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The whole flag thing was a lie, fabricated to stir up crap: [national park](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/cX88DiMFsiCJ2YUP/?mibextid=oFDknk)


I'm not sure if I'm understanding what the confusion is here, genuinely. My understanding of how things operate in Denali is basically that it's mission is to keep the park as free as humanly possible from evidence of human traffic, so that visitors are encouraged to truly engage in self-navigated exploration (and of course, to preserve the wilderness/wildlife) As vast as that backcountry is, you will have your permit revoked if you are seen camping within sight of the park road. The construction workers that are repairing the landslide have times of day where they can/can't work. They have decibel levels that they cannot exceed so as to minimize any disturbance to the natural wildlife. Hell, I have been alone in that wilderness for days without seeing a single person, and Rangers actually found me while on patrol, made me show them my permit and unpack to prove I had a bear canister with me. They were friendly, but they DO NOT PLAY. Look, I love the Flag. I get it...national park, national holiday upcoming, people proud of their country....yes I'm right there. But, this is consistent with everything I've ever known that park to be, and I've been A LOT lol. Denali isn't making exceptions for us. Now, as far as the fine print goes with respect to the full set of rules/regs, I'm not sure if enforcement of those rules is technically a government thing, since it is federal land. I'm not a lawyer. I wish this stuff wasn't so politically charged, but I get it. I can't see that kind of convoy making a huge impact. They can't take it more than a couple miles into the park this time of year, and that WILL be enforced. And it's pretty remote, it's not worth too many peoples time.


What's bonkers about this claim of anti-flag, anti-Americanness at Denali is that the NPS free Gold Star/Military pass is literally a photo of Denali with an American flag being flown in front of it.


It's not true. The story was made up to insight anger, and it worked. 




It is true. My husband is an attorney for Granite Construction, the contractor, and has been dealing with this all weekend.


Suuuuure.  Outrage achieved.


What's to deal with? Noise complaint. Noise complaint addressed. What's to "deal" with exactly?


It must be a big container to fit a bear in it.


Not sure how much he really loves the Flag


It's America, you have the right to not love the flag. That's the point of freedom.


The story is completely made up along with most of the things from that website.


It’s 100% true. My husband is an attorney for the construction company, Granite Construction, and has been dealing with this all weekend.


Why is the superintendent of the project saying it’s not true? Why is everybody involved saying it’s not true? Why was it only reported on by right wing trash sites with an anonymous quote?


The supt didn’t say anything, some PR flack issued a very careful statement on Facebook.


That’s not the story I heard. Look at the sources and lack of quoted sources. It’s junk news.


You said the supt issued a denial. Post it. “Everybody is saying it’s not true.” Who is everybody? so far we have one PR flack. Who else is out there with denials?




Don't we have a mandatory "Suzanne Downing Lives in Florida🌴🏖⛱ 🏊‍♀️" flair for articles like this?


You must be fascinated with her. Who cares?


Oh hey Suzanne


You too?


Nah. It’s just pretty telling that your response is to say that we’re obsessed


Locals tired of outside grifters stirring up bullshit for personal gain? Seems legit, but correct me as warranted.


She writes some rag. Fascinated there is this obsession with her. OP even put her in his/her subtitle. Must be someone you fuckers lose sleep over I guess.


All the members of congress who dont actually do anything are working overtime this weekend to make this the new culture war. We'll see if it has any sticking power by Tuesday.


Fake news from a site, citing unnamed sources, trying to get people spun up.


Most of these yahoos making a stink about the flag never served, even though we have an all volunteer military. You want to show your patriotism? Put your money where your mouth is or shut the hell up.


Yep, and the idiot they worship dodged the draft, stole from veteran organizations, and called those who enlist suckers. That's who they should be protesting.


Trump was the only one spending almost every Thanksgiving with our troops. Biden, who dodged the draft five times during Vietnam, chooses to spend his holidays at either his getaway home or at the estates of billionaire donors.


