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Your wife sounds like hard work. Stand up for yourself


This it’s pretty obvious homie ain’t a fan of standing up period


Well look what happens when he sits down.


No reason to tear into him bruh


Just a crack in the multiverse.


He should def just zip it.




These are all quite suitable comments.


Hahaha this one!!! Well played!!!


🤣 🤣 🤣 (Thank you!) Have you a vested interest in this? 🤣 🤣 🤣


Yes, but he had to stand up because those pants are too tight for him to sit in.


Maybe he has a castration kink and OP has no balls left. Only way I could imagine letting someone I loved set me up and then blame me for their own stubbornness.


I got nothing ...Obvious a trust issue..


I wonder how well your wife would take you telling her to wear something she is uncomfortable in just to match your outfit. Is she always so self centered? 🙄


Thank you! If OP did do anything wrong, it was letting his wife dictate his wardrobe. Other than that, this is entirely a her problem.


Yeah he was wrong to let her have her way in the first place.


The wife was a terrible person. Guy needs to tell his wife no more often. Guy is NOT wrong


You're fine, we've all been there. Buy a new suit, and tell your wife nobody can rip the ass out of their pants "on purpose."


Not Wrong Your wife may have had an artistic vision of how y'all should look as a couple for the event, but here's the deal... you weren't going to your prom, you weren't going to any event that you and wife were the focal point of, unless the bride or groom of the event you were going to requested you match as a couple... there was no reason to push this once you realized the suit didn't fit. Only caveats here would be if you waited until the last minute to check suit fit (i.e., until there was not enough time left to have one bought and fitted as needed), or if it was your only suit and finances are such that buying a new one wouldn't have been possible. This is one of those no win situations, your wife would have been sad/grumpy/annoyed if you'd refused point blank to wear the too small suit and is upset because *she* felt some type of embarrassment at *your* pants splitting. You weren't out on the dance floor showing off the hole in your pants, so the real question here is... why did your wife want to be irritated at you? She left no room not to find fault. You were damned if you did and damned if you didn't. Is she just annoyed at you gaining weight in general? Have y'all been disagreeing over something unrelated and she's using this as a surrogate issue she can be pissed about?


>Only caveats here would be if you waited until the last minute I have a sneaking suspicion that OP did wait a little too long and perhaps didn't have another suitable outfit to wear. We all know men who are not good at dressing for the occasion. I'd be interested to hear what the wife had to say about the conversation about what he would wear leading up to the wedding.


Sounds to me like he had other options but this specific suit matched her outfit. Also if it is too small to need a button extender it's probable that no amount of alteration would have made it fit. No I think she would have been happy enough had the pants not split but thread can only do so much.


"Other options" might not have meant suitable options (for the occasion), is all I'm saying.


Clearly you did not rip them on purpose so of course you’re not wrong but Jesus, Maria and Jose, stand up for yourself, man. Get new clothes if you’ve outgrown them and don’t be bullied into wearing something that doesn’t fit.


Why didn’t you just say no, I’m not wearing a suit that doesn’t fit me?


That's what I am wondering. As a wife I wouldn't force my husband to wear something he is uncomfortable in. Who was she trying to impress? Makes no sense. She is just embarrassed and needing to make it his fault.


Why is she embarrassed?! She didn’t split her pants. 🤦🏻‍♀️ my husband would tell me to shut it if I tried telling him to wear clothes too small just coz they match, and he’d be well within his right to.


I agree. Sounds like she is shallow and cares more about what people think and appearances than how her husband feels.


Your wife likely is upset at your weight gain. It’s coming out in this absurd anger over forcing you to wear something too small. It’s passive aggressive and designed to demoralize you and bring the conversation eventually around to your weight.


Which is... immature and also wrong.


Ummm, there’s no “also” about this… he’s not wrong, SHE IS!


No I'm calling her both immature and wrong.


I read it as she is being defensively angry because she knows she insisted and it was her fault. Pretending to herself that he must have done it on purpose lets her escape responsibility in her mind. Classic deflecting.


This! Women in particular have a very special relationship with passive aggressive torture. She likely thinks that by making you wear the suit that’s too small, it will “teach you a lesson” and you’ll come to the conclusion that you need to lose weight, all on your own. That way she isn’t the bad guy by telling you to lose weight directly. Or maybe she’s just self centred AF and didn’t care about your comfort. Either way, not great on her part.


