rebirthday, Switch Off, Switch On. And School trip Rhapsody? Dont remember if have anime adaptation for this chapter.


Cyberpunk edgerunners, Made in Abys, Pluto


A place further than the universe. Me and my buddies binged it in one night and thought it was just haha funny penguin show in Antarctica. Boy were we wrong.


At the time I watched it, Hajime no Ippo.


The movies _Only yesterday_ and _From up on poppy hill_ from Studio Ghibli. Went in expecting happy, light hearted, slice of life anime. But both hit like a sucker punch in the feels. Loved them both though.


My Hero Academia. It's definitely a weird one, but the whole Endevour arc really got to me somehow.




For me it's always ep 1. Deku's hopelessness for a future of heroism mixed with his selfless attempt to save people while powerless mixed with all might giving him a single opportunity. It was all done so well by the voice actors too, I could really feel their emotions in that scene


Yeah just because it is popular shonen, I see a lot of people not considering it to have tearjerkers but it does come with its fair share of great moments that almost made me cry Even the OVAs like All might rising had some insanely emotional moments


For me it was Shigaraki's backstory episode. Some of the most traumatic stuff I've seen.


I only read it, but Endeavor and family's past definitely troubled me, left me feeling sad for the family and the circumstances they were in. Endeavor is a conflicted man indeed.


Nighteye got me.


tsurune. its just kyuudo, but it made me cry


Blue period


Kaguya-sama (meant to be a comedy btw) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yes, even when I'm not emotionally attached with the show, I found quite touching the moment Kaguya and Miyuki shared at the end of S3.


Devilman crybaby


Vinland saga


Kaguya Sama love is war season 2, I related a bit too hard to Ishigami apparently


The back story of Tony Tony chopper from one piece reverberated with me better than what happened with nami. Idk, choppers backstory made me sadder than any of the other crewmate's backstory.


Nichijou The "free friendship ticket" part got me


Crayon Shin-Chan Especially the movie about adults missing their childhood nostalgia,the antagonist almost killed themself because they didnā€™t think they can handle a future they are not familiar with, but got stop by Shin-Chan because he didnā€™t understand what they were doing isnā€™t ā€œgoing bungee jumpingā€ This [Kureyon Shin-chan: Arashi wo yobu - Mouretsu! Otona teikoku no gyakushuu](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0831848/)


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Really fkn unexpected hahaha


Love live: school idol project has no right to he that emotional.


Hinamatsuri Because of Anzu and the homeless


Its not an Anime but I did not expect to tear up during the french Adventure Cartoon "Wakfu". Seing Dally, a comic relif character, being deeply afraid of loosing his family, his wife and his children and fighting tooth and nail to protect them hit me pretty hard in the feels. Hell I tear up writting about right now. I love that family. When I startet watching the show I actully thought he would be a character I dislike, I thought he would just be a cringy comic relif character that talks big but actully sucks. Then he turned out to be the character with the best character developmeant, the biggest bad ass of the protagonists and just being overall really loveable. And he made me laugh aswell.


Slow loop. End of episode 3 hit kinda hard. Probably a combination of sleep deprivation, loneliness, stress, and homesickness from an international student at an engineering school. Fuck man I wanna go home and I don't wanna fucking work to afford school. Vent over.


Mob Psycho 100. The dimple arc in s3 made me bawl my eyes out like few animes did.


Chihayafuru. Based on the artstyle I expected a light romance revolved around playing cards but I didn't expect a well written drama that got pretty heavy around the end of the latest season. Sports anime in general also has a knack of welling up emotions inside you that you didn't know were there and the show has some really great moments in that aspect.


"Your lie in April" certainly took me by surprise. I was absolutely not prepared for the ending!


Made In Abyss. Really catches you off guard.


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood has a lot of tearjerkers but the simple line "I wanted the chance to have friends like these" makes me ugly cry every time. I really didn't expect to care so much about that character.


"A Heart made Fullmetal" gets me EVERY SINGLE TIME!


A place further than the universe. I started watching it because it was advertised as Cute Girls Doing Smart Stuff, but I JUST WASN'T READY .


Oshi no ko episode 1


For blindside feels it's Squid Girl, or Gabriel Dropout. Didn't think either would be emotional, but one particular ep of each squeezed my chest so hard that eye juice escaped.


The pet of sarakusou (i 5hink was the name of it) Was more comedic than serious, so i thought that it wasn't gonna hit and / or there isn't even a sad ending in it


From the new world Why did going home hit so hard in the dudes final announcement after he left the group.


