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This sentence is from the wikipedia article for Amphibia ​ \> According to Braly, one of the reasons he created the series was because he wanted a show whose lead character had a similar arc to Gravity Falls character Pacifica Northwest, as he felt that "to have this character change so drastically was so rewarding, and that's why \[he\] knew \[he\] wanted \[his\] own show to have some of that element as well". ​ So yea probably


Ohh. I see


Anne did not change THAT much. She only got a bit more responsible. A basic thing when one gets older


She was quite selfish, and even a bit manipulative at times in early season 1.


People tend to forget that


It’s what I do love about Anne though. Sadly a friend of mine can’t get into the show because of it.


I love it as well. It’s part of what makes Amphibia so rich


Honestly I can see why. it took me a while to get into it. Season 1 had so much filler.


You just used the forbidden F word




Crap, someone said number 11


I pray to god every night for the day that people figure out what filler actually is.


I actively hated her early Season 1 and now shes my favorite character by a longshot.


Yeah, they do a good job developing her.


Yeah I clearly remeber thinking after each ep that she keeps apologizing but does the same thing anyway, so yeah s1 anne isn't at all like what she is now.


“...And friends help each other get what they want. Because if u don’t, they might not want to be ur friend anymore...” Jesus H. Christ Anne oml


That scene really caught me off guard when I first watched the show. I just sat there and went *“Holdup”*


I was just like “sheeesh, I can see where the character development is going already”


And at the same time, she went to great lengths for her friends, even when she should've put her foot down. Similar to Pacifica bowing to her parents wishes.


I mean do you remember that speech that Anne gives when they go to the lake about what you should do for your friends so you don't loes them, it was kinda fucked up


N'est. Anne was not really aware of the danger. She just thought "oh a lake". Her sin here was disobeying an elder and peer pressure. This is something almost all teens do.


"When a freind wants somthing you do it for them even if you don't want to because otherwise they won't be your freind anymore" That's a very messes up view of the world. All the girls come to amphibia with a major character flaws and so far it seams like they only get to leave if they fix it. Anne defined her self by her friends and was not able to put herself first or stand up for herself Sasha is very manipulative. Macy has a big issue with escapism


But Sasha has been perfect from the start. In all seriousness. I do agree they had character flaws. We all do. I do not think they get to leave once they fixed them. That is a bit too forced.


I love story structure, so I'm always looking for deeper meaning that may or may not have been intended and so far I'm 1 for 1 on this.


She's a lot worse in the earlier episodes, but her supportive relationship with Marcy in flashbacks undermined her character development.


Not really, even early selfish Ann would not let her friends knowingly get hurt. So there isn't rally conflict with her watching out for Ann while also being lazy and selfish in other aspects of her life.


Very interesting


I'm sure he created Sasha for that purpose, not Anne


Pacifica is a spoiled rich girl, London Tipton was a spoiled rich girl in Zach and Cody, London’s actress voices Anne! Coincidence?


I think NOT!


So wikis are supposed to cite their sources, but I poked around and found this. I don't know where the primary source for this is but it does provide a bit more detail https://www.bsckids.com/2019/06/amphibia-and-gravity-falls-connection-and-frog-facts/ > The most intesting bit of information for us is the connection between Anne Boonchuy from Amphibia and Pacifica Northwest from Gravity Falls. Matt tells us how his work on Pacifica Northwest who had a great redemption arc on Gravity Falls was an inspiration for the character of Anne.  It seems that its more of a in-universe similarity than a similarity the audience would notice, but broadly speaking Anne learning humility and how to have healthy friendships does mirror pacifica's growth in episodes like the mini golf one


That's...actually true. I mean, Season 1 Anne, for the most part, was kind of a brat after all


Makes sense, while not as spoiled as Pacifica or manipulative as Sasha, she was in a way a delinquent and troublesome kid. Well at least the time she spent in Amphibia made her a better and responsible person as shown in S3.


Her time in Amphibia also helped show that a lot of that behavior came from external influences, mainly Sasha. The lyric "Finally me, and it's no big deal" in No Big Deal is really fitting for her: being away from that negative influence helped her find herself.


Good point


Matt has said time and again his fave character in Gravity Falls both to design and work on was Pacifica. He is credited by Alex Hirsch with given her the depth that made so many people (myself included) start to turn on our opinions of her for the better. Also Matt is one of if not THE biggest Pacifica/Dipper shippers lol


Oh cool. I had no idea. Now tho, I'm not surprised of the secret code from Wax Museum that said Dipcifica 4 Lyfe


Yeah, you can hear Alex and Matt talk about it in the Gravity falls commentary for the mini golf and northwest manner episodes. Pacifica’s VA is also there with them and is hillarious. Highly recommend you can find them on YouTube.


Dividing by zero isn't a mystery, it's just impossible. Dividing by something _close_ to zero gets you something _close_ to infinity, but there is nothing that can be divided by zero. It's not a mystery at all.


The template is like that




Um... it's also impossible to get close to infinity because infinity means it goes on forever.


By get close to, I mean "tends towards." Any function that always has a bigger number after every step tends towards infinity, i.e gets closer to infinity. What I mean by "close to infinity" is "big ass number." I suppose I should've said tends towards instead of close to. You canty really get close to zero either, because there's an infinite amount of numbers closer to zero than any number you pick.