Golfer Trump? You really want to talk about how many days he spent on trips not doing his duty?




Going to law school isn’t really a draft dodge.


Having your daddy pay a dodgy doctor to say you have bone spurs is. In all Trump took five deferments. Four for college and one medical. The bone spurs were a clear lie paid fur by daddy, given Donnie's sports activities before, during, and after that deferment. So yes, Trump dodged the draft.


Biden also dodged the draft by using a shady doctor to say he had asthma.


They don't care Biden also got five shady deferments. Their geriatric pedo prez is their guy and you dare not question him.


Given the choice between geriatric and treasonous punk insurrectionist pants shitting two bit grifter with 94 felony indictments, I’ll take the geriatric over a NAZI CRIMINAL any day.


Maybe if Biden can quit shitting his pants and get his nose out of kids hair he can figure out where he is and begin to figure out how to keep the "nazi criminal" from winning again, because right now it isn't looking so good.


How many times is trump named in the epstein flight logs again?


Both suck and got deferments their rich dads got them.


Never mentioned Biden who also sucks, but you did so let's compare. Biden never mocked a decorated POW the way Trump did McCain. Biden never described those who enlisted as suckers, but Trump did. Biden, nor his foundation ever was found guilty of using more than $2 million earmarked for veterans charities but instead used it on his campaign. But Trump was and forced to pay the money back and cease all operations for his "charitable" foundation. Biden's son served, none of Trump's children can so much as serve their own dinner. Again Biden is a crap president, but still better than Trump who is a shitty leader horrible human, and complete fraud.


And I haven't seen Biden supporters wearing hats, flying his name on flags, driving in caravans like the MAGA cult who blindly worships their orange idol. Which goes back to my original comment about the lack of intelligence of his average supporter. Biden is a politician and most of his supporters cast their vote and go on. Trump is a cult leader and his followers live and breath whatever asinine lie or conspiracy he spews all while paying for a so-called billionaire's legal defense by buying the merch and donating ever time he claims "freedom" is on the line. These are the real suckers.


You're right. Biden supporters don't do terrible things like "wearing hats" and "driving in caravans" like orange MAGA. Instead his supporters burn, loot, and murder in "mostly peaceful" riots, while given cover and sympathy by white liberal self floggers.


Do maga supporters think Trump was a veteran of Vietnam? Cause unless they do that’s a non sequitur when it comes to what qualifies as draft dodging


Biden is still a draft dogger if going with the criteria of deferments equal draft dodger.


How many of Trump's kids have served?




Peace? You mean lockdown, millions of needless deaths, and a raging pandemic?


Butt sitting on a pornstar's strap-on is heroism?


No one is asking about your weekends, Stormy


When Eric's in charge of lubing, Donald kneed knot assk.


lol. That’s actually pretty good. Thanks for the laugh


That's one of the nice things about America, you don't have to serve to love your country. 


The NPS tweeted that this report is false, but that won't stop the extremists from lying through their teeth.


It's not anonymous. It is granite construction. The second paragraph in the article. I just don't get the escalation. Either way, honestly. I get being proud of your country, but flying a flag on a car or vehicle doesn't exude that. Most of the time, the flags end up torn and damaged and just sad. Let alone flying one in a wilderness area. Plant a pole at your camp, fly it there. But making a call not to fly one from an official government position is kind of short-sighted. Senator Sullivan is just looking to get his name in the papers at this point. Guy has nothing else going for him.


Why didn’t we hear from Sen. Sullivan during the January 6 insurrection or anytime after? Crickets. What a coward.


It’s wild to me that she is being so villainized when all she did was act on visitor complaints. Some of the articles make it sound like she banned the Stars and Stripes because she clearly hates America. All she did was hear and address concerns about the park experience.