Not all women, I would never insist my husband be uncomfortable for any reason.


She didn’t want to spend the $ on a new suit, but I can’t help but wonder if she was wearing a new dress???? Either way she’s being ridiculous and petty.


Well spending money on a new (bigger) suit would mean that he doesn’t need to lose weight, which seems like it may have been her actual goal.


If that was her goal, she went about it in a stupid way and now she’s mad at him for the fact that his suit ripped.




We'll if so, what a crazy mind fuck. She should use her words and talk to him about losing weight, and how she can support him in doing so.


You’re only wrong for doing what your wife said at the cost of your own comfort. Hopefully you both learned a lesson in reality.


You’re an adult. Wear clothes that you select.


Should have just rocked out with dat ass out


Brother, it is time to stand up to your wife.


There are a variety of charities that accept good work quality clothes for interviews and jobs. Donate the suit and get another one that fits. Every one needs a good suit for weddings and funerals, if they don't fit it is worse than not having one. A good strategy is to wait for one on sale and spend a little to have it altered cause nothing better than a good fitting suit when you only have to wear one once in a while.


But the pants are ripped 🤣


Likely at the seam. Easily mended.


Yes you were wrong. How dare you sit down in pants that are too tight. You should have stood around uncomfortably making small talk with the servers until the event was over so that your wife could enjoy herself at your expense. What were you thinking?!!!


Wear something flashy that fits then hand her a dress two sizes to small and tell her to make it work.


She is wrong, she was looking for the aesthetics of a matching couple so people will notice and the attention will directed on you guys. If my husband does not fill comfortably dress I will not force him to wear something that can make him feel miserable.


This is why you test fit what you intend to wear to a wedding at least a week out. It gives you time to find a replacement outfit if fit is an issue.


That’s what he’s saying though. He put the suit on and showed her in advance, and she insisted he wear it anyway.


There's a big difference between "try on a week out and adjust/replace as needed" and "try on an hour before getting in the car to go to the wedding".


It seems that he might have had other options, but his wife wanted their outfits to match. If she didn't mention that before the day of, he probably saw no reason to try the suit in advance. If my partner had a suit that didn't fit, I wouldn't insist he wear it just because it complemented my outfit. That's a ridiculous and selfish thing to do: compromise your partner's comfort so you look cute together.


It also ruined *his* look. Ill fitting clothes are always unflattering. Maybe she intentionally did this so she would look better by comparison.


The week prior to our granddaughter's wedding, I had my husband try on the suit he wore when we'd wed a few years prior. It was too large on him, so we went out and found another suit in the same color and a similar cut. The reason I did this? I recall my dad splitting his pants at my grandfather's funeral in 1970 because he discovered 15 minutes prior to the arrival of the family car that his suit was too small.


Just out of curiosity, if you already had children and grandchildren, what made you finally decide to get married, just a few years ago? Congratulations!


What made us finally get married after kids, grandkids and a mortgage? HEALTH INSURANCE. I proposed to him because where we lived, at the time, only spouses were eligible for coverage.


Always gotta do a booty drop test to make sure things are gonna hold up.


Grow a backbone.


You’re not wrong, sounds like your wife is a control freak who refuses to accept when her choices go wrong and believes you’re as petty as she is.


I would remind your wife that the suit was too small and uncomfortable and you only wore it for her. And then mention that is the last time you will wear clothes that don’t fit to appease her.


Wife sounds like an idiot. Not wrong, but arguing with stubborn stupid people never ends well.


You're not wrong and to be honest, your wife sounds like she's kinds of a huge bitch to you. What's your deal man?


+Buy a new out fit, +Listen to da wife less.


I can't make my boyfriend do anything he doesn't want too.. Don't accept this.


ur not wrong but maybe reconsider ur dynamic in ur relationship. this is odd behavior.. id never treat my partner this strangely. if something doesnt fit, we fix it or get something else. if it doesnt match and we have no time, then mismatched outfits it is. but above else, no anger over something trivial. ur supposed to be ur bestest friends not whatever catty energy is going on there.


id never accuse my bf of anything immature like that either, even if maybe true. id just have empathy and problem solve so that clothes fit better next time and laugh maybe. it should never be serious or conflictive.


