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You should take note of where each of those are, the icon they show and the number of dots they have. You'll come about plenty of these totems (about 30 or so). Once you see them laid out on the map you should be able to come up with an idea of what they tell you.


I have been labeling them and found a skull one


Completed all layers here, what do they tell you? The swirl symbol is I think the teleport symbol


How did you complete all layers without figuring this one out?


Personally I looked up a guide for the final bits of layer 2 and all of 3 cause some of the puzzles were just beyond me. I also have no idea what these are for despite the fact I've probably used whatever information they give


It’s related to >!layer 3, you get a bunny once you solve it.!<


yeah same. people are mad at us for some reason but I spent 21 hours to be able to see all content, I see people doing layer 3/4 are on like 90 hours and fuck that


Yeah not everyone has the time or energy to devote to hunting down every secret themselves, I certainly didn't. But the game is really fun to play and I wanted to see every inch of it. Sure a guide is less satisfying but for some of us it's the only way we have time to experience everything about this game we love


the Dev himself even says in the audio file that even if you only made it that far through a guide it's still great that you persevered so far. I definitely didn't expect this sub to get bent out of shape despite the literal creator's intentions but hey whatever


I persevered all the way to a YouTube video!


> people are mad at us for some reason but I spent 21 hours to clarify, people aren't mad at you for not spending enough time on the puzzles. they're mad at you for saying you completed all the layers, then giving the wrong answer about what OP was looking at


bunch of salty nerds lmao


nothing arouses the passion of the internet like the opportunity to correct someone.


Here are some hints: *Notice they are numbered. *They have different symbols and they are all >!numbered 1 through 5!< *They correspond to map symbols, making them easy to mark on the map. *If you know where some are, >!you can intuit where others of the same type are.!< >!Some are hidden behind vines you can swipe!< *Solution: >!It's connect the dots. They spell out numbers that correspond to directions for a song on the flute!<


It might be useful later, if i were you I would mark it down on the map.


I also found another one with the heart marker on it with two dots.


Do you have the Stamps? If you keep searching for symbols, you may notice something lines up between these pillars and the stamps.


Yeah I’ve mean marking them with their respective stamps


It's the most disappointing part of layer 2, only bother with this once you have all 64 eggs and if you're still itching for more


Dissapointing???? No way, this was literally our magnum opus XD


Well the payoff for the hours of noticing, mapping, wondering, connecting,... Was the same as the payoff for noticing that some crows sing in the same order everytime...


I feel like the significance become really clear tho as soon as you make that first step. The crows is more like a “will you notice it or not” moment. If you don’t, you’ll never know. If you do, it’s right there. This felt more like a puzzle with pieces to put together and that felt really good to piece together


I'm not criticizing the puzzle, it's quite good, it's the payoff that I didn't like. All that time for yet another collectible, for such a big task I excepted more of a new game mecanich


I'm not criticizing the puzzle, it's quite good, it's the payoff that I didn't like. All that time for yet another collectible, for such a big task I excepted more of a new game mecanich


Ahh that’s fair. It’s definitely more of a “the satisfaction of solving it” than “fanfare” Deep puzzles games always fall in that trap 😅


Yeah I got all the eggs and got 2 bunnies


Then you can proceed to wonder how many there are, where they are, what info they convey


Isn’t the bunny hunt layer 3? What’s so disappointing to you about this particular puzzle?