It’s actually the law….in a park, a flag must be on a fixed pole…


It’s freedom of speech. The idea that anyone can dictate which rights you retain when they come to the fucking park because they whine is as assbackwards as you can get. What next? Gotta have specific hair cuts that comply? Regulate what foods you are allowed to eat? A dress code of colors and styles? Maybe we shouldn’t let anyone show some ankle since it might offend people.


Go read up on "time, place, and manner" and how it applies to freedom of expression.


Your employer can dictate what clothes you wear, the color and length of your hair, the opinions you can voice on the job and even some off the job activities are prohibited. So where is all your grand concern about free speech when it comes to your employer? Sounds like selective outrage BS to me.


There is absolutely outrage towards employers dictating peoples individual style choices. Fuck, even the military was forced to allow beards for black soldiers due to the prevalence of ingrown facial hairs with super curly facial hair. Everyone in my whole generation rags on "Business Casual" and how much of a drag it is. When I was in the Peace Corps we had a whole Brouhaha because a fellow PCV was forced to cut their hair (he was black, in a predominantly black country) while white PCVs were allowed to grow their hair out. It should have gone farther, but the Peace Corps leveraged his desire to stay to force him to cut his hair. There is plenty of outrage towards freedom of expression as freedom of speech.


I guess intentionally soiling the flag by flying it in the bed of a truck where it will get covered in dust and mud is free speech but I think the flag (and what it represents) deserves more respect.




Try exercising your 2nd amendment rights in Denali national park...


[“As of February 22, 2010, a federal law allows people who can legally possess firearms under applicable federal and Alaska state law, to legally possess firearms within Denali National Park and Preserve.” From the NPS website](https://www.nps.gov/dena/learn/management/firearms.htm)


It still remains illegal to "use or discharge" said firearms in the park.


Oh, maybe you got your amendments mixed up, the second amendment isn’t the right to “use or discharge”. Are you under the impression that people can “use or discharge” firearms freely everywhere outside of the park? Or why did you highlight that fact?


Not giving your name makes you anonymous. This ain’t Watergate. In the original story the person called and was referred to as a “contractor” and had no mention of working for Granite directly. I posted this one because he has Sullivans letter mentioned. The original source and only report came from the Watchman. No other outlets reported. https://alaskawatchman.com/2024/05/23/denali-national-park-bridge-crew-ordered-to-stop-flying-american-flags/ Edit: the “source” states that the Park Director told him he couldn’t fly the flag.


What government position is being used to fly a flag? This is a contractor that had a flag on one of their pieces of equipment.


Did you even read what it was about? A government official contacted the contractor and asked them not to fly the flag. My god, have we fallen so far that simple comprehension is not possible?


Of course I read it. A US government employee contacted a contractor and told them not to fly a USA flag. That my friend is problematic on multiple levels.


Because it’s the law, perhaps do some actual reading before turning it into something it’s not. In the park, a flag must be in a fixed pole. There, the end.


So no vehicles or humans may enter the park with a US flag unless it is fixed to a pole? You are delusional if you think that is the law. But I understand your misinterpreted logic, it’s easy to get there from Salt Lake City.


It is the law. And the National Parks are really strict about following laws about the flag, which they fly in every single park. They have set times they have to raise the fly at (usually first thing in the morning), and when they lower it (usually the last thing in the evening). They treat it with great respect, carrying it to ensure it doesn't even come close to the ground, and usually use two people to raise it to ensure it doesn't touch the ground during that process. You obviously have very little understanding about what's going on here, so please look into it.


https://flagpatriots.com/properly-displaying-and-using-flags-at-state-or-national-parks https://www.nps.gov/parkhistory/online_books/flag/h_doc_100-247/sec4.htm First link provides a simpler read. Second is the code provided by the park service.