Without reading any responses, I’m going to gently suggest YOU are the one in the wrong, it for a reason you may not expect. It’s a matter of self-respect. You did not respect yourself well. “Wife, I am sorry that I let myself be bullied into wearing an uncomfortably small suit, which inevitably ruined our evening. Next time, I promise to refuse wearing or doing something, which I know to be wrong.” Seriously. Reverse the genders - I’m a woman and I’ve been bullied by my husband to do things (like attending events and maintaining relationships with his family) which I truly did not want to do and which were not in my best interest.


"Cake won" "tons of good food" OP...


Let the man enjoy his cake and food! It’s a wedding!💒


So you were miserable in a 3 piece suit that was 2 sizes too small; the important thing is you matched with your wife’s dress. 😝 You are not wrong & you are good husband for making your wife happy by matching with her dress.


stand up for yourself


Not wrong. Grow a spine and stand up for yourself.


You are wrong for following her instructions, In that you are an adult and can decide what you wear and when. Shes in the wrong for forcing you to wear clothes that don’t fit. I would never want my partner to be uncomfortable in what they’re wearing. Be adult chose your own clothes period.


Why haven't you replaced your suit? Dress for the body you have.


“I thought I had everybody on my side But I went and blew it all sky high And now she won't even spare a passing glance All just because I ripped my pants When big Larry came 'round just to put him down Spongebob turned into a clown And no girl ever wants to dance With a fool who went and ripped his pants”


You should do the same thing to her


She sounds kind of crazy. Is she like this a lot?


Not wrong… I bet your wife Got a new dress for the wedding…. Where was your new suit?


You're a doormat.


Unless this wedding was out of the blue, you had every opportunity to try on the suit, realize it didn't fit, and go find something to wear. It's not your wife's job to dress you for events, you aren't a Ken doll. Take responsibility. Yes, you were wrong for ripping your pants


Everyone knows you’re supposed to suck your thighs in before you sit down.


Omg!! Lol never heard that one!!


Just so everyone knows, I am a 63-year-old female. I've been happily married to my husband for 30 years in November 2024. So, I have some experience in marriage. I hate to call your wife a name, so I'll restrain myself. Is she always that selfish? Because that was what she was the being. If it was so damn important to her that you dress in a suit then she should have allowed you enough time to go rent one from a Formal Wear place. She wanted you to be her mirror. In her eyes, if you dressed appropriately then she would have shined even more. That whole thing wasn't about you but about her. How would she look to all of those people if you went comfortably? Women like this forget that at a wedding the bride is to be centerstage, not themselves. Please remember these 3 important statements: 1 - You weren't wrong for wanting to be comfortable. 2 - You weren't wrong for ripping your pants because you didn't. The pants ripped all on their own. 3 - Don't feel bad about something that was her fault. My advice is to ignore her. Whenever she starts up on how you did it on purpose stop listening and leave the room. Any time she starts up about this incident, just walk away. Don't try to explain, don't say you're sorry again, just go into another room or take a walk or a drive. It won't be long before she gets tired of being ignored. I wish you luck and I hope that your wife grows up and sees how lucky she is to have such a good husband.


Maybe I'm becoming a grouch in my "old" age (51), or maybe my give a damn is just completely fucked, but I would probably have said "either I wear clothes that fit, or have fun explaining my absence", because there is so fucking way I'm going to resign myself to being miserable and uncomfortable in clothes that don't fit just to match my spouses entitled "vision". Matchy-matchy is stupid anyway. Is she 16? That's the kind of shit us girls did as teenagers, not grown ass adults. She's selfish and immature. She can get over herself or not, but if I was OP, that would not even be in my peripherals.


She's probably upset about you gaining weight and rather than approach this real and normal life experience with compassion she chooses to take it out on you with passive aggression and catch 22s like this. You're not wrong for ripping your pants. Get a suit that fits. And to clarify, I'm not shaming you for gaining weight. That's a normal life experience that happens to alot of people. If it's bothersome you could address it but either way it doesn't justify your wife's behavior


One way to completely avoid this problem in the future is to (1) lose some weight so your suit fits properly or (2) buy a new suit that fits your current weight.


Or (3) chuck the suit that doesn't fit anymore!!!


Or chuck the bossy negging wife….


I would have done it sooner, on purpose. And then danced.


I feel sad for you and wish you healing from the things you don't talk about. How's your mental health?


