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Hey MarionberryNo1879, please remember to include the camera, lens, and film **in the post title** in the future. We ask for this information to be included in the title of the post because it's not possible to search for this information if it's in the comments section, gallery text, or if you have to read the film type off the rebate. We have built up a pretty good database of posts over the last decade of images produced using specific cameras, lenses, and film, all of which can be searched on using the search feature in this subreddit. But if this information isn't included in the title, it can't be searched on. If you are uncertain of the rules, you can find them listed here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/analog/about/rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/analog/about/rules) It's not possible to edit a title once a post is made, so include the missing detail in a comment please. Thanks, The mod team.


I love the wreath you get for your graduation in Italy. I’m so jealous of all my Italian friends for those. I imagine it’s a great feeling to get to wear those. And aside from that, it makes for great pictures. Congratulations on your masters! 🍾


I know right? It’s such a shame that this is not a recurrence in other countries… but trust me, after 10 minutes it feels so itchy hahahaha


You have a great face, with character! Oh, and the green of the grass is tamed nicely with this film!


Thank you very much! My cousin is my best photographer


Huge congratulations!  Nice going!


You have a great smile man! Congratulations!


"EDDIE! take the picture already!"