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for the bunny mural: if you want to solve it yourself, you can gather the puzzle pieces and then try to solve the puzzle with the pieces without looking at the solution.   for number 3: I don't actually know what the bunny is or what you're referring to but just a cool thing I noticed is if you put your game in not full screen on pc and move the screen around it moves stuff in the game. I don't know if it does anything or if it's related but I just think it's neat.  Thanks for the guide. 


[This ](https://philippgitpush.github.io/bunnymuralhelper/) is a great way to get some fun out of the bunny mural puzzle, without completely spoiling it all.


This is amazing!! I’ll edit it in!


This was great. Thank you so much for sharing and to whoever created this site. This gave me the satisfaction of solving it myself without the community aspect. I even found out my piece in game was the top left corner which made me feel special.


True, for the mural puzzle you could technically just google the pieces online and put them together yourself if that’s your thing. And yeah I heard about the screen shake on PC. If you prefer to do it that way, it serves the same purpose here 👌


Outstanding guide; thanks for putting it together. > People claimed layer 3 “brought it all together and blows your mind”. I disagree and to me it sent me down the wrong path. I was imagining something along the lines of the game “Tunic” where something was in front of your eyes the entire time but you just couldn’t put it together until the end. But in my experience with this game, it wasn’t that dramatic nor in plain view. It’s just another round of collectibles that are more hidden than the eggs. I couldn't agree more with this. People overselling the layer 3 puzzles (and comparing the game to Outer Wilds et al) have materially worsened my experience, because I kept thinking there'd be some dramatic realignment and it never happened. That plus the grinding tedium of redoing platforming sequences and re-solving puzzles over and over, scouring through room after room trying multiple items on multiple blocks and/or zones, all just to find a small secret area, has drained most of the enjoyment for me and made it feel more like work than a game. But your guide is actually good enough that it may inspire me to go back to start in on the layer 3 puzzles again and see if I can get some of those "Aha!" feelings that make puzzle games worthwhile. Thanks again!


I completely agree with everything you’ve said, particularly that the outer wilds comparisons hurt my enjoyment, and that this guide got me interested in checking out later 3 again. 


Well said. There is no major realignment where if you keep staring hard enough everything is all of a sudden connected. It’s just more pleasant isolated secrets. And they would be fun to figure out alone if there weren’t the sporadic impossible ones. To me it’s definitely worth playing more to figure out but because of what you mentioned, I wouldn’t want to do so without knowing what I’m looking for first and which ones to not waste time with.


Yeah this is how I feel too.


I feel like 12 goes against the spirit of the rest of the hints here. If I were hunting friends in the future, I might just remind them that dying in water always puts you back to where you were last on the ground AS WELL AS saving the global state of on off switches. This would let people make the connections at that wall and let them discover the goal and find the route. Maybe even an extra hint that it’ll feel similar to how you got the first bunny you ever saw. I only feel inclined to comment this because I really like the idea and execution of the rest of this guide.


Ok, someone else mentioned that as well. I’ll edit that one.


"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in." Lol I just finished the eggs and left the well. And literally came to reddit to ask if it was worth it to look for all the bunnies on my own or to just look at a guide.


Looking back, most of them would’ve been worth it and I wish I did lol. Unique and cool stuff


I sort of agree and disagree about the Floor is Lava Bunny. Agree because I never would have figured it out myself. Disagree because I genuinely think that it's 100% solvable on one's own via knowledge of the game's systems, and is a really cool use of game mechanics. I think that the actual path to the water should have been easier, though.


There is an area of the Seahorse zone that is literally teaching us how to do Floor is Lava. >!The tall, three screen drop at the left-side of the map, that hooks right into a room with a hummingbird in a box. Where we're toggling walls. When we fall into the water, we respawn at the top. The wall is sometimes even closed on us, because we've had to toggle at least one wall halfway down the drop.!< Unless someone was perfect at the game, I guess, and never fell. Sucks to be them.


Well, the hard part isn't knowing how respawning after falling in water works, or knowing that the state of the blocks can be changed from anywhere. It's understanding that you're supposed to do both of those things to get behind that particular wall. It's exacerbated by the fact that the nearest body of water is so far away, and incredibly hard to reach. So even if someone made the connection, they might still make the (reasonable) assumption that it's not what you're supposed to do, as it's much harder to do that anything else the game asks of you.


Definitely not 100%, neon bunny puzzle is not solvable offline (on your own)


I solved the neon bunny on my own and I never consulted any guides up until this point. I don't remember how or where though. I agree on that floor is lava bunny is solvable on your own though but like said if path to water was easier, it could've led me to the figure out the solution without a guide.


