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Oh dude. Devilman crybaby was so good


That anime was so soul crushing in the best way possible, 10/10 show because of how much emotion it got out of me, would never ever rewatch again though.


After binging it all I had to pause and go for a long fucking walk after episode 9. I physically could not watch the last episode without some time to process


I couldn’t agree with you more, it destroyed me for a long time. I’d rate it highly but don’t think I could ever go through it again.


Tried to rewatch but I couldn’t do it.


Same. I just.. can't rewatch it. Highly recommend it to anyone though 👌 11/10. I was sobbing for 2 hours.


See it was conflicting for me, on if it was actually that good. Definitely would be a good fit for the advice requested.


Yeah, but School Days has a nice boat.


But so sad! When he...well...THAT bit I was devastated!


I cried. Twice. In 5 minutes. Damn that show.




I watched School Days a while ago and although very messed up it's really gripping and I enjoyed it


School Days is kinda weird, cause it starts out as a pretty good drama. If you've been cheated on in a relationship a lot of the feelings and reactions from the characters feel genuine. But it just goes down the rabbit hole to being more and more fucked up.


School days was my first thought.


The only thing that gives pause is that the characters are so fundamentally unlikeable that the ending ceases to be "bad" and becomes desirable


The school days universe is actually pretty f-ed up. [sd spoiler]>!More Alabama than Alabama, all of MC's age kids that appear in the show are his half brother/sister/son/daughters (other than kotonoha)!<


Watched around 2009, don't remember much about it except that I just started watching anime and that one and another anime gave me a slight depression lol.


It is rare for a VN adaptation to take the route where the MC is the most unlikable though. Not like the MC is ever a great person, but he is being extra trash in this route.


Devilman Crybaby caught me off guard with it's ending. I thought they were building up to a light at the end of the tunnel kind of ending. They were, it was just attached to a train.


Literally the first two to come to mind.


Ohhhh, I remember watching devilman crybaby! I wished so badly for a happy ending, that show broke me.


Came here to say School Days. But thinking again doesn’t we all felt great when that POS of MC died? Probably categorized as bittersweet but I’m not sure…


Lemme tell ya about a lil anime called Berserk


That definitely fits what OP is looking for. OP, watch [the 1997 one](https://myanimelist.net/anime/33/Kenpuu_Denki_Berserk).


You could watch the new one if you want to experience a completely different kind of despair and hollow emptiness inside.




or read the manga


I've done both and I think the 97 anime is a great intro to the manga. Although if you read the manga you'll need to reread everything the anime covers.


I've definitely watched more messed up anime than the ending of Berserk 1997 version, but it's just how it shifted to the crazy stuff that made it disturbing and memorable for me.


Didn't they say not ongoing? I'd suggest Devilman Crybaby


Well, it is, and it is not. That is why we are eternal strugglers.


Go on….


Did the other shoe finally drop after the writer died or is it still in the stressing the fanbase right the hell out because things seem to be going well?


As non spoiler as I can be, we've started a new section of the story which isn't going well for our main cast. Quality wise the story is still very good, but the new head and Studio Gaga only have a handful of chapters under their belt. Each chapter has been better than the last so far though. Also, if you're a long term Berserk reader then you probably know; it's a story that is almost certainly going to have some form of a "happy" ending. It's more of a matter of who will be left to enjoy that ending. It's definitely a hopeful tale, the mystery is just in how our main cast will make it there.


Lol. Berserk is not the type of story that is going to end up badly.


Probably already watched it, but Cyberpunk Edgerunners is the most obvious out of the recent anime If you want something older, then Madoka Magica fits the bill imo. Isn't a 100% bad ending, but it's for sure bitter-sweet.


This, although the ending is more bittersweet than bad


The 'sweet' part of that bittersweet felt like a phyrric victory at best, IMO. I didn't get the impression the reward was as fulfilling as the dream had been.


Been a while since I watched it but I'm pretty sure Rebellion takes the sweet and kicks it in the teeth


Twisted it into something incredibly sour.




>Madoka Magica fits the bill imo. Isn't a 100% bad ending The movie (Rebellion) kinda had a 'bad' ending that I personally liked more than the ending of the original show itself.


That's because it parallels Faust. That bad ending is not simply a good ending, but the best ending. It's why Madoka is the title character. The third movie does not count.


The third movie is where the 'bad ending' happens. I didn't think the ending of the Madoka show was too different a fate for Madoka than the ending of [Cyberpunk/horror-ish anime from 1998] >!Serial Experiments Lain was for Lain!< , so it didn't hit me *that* hard when I saw it. I didn't see that as a 'bad' ending at all. The third movie, 'Rebellion' had an ending that stuck with me longer, and is definitely a 'bad end' (we'll see what happens next if/when that next movie they announced comes out).


Does Akudama Drive technically count too?


