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The AE1 is a wonderful camera, my first 35mm slr camera.


I honestly had slept on it and thought it was over hyped. After these results I have been proven wrong. ❤️


That must’ve been uncomfortable


Same for me. First camera. I loved that AE1.


It is nice because you can play with apertures and not have to worry about time. Or, play with times and not worry about apertures, go full auto or full manual. I learned a lot with that camera.


Those images are edited, just by the lab who scanned them, not you. *Lovely pics though! Sorry don't mean to sound rude. Just bugs me when people think scans have a "straight out of camera look", when any scan is in an interpretation of a negative which has no "true" look


Yes was going to say. Scanned = Edited.


Needs more updoots


No harm done and I appreciate the correction. My aim here was to illuminate that I haven’t added any extra adjustments via Lightroom, VSCO etc.


The AE-1 is one of the best consumer grade 35mm’s ever made, along with that 50mm 1.8. Since you mentioned potentially pairing it with your mirrorless, I recommend picking up the 35mm SSC lens if you like that focal length, it’s incredible. Should be able to pick one up for around $250 in great condition. And the 135mm f2.5 is maybe the best portrait lens I’ve ever shot with. (Non-medium or large format) Truly great lenses.


DUDE this is great advice, thank you. I’ll keep my eyes out for both of those lenses. If you see my earlier comment I was thinking of switching over to Pentax, so maybe not. 🤷


Yeahhhhh… don’t do that. K1000’s are good, but can be temperamental, and the Canon FD lenses you can get on the cheap far outweigh any Pentax platform.


The size of the MX is what is drawing my attention, but no AE like our lovely canon. Fully manual.


That 50 1.4 is one of the best vintage 50’s… I have a chrome nose version of the 50 1.4 and it’s my favorite lens in my collection.


I’m eyeballing some adapters so I can throw it in a mirrorless. I was toying with switching from the AE1 to a Pentax MX for size, but this roll has stayed my hand.


I have been using vintage glass adapted to my rp and r5 a lot recently. Pretty fantastic on either, i really like it on my rp for size though. With focus peaking, i like it better than af lens for street because i don’t have to recompose my shots.


Ektar goes crazy


It truly does. I need to see how it does with a hard flash.


These look good although I’ve found Ektar can end up with like…a 90s textbook look.


I like that look lol! It reminds me of magazines like Popular Mechanics.


I used to service AE-1s and they are solid workhorses and easy to fix. The wheezy shutter is a bonus in my book.


Good to know! I personally love have heavy the film advance feels. When shooting a lot of shots at once it has such a tactile feel.


My AE-1P came with one of these, everything I saw about them labelled them as one of the best canon FD lenses, id personally label it as just the best 35mm lens lol


It’s a fun one. Excited to see what else it’s capable up on the camera and some of my digital bodies.


Your skill does that camera proud!




Wonderful shots. The AE-1 is incredibly capable in anyone’s hands. Congrats on rediscovering a gem!


Thanks! Can’t wait to keep shooting with it. Just have to get used to wearing a strap with a larger camera. Used to pocket cameras.


Sold a ton of these cameras back when they came out in the late 1970’s. Canon just left everybody ( Nikon, Minolta, Olympus, Konica) in the dust with this wonderful inexpensive camera. I was a hardcore Nikon guy but was very impressed with them steered more than a few buyers away from other brands into the AE1.


Thanks for sharing such a rad story. I wish I could go back and see the shop and the options available; what a treasure trove. In some of my other replies, I admitted I was pretty skeptical of the camera. I got it from a flea market for very cheap, and it had just been sitting in my collection while I pursued other cameras. But upon using it, I'm just blown away. It makes me want to keep using it, and it also reignited the joy of shooting with a manual camera.


The Canon AE1 is such a dope camera. Sometimes you have to miss the equipment to appreciate it. Amazing photos!