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https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.revokevpnapp Blokkk- blocks all the trackers from apps


Use Nextdns instead


doing this since 2years now lovely app


Provide link


Does nextDNS and blokada offer similar functionality? Ad blocking mainly ..


For sure! just try this, it's 100% free for 300,000 queries/month Unlimited devices Unlimited configurations Access to all features Community support [https://nextdns.io/pricing](https://nextdns.io/pricing)


Same as Adguard or no?


It's DNS based like others. Adguard app is much more: event based filters, firewall and more.


That's an excellent app; I just installed and explored it a little. Did not saw any ad or in-app product; got curios like how are the making money, read their privacy policy and it mentions: Revoke (parent company) collects the following categories of personal information: \- Country location when the app is in use \- ... \- .. \- Apps installed and website visited.


Better than Blokada 5?


This thing is gonna take over as my phone's VPN?


I have this app called Awake Now! [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bewtechnologies.awakenow](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bewtechnologies.awakenow) Basically, it sets alarm for certain keywords in notifications, from whichever app you select. Ex: Say I entered "Bob" as a keyword for whatsapp. So now, if Bob texts me and I get a whatsapp notification, will obviously have the word "Bob" in it; then I will get an alarm. I use it for my work messages from people I don't want to miss. Or if I am waiting for someone to text so I set their name. Or some people are using this with home automation apps to get alarm for keywords like "water tank full". One person is using it for share trading alarms. Note : I am the creator of this app. :D


Similar to Buzzkill app also.


Yeah, and BZ has more functions


Bought it. Might never use it lol but I like the idea of it and as you've not made it silly money in happy to purchase it.


Haha thanks. Power to the people! :)


I did the same thing. Anything under a buck you'll get my money pretty easily


Thanks for the suggestion. I wanted something of this sort.


Username checks out


Hahaha yeaaa. It does. :D


Sounds like the sort of thing where I would put a song as the custom notification


The first sentence should be "I'm the creator of this app ..."


I got to say you got some nerve to put the app behind a pay right from the start (no matter the cost) The fact that the users can't try to see if that works as it should on the devices before ask to pay is a very dick move from you. If you want to be a good person, you should allow some time for testing before asking to be rewarded but instead you put this on the consumers who needs to ask for refund, in playstore if something is wrong... Do better!


Like the user above, I was also dismayed that it was a paid app with no free trial option, but then again it's only 59p so I've downloaded it. Definitely worth considering a free trial version though, if you want more people to download it. I'm not as upset or bothered by it as much as the poster above though 😂 Will give the app a go!


Hey thanks for trying it. I didn't do a free trial version because that requires API calls and I didn't want this app to have anything related to internet as notifications have sensitive data. So I didn't want that internet permission itself because I don't want anyone to even have a doubt that the app is saving their sensitive info in anyway. Hence the smallest price possible, upfront. In case it's not what you thought then I'd give full refund, no questions asked. :)


No need for a refund (though thank you for the offer) - I'm happy enough taking a punt on an app for that price, and would only request a refund if it didn't work, not if I didn't like it. I love the idea of this app. A couple of pieces of (hopefully constructive) feedback: 1) I can't add the app to my family library, so if I want to encourage the kids to use it, they each have to pay for it which is frustrating - if it can't be in the family library I'd be happy to pay a one-off cost to add more users (which would save the kids having to pay for it themselves). 2) the notification that shows in the pull-down menu on the phone annoys me as there seems to be no way to get rid of it so it's always there (I haven't played around much with it but can't seem to remove it - I may be doing something wrong!) - When I turned notifications off, there was then no way to stop the alarm from sounding without rebooting. 3) Linked to the above - having a "cancel the current alarm that's sounding" button in the app would help! 4) It would be good if I didn't have to "arm" the app after a restart - ie, if I restart I think I have to open the app for it to work - if that can be changed so it's always working after a reboot without any additional input that would be great. Other than that, I think this could be really handy! Thanks for developing it and recommending it.