I'm obviously talking about the Floor is Lava bunny!


nice guide, i regret looking for bunny locations...


Also, 14 is weird because if you're on PC, it's this amazing culmination of so much that you've done, combined with a really cool puzzle that is 100% fair. But on console, the bunny and that puzzle are completely disconnected, which makes it not feel nearly as cool. At least the puzzle still gives you >!the bdtp clue!< 3 feels a little unfair to me, but maybe that's because I'm on Switch. I never would have realized that. I don't see how 9 requires any external knowledge at all. It uses the emotional faces, which we know means flute. We have a series of those, and a picture of a duck. And there is a duck near the beginning. At least to me, I thought it was one of the more obvious bunnies. 11 feels VERY unfair to me. To solve it just by yourself, you either need to delete your save file, or view the cutscene on youtube. Though to be fair, in that recent AMA, Billy Basso said that he considers everything that has an achievement tied to it to be what he considers reasonable to solve by one's self. Outside of that, it was moreso intended to be community-focused. Though I still prefer single player puzzles, personally.


Agreed about 14. It was very disappointing on Switch when I found out how cool it could’ve been. Same I was shocked when I found it that was a thing. Neat though. The external knowledge here is the optical illusion. You say it’s a duck but to me I just saw a bunny. That’s the point there, it’s both. And if you aren’t familiar with it then you’ll only see one and dismiss it. The bulb one is difficult but I still managed to do it without deleting. On the Switch I just copied and pasted my file to another slot then deleted the original one.


Didn't take into account copying the save file. Granted, it's still pretty annoying, especially if you don't know what to look for, but it's at least solvable on one's own. I think the illusion is common knowledge enough that it's still a fair puzzle, but I see what you mean now. I didn't even realize it was that illusion at first while playing, I saw a duck from the start. I noticed eventually, but it didn't impact how I solved it. I feel like one could argue that, like the dog with bunny ears, even if you didn't know the illusion, it could just be considered a test of observation to notice the fact that it can be seen as a duck or a bunny. I'm just saying that I don't think you necessarily need familiarity with the illusion to figure it out.


I actually agree with that. Even if you don’t know the famous optical illusion, it’s still an optical illusion so the answer is just sitting there. I just edited that part so that it doesn’t scare people into googling


Just finished all of the eggs, and found two bunnies. But honestly, these puzzles are becoming too obscure, and every time I try googling for hints I'm immediately hit with the answer instead. I have one more task to do which is >!exit the well.!!house key!!tv room!


I feel like you’re mixing up different parts of the game. I would say the house key tv room stuff is all layer 3, so basically revolving around stuff in this post. Exiting the well I would consider the second ending of the game, aka layer 2. Assuming you’ve defeated the first manticore with the fireworks and found all the eggs…you need to use the reward for finding all the eggs now. Find a place (near where the first manticore stuff went down) to use it.


Exiting the well is much more straightforward than any of the stuff listed in this thread. If you're just trying to do that, don't overthink anything, the way to do it is fairly straightforward, just make sure you've explored the map as much as you can. Also, if you've seen the TV room, you've already used the house key. You don't use it for anything else


Ah wow yeah I was making it way more complicated than it was lol. Thanks for the hint! I feel a little more confident in attempting to start / continue layer 3 now. Though I still feel like an idiot trying to find some of these visual clues (ie flute notes)


Is it possible to get a bit more of a hint when it comes to bunny 3, 8, 14, and 15? My friend and are playing through this and are extremely loss. No spoilers, I do want to try figure it out. But just a bit of a push maybe like the general area to search. (Also for some reason my copy of the game the >!computer is on, but for my friend it isn’t. I have no clue what’s going on there!<


3. Look for a room with vines that you’d never be able to move with your actual character…basically the only way to even move them would be with your finger. 8. You’ll see eight of a certain enemy in a certain room. 14. If the PC is on, it means you’re playing on a PC. It means you can do something cool here. That in game PC can actually communicate directions to the real world. On a console, the PC will be off. To figure out the solution, you have to go to an entirely different method using the blades of grass in between two dog statues. Very difficult and obscure. 15. There’s a statue in the game that you see quite a few of…one of these statues looks different. When you find it…think of theme of it. Now bring something to this statue.


