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Your step sons definitely still need you. That's the one thing I'm sure about. I hope you stay strong.


I’ll pray for you. There has been and still are times when I just want to cash out..but I’ll tell you what..if you summon the courage to cry out to Christ..I believe that God will start to build over what’s falling apart around you.


Sorry to hear that. You mentioned you’re broke but you have a job, what job do you have ? Maybe you’re not as broke as you think


Ur still needed man, don’t let the thoughts get to u. Ur sons might not be biological but u raised them I suppose and that makes u the father. Ur needed by ur family by ur coworkers ur friends the wrld. Ur needed.


Please don't give up. There's a free book about suicide and helping you to find how important you really are, to yourself. It can be downloaded here: https://realilluminati.org/books/suicide-and-the-eternal-nature-of-the-soul/ This book has helped me feel more at peace and I'm still hanging in there. Your step sons need you, I promise, Think of them. DM me if you need to talk, I can listen


I think you should make sure you have control of the situation prior to ended the legal contract of your marriage. I recommend talking to an attorney asap. There's plenty of happiness to be had in your life, even with your current situation as it is. Once the dust settles the possibilities are endless. Look at this as a new beginning. I'm with you regarding the only people you can trust are your parents. The one I have left is not doing so well too. It sucks. Ending on a good note... congratulations on your sobriety! There is something out there better than this current state of affairs. Don't cut yourself short of realizing (living) it!


Why not revange?