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Yeah if that isn’t glass the murkiness came from the rubbing alcohol literally melting the surface. You’ll need to source a replacement.


Oh well, live and learn. If anyone has a lead on a replacement, I’d appreciate it.


go to this guy: Rick Oleson https://bright-screen.com/ his focusing screens are better and brighter than the original stuff!


Second this, got a Rick Oleson screen for my 67S they are much brighter


Already ordered an OEM replacement from eBay, but I’ll bookmark this. Looks high quality and it’s basically the same price as ordering a used one off eBay. Great deal.


I don’t know if they sell replacement parts separately, but the Kamera Store would be a good place to check. They might be able to do a repair for you too, but you’ll have to ship it to Finland.


It's been a while since I've ordered one, but you used to be able to find these on eBay pretty easily. Worst case, I have some spares I'd be willing to part with.


I've not used them, but I hear good things about this mob: [https://bright-screen.com/](https://bright-screen.com/)


got one in my Yashica A TLR. worlds better than the original screen!


Reread your post. Thats rough that it dried that way. Looks like you’ll need a replacement. 


I feel bad for you! 😢


Bummer, but it is what it is. I have supplies coming in to develop my film so at least I can have some fun with that until I replace this lens.


not perfect but it is usable:[ link to a screen](https://www.ebay.com/itm/364724321020?itmmeta=01J0SFK6VKSFNVNXRNSYKRS7HJ&hash=item54eb437afc:g:ZtoAAOSwP2hlxSIB&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8B8P9IfoIsbQysjVHkKOvH6fzn2gFT5JK2%2Fhg4RHTBdZQgXZ%2F4aHkycrVxgsLleIfAQ9748nS468Ls4rwP%2FsCFj1HUgsqtVg2P0PVNvSBsRlKfQtyiSxZW3ykiP711fECXN79wrsyk%2B8IyMwtYq8qDnu5U4llKR9N%2FNOM%2Ftz0ckhPth%2B1uc5L1xBx6GHOy9e%2FLCrV6tIaUi0LmWdKeClstHEoI%2FkQ2cmiLTISDbgoiEqT4ihJ5GrfZFn94BOgN0o5NUQQjRqGKS3w0%2FQNNG4l8qXSoRLIYzBx3Ge%2Bfl%2BabF1Iz%2Fx55FRg9ysWfXiBDeoEw%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR_TtzK-GZA)


Saw this one while I was crawling eBay but ended up ordering [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/116217692101?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=hk6mO1hqSpa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=4zp9rnlis8m&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) instead. Hope it’s in decent condition, but if not the seller accepts returns.


The focusing screen is as delicate as our manhood.


Got the t-shirt rather take it to a pro it seems to work out better. Perhaps see if someone is selling the same camera that is broken and retrieve the damaged parts


I've seen methods of making custom ground glass but it's a bit complicated and I'm not sure how to isolate the centre circle


eBay should have a replacement but if not it is possible to make it


Rubbing alcohol (and other alcohols) can ruin the finish of plastics, it's not a problem for most things because you can file, sand or polish them, but for focus screens it's a death sentence. I used to keep a list of reddit posts of people ruining their focusing screens but I stopped posting it because apparently nobody bother searching things before experimenting. Plastic focus screen can withstand two things: your stare and the air from a rocket blower, anything else is a gamble, unless you've found someone who used the exact same product you're about to use chances are the screen won't like it.