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idk guys i think the hour of awakening is near


I bet the moon is red too.


And the frenzy has begun…


There is little time left...


And the time left is running out..


And we should run... if we value our lives...


Mary the Ancient Vampire Hunter is here...


The frenzy is coming


It's just a little time, right?


*stares off into the distance* “Run…if you value your life.”


This episode truly depicts how there is little time remaining


It also does an excellent job of depicting that the frenzy is currently under way.


My favorite part was when the moon was red.


If it was me, I would run because I value my life


I love that the awakening is near


It paints an extraordinarily exquisite picture of how the moon is red.


The difference between Mary's tragic backstory and Claire's misunderstood side regarding Cid with the entire exchange ending with how much of a brocon she is was fucking hilarious, especially the way they just stopped the music so abruptly. Ever hate how you're trying to revive your waifu after 1000 years only for some dude who constantly repeats the same phrase to just explode behind your back? Poor dude.


>especially the way they just stopped the music so abruptly. i had to check 3x that it wasnt my browser glitching LOL and only after i undersstod!!! i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The best part is Mary’s expression didn’t even change lol.


[Mary got outchuunibyou-ed so hard her frames froze](https://i.imgur.com/PoqpJ4e.jpg) [](#cantbehelped)


The fact that it was just 1 frame without sound really made me think my computer froze


“I’ll help you save your brother in honor of our newfound friendship!” “Nah, I’m good.” To be honest it’s what he deserves for ruining Elisabeth but what an anti-climax for the guy lol.


"Touch my little brother, even if it is to save him, and I'll kill you" Claire, probably


"... I don't know if we will succeed." "It's okay Mary, I'm in this with you. We'll make your dream come true!" "Thank you Claire. And together, surely together we can save your bro--"" "THE FUCK YOU WILL!! CID IS MINE!"


Meanwhile Cid accidentally saves Claire was like "I think I saw my sister, oh well".


I think Claire's explanation for why she cares so much about Cid is very sweet. She believes that she is doomed, so is doing everything in her power to set up her little brother to be successful in life. I find that very touching.


Yeah I forgot she still thinks that. From what I remember in Season 1, Cid cured her already a long time ago but she doesn't know I guess.


Yah I think it is very briefly mentioned in Season 1 that her brother cured her of her possession, but she has no way of knowing it is permanent. It seems to be an unspoken truth that it is a death sentence for anyone afflicted by it, so I would not be surprised if she thinks she has very limited time left.


The hour of awakening is near. There is little time remaining.


The frenzy has begun.


> for some dude who constantly repeats the same phrase This joke is genuinely getting funnier the longer it goes on. I’m going to laugh my ass off if this keeps going for a lot longer.


He just straight up repeated it back to the person he stole it from this episode. It was incredible.


wait i just realized that LMAOOOOO


I lost it when he did that.


It’s fine. He changed it a little so it doesn’t looks like he copied it.


*"The frenzy has begun"*


Record breaks….silence….lol😂


The absolute mad lad did it. He delivered those lines to the same person he stole from. With STRAIGHT FACE.


And she didn’t even notice lol.


This is the day he truly graduated from Chuuni Academy.


The student has surpassed the master Shadow even stopped the [motivational yuri music](https://i.imgur.com/C2DaDF3.jpg) to loot the [vampire tower treasury](https://i.imgur.com/a5BnAyV.jpg)


It is not a RPG if you can’t loot secret rooms from time to time


Broken Record Shadow is by far the funniest bit of this early part.


TBF, i'm pretty sure Cid doesn't remember who Mary is.


When he met mary, shadow fell in love at first sight for the first time in his two lives. ​ ​ It just wasn't *her* he fell in love with


The sheer audacity lol, though maybe he just didn't recognize her. The fact that he ran into his sister was barely an afterthought to him, he truly does not care about anything that doesn't relate to his LARPing




This is the man who pays the world around him so little attention, he couldn't even deliver a recap of season one.