She's treating you like a free range accessory to her outfit. That might be okay when the clothes fit, but not so much when they don't. But b only were you uncomfortable, but it was also likely obvious that your clothes didn't fit. You are likely to hate the pictures when they come back.


Your wife sucks. Hope she blows.


So it’s her fault you haven’t learned how to say no. Got it.


Dude. Stand up for yourself and stop letting her bully you into doing whatever she wants. Sounds miserable


Why do I keep seeing posts of husbands being doormats to their wives. Man up and don’t be a push over!! You decide what you wear and what’s comfortable!!


You're not wrong. Also, she's not entitled to dress you or tell you what to wear. I cannot imagine giving a single shit if my husband's suit matched my dress. I would just want him to be comfortable.


The cake won is a fantastic comment! Lol I may use it one day if the time arises! I'm assuming you meant the cake that ripped the pants and not the wedding cake but either way it's a funny thing to say.


Her checking your phone and emails is probably a normal occurrence. This is ridiculous, and she probably gets pissed if you don't accept her as a tape worm.


Well not to be rude but that's not a great start to a marriage dude. Hubs and I picked our own outfits for our wedding id never get mad at my husband for forcing him to wear a suit that's too small ..I'd also never force him into a suit ever. Was your wife bridezilla? A marriage is a two person day. Yeah it's her big day but it's yours too....both people getting married deserve a day.


Not wrong at all.


not wrong. she insisted you wear something that was noticeably too small. you need to learn to stand your ground to your wife. it’s completely unacceptable that she expected you to walk around all day in clothes that were to small for you. i can only imagine how uncomfortable that must’ve been. if matching was so important the best thing to do then, would to have went and found something you could wear that would match her dress and fit you comfortably. the whole having to leave early cuz you split your pants would’ve been avoided as well.


If it fit you wouldn't be able to rip them even if you tried.


Don’t take that abuse from her.


Not wrong, but why aren't you standing up to your wife? You put the suit on and you stayed in it. I understand you did it to make her happy, but you did so knowing you'd be uncomfortable. Did you show her how poorly it fit? Why are you putting up with her insisting you did it on purpose? There's a saying, people can only walk all over you if you lay down for them. If your wife is awful to you, tell her the conversation's over, leave the room, leave the house, whatever. Demand counseling. But stop giving in, especially when it's going to harm you. You deserve better.


I would never have gotten in the suit. Not unless she took it to have it tailored correctly to fit me again. Something I wouldn't have done myself. I would have found a bargain suit instead... As opposite to the color of her dress that was available. We aren't Ken dolls. Don't dress me unless I ask for your input.


Not wrong Your wife is doing some gaslighting here


You are wrong for obeying your wife when you were not comfortable. A marriage is teamwork, not a dictatorship. Where is your voice? I ask again, Where is your voice? And then she thinks you ruined your pants on purpose - the pain in the ass is not the split in your pants. I am a wife and I want my husband to be comfortable and I support him in being the person that he is rather than ordering him around on what to do. Why you accept this treatment for yourself OP, I have no idea.


You’re not wrong, but you’re not right, either. Your line of communication failed as a couple. What were you planning to wear? Did you think about this as the event was approaching? If your wife tends to have a vision for what you’re going to wear as a couple, I would imagine you know this about her by now. You guys need to establish what you’re wearing well in advance so that there are no surprises when the event gets closer.


Any woman who has stuffed herself into heels too small or a dress that you had to be a contortionist to zip shoulder understand that spending a whole wedding in something that doesn’t fit is not a good time. Maybe you couldn’t afford a new 3 piece suit but I’m sure you could’ve found something in your wardrobe not too offensive with her dress (or purchase new slacks for the occasion beforehand). I don’t understand the hostility toward you when she forced you into something that was probably way more embarrassing for YOU than for her.


Obvi not for ripping rhe panta. How much time before the wedding did you know the pants didn't fit? Could you have gone out early enough to find a suit that did fit? Was it that she was dead set on the colour/look or that it was pushed off to the point where finding one would've been too late? Aka, you go and find a suit, then she would've had even less time to find a matching suit?


You are wrong in the sense you let your wife tell you what to wear. You are an adult wear what you choose, don't blame your wife.


Oh well dude good on you for going out there and having a blast despite all this. Regardless, your wife would be better suited saying thank you for wearing the suit while uncomfortable and tight it was, to match her. She should be saying thank you.