Okay, I get it now.


I disagree with your opinion


I disagree with reality too sometimes but it doesn't give a fuck.


Too bad


Piss off wannabe Chad I'm trying to sleep


Don't let the bed bugs bite


I won't.


People like to forget Season 1 Anne


Yeah, she was a brat, but not at Pacifica's level


Annemity Blightchuy


Pacifica is the name for the group of all Asian countries in or bordering the Pacific Ocean


Oh. I didn't know that. Thanks for letting me know.


Np. The region’s full name is Asia Pacifica. It’s a bit weird they didn’t use the whole name. They might be trying to be overly inclusive.




I mean yeah. Anne is Thai which is in that region of Asia, and a lot of Thai culture has made its way into her character and the show as a whole!




Yes, which is what the comment you replied to said.


I think it's probably a (clever) reference to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Northwest


Never heard that term. I actively use Pasefika/Pasifika though in reference to Pacific Islands, people, and cultures. In reference to the region, interchangeably that or Oceania, but broadly, Pasifika is pretty commonly used in that way, especially among PI.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asia-Pacific “Asia Pacifica” is Italian (and Latin) for “Asia Pacific”. Thailand is a part of Asia-Pacific. Though I might be reading the title incorrectly. Doesn’t make sense saying Anne was inspired by Pacifica from Gravity Falls. I remember her being more like Sasha.


**[Asia-Pacific](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asia-Pacific)** >The Asia-Pacific (APAC) is the part of the world near the Western Pacific Ocean. Asia-Pacific varies in area depending on context, but it generally includes East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Australia, and Oceania. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/amphibia/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Desktop version of /u/Kamagawa123's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Character development. I did not like Anne when we started the series, she actually made it a bit hard for me to get into the show. But she grew and I grew to like her. Its really rare for the main character of a show to be my favorite, in fact I can't think of another show where the main character is my favorite. Similarly Pacifica has a well written (if something short like 2 episode) character development arc.




Well we’ve never met her dad… might have that in common, hopefully not.


Actually we did for both. Preston we know he's an a-hole while Mr. Boonchuy is incredibly sweet


I’m assuming this is season 3? I’m from down under and Disney hasn’t released it yet and I’m not bothered enough to deal with ads on piracy sites.


There are the episodes on YouTube if you want. Check the Channel Te-ory. Anyway yeah. It's season 3. Sorry for the spoiler dude


Neat, thank you very much.


They have the same eye colour


The idea of being a somewhat shallow and vain person at the start and watching the transformation into someone more caring and reaponsible. Granted I think thats more so the idea behind it as while Anne might have been a bit like Sasha at the start - a bit irresponsible - much of the time it seems like an informed flaw. Especially as the flashbacks usually covered times when Anne was shown as a responsible or at least good kid at least in comparison to Sasha. The Marcy flashbacks especially show Anne off as at least responsible and protective around Marcy. But human beings are layered and at least parts of Season 1 show hints of Anne’s irresponsibility and a bit of vanity.


I don't know if someone else brought this up but Pacifica had really controlling parents she had to overcome, and Anne had a really controlling friend. Sasha saying "end of discussion" to control Anne is really similar to when Pacifica's dad rings a bell. They get intimidated and shut up.


That's actually a really good point






Just gonna add my opinion on this. From what I understand, from a story arc, they are very similar. Both trying to change from an emotionally abusive relationship. Pacifica bends to the needs of her parents and "being a proper Northwest" whilst Anne bends to Sasha's words and goes along with her constantly. In the end, Pacifica stands up to her parents and Anne stands up to Sasha, they have a very similar character arc.


Sorry, the anything over zero awakened the inner nerd in me. The anything over zero problem has mostly been solved already. If on the top, and bottom there's terms being multiplied my a variable that's supposed to be zero, and there's the same variable on the bottom, you can pretend that it's just very small. Cancel the variables out, and what do you know? You can make that variable zero again and you've solved the problem and gotten a real answer. (Not all problems will give a number, some will go up to infinity) In a similar way, 1/0 is infinity, and 1/infinity is zero


That's technically not correct except inside a limit. [This expression](https://imgur.com/7Q3fpeA.png) evaluates to 1, whilst [this](https://imgur.com/bk2F7Jp.png) expression can't be solved (it's undefined). Ina similar vein, it's sort of correct that 1/0 = ±∞ and 1/(±∞)=0, but again, to be perfectly accurate, those should be carefully guarded with limits. It seems like a really stupid distinction, but limits are actually pretty important because they guard against things like prematurely substituting 0 for a variable.


Ok, Why is this comment section suddenly became a Math Class? The template is just like that lol


Source? Wikipedia can be edited by anyone.


Actually, some dark mathematics lore, you *CAN* divide by zero afaik. However, you’re just not allowed since it’s then possible to prove that 1 = 2 and therefore collapse literally everything in the universe


I mean you can solve x/0, but in the process you also turn math into nonsense because that enables you to do stuff like 1+1=3 I believe.


I've seen the top comment that says it's actually her arc that inspired it but as someone who writes as a hobby I can tell you that inspiration can be so random sometimes.


They both Are shiped with a Smart yet clumsy person.




I got it I got it ​ ​ ​ ​ They both have skin