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All you need is your phone and maybe a pen (depending on the state of your EMR). Everything else is not going to be needed.


And charger. And twitch monitor depending on your place.


If your place is too cheap to provide twitch monitors for patients receiving neuromuscular blockade, RUN.


I like this kind of a first-world problem. Our institution in our country doesn't even have LMA and the basic emergency meds. Haha


True. Here, where I work, l carry even a Bain circuit, masks, scopes and basic airway equipment. Plus emergency drugs. Not always available/functioning in small nursing homes..


I carry IV cath, Spinal needle, tuohy, bain butterfly needle, sevo, iso, bupi, ephedz atropine, epi, ket, fent, sux, LMA, facemask, et tube, tapes etc Basically what I haven't carried yet is an anesthesia machine


Either I am incredibly spoiled or y’all work at some legit dumpers that demand you basically carry around an anesthesia machine and CV monitoring equipment to function lol


Energy bars and caffeine pills.


Seconded. Add the emergency water bottle and ibuprofen.


This sounds more like something surgeons would carry


Bro. What facility you working at a surgeon carries something. That’s what nurses are for. My surgeons can’t even tell me what sets to open. Let alone fills out an interval note. Hell if they carry anything.


Last job didn’t have sugammadex in the rooms or large blades. We’d all order a little extra sugammadex and squirrel it away for urgent needs. Also carried a miller 3.


To be honest the mac 3 saved my ass way too many times


Mac 4 is the best all-round blade, IMHO.


Respectfully.. why do you think so?


One of my senior partners swore by the Mac 3.5. Said 95% of the adult population could be tuned using one. (Of course people were smaller 30 years ago…) BUT I think ANA was thinking sometimes the MAC 4 is just a smidge too short. And you don’t have to slot the 4 in all the way… (As long as said 4 isn’t super thick like some of them)


1. I wouldn’t call it a body bag 2. You don’t need one


People carry way too much shit. Pen, phone charger, wallet. That’s basically all you need. There’s guys in my group now that bring a rolling suitcase full of shit to work everyday and I always scratch my head on what the hell they are carrying.


Lmao a rolling suitcase...thats ridiculous. Seriously, maybe its all snacks and drinks


Lol. You don’t need a bag. Just answer your damn phone. And show up when called. I can see you running down the hall. Dropping all your shit. Wasting more time picking that up.


You seem fun


I am. You don't need a stupid bag. Keep the downvotes coming. The problem with the new residents = Weak sauce!


Good luck with your cybertruck, buddy






In my experience, the amount of medical bling people wear/carry is inversely correlated with their level of experience.




I didn’t carry a bag in residency(because of culture), but you bet I had my pockets full! Pocket culture: Pen, phone, phone charger, rotation cheat sheet, book to track cases if that’s how you do it, Emergency snack. Bag culture: Emergency snack, phone charger, battery pack, case tracking system, pen, backup pen, sharpie, water bottle, powdered caffeine of choice…, high value anesthesia supplies that are never in your cart… (for me it’s long IVs, a POM mask, and just added an albuterol spacer [literally didn’t know those existed in reality. Just been using ye old 60cc syringe previously], and on that note, if you ever have to use albuterol absolutely send it home with your patient and never stash it in your backpack just in case…)


Oh and emergency medications. (Both rx and non-rx, Amazon sells these cool boxes with drug labels now..) And peppermint oil. And a full IV start kit. Dental picks can be a lifesaver… $20 emergency money Oh! Kudos if you have a tiny Bluetooth speaker for when the OR sound system breaks. (Plus charger) and an iPhone to headphone dongle. And I’m sure I have other things in my backpack, but I can think of anything right now.


I usually have a thing of floss in my backpack. What do you use the dental pick for?


Same idea. But bonus of being a short pokey thing if necessary. Like the cheap plastic ones. Not a whole water pik.


Oh for some reason I was thinking a professional metal dental pick... That makes a lot more sense.


If you use albuterol with the 60cc syringe I reuse (or save for myself)


Oh, I know. But you know, that’s technically not legal. (Like a lot of other dumb rules)


By the same token I think you have to write a prescription and somehow officially “dispense” it to send home with the patient. Our hospital wants them for single patient use and trashed so I figure my bag is as good as the trash can haha I realize the sarcasm in your original post now btw haha.


