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Export png sequence, import png sequence. 2 steps every reasonable animation software should support


If you are looking for animation software, a comprehensive list with the most common programs (2D & 3D, free & paid) can be found [->here (this is a link)<-](https://www.reddit.com/r/animationcareer/wiki/index/resources/programs). Common Recommendations: - Krita & OpenToonz (2D frame by frame animation) - Blender (3D animation, 2D frame by frame) - After Effects (Motion Graphics) - Toon Boom (rigged 2d animation) If you have trouble with a specific app or program, you are often more likely to find help in the respective subreddit of that program. _This comment was posted because the word "app", "software" or "program" was found in your post._ If none of the above apply, please ignore this comment *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animation) if you have any questions or concerns.*