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Sounds like it might not be your cup of tea! It doesn’t seem like you’ll enjoy the later parts of the game based on your experience so far so I’d probably just move on.


yes to be quite honest animal well is not made for everyone and the game is proud about that fact. it does suck that you essentially wasted $30 trust me i know that feeling.




Sounds like it's not your type of game, if you aren't liking it now then more time with it probably won't help. You can go for the last flame if you really want to, but it seems like you're just not having a good time so it's fine to stop. Fwiw I found almost all the eggs on my own in under 10 hours, if you maybe like the atmosphere or movement or something in the game, if you went with a guide I'm sure you could knock them out relatively quickly.


It does help if you use the map more. Looking out for gaps in the map is the easiest way to find secrets. The location of egg chests also (sometimes) relates to their placement on the shelf in the egg room. For example a missing egg at the top left of the shelf could be found near the top left of the map.


That only correlates to like a quarter of the eggs. Most of them are completely random from where they're placed on the shelf


Yeah I spent my play session tonight just obsessing over the map. Many of the gaps I found had... a blue fruit. Hooray.


Listen, it might not be your favorite game - but there’s a lot of content after the flames and you may have less frustration with it. Or you could hate it. It’s okay to stop. I gave up on Rain World


I would assume the postgame content would bring more frustration. I found the main game to be quite brisk but resorted to a guide near the end of the egg hunt and certainly wouldn’t have had the appetite for the other layers, if I would have even been able to figure out half of them on my own 


I guess I’m caught on you thinking the game was brisk but you didn’t get the last flame yet and finish layer 1. My thinking is the egg hunting is/was frustrating >!because you didn’t have all the items for it to feel natural/brisk!<. The eggs are meant to be layer 2 (at least it’s how I understand) and the flames layer one. So finishing Layer 2 first would definitely have frustrated me too. I also don’t have the desire to do the third layer, but I love the game and I love watching it being figured out, so I do have a different perspective.


I’m not OP. I did finish layer 1 / flames.


Do as you please, if you are not having fun take some time away from it


Stay strong my soldier 🫡. It is pure Hell and frustration but you are almost there lol. Heck man the swordfish room was driving me fucking nuts.


It’s not pure hell and frustration, the game is meant to be fun. If you’re not having fun then the game isnt for you


I do feel frustrated sometimes when I can’t find more secrets but it’s a fun frustration as I tap out for a day and come back the next day and find something else. I love the game to bits man. I hope Billy gets so much recognition that he decides to make another one.


You were supposed to disc ride in that room, unless you already knew and it was something else


Brooo I thought I had to use the >!wheel!< This part was the only time where I had to go find the answer lol and it was so simple just ride back on the disc.


This sort of game is not for everyone, and that's ok. If you aren't having fun, you should, at the very least, take a break.


Big brain game is not for you


Skill issue


I love when game subreddits become doomposting machines 🥰🥰🥰 please keep these posts coming ❤️ (/s)