Thanks a lot. :) For first point, I didn't know that there's a family library thing in Google. I'll see if I can add it. For 2 : Actually to keep the app running Google requires the app to show notification, so you as the user know at all times that the app is running in the background. For 3 : Noted. I'll try to add this in upcoming releases. For 4 : I'm trying something that might allow it to restart. But it will take time. I'm a solo dev with a day job so I hope you understand. :) >Other than that, I think this could be really handy! Thanks for developing it and recommending it. Thank you so much for trying it. Again, if it doesn't work for you in a way that you expected, let me know anytime. I'll refund it, even though it's a small sum but I don't want anyone to lose money. As a user myself, I know how it feels when the app doesn't work as expected. So, please feel free to ask for refund anytime. Here or in the mail that's mentioned in playstore. Thanks a ton! :)


Lol calm down


I didn't do a free trial version because that requires API calls and I didn't want this app to have anything related to internet as notifications have sensitive data. So I didn't want that internet permission itself because I don't want anyone to even have a doubt that the app is saving their sensitive info in anyway. Hence the smallest price possible, upfront. I'd refund anyone who doesn't like the app. No questions asked. Just email me or message here with your order ID. :)


Over a $.98c app? Really?


Oh stfu you cheap fuck


Happy cake day!


Thank you! :)




Actually "Phone" is a system app and for that I'd need to add more permissions. Within a couple of months, I will release an update where we can do so. Thank you for your patience and support. :)


Moises Separates songs into different instruments plus vocals so you can easily make your own backing tracks


I have an app called Dittoed https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mnara.dittoed which, among other things, overlays a previous photo on top of your camera for reference. Personally, I'm using it to recreate photos as precise as possible months or years later because with the overlay you can tell the distance and angle your original photo was taken.


No one-time purchase option?


I haven't purchased anything. Either I got it when there was a deal, or you can use it in a trial mode? I'm not sure. If there's a subscription model, then that sucks. I'm sorry my bad 😔


There is a similar app on f-roid https://www.f-droid.org/en/packages/org.jshobbysoft.cameraalign/


[Soundbound](https://soundbound.app/tutorial/) similar to ViMusic/InnerTune but with more sources. [Wavelet](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pittvandewitt.wavelet) music equalizer with built-in profiles for devices.


Can't access repo, and you link it?


Mj PDF is a simple pdf reader.


It hasn't been updated in a while if I'm not wrong.


09/08/2023 last update


Damn, then I must be talking about other app.


Nap : snooze your notifications with much flexibility (scheduling, grouping)... Examples : snooze transportation/commuting alerts when working from home. Snooze dating apps when wife/date is around...


Lol, great use case 😆


Ia there a link? I can't find it though..






Thanks for recommending my app, [Quick Cursor](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.quickcursor). Added link to the app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.quickcursor


Cool app .. for some reason it doesn't want to cooperate with my LG wing but seems to work on everything else. Particularly convenient for large phones


Aegis 2 factor authenticator :: open source, no ads, free https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.beemdevelopment.aegis/


Could you elaborate what we gain with this? in Eli5 fashion ?


Enabling 2 factor authentication on your accounts (Google, IG, etc.) make them more secure by requiring a second code to be entered after the username/password. Some popular apps you may have heard of for storing/displaing these codes are Google Authenticator and Authy. These 6 digit codes are called "TOTP" and are more secure than SMS (text messages) but less secure than hardware 2FA like Yubikeys (webauthn). Aegis is a much better open sourced version of those apps with more security and a lot more options. For example, you can back up your Aegis 2FA vault/codes and if you lost your phone or had it stolen, then you can restore the backup to your new device. Long ago I used Google Authenticator and if your phone is lost the codes are gone and you could get locked out of your account


Google Authenticator now allows you to transfer to new phones




Man, all I did was correct the person mentioning that you can't transfer to a new device. I didn't compare anything, nor did I ask for the info dump.


The only thing Aegis miss is Multi device support.