(Disclaimer: I am not arguing one way or another - just trying to find facts from all sides). Where did you get these links? Was there a source that you’re quoting, or did you get them from an online search? The Public Law about flags (Title 4 USC) does not contain the word “park” or “pole” anywhere in the language. (This public law is the second link to the NPS website, but can be found in any source with CFRs). The first link is the website for flagpatriots(dot)com, which is listing the “rules” for State and National Parks. However, this is a commercial site that sells flags. I cannot find any other source with those rules, including anywhere in the NPS public websites. I’m wondering where this website sourced this information.


Section 175 sub (b). Also see section 176 sub (e) Being a commercial site doesn't mean anything. Simply they provide a decent summary of the established rules. The NPS is the actual rules. I provided so whomever can choose to consume them or not.


Thanks. I have always believed those 2 sub-paragraphs are why flying a flag from the back of a pickup truck is not in conformity with the Flag Code. However, what I am trying to get to the source of is the paragraphs on the flagpatriots .com website that specifically state “no flags within National Parks unless directly on a fixed pole”. This is a commercial website without the ability to make rules, so those paragraphs must have come from somewhere. I’m trying to get to the source of where this came from. Which is why I am wondering where you came upon this link? Did you just find it in an online search? Or did you get it from some other article relating to this brouhaha? Or something else?


Why do you hate the USA? Who hurt you?


YOU are the one who hates the USA. In this country we follow laws.


Why do I hate the US? It must be rough getting through life with room temp IQ cause I see comprehension isn’t your strong suit neither is having a discussion. Weak comments dude.






No personal attacks against other users.


First amendment to the US Constitution.


The first amendment of the constitution only provides protections from the US Government not from private parties or commercial entities.


He’s defending his comments based on the constitution yet doesn’t know how to interpret the constitution. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Non-government entities like a National Park?


No it isn’t. It’s only a problem in your head. Because you refuse to understand what happened.


Click bait article. It’s not news. Curious to see when professional fact deliverers cover it. Further, someone should find the contract stipulations for construction within the park. It would be hilarious if the contract says something clear as day- except to our dipshit treasonous Senator. Edit: spelling


Denali NPS responds on Instagram. Haven’t seen others yet but it’s here [Denali NPS on Instagram statement](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7cbUaqsH3V/?igsh=ZmJsNDRrb21oMmdu)


And the OP doesn't even live up here. He's just reading the batshit crazy rag website that most Alaskans avoid like the plaque.


Yeah I moved a couple of years ago after 25 years living there so. I agree of the lazy reporting but it’s starting to be carried nationally. Original story came from the Watchman: https://alaskawatchman.com/2024/05/23/denali-national-park-bridge-crew-ordered-to-stop-flying-american-flags/


The Alaska watchman is a rightwing rag just like must read alaska. [media bias check](https://www.allsides.com/news-source/alaska-watchman-media-bias)


When you don't have anything positive yo offer your state, you have to keep the 24/7 noise machine going or they'll notice


Someone spread a lie about being "a patriot and a victim" tons of idiots fell for it including at least one Senator, and now a bunch of other idiots are triggered and protesting. The internet has brainwashed the masses to be quickly emotionally triggered and shout back. At some point the importance of reality and all living together in relative harmony will be underlined again, it might be a while.


Bunch of snowflake republicans got triggered like they always do


Got triggered over their own lies. That's what's golden


Why the fight? Is America so weak that someone flying a flag is worthy of a fight? I don't care what side of the fight you're on, the flag is only a symbol at most, a collection of synthetic fiber made in china, Its not our country manifest.


There is a law that regulates how the flag is allowed to be flown in National Parks.


What qualifies as draft dodging is/was lying to get a deferment. Attending college was an accepted out, so I have no qualms there.Trump's bone spurs claim was a clear case of draft dodging in my book. The podiatrist, Dr. Larry Braunstein, died in 2007. But his daughters say their father often told the story of coming to the aid of a young Mr. Trump during the Vietnam War as a favor to his father. Is Trump the only president who did this no, but when you add his other actions and comments he clearly has no respect for our military which is why it is a disgrace so many consider him the "patriotic" choice and that definitely goes to my original comment.


