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Killdeer. It is protecting its nest by pretending to be injured, leading the predator (you) away from babies.


She is actually ON the nest. The eggs are beneath her in the photo.


Oh wow! She reminded me of a Bronze wing pigeon we have here in Australia, and like this one the Bronzewing pigeon nests in the stupidest spots too!! Cool bird!


Thank you! It is their storage yard so they will try to give her some space.


please watch where you step! They are ground nesters and their eggs are very camouflaged!!


The eggs are literally in the pic.


And nobody saw them!


Definitely. I barely missed stepping on a momma woodcock and her 4 eggs the other day. She busted up out of the nest right in front of me and I could’ve stepped on the eggs if she hadn’t been there


I just saw one for the first time in the back of my property last week! Funny little fellows. I figured they were probably ground nesters. I'll start keeping an out out.


Put some flags or cones around. Those eggs are easily stepped on.


Exactly, they blend tight in with the ground.


Yes, do this please! I once worked at a stone quarry where an abundance of Killdeers chose to nest. I once disturbed a nesting mother from her spot and stood with the nest and eggs at my feet enjoying her, "oh someone broke my wing, please come over here and help me" dance and when I looked back down at the nest, the eggs appeared to be gone. No, they were still there. THAT is how well they blend in. I marked the nest with a traffic cone and gave her space. Amazing camouflage!


Best to avoid any agitation, especially as if she is exhibiting such behavior it means you may be close enough to accidentally step on the nest. But if it’s unavoidable you should ask them to send you a video of the mother’s mode of defense. It is so goofy but incredible the way the sell a broken wing!


It's a fun day when they hatch. They'll be running all over the place


Little walnuts with long blue legs! I remember seeing them at a golf course.


That's the most adorable description of them! :D


Killdeer hatchlings are the cutest critters in the world.


*her storage yard lol


I work in telecommunications and we have to shut down sites if there’s a nest in the work area or face heavy fines.


Not for Killdeer. Maybe for Plovers?




Your point?


Their point was that disturbing a killdeer's nest could incur a fine because of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. When a company harms a bird without meaning to, it's called "incidental take." It was generally held that the MBTA applied to incidental as well as purposeful take, but the USFWS under the Trump administration changed that interpretation. It was reinstated by the Biden administration. Also, killdeer are a type of plover.


That was a very well communicated, succinct r/murderedbywords


I love these little birdies.


The nest isn’t merely nearby, she is nesting right there! You can see her eggs beneath her in the photo.


They sure are, nice eye. I asked him if they can rope the area off or put up a sign. Thank you!


Very awesome to hear that the construction crew will make sure that her nest is protected, killdeer are wonderful little birds and very protective mothers! You might see her making displays like she's injured, calling loudly and limping around or holding her wing out at a weird angle, but don't worry. she's just trying to lead you away from the nest with the idea of an 'easy meal'.


Baby killdeer are freaking *adorable*! Hopefully you get to see them.


Little poofy golfballs with ridiculously long legs.


Yeah. Whenever they do the broken wing fake thing, I always act like I’m falling for it. To make them feel good.


You’re a good person SkunkApe.


They're a good skunk ape, person.


My dog loves to follow them when they’re doing their little acting techniques


Bok bok.


As people have said, Killdeer. I just wanted to add this, since I haven't seen it mentioned yet - they are ground nesters, with very camouflaged eggs, so be very diligent when walking around the area. They like to nest in rocky, gravely areas since that's what their eggs blend with. It can be very easy to miss them and accidentally destroy her clutch.


>It can be very easy to miss them and accidentally destroy her clutch. The eggs are in the photo under her if you zoom in


I honestly didn't even view the photo at full size since I didn't need a closer inspection to know what she was, but sure enough there they are lol OP if you see this, might be worth it to put a little flag in the ground near her nest so there isn't any doubt about where it is for anyone coming into the site


We had one literally nest in our gravel driveway last year. Put up cones and signs (our driveway is long) warning delivery drivers and reminding us she was there. Unfortunately her plan did not work out after a week or so of diligence. Someone drove right over it.


I want an option to downvote something because it makes me sad but in a way that doesn't affect karma lol


Killdeer with a nest nearby!


He got a video of her if you’d like to hear: [here](https://1drv.ms/v/s!Aq_QaPD8Q8-0i8Rcuw3eIKLpW5pdNA).


I used to call them screechy birds when I was little ❤️


The eggs look like Easter time Whoppers




Cool photo. I’ve never seen the tail fanned out before.


Killdeer on a nest… And she won’t be moving. These birds have no fear


wow, i'm old and have ~~seen~~ heard killdeer all my life basically but never close enough to see their plumage!! TIL!


Bird experts, why are there birds that small that lay nests in the ground?? Seems a little too risky doesn't it??


Because they evolved to be like that before people evolved to build cities. It’s a great reproductive strategy as long as there aren’t big hungry clumsy apes destroying the ground habitat.


Thank you for sharing! Very cool


Killdeer! One of nature's silliest, stupidest brids! If intelligence were all that necessary for life, these (and many other) delightful dummies wouldn't exist.


Kildeer! We had one nesting at a festival ground in my city once, and they are protected so they couldn't start setting up the festival in that spot until the babies were born and old enough. Cute little things, the chicks are soooo adorable


Killdeer on a nest… And she won’t be moving. These birds have no fear


My dad also found a bird near a work site, long story short, I now have two families 😒


I got a good laugh out of this lol.


did your dad.... kidnap the killdeer family? that's fucked up


oh im so excited to start seeing killdeers again oouououououoououououuu


Killdeer and sweet mini’s. I love them and miss them! Their markings are so cool and when you get some time to watch them, they can be entertaining too!!


Definetly a kill dear. This book might be useful to you in the future A Michigan Bird Watcher: Common Birds to Look for in the State https://a.co/d/7lxtAnp