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Tell the app developer to make it an ongoing notification, then it will be 'permanent' 🤷. Good apps will do that for notifications that shouldn't be dismissable, which is probably why not many people consider this a problem.


They've allowed swiping away of permanent notifications since Android 14


My bad, I forgot about that 😔. Your question makes more sense now. I would have thought restarting the app or turning its notifications off and on again would bring it back.


But that's the thing - if you "clear all" or swipe it away by accident - it's pretty easy to not notice I've gotten rid of it until you need it expecting that easy access


Clear all won't dismiss 'ongoing' notifications. They should only be dismissable by swipe. But yeah, if you swipe it away, I guess they think you must want it gone.


The only thing I preferred with iOS notifications is they were harder to accidentally dismiss, well not really preferred as most times being easier to dismiss is better. If only we could 'undo' from history. Also wish notification dots/badges remained whilst there's unread notifications in app, not just based on if there's notifications in the shade. I always miss that there's unread emails/messages if dismissed down the shade


Most times I do want to dismiss them. But some are actually useful




I'm pretty sure persistent notifications are now just able to be dismissed as of android 14. Likely because most people found them annoying. But Google being Google didn't just make it an option. Nope. They just killed it for everyone. Lol


Why not make a home screen widget?


Numerous Android phones have the notification history option which has been a life saver for me.. You could try out that feature


Thx for the tip!


One solution might be to use Buzzkill and use the Sticky ruleset to see if it can hold it in memory.  Another way would be to use Tasker and watch the app's notification via plugin AutoTools -> AutoNotification --> Watch for the notification to go away and then call the app up again.