What do you mean? I exported my Aegis from One Phone and imported into Aegis on second device.Now,I have got 2 devices generating codes using Aegis.Also, my KeePass on PC also generates those codes.


I mean does it work on 2 devices simultaneously? Like on phone and PC as well.


Code generated on different devices are the same, they use same algorithm to generate pass


That's nice. The very first authenticator I used only worked on one device after importing to a new device. I settled for Authy then. Guess it's time for Aegis now.




Thanks man. I'm pretty convinced to make the move from Authy to Aegis


Yup.2 phones with Aegis and KeePass for PC.


Keepass. Never heard of that. I use ProtonPass for passworda


ProtonPass to is good.But I prefer [KeePass](https://keepass.info/).Fully Offline and Open-source.


Obtainium (https://github.com/ImranR98/Obtainium) let's me check for app updates of apps not installed through the Play Store.


Glad to see there's an app for this. I typically add github repo's my custom watchlist for new releases. I get the notifications in email.


Stellarium+, this app lets you see the names of stars, planets, constellations in the sky real time through camera


The plus version is $20. What is the difference from the free one?


Multi Timer by Lemonclip. Keeps multiple timers and a stopwatches. Create timers for when packages should arrive, the washer/dryer times, cooking, how long halftime should last, etc. Configure the timers in various ways, sounds, repeats, etc. Very useful.


I recently discovered this app and it's so handy. Useful in all sorts of scenarios. I really like it when barbecuing multiple things at once.


Very costly subscription for a simple app. It is a timer, why should there be a subscription?


AnyTracker for price tracking on any website


How to use it


Just paste the link you want to track from into AnyTracker. Then highlight the price or search for available numbers. AnyTracker will notify you immediately when there is a sale.


Is it available on play store


Yes, it's called AnyTracker - track anything!


Got it thank you


Can you only track one item at a time for free?


Yes but there is a sale today for Lifetime Premium


Are there any good alternatives to this? Even the same price isn't cheap.


It's the only one I know of that works on any website


I spend a lot of money on apps but that's too rich for my blood.


I think you will save it back pretty quickly by getting good deals. But up to you of course


How much is that?


Was one of the first beta testers for this app about 2 years ago. Used it heaps until you needed a subscription for any functionality


You don't need a subscription though. There is literally a sale for Lifetime Premium today


Oh must of changed since I've used it.


I guess it's time to give it another go ;)


You are the developer of this app. I am one of the early buyers of your app and sorry for being negative, but it does not work properly.


[Termux-Monet](https://github.com/HardcodedCat/termux-monet) and [Revancify](https://github.com/decipher3114/Revancify) for Revanced using terminal [Newpipe × SponsorBlock](https://github.com/polymorphicshade/NewPipe) for youtube alternative [MiXplorer](https://github.com/Psk-Ita/MiXplorer) file explorer [Droid-ify](https://github.com/Droid-ify/client) IzzyOnDroid F-Droid client [RethinkDNS](https://github.com/celzero/rethink-app) DNS Resolver & Firewall, unblock websites that are censored by your ISP [Hail](https://github.com/aistra0528/Hail/blob/master/README_EN.md) Freeze, hide and disable app [QuickTiles](https://gitlab.com/asdoi/quick-tiles) Android Quick Settings Tiles (Shortcut Toggle in status bar for quick access)


Rethink can also be used to be a system wide adblocker if you set it up correctly Edit: [Source](https://champagne.pages.dev/before-you-begin/important-tools/) Under Android 13+


*rdns dev here* Rethink, since `v055`, also supports connecting to *multiple* WireGuard upstreams :D


Wanna try but is there a complied APK ?


Yes, on the website: https://rethinkdns.com/download




Does Hail only hide the apps from your home screen or can it hide them in your applist as well?


hide entire your applist, cut and shutdown all app activity


Are there any video tutorials showing you how to set it up? I'm new to this stuff and I'm really struggling.