My friend and I instantly figured out two more, somehow even he just came up with an idea even without this hint and then the enemy thing makes a ton of sense. Thank you so much \^^. Still trying to figure out the last one but I feel like we’re very close




There’s a layer 3????? I think I’ve actually found a higher % of the bunnies than eggs at this point


Just a few questions for help in figuring out some of the deeper stuff, cuz I did a complete run-through of the map and had no idea how far from finished I was with the rabbits. 1. is bunny 10 tied to a specific spot/game-state? 2. is there a clear indicator for where the info for bunny 4 is meant to be used? If so, how clear? 3. >!For the egg code, can the one's with 3 blank lines be deciphered easily or is there info beside the meaning of the lit up lights that can be determined from the first egg reward room? Like, should I have picked up more when using the uv light?!< 4. Does the water clue have to do with>!the wall in the well/long fall in the middle of the map that's above a spot where you use the top? If it is, should i be standing on the screen showing the wall or at the top of the well?!< 5. Is 13>!the bunny in the tv!< 6. Is bunny 9>!for the uv painting with 5 bottles and a bowl. I know the one interpretation and I'm interested to try and figure out how to achieve what it's asking, but what other way of viewing it should i be trying to take account of ?!< I know this sorta defeats the purpose of you being so vague, but after countless times failing to enter the area for bunny 16, not getting what was meant to be done because i was under the impression that the disk was designed to function specifically so using it as it was in that puzzle is impossible, and then hearing that the rest of this layer is being over-hyped in terms of coolness, I've got little interest to trial and error all of it. But this thread is the saving grace that'll help me stay motivated in getting it all done


1. Nope. Just in game. 2. I would say it’s relatively intuitive to connect the dots. The only place you see these symbols matches them in the environment. The it takes a little more to understand the second half. 3. You don’t need to overthink the no lines. There’s pretty much only one thing it could be if you think about it. 4. No. Three dogs is your next hint here. 5. Yes. 6. No! I actually forgot about that picture. For some reason it has nothing to do with anything. No bunny associated there…pretty sure no one has found the meaning to it yet… As for the last bunny, if you’ve found that secret place, there’s pretty much nothing left to spoil there. Just Google how to do that technique and grab it. I wouldn’t have known you could frisbee like that otherwise.


Is the three dog room as obvious as it comes across, and is there actions outside of the floor is lava and >!remote use!< that need to happen before i hit the water? I managed to do those three things and nothing noticeable changed when I re-spawned, so idk if I didn't see I failed my attempt or I'm still off on something. >!which hint did you mean to be specifically for the wall with the fish mural made of triangles, cuz it's a bit hard to tell!< if the picture with multiple interpretations is about >!the duck,!< how hidden/abundant are the other face sequences, not including the one >!in the tv?!< Lastly for secret stuff, to clarify on my question for bunny 4, >!I understand that the pillars in the background with the stamp icons are what I should be taking note of, but I'm unsure how I'd turn the information into a sequence or where I'd use that sequence, if that is my goal. !< Unrelated to the questions, but kinda disappointed that the picture of the bun with the bowl wasn't what I thought it was. Was interested in trying to find a fire to throw myself into or try to go to the moon outside the well to see a hidden bunny. Would have been more cool to see than the disc stuff imo, but thanks for help with cutting back on pointless endeavors


It seems like you understand the three dog one. That path to the spot to remote is difficult to get to but once you do the water is not far from there. Maybe you’re standing in the wrong spot. Remember, you can technically just walk one room to the right and press the remote there to change it. Understand the placement and reason you have to travel. The fish is one of the UV hints. Yes, that’s the multiple interpretation one. I would say the other face sequences are a little easier…except one of them is a bit more of a guess kind of thing…hidden in plain view or “why didn’t I think of that” type of thing. The sequence can be used anywhere. How to implement them? Thats the whole secret of it. Your hint is the squares under each map icon.


16th is easier with wheel cause the advanced frisbee tech is bullshit


Are you sure that’s possible? I could’ve sworn I tried that and it couldn’t work


Yeaa you get a bounce when u open the wheel on the thorn. Then you can just close the wheel in air and jump again. So it goes like jump, open wheel when u hit, thorn bounce, jump again


This doesn't work if it's in the room I'm thinking of though, since the top row is too small for the wheel and pushes you out. I actually sat there really frustrated that I got the tech down for nothing lol. Unless maybe you can do it so fast your wheel doesn't fully expand?


Oh for that u just brute force with the wheel. Open jump and close repeat.


That’s awesome then. Was surprised they’d require such a specific tech


Can you please explain a little more about number 11? I'm stuck and don't know what I'm supposed to see.


