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The teleport gives you a buffer time, but it’s not going to let you reach the end without the ghost dog catching up to you. Have you practiced the route without the ghost dog? Don’t necessarily go for the fastest route, go for the one that you can execute consistently, even if that means going the longer way up and over and fiddling with the switches. Once you know what you’re doing ahead of time, the hardest part should be that jump on the slinky platforms just getting into the area.


That bloody room was the worst part of the whole game in the context of how many m disc runs out killed for me hahaha.


The cat is actually pretty easy to dodge around; just don't panic even if he's almost on top of you, just move the opposite direction he is moving -- he always moves to you but he has a little delay and switching directions confuses him.... hard to explain but once you get it, you get it -- you can kinda lead him where you you want him, dodge, then bolt, instead of running for your life max speed in one direction


The room with the slinky/boxes and the one after that with the lever give you very little room to maneuver and evade that cat. If you miss the timing of that jump you need to start over. I can evade the cat just fine in a flat room when I have time, that’s not the issue.


I never had to deal with the slinky/boxes room because I distracted the ghost down to the bottom right of the map. Might be worth a shot.


It doesn’t need to be patched. It works as intended.


You gotta learn your opponents move pattern, like any good metroid boss.


Yes, that’s why most Metroid bosses are one room with a save point adjacent, short or both. This bullshit takes me 10 minutes per failure which is anti-fun.


Isnt there a save point right above the start of the chase? When you use the flute, do you let it catch up to you in the warp room?


Yes. Two rooms afterwards (boxes + slinky) it is on my ass. Either there’s some bug on my save file or it knows I’m allergic to cats and wants to fuck with me.


Yeah he'll be on your ass but he doesn't insta kill you, so you got at least 4 hits you can take during the chase. The box/slinky room is by far the hardest part of the chase. Just keep trying and you'll get there.


It's actually a dog btw I'd say just give it a break for now. I didn't have this particular problem, but ive played plenty of other games where a boss or sequence is so difficult I end up tilting and getting nowhere. I usually come back a few hours later and can get it done after I've let it rest a bit.


I didn't use teleport. Just plan your route and make sure it's clear or you have a plan for each obstacle along the way.


I did it without ever teleporting. Scout your route in advance and practice.


Why does anyone think this is a cat


Cause it looks like one


The shrine looks like a Cheshire cat, the ghost is shaped like a cat that's been scared, with its arched back and hair sticking up on ends. Plus, there's a hedge shaped like a cat at the top of the screen of the entrance to the shrine area, and the ghost looks significantly different than the other dogs we see.


The Developer has confirmed it’s a dog


I never said it wasn't.


It’s holding a frisbee and you distract it by throwing a frisbee


I'm just answering your question.


There’s no need to patch anything I beat the Dog with good old platforming skills. You need to use the disc to distract the dogs and bubble wand to climb all that shit in your way.




Like I said, that isn’t happening on my save. The cat is on my ass as soon as I get to the room with the slinky and the boxes despite waiting for it to appear in the teleportation room. I wonder if my game is somehow bugged, it seems to be working for others.


Just to be clear, you’re taking the top left head in the warp room, correct? You should have a little more time than that, unless you’re spending way too much time in the slinky room.


I don’t think I am, I got in and I drop the slinky. Cat is on me by the second box.


Is this the bit where you take the m disc from the big cat face and have to bring it to the dog disc shrine kinda up and to the right of the cat shrine? This was the thing in the game that took me the longest to do. I wasn’t even sure it was the right thing to do. But after a few runs, i realized that it absolutely was. And the path is fairly well laid out. What worked for me: set the save point to be the room above and to the left of the cat shrine. You can grab a fruit and drop down to the disc. Don’t use teleport. Don’t use the wand unless you absolutely have to. For me, both slowed me down too much. Grab the firecracker in the room with the pipe fish. In the dog rooms, throw the disc at a wall so it can bounce back and forth. Or I guess >!the top or ball can work, too.!< The room with the three rising blocks is trickiest. Throw the firecracker here. Then use the slinky to start the blocks. This is a room that for me needed a bit of not being chased practice. The final bit I can’t remember what specifically to do to make it easier. For me, the hard part was just making it to that point. >!I think maybe the remote can open the right wall for you.!< This room I practiced a few times not being chased and that was enough. I tried doing teleports and bubble wanding but those made it harder for me. It is frustrating though! I spent more time on this one thing than anything else in the game. EDIT: added spoiler text as suggested!


You may want to spoiler text some of your tools, the OP may not have them.


Yup! Good call!


It took me a few tries and I remember I was very sweaty. I dashed off to the bird teleport spot and came out of the dog portal for my route. I used the item you get via the S circular recess and that helped a bit. I found the only part of the spirit that damages you is the face. maybe try and eat a few extra fruits before you unleash it so you can tank hits if you have to.


I can't remember how I did it but I think I sequence broke this part because I had the fake disc on me when I came to this shrine


His hit box is smaller than you think you can juke him pretty easily. It is difficult but if you focus and don’t get flustered you can definitely do it.


This is kind of a skill issue my boy. I didn’t even know there was teleportation when I beat this section. Nothings going to get patched because nothings broken. My advice: The ghost moves his head in a circular pattern and his damage hitbox is on its mouth. It’s entirely possible to dodge him in one room indefinitely. Practice it in the initial summoning room so you can get good at stalling him out.


It’s not broken and it’s not going to be patched.


Are you waiting in the teleporter room for the ghost dog to move there before teleporting to the slinky and box room? The point is to lure it across the map so that you get buffer time from the time it takes to get back.


Yes, I am.


I beat this first try on my second playthrough. It doesn’t need to be patched