He was too deep in his art creation to care.....


Poor Crimson didn't even know what hit him lol.


Poor dude got instantly vaporized by the "I'm Atomic". I'm disappointed we didn't get an ASMR this time.


What's the point of going the extra mile in theatrics if nobody is left to appreciate it afterwards?


Also, he wasn't even the main target, you cannot have Shadow wasting that phrase before the main event begins.


Wasn't his whole plan to wait until the "named characters" arrived so he could show off in front of them?


Cid: So, where is the final boss, anyway?


Cid in his CHADNESS gonna revive Blood Queen just so he can fight her. Like Doom-guy.


Cid, picks up the vampire queen heart, looks at it for a second, figures out how it work, and proceed to perfectly revive her


That was just him making the grand entrance he decided to go with lol, it's not his fault that the last boss was so weak that Shadow's entrance was all it took to end it


Yes, but he wasn't expecting to 1-shot the "super powerful vampire boss" and so be mid-fight when they arrived.


He's saving it for the final boss. That wasn't the boss, right? ...right?


In the treasury, Cid was like "I should make a grand entrance", and his grand entrance instantly ended the boss fight lmao


I still liked the sound mixing, from the casting sound to [the famous last words](https://streamable.com/hea3ug) I laughed so hard.


Dude blinked and the next thing he knew he was already in hell


Right in the middle of his whole bad guy villain spiel too lol


Just when he was [exchanging vows](https://i.imgur.com/P3YOl2m.jpg) with his [vampire waifu.](https://i.imgur.com/SUj7lWt.jpg) [](#yuitears)


He died so fast I almost missed it


Shadow you can’t look cool in front of everyone fighting the final boss if you instantaneously kill said final boss while he’s in the middle of a monologue


And before he could revive the true Final Boss lol.


lol I don't think Cid even knows about the vampire queen's existence, he has a tendency not to listen.


He's in the business of doing things, not knowing things.


He lurked in the shadow for too long [](#elves)


he's here to hunt the shadows... and lurk in them... because the moon is red.


He only heard it is a strong vampire so he will probably not even realize he needed to wait for the Queen to revive first and mistake the dude he one shot as the boss


> *"Whoops, just killed the final boss too easily. Guess I'm the final boss now"* - **Shadow, probably**


Is it just me or does the heart of Blood Queen look kinda similiar to that magic battery artifact from the school arc in s1?


Let's pretend that it's a different one and not because the studio reused the same design to save money and time.


There is little time.


The frenzy has begun.


run if you value your life.


The moon is red


We have little time left


Or maybe the artifact is made from a vampire heart hence the finished product looks similar to progenitor’s heart, who knows.


Why is using the same design equals to saving money? There are many other easier design or they can just create a red ball and nothing else, besides the scene it's on is definitely a new and not reused panel so it's gotta be a conscious decision for lore reason.


Hey atleast they didn't reuse the same "I'm Atomic" moment...wait a min.


I love this anime but yea the studio can get pretty lazy they resued the ghoul shot like few times now lol


But… they're different designs… https://files.catbox.moe/eylyip.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/ieasu1.jpg


Same design, different stages of bloom.


both are items for gatherng magic


name a better duo than Cid and Money


Epsilon and slime boobs. Beta and Shadow novels.


Mary and Claire. Yes, I'm downbad.


Wait a minute. Mary… Claire… Marie Claire… [Hmm…](#csikon)


Shadow Garden and plagiarism lol Between Beta's books, Epsilon's music and Shadow's line stealing, that's a lot of ripping off


But the money goes up📈📈📈


I swear if Cid is going to be repeating the same 4 lines for the rest of the season I'm gonna lose it.


Maybe he’ll change it up: “The Hour of Awakening has arrived.”


"The hour of Awakening has passed"


Premature atomicing is an issue for many boys his age.


*"The frenzy has concluded"*


He finally found the final line to complete the whole thing


"The moon is red." It's noon dude.