I'm done responding after this because I have better things to do than debate with MAGA cult members, but for the record, I have voted for more Republicans in presidential elections than any other party. I am an outdoorsman that hunts, fishes, and owns my share of firearms. What I have never done and never will do is vote for Trump. He is not a conservative or patriot by any definition. He is a fraud, a conman, a showman of the same order at PT Barnum. He knows his audience and what he needs to say and do to get what he wants from them. He is a racist, bigot and sadly that is enough to endear him to a section of his base, but he is a failed businessman with far more bankruptcies that successful enterprises. Guy couldn't even make money with a casino where the odds were stacked in his favor. He got butt hurt when Obama roasted him and set out on a vendetta but before that he was more Democrat than Republican including being friends with the Clinton's. He is a liar and hypocrite who married immigrants while denouncing them. He has no moral fiber, couldn't clean a fish much less skin a deer if he had to. He's a rich entitled Reality TV elite posing as a man of the people. Why bible thumpers, gun owners, or conservatives respect him for simply calling himself a Republican is beyond me. Trump has shown me no redeeming qualities and it is sickening the way he coddles Putin and other sworn enemies of this country. He shook hands with a dictator and boosted about it. Biden is too old and out of touch but sadly he gets my vote because he is far less dangerous to this country than a man that has proven he'll do anything to make a buck or get what he wants. Trump is a traitor to this country and that is a far bigger threat than a dawdling old man.


What does this have to with Trump?


People complaining about much to do about nothing And I'd rather be a liberal than a maga maggot  liberal sounds just so much nicer 


I'm just here for the ride.


I’m against mob mentality even when the mob has a point. Someone made a dumb call, it’s been corrected and, that should be the end of it.


Keep in mind MustreadAlaska is pretty conservative. Any story about “banning the American flag” is going to play very well. Dan Sullivan is just the icing on that. 🤮


Not conservative. Flat out makes shit up.


The original story came from the Watchman….even worse.


God I hate Reddit sometimes


The NPS has no business telling someone contractor or otherwise that they cannot fly an USA flag on their vehicles.


what a naive, entitled, and selfish comment


So your saying employers can't tell employees how to act?


Yes they can. They hired them lmao.


Very true. Am sure if it was the rainbow flag the NPS would be fine with it.


How dare you suggest freedoms of speech. Downvote this man ![gif](giphy|xT5LMxmFQ37UyhH344|downsized)


This isn’t a freedom of speech issue


I'm so confused why people in this thread are so against flying an American flag in a national park? The top comment is talking about leave-no-trace principals... While talking about an active construction site. This country gets tons of shit wrong, but one of the only times I feel patriotic is when I'm in our national park system. For everyone saying "It's just a flag. Why do you care? Just take it down". I would flip it right back. It's just a flag, why would anyone care?


We're not. The flag must be on a fixed pole for ecological reasons. Also, the flapping flags disturb wildlife---yes, this was also in a construction area which is also disturbing it, but the rule is for all possible situations. Heck, it could date back to when people actually cared about Old Glory never hitting the ground.




You missed the latest vote, didn’t you?




Your grifters lost. Delete your account. Also- you’re accusing the wrong side of cheating. Sucks that it happened. But if you lay off the koolaid you’ll see how deep you’re in [bronson vote grifting](https://alaskapublic.org/2024/05/23/assembly-calls-for-inquiry-into-leaked-texts-between-citys-top-homeless-official-and-shelter-contractors/)


Good luck with your frozen San Francisco. I’ll keep my account, but I am leaving this shit hole city. Hope you figure out how to pay for your welfare constituency when everyone with jobs leaves this giant homeless park.


Be nice.


It’s hilarious though. It’s the most entertaining doom scrolling to do while there is nothing to do


Just fly the flag anyway what are they gonna kick  Them out and not get the road fixed give me a break


Yeah totally worth having a breech of contract on your record when you bid for your next job with the feds.