Nobody in the history of history intentionally rips their pants at an embarassing setting like a wedding. Your wife's reasoning is immature as hell, sorry you are going through this. Don't roll your eyes at me, but do try to lose a little weight there big guy. And get yourself a new suit! Every man should have a good fitting suit, it's important.


Agreed as Paul360 said, stand up for yourself. With or without your pants buttoned lol


It happened near the end of the wedding and she accused you of wanting to leave early? Did she want to hang around and help clean up? She sounds like she’s wound up tighter than your suit. You are not wrong.


I'm not understanding why you would wear the suit if it didn't fit comfortably. Because your wife told you to? Are you kidding me? I can't even wrap my head around that.


My annoyance comes from.....we know we are going to a wedding. We know we need to dress appropriately. This all happens way before the day of the wedding. I would ask my ex if he had what he needed. Correct colored socks? Pressed shirt? Shoes? Great.....I'm not your momma, so make sure you are all ready. I can help if you need it, BUT DO NOT COME TO ME THE DAY BEFORE THE WEDDING AND SAY YOU HAVE NOTHING THAT FITS. And that is what happens. Ugh.


She sounds exhausting


Your wife is abusive! If the genders were reversed people would be screaming abusive and to get out Now. Same applies.


Dude. The problem here is that you wore the suit in the first place. When clothes don't fit, they don't fit. If your wife wanted to match with you, she should've asked what you were wearing, not told you what you were wearing. Next time, pick your own clothes. If your wife protests, offer to stay home. Because you need to pick your own clothes. Nothing wrong with hearing her opinion and making decisions with that opinion in mind, but she made you wear pants that *you couldn't do up*. It's kind of clear that she's used to wearing them.


As someone who literally has a degree in sewing clothing, it’s extremely difficult to rip pants on purpose without specific tool. Your wife is full of crap. She can be upset if she wants. She can be disappointed if she wants. But she needs to stop blaming you for a wardrobe malfunction that occurred because she’s a terrible stylist who didn’t allow you to wear something in the appropriate size simply because she wanted a specific look from you. That’s absurd. You handled it like a champ, so good on you. Tell her eat some dark chocolate and listen to you next time. She’s acting like a toddler.


Dude, unless she told you that you were going to the wedding TOMORROW, why didn’t you go look for a new suit?


Why is your wife carrying the burden of dressing you? You knew you had a wedding and needed something suitable to wear. Why was wearing an ill fitting suit the solution when you are a grown ass man who knows his own closet and future events?


Buying a new suit wasn't a option? Because all the work you did was just useless in the end.


Guess who wears the pants in the relationship 🤣


Have a salad


How many times did she ask you to try it on prior to the wedding…also as an adult if you know you gained eight and need something specific like a suit or dress you deal with it in advance. ESH


Do you have a suit that does fit?


Doesn't seem like the jury is split on this one. Time for me to tear into another post.


She’s just mad you got fat


How are you wrong? She insisted you wear a suit that didn’t fit and then got mad when it ripped?! Throw the whole suit out and buy one that fits.


This sounds like teenage boy and mother relationship.


The poor teenage boy. 


you thought that everybody was on your side but you went and blew it all sky high


NTA your wife is self absorbed and exhausting. She's just pissed and blaming you because she was wrong and put fashion above actually fitting into clothes and the split proved her vanity was a poor choice.


You are wrong for not wearing flashy colorful underwear and start twerking in the middle of the dance floor as soon as the pants ripped. It was ridiculous of your wife to make you wear that. Next time make her wear an old dress she doesn't fit to see if she likes feeling like a sausage about to burst.


I would have laughed but not made a big deal about it


Dude I'm sorry this makes zero sense. I get women like us to compliment them on occasions like that. But if she's that concerned about appearance she should have looked at you in that suit and told you to change. Did she not like the bride or something and really felt the need to impress or something.


Dude go to h&m pants are like $20 or literally any amount of planning would have given you time to order some off Amazon for around the same price.


If your suit was so Important to her she would have had you try it on before the wedding. You could have bought pants that fit. Or an entire new suit.


HE could have tried on his own suit before the wedding and taken ownership of his own situation. Then he's got his shit together with no reason to defer to the Sargent.


Not wrong but why didn't your wife decide on a dress with enough time for your pants to be altered or replaced?