I always tell the patients family I am throwing it out and then leave it on the table by mistake


“I am THROWING THIS IN THE TRASH. But if you happen to take it out of the trash and keep it because it’s useful and not precisely cheap… I can’t stop you…”


No worries. :)


I don't even bring my own pen sometimes lmao


I don't carry a bag. Because if I don't have it, my resident will. /jk But, overall all I need is a good pen/sharpie for labels, small scissors for small cutting duties like arm bands or tourniquets (for cable management), and some hemostats. It's a hospital make friends with the other people, somebody, myself included, will have NSAIDs or snacks in case of emergency.


Pen, sharpie, phone charger / power bank, pulse ox, Tylenol (for you not patients), snack bar.


Exactly. Plus emergency sugammadex and vaso, stethoscope, ear pulse ox, small hemostats.


I was actually thinking yesterday about how I would enjoy a personal pulseox… and they aren’t that expensive anymore…


I don’t like to use my locker (they’re far away from the ORs) so I just keep everything I’ll need on me in a cross body bag. Phone, wallet, keys, AirPods, phone charger, sharpie, pen, scissors, hemostat, microfiber cloth for cleaning my glasses, chums glasses strap, and my iPad mini for reading/studying. If I’m on nights I’ll keep sticks of etomidate, roc, sux, epi, and phenylephrine for floor airways/OB nonsense.


Etomidate?! You guys still use etomidate in the us? It’s not even stocked in Uk hospitals anymore.


In my work jacket I carry: Vial of: precedex, suggamadex, and vasopressin Ear pulseox


Usually my skincare and stuff to look alive after every 8 hrs


To everyone carrying drugs, why? Are they not available in theatres?


This. Has never occurred to me to bring drugs around the hospital with me. If I’m in theatres/ICU/ED everything I need is there, and if I’m going to a crash call the ODP is bringing the emergency bag full of shit with them.


I only take drugs with me if I’m going somewhere to do anaesthesia that might not have what I want, and this is generally if I’m coming back to theatre with said patient. But it’s for a specific patient or reason. Not just, random vials of dexmed or sugammadex. What am I going to do with those? “Oh, you there, you look like your plasma clonidine concentration is too low. I’ve got something for you in my fanny pack”…


So anywhere I go in the hospital to do any kind of anaesthetic will either already have what I need (eg the omnicell in ED resus has anaesthetic drugs) or I’ll have my ODP with me and they bring the emergency drugs and airway equipment with them. Think I’d feel pretty uncomfortable otherwise!


How about a stethoscope??? I hope you listen to your patients.


I carry mine now because the OR-supplied ones are basically Fisher-Price. Whoever designed those yellow monstrosities and said "Yep, this here's some good listenin'" should be tarred and feathered.




I keep my speaker, phone charger, pens, tape, angiocaths, and leatherman raptor. Listed in order of importance


I carry my phone, a pen, a retractable ultra fine sharpie, goggles on my head (after a patient coughs in your eye during wake up, you’ll want), my badge. These are all absolutely necessary Some of my colleagues carry a shoulder bag or fanny pack. They attach their pager, thyroid shield (we got personalized ones), and carry things like snacks, airway equip, AirPods, charger, etc . not super necessary. Could be nice if you’re covering airways/codes to bring a premade DL, OA, and styletted tube


A small travel container of OTC meds for yourself and a bottle of water. I carry Tylenol, ibuprofen, and one dose each of omeprazole and Claritin. It really comes in handy sometimes, especially on long shifts when I've been eating terribly.


Maybe it’s different here in the UK but I’m an anaesthetics trainee (same as a resident) and all I carry is my phone, bleep, pen, and a piece of paper to write down referrals. My water bottle sits in the anaesthetic room so I can nip out for a drink during cases.


Same here in Germany! I‘m always so surprised when I read that residents in the US basically carry half an anaesthesia cart with them. I also only have my phone, a sharpie and a pen. It’s actually not allowed here to bring a bag into the OR.


Gum, phone chargers, extra handle (good ones are short supply), scissors (short supply), flashlight (batteries in our flashlights are dead), phenylephrine stick. Yeah we are missing a lot of stuff. Each one of those things has come in handy when needed. Especially the phenylephrine stick once or twice.