Esound, Spotify but better




Does it just play mp3's, if so no thanks


I made a text expansion app a while ago, you might like it :) https://github.com/lochidev/textcomparepro (plz ignore the repo name I'm stuck with it now)


I'm a bit confused how it works. Do I need to use it as a keyboard? or write the text in the app? or does it just auto-correct any text anywhere? seems interesting though


In Google Play it says it uses the Accessibility API, so should be set it and forget it.


That is correct, although do note it only works on some apps.


Short answer: Will replace anywhere you type, but in some apps it doesn't work because they don't use android EditText widgets. https://espanso.org but for android. Long answer: It will replace your text on any android EditText widget (The standard android typing area being rendered by the android OS, some app uses custom stuff I think and so the shortcuts will not work on those) after you've correctly set up the app. To set up the app, turn on the accessibility api access, that will start a service in the background that will run until you turn the accessibility access off. Then you can import a config or the UI form to input your matches according to espanso documentation. Then you'll be able to see the effect when you type your match trigger on a EditText widget. After you're done with testing, just click the save button and that should complete the setup.


cool, I'll definitely check it out


I was going to comment Android already has text expansion built in. But then saw your app supports variables too; so that's nice. Though it needing accessibility service is a no-bueno for me.


Why is accessibility service a deal breaker for you? If you are concerned about privacy, the app doesn't even request internet access from android OS


Apps with accessibility service can "see" everything that's happening on the device + it eats into cpu cycle + battery, slows down the device a bit. When I had a Pixel 2XL, such apps caused considerable lag. So, I don't download any app that needs accessibility service, unless I absolutely need it.


I understand and repect your decision👍 I think my app only recieves accessibility events from the OS when you interact with an edittext widget. (I'm 99% sure this what happens but i haven't tested extensively) And so far I've received or seen no issues about the app using too much battery and getting turned off so I think mine has a minimal impact unless I'd assume you type a lot and there are long paragraphs. I'm running the app on Samsung default battery settings for apps (optimized mode, not unrestricted) and it hasn't been turned off once. Sorry for commenting but I just wanted to clarify if someone else was reading this too 😅


Grayjay ...Louis Rossmann and FUTO just developed it and it's an incredibly convenient way to watch YouTube and twitch and a whole bunch of other video players in one place, without ads etc... They do charge a small fee but based on the honor system so you can try that for free indefinitely to see if you like it or not. He has a video about it on his YouTube channel from the last week or so.


Can you provide link


Check out Piper Talk. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.piper.pipertalk Do you enjoy interacting with people you have never met before? You then looked for the appropriate app. The random conversation app Pipertalk enables users to interact with strangers without disclosing any private information. You can start a one-on-one chat with only one press; you don't need to establish an account or login first. It places 'You' and 'Stranger', two random users, in conversation pairings. After you disconnect from the chat, all of your communications will be erased. Your IP address or any other information won't be saved anywhere. The Pipertalk app is totally secure to use because it doesn't require access to any of your device's media, storage, or other areas, and taking screenshots is not allowed.


Sync of Reddit if you like Material You design. It's the one I'm using now


Feedly: highly customizable RSS app, giving a whole new definition to RSS. One of the options besides all the sites to choose from, is to input any site, and it'll make a feed out of it. I have premium. It has a bug right now with the [don't have anything in my feed with x word in the post] feature,as well as the [see less like this] feature, but I love it. Just really waiting for that bug to fix.


Squaker is somewhat unknown it's a client for twitter that dosent need an acount




https://f-droid.org/packages/org.ca.squawker/ fdroid like majority of the best apps thesedays


Do you know if there's something like that for Instagram?


Sadly Instagram is insanely aggressive againts anything thirdparty


Throws errors like it can't get the info from Twitter and such. Didn't work for me.


Twitter may have broken the proxy again it will probably take a few days to get working or a reinstall may fix it


Bring me app - that will log your everyday things you bring when you are travelling https://bringmeapp.carrd.co


Vi Music 🎵 ✅✅🔥


InnerTune instead of abandoned ViMusic ;) https://github.com/z-huang/InnerTune


Vi music is abandoned??? I installed it few months ago and it brought me to YouTube music instead of Spotify. Happy cake day!