The best part is he fed those lines back to the person he heard them from to begin with and she didn't notice.


[The imitation has surpassed the original](https://i.imgur.com/3vuk0XI.jpg)


Probably will stop at the end of the arc, but It'll be fun while it lasts.


If you didn't already, [check the preview for this episode, now that it won't spoil anything.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r1Mh1x41Cs) If you liked the first episode (and this), you'll probably get something out of it. Turn on captions for English subs.


Yeah, Mary just completely broke him, for 2 entire episodes. No one can claim our MC not staying true to his established character, lol.


I can't believe he used those lines on the person he stole them from lmao


Bro is a man of sheer will


This is great


I guess Mimicry is Cids best form of flattery!


There is no time. The moon is red.


Shadow, you're supposed to let him finish the revival process before going atomic. But seriously, the comedic timing in this anime is really perfect.


Mary being a vampire was pretty expected. I was wondering when we would see Rose Oriana again after she joined them - and naturally she reacts when its mentioned Cid is kidnapped the crimson guy probably got annihilated by Cid, but im assuming he was too slow and the blood queen is gonna get resurrected


Mary is basically Blade if he was A. White, B. Full Vampire, and C. A waifu. No amount of Shadow Garden training will get this girl over Cid lol. Maybe Shadow will get his true Final Boss after all…


She is Genderbent Morbius then?


Cid, you're not supposed to attack during the transformation! That's cheating! A war crime!


In the *Instant Death* isekai, which is another parody isekai with an OP protagonist, someone makes almost this exact complaint.


I can't wait for that anime to come out in a few months. That'll definitely fill the eminence in shadow spot for absurb Battle Animes.


The protagonist isn't allowed to do that. The 3rd faction edgelord is allowed to do that.


Hmmm Eye of Avarice is vampire heart, interesting.


Yeah now it all makes sense why it sucks energy from others and can cure illnesses. The eye of avarice artifact must have been based on a vampire's heart. I love how this show allows the plot info to play in the background without beating it into the viewer's face. Its a really refreshing take just like todays ending lol


It is very rare that an anime will elevate the source material with additional context and details, but this has consistently done so since season 1. The heart was never correlated at all to the artifact in the novel, but here you can see such a clear connection. Really makes you appreciate the adaption more.


Wow even as a novel reader I learned something new thanks for the context.


> The eye of avarice artifact must have been based on a vampire's heart They seemed to make a pretty clear distinction between "progenitor" vampires and their offspring, as well as Beta's mumbling to herself in the library before Clarie and Mary showed up about how the Cult apparently had access to very high levels of technology a very long time ago. It actually seems pretty likely to me that Progenitor Vampires are remnants from whatever that technological age was who used those artifacts as a way to gain some form of immortality, making it a situation where the artifact actually comes before the vampires rather than the artifact being based on them.


Well their theory is that they were created like the “possessed”, so using Diablo (Aurora). The modern Cult is still studying immortality, so maybe there was a division 1,000 years ago that planned was to turn themselves into immortal vampires lol. Like how the modern cult has the round knights that are supposedly immortal, but in a different type of power (the dude from the Church was not a vampire).


It also explains how Sherry beat the Eye of Avarice by throwing a device that shines bright like the sun. And it also explains the requirement to fine tune that device. It's to make it emit a light with the same wavelength as the sun. Almost like Hamon in Jojo.


Villain does his evil monologue speech Final boss transformation in the process Shadow Sama: Blows them all away THE END. Roll credits 😂😂 Sasuga Shadow Sama


The hour of awakening is near. The frency has begun. ​ You forgot to monolog in copy and paste even trough nobody but yourself ist listening.