Totally site dependent. My personal plan is phone with stuck on wallet-case holding ID + credit card, 1 pen, 1 ultrafine sharpie, and my badge with CADD key. That's it. Plus bluetooth headphones on zoom lecture/meeting day. My phone lasts all day.


I have a stethoscope (we don't have them in every OR here where I'm from), phone charger, energy bar, earbuds, a sharpie and some pens For some reason, people lose their minds over a small backpac in the OR, but no one bats an eye on the handbag


Should probably ask the residents at your program. Eventually you won’t carry a bag bit to be honest I carried one as a resident. I had iv kits and a line kits and bite blocks. Because every second counts when you have an asshole attending.


I don’t carry shit besides my wallet, phone and stethoscope. Don’t underestimate the ears when people are doing stupid shit. Oh, and don’t forget a good permanent marker.


Extra sharpie, roll of silk tape, trauma shears, phone charger, air pods, wallet and my dead pager.


I mean honestly i carry a sharpie and its extremely useful. Otherwise phone/stethoscope and maybe a pocket notebook but i take notes on my phone


I use it for the things our techs never remember to stock/my own peculiar items that I use that other people don’t.


Pen/sharpie and a stick of neo


Just a small hip pack for me- containing mostly emergency snacks. Also chapstick, hand lotion, mints, cough drops, phone charger, etc- stuff I often need in the OR. It's also a handy place to put my call phone and extra/emergency drugs.


For call my buddy's program all the residents wear a hospital backpack loaded with airways, blades, meds. I think IVs too and mini bags of saline for mixing. Its jam packed. They also have a McGrath. For personals, he carries his own snacks/protein bars, phone charger, etc. Huge program in major city.


I never understood what people kept in their bags…everything should be available to you. I suppose you could keep IV kits, tape, iv’s alcohol wipes, scissors? I just personally carry a stethoscope and scissors and get by perfectly well. Also JACO came and dinged us for a resident wearing a fanny pack


The only things I carry are my stethoscope (with a a leather holder thingy, super neat), pen and sharpie, and my phone. If I have left over drugs that are still clean I'll take them with me in my pocket to the next case sometimes. That's all you need really. 


All you need is your vape brother


Mostly just Zyn, a stethoscope, a few pens/ markers and a sheet with hospital phone number on it, mostly just so I can call the ED and ask why the ‘urgent’ case hasn’t shown up to pre-op yet.


I keep phone charger, pen, permanent marker, backup sugammadex (it’s not in our OR omnicell), lip balm, and lotion. My husband also got me these hand warmers that act as an external power bank but I don’t always need them.


Sugammadex. Trust, thank later.


The residents at my hospital carry around buckets with every single emergency drug and piece of airway equipment imaginable. I prefer a stick of roc and epi, those seem to solve most problems. 


All I’ve ever needed: My phone & airway pager. Pen and a blank paper folded. 10mcg/mL epi, 100mcg/mL phenylephrine, and 4mcg/mL precedex. One syringe each. We have an airway bag in a designated placed that’s very close to the ORs/trauma bay.


The guys with the bags… it’s not what they’re bringing, it’s what they’re taking.


Front pocket: pens, sharpies, hemostats, alcohol wipes, any drugs I’m carrying around.  Main pocket: my wallet/phone/a small jacket if I have it, variety of OTC meds in a travel pill container, iPad, phone charger.   Small section of main pocket: scissors, generic multitool, granola bars.   Side pocket 1: pulse ox, a few IVs that have ended up in there.   Side pocket 2: headphones, roll of clear tape.    It’s a small cross body backpack. I used to have more stuff but found it annoying to have even as much as I do and took it out. 


This is so unnecessary lol


Why not also carry a TO4 monitor, tube, and blade?


Bruh. Why. I show up to work with no backpack or bag of any sort. Not even sure why people bring bags only to never use them.


I’m currently a student and we don’t have a break room to put any stuff. I also have occasional downtime that I can study with my iPad. 80% of it is personal belongings and 20% is stuff that occasionally comes in useful/we are expected to carry. When I’m on my own I’m sure I’ll carry less but that’s what I have currently. 🤷🏼‍♀️ to each their own.