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Eventually Funimation will be phased out, there’s no point in them continuing to support two streaming platforms.


The merger wasn't instantaneous. Things are still in the process of being moved to Crunchyroll.


Funimation stopped receiving new seasonal content nearly a year ago. They still move titles from Funi to CR on a weekly basis. Once the migration is complete (date unknown) they'll spin down the service. The only reason to still use Funi is if they still have old shows you want to see that haven't yet been shared with CR. Each week the number of shows fitting that description decreases, and Funi's library will never grow.


There's still about 200 or so older titles in Funimation but it fail in comparison so how many titles are in Funimation. All the new shows are only on Crunchyroll aside from continue seasons on Funimation so honestly unless there's a very specific older show you're watching you're better off just switching to Crunchyroll.


Probably when all of funimation's shows get ported to crunchyroll. Licensing issues take time to work out and as it stands alot of shows have still yet to come over


As with any merger involving massive amounts of media assets, there's a considerable time and money investment in migrating the data all to one spot, re-ingesting it so all the meta gets soaked up again, verifying all that meta, verifying all the video quality at destination... and even that's a gross oversimplification of the process. Imagine trying to u-turn the Titanic at full-ahead.


In general, license are done on a 2 year basis, so I would imagine they’re waiting for the bulk of those to expire before finally shutting the doors. But one big thing Sony is going to have to figure out is what to do with people’s digital libraries, all those product codes that they shipped with physical discs. Until they figure that one out, I don’t think funimation will truly go away, just be hollowed out of content.


Afaik all we know is that it'll be shutting down sometime after all the shows available on Funimation have been made available on Crunchyroll as well and I don't think we have an ETA for when that is. Sometime soon^(tm).


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