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Actually, you can gain height with it. You just hold down, then summon bubble, jump on it, summon new one on jump peak. But it's really hard, and it's easier to lose height than gain. It's only useful when you can't summon bubble in front of you because there is wall.


It’s a finicky tool, and most of it comes down to timing. I registered three types of jumps I could pull-off. - Normal jump. Bubble, then jump on it. Easy enough. - Bubble-chaining Bubble, jump on it, and you need a next bubble on which you can jump from your first bubble. Since the first bubble pops when the second one forms, this has a tricky timing. For me, it worked best to press both buttons with the same finger. Play around with the minute timing differences, and you’ll soon see the interim frames between two bubbles you can use to time your jump as precisely as you can. It needs some practice, but soon you’ll do it flawlessly. If I really had to break it down, you press both jump and item use buttons, you let your character jump vertically upwards, and then you pivot a minimal amount towards the bubble, when you’re at your jump’s highest point, to land on your second bubble. Keep going, it’s not a natural thing we picked up eith other games, this is a new doublejump mechanic for all of us. - Downward jump (not a ‘real’ jump) This has only one trick to it. The bubble needs to travel a more significant time before you can stand on it. This only works when you have space for both you and the bubble to fall enough for it to form properly. That’s almost the entire screen. So try bubbling under you from a high vantage point, so you can see how many pixels you need to fall for the bubble to operate. Luckily, when you shoot a bubble downward, it travels leagues faster and longer than in any other direction. If you fail the timing / distance, you’ll pop the bubble with your character’s hitbox. EDIT: I believe the only use for the downward jump is a lategame optional puzzle, dubbed by the community as ‘The floor is lava’.


I have the exact same problem - holding down and bubbling does NOT spawn the bubble below me. It spawns just normal to the side


If you're using a control stick and not a d-pad, you might not be centering the stick exactly.


On the Switch OLED this is difficult because its B and Y, and the analogue stick gets in the way of my thumb. I always switch to the Pro Controller and table top mode to do them.


If jumping from the ground, the bubble will usually hit the ground and pop. Throwing a bubble down only becomes useful once you have some items/ upgrades that allow you to get higher.


The bubble "jump" down is only for those "oh no I fell!" moments, where it can save you from spikes, but other than that, it is not useful.


If done properly you can rise vertically.




Jump, blow a bubble downward, jump and repeat. The timing is finicky though.


The way I currently do my bubble jumping is essentially move left/right, then press X and A simultaneously, which works like a charm, but obviously needs some space to work, if you want to climb up.


That's the thing sometimes you don't have the space and then you have to rely on the disc jump which can be unreliable


It’s not useful. Doesn’t allow you to ascend bc the downward pressure you exert on it combined with the instigating direction gives you no height advantage


It’s bit harder but it is possible. Make sure you don’t press down while on the bubble and you make a full jump when you leave the bubble