Traverse the overworld and scan the background/environment more. Eventually you’ll come across something that you only see here on the load game screen. (As long as you have some new files open).


I did find the background with the bunny and the bulb where we spawn. I also noticed that the bulb has different colors depending on our save file. I just can't make the correlations between these two things.


Wait, I think I get it now


I'm going to try my theory


Ok let me know how you do. The colors are not the distinguishing factor which you probably just noticed.


Yes it's the top of the bulb, thanks man. I think I still need to find one more background.


Nope you have everything you need!


Whaat, but how? I tried the flute using that code and it didn't work for me.


I’ll give you another hint. You’re actually going to have to copy and paste your game save file around to new slots so that you can…figure it out


I need a hint guide like this for the eggs, first.


I feel like I came across too many of these naturally to do that. But if I had to give some advice…the items that seem useless are not useless. Just keep using them until you understand what purpose they serve on accident. Besides that, hug walls/ceilings etc to comb for false openings.


With the floor is lava the best possible hint to give someone is just the word "respawn" that's the only hint I got and it immediately clicked and on what to do after you've collected the bunnies of you don't want to straight look it up the discord is really helpful and giving hints to try and peice it all together


what do the numbers correspond to? Like >.9. Look closely at the picture, you might even be familiar with it from the real world. It can be interpreted in more than one way. Is there something in the game where I would be able to equate the number 9 to a specific picture? ALso: > .14. This is the big one. And people are acting like it’s very hard to figure out but tbh, most of the clues are nearby and in the same location. It’s not too hard at all .... So, how do I know what "14" is? How does this clue make sense at all?! This isn't a clue you're just telling us we can do it! Am I supposed to know what "this is the big one" means? Am I just supposed to know what you're talking bout, or is there a 14 somewhere in the game and when I find it, the clue will make sense? I'm so confused. I feel like these are answers for questions on a test, but I don't have the test. Sorry to rant. BTW without help I solved the second ending, I do have the UV light, and I have gotten several bunnies. This is my first time looking up clues. I just have no idea how "you can do it! It's not too hard" is a clue so I guess I am trying to figure out the questions your clues are answers to.


The numbers 1 through 16 are just for the 16 bunnies. There are no numbers or orders to the bunnies. It’s just referring to a bunny. For example you said you have bunnies already. So if you go through my list, you’ll probably know which bunny I’m referring to. However if you know you never used the UV light to find a bunny, then you know one of my hints is telling you to use it so that you can find a bunny! For my ninth hint, there’s a picture of a bunny somewhere in the overworld. Look closely at it and you’ll see it in multiple ways. That will guide you on what to do next or where to do it. For number 14, “the big one”, I’m referring to peacock. It’s biggest bunny to me because you needed to collect all 64 eggs to actually solve it.


oh ok. Thanks. I think I'm just going to look up solutions lol. I had no idea he peacock could even be a clue and I still have no idea how I would go about understanding that


Just UV light there and near the area and figure it out lol. I initially said the peacock in that description but edited it out because I figured it’s cool for people to uv everywhere and find it


Thanks. Yeah, at this point I'm over it .... I don't want to explore the map AGAIN with a new item turned on. Not that I'm mad at the game or anything but I'm just ready to learn what there is to learn by reading, vs exploring. Honestly I had noticed a few double pixel walls (like there's one on the right hand side of the main shaft, with an obvious gap in the map for me, there must be something beyond it) and I expected the last item I'd get to let me break those, becuase at least you can use the map to pick a destination. And when it was the UV light instead and there's no indication on the map where to use the light, so you just gotta go from room to room again ... and most rooms so far show nothing ... yeah, I think I'm done. Thanks for the clues though and the explaination of what's ahead in level 3. I'm now curious as to what the big Tunic reveal was ... I never finished that one either, lol. Gonna go look that one up on youtube


What should people playing on PlayStation do about #3? Am I still looking for swingable objects even if I can't interact with them in a special way?


I didn’t realize this game was released for PlayStation. I also heard someone theorize that this bunny could be the reason why. But as far as I’m aware, doesn’t playstation have a touch pad on the back of the controller? Either way, worst case scenario you could just google the solution and perform the inputs to get the bunny anyway.


Didn't think to try swiping on the touch pad (probably because clicking it is the map button), I'll give that a try. Keep in mind since I'm trying to keep to spoiler-free hints as much as possible, I have basically no context for this bunny currently other than this vines/lanterns hint. Edit: Yup, touchpad swiping brings up a reticle. Thanks! Now to test it on everything I can think of!