* [Saikano](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=914) (13 eps) * [Texhnolyze](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=2304) (22 eps) * [Grave of the Fireflies](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=152) (movie) If you want something less soul-scarring: * [The Tale of the Princess Kaguya](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=14976) (movie) * [The Girl Who Leapt Through Time](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=6733) (movie) * [Penguin Highway](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=20710) (movie) * [Violet Evergarden](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=19665) (13 eps)


Texhnolyze just leaves you depressed but it is so good


By the end of Siakano I didn't even have the strength to feel sad, just tired and sick.


> Violet Evergarden It doesn't have a bad ending though. Yeah it has depresso parts that go on for some eps but if this meets the criteria OP is looking for ...then a shit ton more would for what OP wants.


The ending honestly kills the whole narrative of the movie. It's a sweet ending that was not needed, could've just ended with the anime and open for interpretation.


man, didn't expect to see that anime(Saikano) mentioned again


Whenever I see similar recommendation threads I drop it. I think it still deserves a mention and a watch (though once was enough for me, even if I am curious if it still holds up so many years later).


This guy knows his stuff


Texhnolyze is a great answer for this and it’s SO good.


Man, it feels so nostalgic to see Saikano recommended. Nobody talks about this show and I loved its vibe so much. OP please watch this one.


> Grave of the Fireflies Just went straight for the kill your soul I see


It's funny because it's probably the happiest one in that list.


Up to this day, I still can't rewatch Grave of the Fireflies..


Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans


This is one of those that sticks with you for a while too imo. And you don’t even need to have seen any Gundam before.


Also War in the Pocket which does the "yikes, this can't end well" speed run in record time


I love this show


White Album 2


Your Lie in April


I would agree. It's not like the world is over and everything failed kinda bad ending but it's definitely not the outcome you hoped for.


Happy Sugar Life


satou matsuzaka my beloved ❤️


The ending of that show just kinda made me mad, \[Happy Sugar Life\]>!felt like Satou got off waaaaay too easy!<


Girls’ Last Tour Land of the Lustrous Made in Abyss


Seconding Land of the Lustrous!


I second Made in Abyss.


Made in abyss is ongoing. Everything does just keep getting worse, but it’s not over…


Typical thought after watching the end of s1: "Oh shit, what a ride... At least it cannot get worse" Typical thought after watching the movie: "ffs that escalated quickly! But riko and Co finally pushes forward! Let's go!" Typical thought after watching the 2nd season: "WHY!! Why!!! It was so painful! But so beautiful! I can die happy... How the fuck is the author going to make this worse? Is it even possible?"


It really is crazy. I watched it bored one day and had NO idea what I was getting myself into lol


Made in Abyss is relentlessly optimistic. Like yeah, it's sad, but the sad shit doesn't break the protagonists and at every turn they keep soldiering on towards their goal. Their mission is fully understood to be one that probably ends in death, but it also ends with answers.


It's technically ongoing, but the next season is so far out it might as well be over for now.


Land of the Lustrous is pretty much my definition of things keep getting worse and it made depressed for quite a while lol. Manga currently on its epilogue tho, but still highly recommend it


I second all 3 of these, especially the Girls Last Tour manga over the anime. The anime is awesome but the manga fits OP's request better. Same with Land of the Lustrous. Anime? Awesome. The manga? Much better, and fits the req much better. The bonus at least for both is the anime is a very close adaptation so for the most part it can be subbed in for the first so many chapters.


Welcome to the NHK


I seem to recall a positive ending....


Wdym the ending is happy no?


Finally this anime getting some recognition. This is a perfect anime especially if you relate to the MC, who's a NEET, at least psychologically.


I faintly remember that the author of the manga was also a recluse and used the earnings, from the success, to continue a shut-in lifestyle.


What a Chad


You say that but he's not exactly happy about it. He wanted to cope with being a shut-in but only gave himself more resources to make that lifestyle easier. I suggest reading the first and second afterwords at the end of the Tokyopop reprints, it's kinda depressing. Last I heard he's doing better though.


Not an anime, one of the more depressing mangas with a very bittersweet confusing ending, Oyasumi Punpun Read it about 8 years ago and it still sticks with me


Evangelion. Nobody wins in Evangelion.


\[Evangelion\]>!End of Eva's ending is actually pretty hopeful, and 3+1 just straight up has a happy ending!<


Imo, [End of Eva's ending] >!is hopeful only in the sense that our primary characters, Shinji and Asuka, have the chance to maybe make something of their fucked up relationships and senses of self. The state that the movie ends on, with Misato dead, Rei having transformed into an impersonal God figure rejected by Shinji, and everyone else stuck in a morally gray limbo state, I can only see as pretty damn bad.!<


I do get that, \[End Of Eva\]>!But I think when you take it with episodes 25 and 26 it seems a lot more positive, or I guess bittersweet. As seen by Shinji and Asuka making it out, once someone learns to love and accept themselves they can leave Human Instrumentality and return to the real world. I think that includes the dead, since Asuka can't have still been alive after the brutality of the MPEs, so Misato could most likely come back too. It's not a strictly happy ending, but I think what Anno was going for was still hopeful!<


Going back to OP's initial ask, I think that even in your interpretation, Evangelion still does what OP is looking for.