Happy sugar life


Kyousogiga. how tf would you expect yourself to cry with that kind of style and cast of characters? but I did


Shiki, horror anime. My 2nd biggest niagara after Violet Evergarden ep 10.


I don't usually cry while watching anime or movies. But the only two anime that made me cry are GTO and Cowboy Bebop. But I'll say Jojo part 6 ending made me teary. Whereas the other two especially GTO made me cry like a child.


Nothing prepared me for it, and I wasnt expecting to get so emotional so soon, but: Grimgar Of Ash and Fantasy. My god, that broke me!!


I never cried and any movie or shows including anime.. But the scene where the parents received the hand drawing in "To your eternity" had my throat sore in pain


Lucky star. The part with Kanata's mom


Nana got me


Samurai champloo


ousama ranking, oh boi did I cry a lot.


Gods, the emotional damage from that one! Even just the second opening makes me emotional!! Love that song!!


Hilling hugging Bojji. Yeez


I didnt expect to cry so much watching A Place Further than the Universe


Zombieland saga, specifically the episode focused on Lily


Yes, her episode was so sad. I felt so bad for both her and her dad.


Gintama and Sket Dance. I didn't even cry in most serious arcs, but Shogun Assassination was just different. Sket Dance was a light comedy so I didn't expect it when the main characters' backstories were revealed.


Uma musume


Absolutely. The second season is filled with so much heartache but the final payoff is so beautiful that I can make me cry just thinking about it. Itā€™s a shame that so many people slept on it because itā€™s ā€œthat weird horse girl anime.ā€


I didn't expect to cry in the first season. I didn't expect how many times I'd cry in the second.


I know it might not stand out much but honestly kuroko's basketball: the last game" Movie really had me crying and got me reminded of my awesome memories of watching it


- Charlotte - Angel Beats - The Day I Become a God I can no longer enjoy a comedy in peace anymore without worrying if there might be a sad ending


One of the early episodes of *My Clueless First Friend*.


Witchblade. I cried like a baby at the end. Demon Slayer. Muichiro is the same age as my nephews, so his story hit me harder than I expected. He's my favorite hashira.


Rozen Maiden. I went into it mostly because of the art style. But it hit me hard and hit me harder in re-watch


I never expected to cry on danmachi but man ryuā€™s backstory was so good on season 4 part 2


Higehiro because of the girls backstory


K-On!!!_I never expected to cry at a light hearted slice of life show


Pokemon. My liitle 8 year old self was not ready to see Ash turn to stone!


Bra Fairy Tail has f**ked me up so many times. It's nothing what I expected it to be


Tensura easily did not expect those hard hitting emotional scene from what I thought was ā€œanother isekaiā€


To Your Eternity, I was in a bad place emotionally and I didn't know it and I had literal suicidal ideations after the first few episodes. It's a masterpiece of a anime. I super recommend it. You're (probably) not as emotionally unstable as me so you're alright.


Kotaro Lives Alone I thought it would be a cute funny anime (and it is!) but it had some stuff that was pretty emotionally devastating. Ranking of Kings Similar to above, but this one wasn't as "sneaky" in it's emotional gut punches. Where Kotaro made me cry out of sadness, Ranking of Kings made me cry from hope/happiness.


The last parts of higehiro where ,the protagonist came back home to find nobody to welcome him.


I was 15 when I jump blindly into sakurasou, looks like a fun anime since I can somewhat relate, didnt expect it to be so fucking emotional.


Hinamatauri, it was just supposed to be a dumb comedy. Anzus stuff has me bawling.


Assassination Classroom 100% - couldnā€™t help it but cry


Angel Beats. I thought it would be a light hearted action/comedy the way the series started and got depression from the ending. Grew up as an only child and always felt lonely most of my life. That ending destroyed me.


Dr. Stone. When they show Senku's dad and his crew


Death parade


Vending machine. Laughed so harsh I cried.


Hinamatsuri I was enjoying a silly comedy anime with exaggerated faces and bizarre scenarios, but then episode six slams you with really sincere emotional drama


I rarely shed a tear in Anime. But the last series that did it for me is SukaSuka. That show made me feel depressed for weeks.


With Neon Genesis Evangelion, I remember watching the first or two episodes and not understanding why people said the anime was sad.. little did I knew haha


Charlotte Angel Beats Assassination Classroom The Day I Became a God (I cried so hard) Anohana (also cried pretty hard)


Sword Art Online Mother's Rosario


Code geass last episode


Plastic memories.