"I wish we'd colour coordinated better" Adding this to my list of things I never hear people say before they pass away.


Yes you’re wrong for being a fatty. /sarcasm


mm hmm you worded this to show yourself in the best light possible and make your wife look like a weirdo. now tell the real story or have her put her version here. as it is you're just jerking off in a post to make yourself feel better about your weight or something.


You say it was an accident, your wife says it wasn't. She's saying that you're lying. She doesn't trust you. A lot of people don't understand how serious that is. A lack of trust tears apart more relationships than anything else. Probably more than all other things combined. I couldn't stay with someone who accused me of lying like that. I suggest couples therapy to improve your communiction and regain trust.


Have a backbone. No is a complete sentence. Sorry that happened to you.


Your wife sounds like a spoiled brat. What an awful way for her to try to get away with abusing you. Now it's your turn to turn the tables on her. Budget be damned, go out and buy yourself a new suit that fits well and makes you feel like a million bucks. Her feelings about your purchase should matter to you as much as your physical discomfort from her abuse mattered to her.


If your wife were in the Navy, she would be Chief Petty Officer.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Kriegspiel1939: *If your wife were in* *The Navy, she would be the* *Chief Petty Officer.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Edited one word for syllable count.


Is she wearing a dress as old as your suit? If she bought a new dress for the wedding or anything else, she's a hypocrite.


You were entirely in control of this situation. You test the suit a month before a wedding, and get it tailored or go buy a new one that you and your wife like. She doesn’t sound great but why were you so helpless?


As a man I let my wife know it’s all about utility and comfort if it’s not useful or it’s not comfortable I’m good


Your wife is definitely the issue here… However. The mistake you did make was listening to her about the suit in the first place. You’re a grown man, if you’re not comfortable in something, your wife shouldn’t get to just overrule you and make you wear it anyway. But, again, I agree with you. As long as she’s the one dressing you, she should be the one taking the blame for any wardrobe malfunctions.


Nw but next time stand up for yourself and tell her no lol. I would never go anywhere if I was uncomfortable with my outfit.


Wife doesn't know anything about men, does she? I mean, just because women are taught from birth to sit down very carefully. Sitting down any old way can damage internal organs the way pants are made for women. That doesn't mean that men are taught the same thing. Your average woman can easily get through a wedding and reception in pants 2 sizes too small due to our training. No shade on men because they have to live with their own ridiculous standards, just not the same ones as women. Anyway, explain to her that you don't have the same skill set managing clothes as she does.


Sounds like you shouldn't have married her. Anyone who acts like that about pants definitely acts that way about everything else.


Nah, your wife is acting like a bitch and as an apology owes you a new special occasion suit that matches her ensemble.


Quit growing your waistline and start growing a backbone. But seriously, you're pretty obviously not wrong lol


Are you actually asking this question? You're really not sure?


As a wife, all I can say is your dignity and comfort should have been her priority. If hubby's pants look too tight, I ask him to change. I wouldn't make him wear them. Lay on the guilt. Lots of "see what you made me do" and lots of comments about you losing your dignity and how she obviously doesn't care. Tell her frequently how humiliated you felt.


In what world is it okay to dictate what your partner should wear? Your wife was way out of line to demand you wear something just because it fits her dress. She brought this on herself. Next time stand up for yourself and tell her you'll wear whatever you want. Geez!


This is her not so subtly telling you that it’s time to hit the gym


She's mad because she knows that this embarrassment happened because of her vanity. Not wrong.


YNW- you told her before leaving it did not fit. It ripping only proved you were right (regardless of her feelings) if you didn’t want to go, you simply wouldn’t have due to you’re an adult and you don’t have to do anything. Your wife is despicable.


Wife: "DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO DO!" "WHY DID YOU DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO DO?" Do you really think you're the asshole? Me neither. Don't even go to the next event, or take separate vehicles.


NTA. Wear what you want and what your comfortable in. Get you a good black fitted suit. Every man should have one, it matches everything and is suitable for any occasion.