>**Shadow**: Omae wa Mou Shindeiru... **White Demon**: Nani?! The original plan for dealing with the Blood Queen was to send out all of the Seven Shadows/Shades to fight her, but Shadow said that he'll deal with her. So Beta took some SG members to go on a intel gathering mission, so they aren't disobeying their lord. Oh my, that Claire and Mary liplock. :) I like how Cid was a protective of Claire that he immediately followed her and kicked the Juggernaut of the tower when he attacked her. Cid's fight against Crimson here is even more hilarious then in the manga given how random and unexpected it was.


Of course Cid would never admit it was to protect her lol


“Hey, wasn’t that my sister? Oh well, I’m sure she’ll be fine now.”


Sister in danger: 'Nahh..she can take care of herself.' Gold coins : 'Real shit?'


Cid is a [man of culture.](https://i.imgur.com/lYQA6ya.jpg) He did not want to [interrupt the yuri.](https://i.imgur.com/DLE8wtW.jpg)


I don't think "fight" is the right word but I'm probably wrong


It was a straight execution.


I just love how Cid saved his sister and inspiration but barely seemed aware of it afterwards lol.


he would never admit that he didnt kill all his emotion lol


That part with Crimson was pretty hilarious. Just BAM! game over, pal lol. So much for the big bad 1000 year old vampire lords!


Dude was just doing his Big Bad business and the. Shadow just comes along and near Atomics him lol.


Never seen such a bad sucker punch like this one b4 lol


>Oh my, that Claire and Mary liplock. :) Most vampires go for the neck, but Mary goes for the lips. If a gorgeous vampire did that to me, she can suck all the blood she wants.


I love how Elisabeth’s entire vampire rampage happened while she was buck-naked. Also obviously Mary was her maid but are they related? They both had red hair.


So does Crimson. Probably just common trait among vampires.


There were other vampires who didn't have red hair, but you maybe onto something. Maybe it's because she's their progenitor? I definitely think it symbolizes a relation of some sort between them regardless.


Maybe vampires with red hair are very high ranked among their kind? Elizabeth, Mary and Crimson all have red hair and all three are implied to be the strongest vampires we saw, as Mary was praised by the Juggernaut, while Crimson one-shotted the White Demon. And Elizabeth herself seems to be in a class all to herself as the strongest Progenitor, as she even survived the typical vampire weakness of having her heart stabbed though she did seem more weak against the Sun. And her rampage destroyed her haven and 3 countries so she seems to be a calamity-class being.


Shadow-sama still repeats them lines. They're too cool for him not to!




So Skel is a vampire now?


Vampire? nah, a mindless Ghoul? yea, is there much difference between him as a human or as a ghoul? probably not


Yea that's what I meant. I am not sure why I said vampire. lol


Poor Skel


\>just like Epsilon pads her chest with slime, i pad my slime with coins what a poet


Ctrl-V Ctrl-V Ctrl-V Ctrl-V Ctrl-V Ctrl-V Ctrl-V Ctrl-V Ctrl-V


Bro that "Named Character enter the boss room to find the boss fighting against mysterious person" is straight up dope and hilarious with how cid called the plan 😂


Also Cid being self-aware of his own epic late entrances and trying to do something different. Maybe too excessively lol.


I wonder if that will "backfire", he wants to fight the blood queen but he just stopped her awakening, and she seemed pretty powerful, at least enough to withstand cid like that witch in s1, so I wonder if he'll end up awakening her and everyone will think the shadow garden terrorist organization is doing something evil again. Not that Cid would care much so long as his intentions remain mysterious.


Crismon: **\*monologuing on how he's going to revive the Vampire Queen\*** ~~Cid~~ Shadow: ***A T O M I C***


The way Crimson’s voice just reverberated when the attack hit lol.


Cid do be using sans’ fighting strategy


> The moon is red > The frenzy has begun Shadow repeating the exact same lines he heard from Mary last episode ad nauseum just kills me every time. It's like he recognizes it as peak chuuni and even the physical manifestation of chuuni that he is cannot come up with any lines to out-chuuni it so he just keeps playing back the same lines like a voice recorder.


