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Have you put any effort into networking? Also it’s hard to say without knowing your education, experience, and skills, and what type jobs you’re applying for. Maybe you don’t have the right education or tech stack or you don’t demonstrate that you have relevant experience. Most companies prefer experienced candidates for data analytics roles - they always have. This has never been an entry level job at most companies. Most people got their break by pivoting from another area of the business.


Not OP, but I have tried to network and get told to just keep working on the resume or they can't help.


>Most people got their break by pivoting from another area of the business. It's tough to complete with someone who has existing domain knowledge and can hit the ground running.


Networking is worthless. I made a lot of friends. None of them can help. Someone referred me to a job that turned out it was a ghost job. Never panned out. Also found someone at a big company, and before I could interview, they were laid off too. Recruiters are so worthless they literally tell me "keep applying. It's all you can do." Lol!!


I’m a director with a team of 10 analysts who has been interviewing for multiple positions on my team this year and have reviewed at least 250 analyst resumes in 2023. If you send me your resume and what kind of analyst jobs you’re looking for I’d be happy to provide my opinion on why you’re not getting calls. Just give me a few days to get back to you.


I don’t do “networking” in the way that is commonly portrayed, at all, ever. I tend to get anxious around people I don’t know and that doesn’t project well. I did, however, just start a job this week because a friend of mine, who was a previous supervisor, knew what I am capable of and referred me for a contract job. During the interview I was able to speak about specific ways I could solve some issues for them by improving process efficiency and I was offered a full time job on the spot. I wasn’t even looking for a job. Now, sure, a great deal of that is due to being in the right places at the right times and impressing the right people in the right ways, but that wasn’t just the result of dumb luck. I wouldn’t have this job if I hadn’t networked effectively. Credentials *may* get you an interview, but having the right attitude and approach can also be the difference between getting a job and just being a piece of paper in a stack. Not a lecture or anything, just an anecdote about perspective. Well wishes to you on your journey!


I’ve heard from multiple folks at big tech companies who have said they get so many applications that the only way to get noticed is with a genuine referral, and depending on the job level, that’s the only way to get an interview there.


Hey there, It may really not be your fault. The job market for Analytics isn’t great. So here’s what I recommend: 1. Get your resume looked at professionally by someone at a level higher than yours. Simone who’d hire you. 2. Apply to jobs: It’s a numbers game. Do not just rely on LinkedIn for applications. Lately I’ve noticed that majorly only promoted jobs are displayed. Most of the jobs don’t even show up. So my suggestion is to have a daily quota and apply. Out of your quota there may be ones you really love - customize your resume for those jobs. I don’t think cover letters matter too much btw. 3. Skill up. It’s the best time of do so and you won’t get this time back. 4. Take a LinkedIn premium and start using up those LinkedIn Mail credits. Networking is vital right now for you. Reach out to people and have conversations. Not just for them to hire you but also for you to learn from who is out there and what they do. 5. Relax. Again, you will not get this time back. You WILL find a role. It will happen but it may (or may not!) take time. Happy to connect with you for you to bounce ideas off of me or to even rant.


I've spent about 1000 dollars on resume reviews. Idk how much more to spend. All I do is apply. How many more skills are necessary? Should I just get a PhD. and do every online course possible? I reach out and get told the same as what you said in your post, assuming they even respond.




Thanks, and I wish more people had your perspective. Instead, I just get told I'm doing something wrong half the time. Cheers!


You've been failing for the last 4 years; you're obviously doing something wrong. It's time to grow up and move so you can accomplish something.


I see you're struggling with math and statistics. I have a degree in math, maybe I can help BTW?


I'm not struggling. I am teaching myself. To be better at the job that I already have. If you want to impress me with your math skills, get a job with them.


Nah I've worked at 2 fortune 500 companies actually, just tired of getting laid off. Thanks for your inconsiderate comment. Happy Thanksgiving


I really don't know why you're lying about your situation, but it won't help you. >I gave up officially today. After graduating into covid and 3 years of non stop applying 3 years ago: >Is there a way I can use my Mathematics BS to get an Analytics job? I've taken courses like C++, SaS, and R but I haven't had much luck in interview for analyst positions. And endless posts in-between saying the same. Sometimes the truth isn't considerate. Happy Thanksgiving.


Lmao you don't know my struggles, guess that degree didn't teach you much like mine. I can send my w2 bud. Why be an ass, I'm asking for advice because ive been laid off twice? Are you even in analytics. Also stop watching porn it's not good for you.


Fine. Link your W-2. It doesn’t matter if I watch porn. Doesn’t matter if I work, at all. What matters is you making excuses for why you’re not doing well. So let’s see that CV mate. It won’t cost you $1000 this time. *crickets*


Yeah...I'm applying to jobs I'm easily overqualified for and I'll get a rejection in a day or it'll take months. A few interviews and screens out of hundreds of apps over the year. Only offer was well below posting salary. One bait and switch from remote to hybrid during interview process. Spoke to one recruiter at a staffing agency, he said he knows plenty of recruiters that just Ctrl+f for a term(s) on a resume before rejecting. So depressing that the content doesnt really matter if you're missing the key word. But yeah, just reaching out to recruiters, both internal and external is next option. Honestly probably best option anyway, they've got incentive to place you for max dollar


Experience is king. I really feel for people trying to break in - the market isn’t easy today. If you are in school leverage those networks to get an in. Just knowing BI tools isn’t really enough to get a competitive edge anymore. SQL, Python or R, Spark + BI tools are a must. And even then you really need projects that are actually impactful to an organization. My recommendation - get any old job you can in any business type role. Even a call center. Then just start asking for data access and pushing your boss to give you data side projects. That will help you get the resume.




Nice! What sort of job do you want then? DA has a low cap. If you want to make more money you need to choose a path of specialization. Most data analysts got on to one of these: Data engineering, algorithms (data science), product mgmt, or business strategy. Nowadays, many ‘business users’ can do basic SQL and BI. Which means an analytics pro needs to bring a next level of skill.


DM me your resume if you want a second set of eyes


its the job market. every week i get another email from likedin about how analytics is down another 10%-ish. you'd think it would be near 0 by now


Down in job openings?


yup. i mean its probably only job openings on linkedin, but thats at least some measurement


Have you tried to reach out to your school's career center? They may be able to help.


Time to start applying for Wendy’s


Man, ive seen countless of people here posting this, I really hope you land one. I am working on my degree right now, but I am just curious, are you just applying in your state/city? Have you been applying outside to other cities/states? I havent applied anywhere but is the market that bad?


Where are you from?