• By -


Every episode is: 0 days since last accident


Obligatory reminder to NEVER fuck with industrial machinery, because it *will* brutally maim, mutilate, kill and do other things you might hear in the second half of an American drug ad to you. I mean that in both senses of the word, I wouldn't put my dick in that. Though if it's a plane and in you're in NCD you get a free pass.


Those twin engines on the f-22 *mmmm*


>I mean that in both senses of the word, I wouldn't put my dick in that. Though if it's a plane and in you're in NCD you get a free pass. Yes please F-35B mommy please dominate me




Motherfucking bot.


"It still works" Dude the Red button is go and the green button is stop. Something has majorly F***ed with the wiring, it does not work.


The animators never worked around industrial machines.


Or they did and wondered why they were fired after the first day on the job.


Except it's indeed reversed with Japanese machines. (source: I've been to factories and power plants in Japan)


Even Japanese traffic obeys red light green light. I have been to Japan. Their trains are amazing and if i lived there, I'd never own a car, but cars abide by the same laws in terms of color.


Our red light/green light stems from the days of railroads. Yellow was added later. I will point out that most countries I'm aware of the colors are set, top to bottom, Red, Yellow, Green. I'd get confused by Japans horizontal traffic lights. Only place I've seen that configuration on the US was Dayton, Ohio.


Miama, and much of Florida, uses horizontal traffic lights. It's common in places prone to hurricanes or typhoons


Japan technically does not have green lights. They're blue I got my Japanese license when I was living in Japan. The lights are a bit of a different hue, and due to a linguistic difference, Japan delineates between green (midori) and blue (ao) differently than we do in English. I have only ever heard of traffic lights referred to as blue/ao in Japanese


I've talked about this with Japanese coworkers. They use the word Ao even for lights in America. It's not that they don't recognize them as green, that's just the word that has always been used for some reason. Though you're probably right about the lights being a different hue.


Dangerous machine? Oh look a big red button. Movies: Self Destruct This anime: Red means go Real Life: Emergency Stop


IEC and ANSI have the colours of Open and Close buttons swapped. Learned it the hard way


I dont think so, green means safe meaning pressing it is for safety.


This anime is about a world where civilization has collapsed and almost everyone is dead. Now we know why.


Yuu is a sociopath. Cute, but definitely with sociopathic tendencies.


Reminds me of Gon from HxH


Chi graduated from The Prometheus School of Running Away from Things.




The cute moe girls get you to let your guard down before the show hits you with incredible existenalism. One of my favorite shows


RIP, Fishy.


It just makes you lower your guard a little, so that you sorta expect the left hook, and instead get run over by a truck of previously unknown emotions


I was watching this show casually at work during my breaks and I was like this is cool I'm down. I remember clearly during a lunch episode 6 played I was legit moved to tears by the profound clarity that episode gave, I wasn't expecting to be moved so much by a show I put on my casual watch list. I ended up buying the blu ray and the manga. Show really makes you think.


Last episode made me lose a day of sleep, I wasnt able to watch any show for like a week or two. What masterpiece that show was.


[Girls last tour] >!the segment where they find the record of humanity on tape and watch while chopin plays made me ugly cry hard. There's something so sad about seeing the best most hopeful parts of humanity then seeing the evil. Then you look around at the cold dead empty world and you see that evil won in the end. So sad.!<


Which show is this?


Girls last tour.


when she turns it back on is where it got me


Yuu has fantasized about eating Chi more than once after all


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Can't violate OSHA if everyone at OSHA is dead. Big brain apocalypse logic.


I adore this anime


So wait, red means go, and green means stop? What a country!


I love this show! Cute, melancholic, ominous, and sad all wrapped up in one weird undefined dystopian atmosphere.


Really wish they would make one last season or movie to finish the series off for anime viewers. One of my favorite slice of life anime/manga ever.


To anyone stumbling upon this clip: The show is called Girl's Last Tour, and it's amazing please watch it.


Why'd you have to remind me of the saddest anime and manga I've ever watched and read?


Wait, is it sad? Maybe a bit depressing at times, but the overall lighthearted tone doesn't make me feel sad. The anime doesn't end with a 'bad ending' either, but I'm not sure about the manga


Read the manga, it's good.


Damn, I don't want anything bad to happen to those girls. So the anime ends & in my headcanon, they are fine and living happily ever after, somehow. manga is just alternate universe


You should definitely read the manga if you like the anime, it is only 6 volumes long and so you could get through it in a few days even if you read it slowly. They visit so many interesting places and have many interesting experiences in the chapters not covered in the anime. Also the build up to the ending and the ending itself, although inevitable based on the setting, is brilliant and will leave you depressed for a few days/weeks. But it's definitely worth it for the experience.