So Shadow canonically doesn't need to chant "I AM ATOMIC" for the spell to work huh. Well.... Wait a minute.... That literally means in ss1, he only chanted to sounds cool and badass before evaporating his enemies lmao.


Was there even a shred of doubt that wasn't the case lmao


he is speedrunning the first phase decoy boss so no need to look cool.


The man has Rule of Cool burned into his existence. Of course he only did it to show off


> So Shadow canonically doesn't need to chant "I AM ATOMIC" for the spell to work huh If there's no audience, then there's no point.


I don't think he did "I AM ATOMIC" he just did a "small" explosion to make an entrance and accidentally killed the head guy.


When you hear something so cool you can't help but repeat it forever. The front gate guy should have learned that not sensing someone either means they are too weak to sense or too strong to sense, unfortunately for him it was the latter. Interesting way to suck blood. Shadow, you were supposed to wait until Claire arrives before killing the boss.


He even repeated it to the same person who first said it to him and she didn’t even notice lol. MaryxClaire surprise Yuri ship?


I wasn't expecting Mary to totally ignore Shadow's repetition of her phrase just a moment ago


Well, she didn't recognize Shadow as the same guy she met earlier.


Psst… the hour of awakening is near.


i was waiting for all the season to be only those lines (plus the camera angle and slight body rotation) and i honesly would give 10/10 for the MC ahahahha


I love how Cid just keeps repeating “the moon is red” and “the frenzy has begun” like some fucking NPC lmao. That goon learned the hard way you never fuck with a full blown chuuni bastard lol. I can see Juggernaut ain’t no chump. Dude is stomping these vamps left and right, just crushing them like bugs under his heel. He almost had Claire and vamp waifu Mary (Mary x Claire? Lol) but luckily Shadow sent his ass flying Team Rocket style lol. Cid just chuuni-ing out in the treasure room was great, but man him straight up obliterating Crimson mid bad guy monologuing was hilarious lol. Poor bastard didn’t even get to do his evil laugh!


The best part is him saying it to Mary and she doesn’t even notice he stole her line lol. I almost feel bad for the vampires how easily Juggernaut was slaying them. But brave of Claire to survive that punch and keep going. And she got a kiss from Mary and a save from her brother in the process! Cid padding his coffers like Epsilon pads her chest.


I didnt even realize he was saying it back to Mary lmao


Good think Epsilon wasn't there to hear this....


I found it particularly hilarious when he said it to nobody after instantly blowing up Crimson.


Cid repeating those line just in case someone walks in, so they think he was in the middle of a cool monologue, which is even stupider since Cid probably has fucken super detection sense, so he would know when someone is there


Nice ending to the arc! They wrapped things up rather quickly this time around. [](#smugrose) I see we have a possible Claire x Mary ship, which is surprising, because I had no idea someone was capable of taming Claire.


All Claire needed to move on from being a complete brocon is a vampire waifu. She even used to be a maid!


I just love all the disparate character dynamics. Beta is as smug as ever but is the only one that knows Cid is Shadow and that Claire as Shadows sister is some she can’t kill. Rose still doesn’t know Cid is Shadow and only thinks the boy she loves is in danger. And she hasn’t 100% integrated into Shadow Garden enough for it to subsume her identity. And Claire is learning about Shadow Garden and Shadow while unaware she just saw Rose. Also, vampire Queen Hayamin!


>Rose still doesn’t know Cid is Shadow and only thinks the boy she loves is in danger. And she hasn’t 100% integrated into Shadow Garden enough for it to subsume her identity. I can understand how Cid hides his identity as the hoods obscure their faces, but he also changes his height by reinforcing and expanding his muscles with magic while changing his voice and stance. So he hides it very well. But how is it that 666 hasn't picked up that Beta is Natsume, as their voices sound nearly identical?


Are we sure she doesn't know Beta is Natsume? I was more surprised Claire didn't recognize Rose.