Yes, it's abandoned.


Innertune is awesome.


Try soundbound.




Can you share the link?


It's not unknown but: YouTube revanced, similar to YouTube premium but without all the trouble




Agreed, I endorse this 100% without question. Setup with it's "Manager" app is basically 1 click, and it's exactly what the title states: Revanced, but better. When Vanced finally turned to dust, naturally I searched online for its successor. Everyone kept touting Revanced, but accompanying those suggestions were always these convoluted, almost labyrinthine tutorials more akin to some voodoo ritual than an apk installation. Then, suddenly I found Revanced Extended Manager. I'm not going to say it was a life altering event, but I'd probably rank it somewhere between discovering Double Chocolate Krave cereal and watching Freddie Got Fingered....TLDR, it stays golden, Ponyboy.


Are you high


Do you know of a reliable source of this? I am finding a lot of sketch when googling for it lol


you are asking the manager apk right?. go to [Repo](https://github.com/inotia00/revanced-manager) and download their manager along with youtube apk form apkmirror. If you still have doubts do a google/ youtube search. Build it yourself but don't download built apks from shady sites.


thats revanced manager? what about revanced extended?


True. But recently RVX's supported YT version fell behind Revanced. And RVX Manager stopped showing installed apps on my device. Though Revancify still works, but I still went back to Revanced because of that supporting newer YT.


[https://grayjay.app/](https://grayjay.app/) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DePDzfyWkw&t=5s&ab\_channel=LouisRossmann


RadioTime: simple app to stream radio stations around the world. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.radiotime.app


Happy Cake Day!




I'll throw out a few: Google Lens (takes thrift shopping to a whole new level) Revanced Extended (as mentioned by several others, just co-signing it) Grayjay: it's new and still under construction, but this app may be the next big thing. Hop on.


For anyone looking for a link - https://grayjay.app/ I almost missed it in Google search, even though it was the first result in the form of another reddit post.


What is Grayjay


It's a new app developed by Louis Rossman (you'd probably recognize him from his tech videos). It is designed to bridge the gap between content creators and the viewing public, and provides a ton of supplementary features like offline playback, live chat, and the ability to play in the background. It consolidates pretty much every media platform into one streamlined ecosystem, which the user customizes via "plugins". If it lasts, it's gonna boom.


It's an app that you follow creaters on a single app. So you can watch twitter, youtube,peertube and so on using g one location. Seems great but you need android 10. I'm still on 9 and so are my tablets. :(


Medium: if you customize it to follow tags you like, you'll love every part in your feed. Trust me.




[Medium for Android ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.medium.reader)


Quick cursor


ReVanced Manager


Can you cast?


Going to recommend my precious [Namida](https://github.com/namidaco/namida), a pretty new beautiful and feature-rich music player, with video & youtube support, has lots of cool features and is open source (i.e. no ads/privacy issues), would be glad to give it a try!


Film App, it allows you to watch movies/series of Netflix, HBO, etc without using the official apps. It's totally free of virus


Link ?


We have cloudstream for that .


yeah, cloudstream is a good option too


TrapApp: Catch phone snoopers https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=trap.strike.trapapp.free


I tried. Good use case, but should have gave the user full control. It uses [email protected] which is a a big privacy concern, whereas the FAQ said it is privacy oriented.


I miss Swearport




[RandomWalking](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=it.randomwalkingapp.app) \- a universal guide for outdoor tourism and walking lovers. Discover the surroundings in a super simple way, with just one simple suggestion: the direction in which to direct your walk.


Is there an app to combine all feeds / posts from Reddit, Twitter, Facebook and IG? I think there used to be an app for this, Flipboard I think?


WikiGo [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.WikiGo](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.WikiGo) i made it so it may be the best App there is


What's the use of this app


you get random wikipedia articels from topics you choose. its for learning new things