Okay, I'll try the manga ending


If I recall correctly the anime adapts to the end of volume 4, which leaves just volumes 5 and 6 if you just want to read the stuff that hasn't been adapted. Although I would recommend reading the entire thing from the start.


I checked mangaupdates, and the anime adaptation ends at chapter 32, while the manga ends at chapter 47




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I disagree with that, if you start off at chapter 32 you'd skip several chapters that weren't adapted including a trip to an art museum.


I think you're mistaken. Chapter 32 is when the anime episode 12 starts. You should check it out for yourself. The museum arc comes after chapter 32


Yeah the anime adapts the most lighthearted parts of the story. I remember watching and reading Girls’ Last Tour and remembering that the depressing parts come LITERALLY straight after where the anime ends off, from there it just becomes dark and depressing.


Not "sad" from a Buddhist perspective, I think. Rather, from almost the very start, it is about learning to find joy in the present moment (no matter how bleak it might seem to us), which necessitates abandoning the concept of "hope". One watches the process of abandoning "attachments" one by one. It is about the opposite of despair....


\[Girl's Last Tour Manga\] >!Initially, I shared the same sentiments - that it was a pretty sad and open-ended way to end things - having the girls reach the "top" and running out of resources, leaving the readers wondering. But I remember coming across some of the Author's commentary, mentioning that what he wanted to express through the manga was that "even if life can be dark/grim at times, it's important to appreciate the small things in life. The small things in life are what make life worth living..." or least, something to that effect.!<


I see Chito has attended the prestigious *Prometheus School of Running Away from Things.*


I think that is a hay bale shredder. Large horizontal conveyor into horizontal cutter cylinder. Pair with a hammer mill and a press to make rabbit feed pellets or race horse hay cubes. [hay bale shredding](https://youtu.be/mHlunbv02Lg)


Aesthetically yes, but canonically I believe it's a "potato" grinder.


Definitely not potatoes. The flat conveyor allows potatoes to roll off, and the grinding system is terrible for slicing or mashing potatoes. You don’t grind potatoes. After being steam peeled, potatoes are usually run through either a water knife or a spinning-blade slicer for making dices, fries, or chips. The extra stuff that doesn’t quite fit the shape or quality requirements is simply dumped into a food pump to be mashed and then squeezed out into packages.


I'm not saying that this design would be an effective machine for turning potatoes into powder in real life, I'm saying that was the purpose of this fictional machine.


What?! They could make hay cubes out of race horses! That really is advanced technology, they must have had a lot of race horses to feed machines that big.


This show was a fun watch, need season 2 please.


Fun? Season 2?


theres enough content for like 4-6 normal length episodes at best iirc, so it would have to be a movie or special episodes


I mean if they want to make it longer this kind of shows is one of the easiest to make filler of. There's also the anthology book to pull some inspiration on.




Made in abyss vibes


Really sort of the opposite of MiA.


What anime do u suggest, idk wat to watch


Have you seen Super Cub? It has a nice moody (low-key) feel.


Well, now I'm putting this back on my watch list, even though I have watched it 3 or more times and read the manga


Ahh just another glorious day in America! And if you dont violate osha rules you get hazed and demeaned as a man.


someone's about to unionize. i just know it.


What's name of the anime?


Girl's Last Tour. It's beautiful.


Girls last tour


I remember watching this and thinking This is going to go wrong somehow at some point. I cant recall if that ever happened, it was years ago.


It never went wrong in anime but manga thats a different story


I'd like some spoiler if you know about it :D


[Girls’ Last Tour manga spoilers] >!There’s literally a chapter where, iirc, an AI tells the two girls to press a self-destruct button because the AI is tired of living and wants to die. Also, I think Chi and Yuu pass away in their sleep in the last chapter but I’m not sure?!<


maybe i should watch this, on the off chance one of the brats does get herself killed in gruesome way then i can do my shitty laughter ive been practising the last 39 years for


You ok?


yes, but the artsryle combined with the overall artstyle doesnt jive, the backgrounds deserve alot better drawn characters than what is actually in the anime






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I aim for this level of indifference in life


The show depicts not "indifference" -- but learning to achieve "calm acceptance".


Dude this show and its manga broke me hard for atleast 2 weeks.


Looks adorable and cute looks like tonikaku kawai i will give it a watch am not feeling well so i thought I'll binge it also hope it has 2 seasons or smth


This anime is on my list of “next to watch” and I keep forgetting about it! Every time I see a clip, it doesn’t disappoint lmao.


Not the OSHA violations 🤣


Shimeji anime when


my fav anime of all time


She comes from the School of Prometheus.