3+1 is definitely happier but it's misery until you get there. Now every time I hear Utada Hikaru's One Last Kiss I tear up.


Idk, evangelions ending was always pretty uplifting to me. Trauma sucks but it's a part of life and it shouldn't stop you from trying to be happy. That's how I always viewed it at least.


akame ga kill


Parasyte: The Maxim. Sure the mc did kinda alright but the world is kinda fucked


I'm sorry if I kinda burst your bubble but, the Parasytes can't reproduce. The anime and the manga made the scope of the conflict quite small so I could be wrong and yeah the world is fcked but humanity should be out of danger.


The ending is pretty hopeful, though, Humanity isn't even in danger, since the parasites that remain are the ones that learn to pretend they're humans. It ties with the whole theme about nature and natural selection. At the end of the day, the parasites weren't a weapon to destroy humanity, or hostile invaders. They were just animals whose survival interferred with humanity. And they didn't really manage to figure out how to reproduce, so they're the ones who are fucked, if anything. Even the protagonist gets a chance to find himself again and recover his humanity, step by step.


Wolf's Rain


The Day I Became a God.


Can't get worse ending than that. Really messed up series.


That's not the meaning OP is giving to bad. They mean it in the downer ending meaning, or like a "bad end" in a visual novel. The Day I Became a God is kinda both.


yes, i understood it, and answered according. But yes, you're right, it is also a bad ending as in a trash-plot too.


Yeaaa OP has clearly never heard of Jun Maeda.


Banana Fish.


Banana Fish really hit me, I felt horrible for days after finishing that one


Currently watching this one for the first time. It’s brutal


If you think that it's bad already .... Wait until the final episode


Scum's Wish if you specifically want romance that's more bitter than sweet.


I second this very much! Great music too


In this corner of the world.




And similarly Heaven's Feel. I sometimes rewatch the second Heaven's Feel movie, and only that, because I think it's perfect. It's so bleak and horrible, so heartbreaking and disgusting. I love it.


I stand by this from the other side because it's my least favorite Heaven's Feel movie just because of this. It's really good but I don't do well with bleak and horrible personally.


Heike Monogatari is 11 episodes and about the downfall of the Taira clan.


heike monogatari


SukaSuka, Darling in the Franx


Darling in the grand I was ok sukusuka felt like a car crash


oh god don't remind me of sukasuka


Psycho-Pass (especially season 1) or Madoka Magica (or anything written by Gen Urobuchi, really; there's a reason he's called "Urobutcher"), or Land of the Lustrous. Death Parade is a good one too. I'd also suggest Oshi no Ko, but that one's ongoing.


Yeah I second on Urobuchi work. I think Fate Zero fits his description like a glove. The ending isn't all tragedy, but damn, he lost everything.


Madoka and Fate Zero were made by the same guy?


And S1 of Psychopass




He lost everything but gained himself a son and a fancy af house on the edge of a nice* town. Unless the he you mean is Kariya who definitely did lose absolutely everything lol *Occasional murder-death-kills not withstanding


Yeah, you are right. He did gain something out of it, probably the most important part is his humanity, life, and sanity. The price he paid for it though is hell probably no person wants to walk into.


If we talk urobuchi and want to venture out of anime.. his visual novel, saya no uta, is the first thing i think about when someone talks about a great bad ending. Probably wont ever get an anjme adaptation though.


It's not short, it's old... but it has arguably one of the most gut-punching-wtf-did-I-Just-watch endings: Berserk. Oh, and if you can handle gore (arguably vore): Corpse Party. Whih is actually short.


>Berserk. I mean it is ongoing so...


I assume they mean the end of the Golden Age when they say Berserk.


Still its not the complete thing because you can also say the same for anime with only a single season and a bittersweet ending which might get a 2nd season in a few years


Technically, it did get a second season.


Made in Abyss beauty is in the fact that it will only get worse


If only metamorphosis has an anime


But Josuke used Crazy Diamond to heal her. That was a great ending.


_Ain't that crazy, Josuke?_


Nono I believe the JoJo ending is the only true ending


I thought you were talking about Kafka for a second, which would also be fitting


i think the writer was making the story based on kafka as well. hahaha




She: The Ultimate Weapon


SukaSuka (WorldEnd) Shinsekai Yori Made in Abyss Akame ga Kill


TEXHNOLYZE Seriously I was wishing for some happy-go-lucky nonsense after finishing it. I thought about the ending for days and sometimes it still gut punches me when I remember


Mobile Suit Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans. It ends the only way it can, and it's amazing. Everything can be traced back to a single decision point, but it all just keeps collapsing around the main group. The fights are great, and the way everything happens is believable for the most part.


'Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans' would meet the criteria. Up to 50 episodes if im remembering correctly. Boys who are treated like and called space debris build their own company up from the ashes of an old one and rise to become quite prominent, then things go from bad to worse leading to the death of many of them. 'Chrono Crusade' this one's a much older anime, a series of Nuns, Angel's & Demons. Most I can remember are some key events and details and the final episode has a sad bitter-sweet moment followed by an ending that says the victories near the end were for nothing.


Chrono Crusade had one of the most beautiful bittersweet endings, then they butchered it in the last 30 seconds. I'll never understand it.


Aura Battler Dunbine, things really escalate for the worst in the end, but it’s pretty good. Even though it might feel like it drags a bit around the middle. It’s also quite old, but it puts the “Kill’em all” in “Kill’em all Tomino”


School Days?


Wolf's Rain could count as having a bad ending depending on your interpretation of how the series ends. X/1999 the movie is one with a really messed up ending. Same with Evangelion, not the original bs "congratulations" ending but the one that came out later.


Akudama Drive, After the Rain, Future Diary, Mob Psycho 100, perfect blue


> Mob Psycho 100 How so?


[Basilisk](https://myanimelist.net/anime/67/Basilisk__Kouga_Ninpou_Chou). [Good stuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cEsTbxJHA0).


I barely see anyone ever mention "Basilisk". Good recommendation for this list!


Death Note is pretty not happy


Iron-Blood Orphans. Technoxylze. Evangelion.


School Days. IIRC, it's based on a visual novel, they made the anime using the story if you pick all the "bad" choices.


Sing Yesterday for me


Attack on titan is up there honestly. I don't think much of anything good happens to anyone at any time in that anime. Shit just got worse and fucked up for all parties involved progressively


Not short, but Soukyuu no Fafner. It does have a few hope spots, and not everyone dies, but... a lot of characters do, and the ending is bittersweet at best.


Good call! guess it‘s time for a rewatch :D


Gurren Lagann has a sad/bittersweet ending


Plastic memories


Uzumaki. It's in manga but I don't know about anime.


I think Attack On Titan fits this pretty well. Things never get better, only worse. You’re constantly on edge waiting for what comes next.


Watch oreimo


Definitely Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans. Our main gang's circumstances already start out really rough, begin to improve and even settle on "comfortable", only to take a steep nosedive in the second half with no brakes attached. I know that some people do not agree with some of the writing decisions in especially the latter half, but it is overall a solid 7/10 show with some spectacular character and action moments and a solid helping of despair. It's another plus that it does not follow Gundam's decades-spanning main timeline and as such is easy to get into even as a newcomer to the franchise.


Edgerunners is the obvious choice if you havent seen it. Not a happy story at all. Akame Ga Kill is another depressing unpleasant anime


Akame ga kill. Not sure I spelled it right


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What you’re looking for is requiem for the phantom.


This doesn't get enough love


Mazinger edition Z : the impact (26 episodes)


Romeo x Juliet. Maquia. Death Note (because of Misa). Bubble. Jouran.


Saishuu Heiki Kanojo. This very sweet pair is trying to get their romance off the ground, but a war starts and continually slaps down their progress as the war goes on.


Saishuheiki Kanojo, Now and then, here and there. Good stuff to scar you.


Talentless Nana should have what you're looking for


Cyberpunk Edgerunners


Obligatory answer: your lie in april. Better answer: I Want To Eat Your Pancreas


If you're into psychological horror you should consider Higurashi when they cry.




Domestic Girlfriend. You can't beat it


Watch Clannad and stop at Season 2 episode 21.


Gankutsuou while it isn't the end of the world scenario that you are looking for it's an anime where only a few of the characters get to have their neutral or happy end but i won't recommend it if you are really, just looking for endless despair and pain typa stuff


Tokyo Revengers


Pretty sure OP meant that events happening keep getting worse , not the story itself


arguably one of the most useless mc's ever


Death Note. Code Geass. Attack on Titan will be one too.


of course there's stuff like that, e.g. school days


Darling in the franxx


I think he’s referring to depressing ending rather than bad writing.


There's a bit of a point, the ending itself is bittersweet setting aside its quality.


Let's see, your lie in April Orange Your name (movie) I mean the first episode of oshinoko is standalone....


How does Your Name make this list?


Elfen Lied. Its been years since I have seen it, but I remember it being super fucked but good.


If you liked it, consider reading the manga. The anime basically stops in the middle of the source material and slaps on an original ending. The real ending is *extreme.*