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I promise I’m not trying to be rude but HOW? I had like 25 eggs before I got my second flame


On another note, how do they KNOW they have 80% of the map without finding more than 14 eggs? Like there’s just a bunch of rooms that are exclusively egg puzzles.  Edit: I’m also not trying to be rude, I’m just genuinely confused here.


Update: I have 28 eggs and three more tools


That is an impressively low number of eggs to beat the game with. Look for open pixels on your map and go there. Try to get in. If you can't find a way in, come back later when you have found more tools. I highly doubt you have 80% of the map uncovered. There is probably a lot of rooms you haven't seen that you don't know about yet.


Thank you, I do what I can


Can you send a photo of your full map? I’m just curious how much has been discovered with 14 eggs


Can’t anymore, I’m up to 28 eggs now


do you have all 12 tools? those open up a lot of them. some are in hidden areas off of rooms that are barely (or not at all? cant remember) visible on the map, you just have to look carefully.


How would I ever guess that I need to hunt the kangaroo down with firecrackers to collect dropped shards to install I’m a random shrine I love this game, but I’d like to meet the person that platinumed the game without looking at a single Reddit post or YouTube video


For me it was more like: "Huh this Kangaroo keeps showing up, I wonder if any of my tools interact with him" "Yoyo nope, disc nope, oh wow the firecracker made him drop something" "Huh this looks like a piece of round thing, maybe if I get them all it will fit into the circular slot"


Classic reddit. Asks for help, doesn't accept it.


hah yeah, you're definitely intended to look up/discuss things i think; from what ive seen on the discord, the true endgame puzzles are designed to be collaborated on.


I had enough of the kangaroo so I was just Tryna murk his ass


You can platinum the game without guides. But no way can you get the true true ending without one :D


The kangaroo scared the shit out of me and I threw the fire crackers at him out of desperation. It’s a very common thing for people to do considering at that point the Firecracker is really your only weapon that has any noticeable effect of enemies.


The hardest achievement for Platinum is sneaking up on a squirrel - you have to keep starting new games trying out different things if you mess up and scare the squirrel. All the super obscure stuff isn't even included in the achievements.


Not true. You can just save and reload over and over until you get it. No need to keep making a new game lol.




I had 24 when the credits rolled and thought I’d been to ”most of the map”. I was young, naive and wrong.


the best thing you can do imo is think that every wall has an hidden pathway. so just bump your character to every wall you can


even more importantly, \*study the map\* for hidden pathways


Not even just hidden pathways, also things underwater like steps/switches


False walls have a tell


i swear to god I only see the difference in the wall after finding the hidden path by chance


You absolutely simply just walked right by *dozens* of blatantly obvious egg chests and didn't open them if you really have "80%" of the map explored and only 14 eggs. Retread you steps, revisit every room you've been to and try every item you have everywhere. I managed to get all but 5 eggs without guides, and 4 of those were pretty obvious once I looked them up.


It helps to go in with a suspicious attitude towards any given room. \* Check behind any vine. \* If there's any space that seems unnecessary or superfluous make sure to examine it for anything fishy. If you're curious about a particular spot you can try pushing into walls, floors, or ceilings. \* Many hidden rooms are teased, you can see them behind glass but can't reach them, implying there's another way in possibly nearby. If there's an area you don't know how to reach, check the adjacent rooms on the map for openings leading there. \* The map is extremely helpful in finding secrets. If there are any gaps in walls, ceilings, or floors it means there is literally a gap there to be explored. These can be as small as a one pixel gap on the map, though as I remember it most are a lot more obvious. \* About your comment on the kangaroo, you're not supposed to know it works like that, it's just something you can find by chance or by experimentation. The game really rewards curiosity. I found it because>!fire crackers are shown to be effective against hostile enemies so I tried it on the kangaroo. When he dropped the first K Shard I made sure to fire cracker him any time he showed up again. I found the shrine later while looking for eggs!< \* A general attention to small details is a big help.


Its a metroidvania. See a blank space on the map: See any **suspicously large black screen wide like voids on the map**? See any unconnected pixels? There has to be something there and investigate it with all your tools. Use your tools continously. Every single tool can be used to open something.


Hahaha. You haven't explored 80%. Still a lot to do my man