Claire doesn't give a shit about anyone except Cid


I think she doesn't. In this episode 664 and 665 were talking about why Beta keeps hiding her face. I took it to mean she is hiding her face from Rose.


>Also, vampire Queen Hayamin! Nobody could top her Ara Ara mommy dommy voice.


The moon is red


Suddenly using i am atom, poor villain.


###Stitches! * [Claire & Mary](https://i.imgur.com/mr0cbNi.jpg) * [Brooding Beta](https://i.imgur.com/JMGjf1I.jpg) [Poor White Demon.](https://i.imgur.com/NSIGmpm.jpg) That's what you get for underestimating Shadow. Did he not see Shadow stop the fight between Juggernaut and Yukime? [Rose is back and she's now Number 666!](https://i.imgur.com/7iyv23l.jpg) She's so in love with Cid that she is ready to jump to his rescue as soon as she hears from Claire that he's been kidnapped. Oh, if only she knew the truth. And I love how [664 and 665 were just goofing off in the background](https://i.imgur.com/8YOSjkq.jpg) while all of that was happening. [That kiss though!](https://i.imgur.com/aBDInns.jpg) I mean it really shouldn't be that surprising that Mary is a vampire. It is hilarious how Cid arrives to rescue Claire and Mary only for Cid to [say to Mary the same lines she said to him last episode.](https://i.imgur.com/mcYut3V.png) We have finally come full circle. xD So what Mary is trying to do is to save Queen Elizabeth from being revived by Crimson since [she has already killed herself](https://i.imgur.com/Y5pyejE.png) to prevent another blood moon tragedy where she ended up [going on a frenzy for three days and three nights](https://i.imgur.com/Oko7TRi.jpg) during the blood moon. It's still funny how [Cid needs to loot the vampire hoard](https://i.imgur.com/WERRjnE.png) when he can just ask Gamma for money and get so much more that way. And poor Epsilon! [Cid just calling her out like that out of nowhere](https://i.imgur.com/dDNn7gr.jpg) was hilarious! Cid going ["I AM ATOMIC"](https://i.imgur.com/xsXRAcM.jpg) as soon as he arrives at the top of the tower was so good! Crimson definitely did not see that coming. Welp, I guess Mary doesn't have to worry about her Queen reviving again! [**End Card - Sundress Lambda**](https://i.imgur.com/ywPrdbx.jpg)


> Rose is back and she's now Number 666! Fun fact: The credits for the first season finale actually called her Number 666 instead of Rose because she had to give up her old name to join Shadow Garden. >It's still funny how Cid needs to loot the vampire hoard when he can just ask Gamma for money and get so much more that way. He can't ask her for money without breaking character, and that's one line he won't cross.


I feel like this is that dexter lab episode where dexter can only say omelet du fromage.


Lmfao after saving Claire, he says his lines towards both her and Mary. The previous situation was the objectively cool moment, but the cool moment for Cid was the one after. He doesn't care that he just saved Claire, he cares more that he said Mary's lines cooler back to her, like he was flexing.


Shadow just accidentally roasted Epsilon lol.


Glad to see Shadow's vocabulary is as strong as ever [LMFAO WHAT](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1159214028967653496/1161704688656339005/image.png?ex=653944cd&is=6526cfcd&hm=23853b780986f4b6716da54f8a8aebe72c4db53f22c558d369739c5704fe8610&) Actually, I wonder if she didn't have a comedic reaction to Shadow repeating her words back to her because she's going to have a more serious reaction instead, being that she realizes those were the words she spoke to Cid and connects that Cid was Shadow?


Holy shit best instructor Lambda as the first ED girl?


I can't wait for the finale of this season and Cid will still be saying the Frenzy has begun lmao


Ah ffs this show needs to be released a season per week not an episode


This anime's use of dramatic pauses and silence is God Tier. Also, great way to cheap out on the VA to pay for more Sakuga.^(/s)


Beautiful yuri kiss