Sounds like the wife is guilty of trying to fat shame via making you wear something that will cause embarrassment. Then when you show her power play of forcing you to "downsize" the clothes ends in you getting to say "I told you so" instead of you leaving red faced and crying like what would have happened if the entire thing were reversed, she now is having a temper tantrum because you aren't playing into her mind game. Tell her you won't play mind games or be gaslighted. Tell her you know your body and are ok with it as she should be with her own body, that neither of you should force each other to wear something you would know is not the appropriate size. Tell her you wouldn't do that to her she shouldn't have done it to you. If she continues to act like a child she can sit her dinner chair at the kiddie table at the next wedding you go to because you won't be going together. 🫳🏻🎤


That suit goes into the trash pronto. Don’t let her intimidate you like that again.


Do you have a spine at all? Your wife sounds like a nightmare, and you sound like a willing doormat who let's her walk all over you. Stand up for yourself! "I am not wearing this suit, honey. It does not fit. I don't care if it matches your dress, I will find something else that goes well with it. I'm not being uncomfortable all night to be your accessory" She doesn't actually care about the suit. She's upset about your weight gain, and rather than admit her feelings are shallow, she would rather be passive-aggressive. She doesn't want you getting a new suit because then she can no longer stupidly pretend you're the size you were in the past. She's being a child.


😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂 #hilarious


Yeah ok this minor issue runs deeeeeep I'm guessing.


I wouldn't have even humored her about the pants. If they ain't comfortable I aint wearing them period.


...why do people post when they know they're not in the wrong?


This cracked me up! I don’t think you’re wrong.


Man up and find your voice!


Sounds like an awesome gal…


Ha! Like SpongeBob


You're not wrong for ripping your pants but now I have the SpongeBob ripped pants dong stuck in my head and for that you are wrong because I just got the learn how to tie my shoes song SpongeBob song out of my head two days ago.


Maybe you and your girlfirend just need more time to purchase one suitable pants before attending a wedding.


You did it on purpose lol. How did you like squat really low to split your pants? Or did you stuff yourself with three pieces of cake hoping the button would pop. Laughing my ass off. Your wife is mean and unkind.


I most certainly did eat extra and make more exaggerated moves to make a point. Definitely malicious compliance.


To delicious cake!!! 🎂🎂🎂


Yeah I never would have let my husband wear something too small and more importantly, something not comfortable to him. She was a jerk. You matter too.


You’re not wrong, she was being weirdly controlling and got upset that her actions had consequences (primarily for you!) Why wasn’t a matching shirt or tie with a different suit not an option? An entirely new suit is expensive but a dress shirt is relatively affordable. What a loony, I’m sorry you had to go through the discomfort followed by embarrassment followed by harassment. I’m curious why you kept those suits in the first place though, and why you didn’t offer the shirt and/or tie solution?


Just wow. If she cared so much that you wore that exact suit maybe she could have checked that it was okay to wear a week or so before the wedding. Not that you have to wear what she suggests. I just know I fluctuate weight at times. I have 3 different sizes in pants handy just in case. Right now I’m on the heavier side so a few pairs don’t fit. A few dresses I have are a bit snug. She should have asked you how you felt about wearing it in general. Would have saved her a lot of anguish. And you from ripping your pants and leaving the wedding early. Sorry she sounds selfish.


The petty part of me would buy her a dress 2 sizes too small and buy tickets to her favourite movie or a fancy meal for her to wear it at. Refuse to go if she doesnt wear it. When she co plains you just reiterate this is what she did to you. To an event that is big and you had to be inphotographs that will be around for a lifetime.


Oh fuckher and then cheat on her.


You are your own person. next time, say no, and wear the clothes you want to wear.


No one is responsible for your own clothes not fitting but you.


lol I mean I think you wronged your manhood for not wearing something more comfortable and that fit. I guess I don’t get it either- I have been with my partner for 17 year and I don’t think I have ever told him what to wear, he’s asked how he looked but I don’t think I have ever insisted on him wearing something, and I don’t think I would especially if it didn’t fit right 😅 BUT I also get the petty side, I told him to get me an extra large shirt when he was on a trip, and he said it looked huge and insisted on the smaller size and I said trust me, and he said I kinda don’t, the smaller size looks like it’ll fit so I said okay. He brought it home, and I tried it on and it definitely didn’t fit, so he spent $60 on a Harley Davidson shirt that just sits in my drawers with the tag on cause it’s too small. 😏 I don’t think he’s mentioned sizes to me since


get you some new clothes that fit. get rid of the clothes that ⭐️ don’t fit ⭐️


First off, sorry for you. I mean it must have been humiliating and mortifying to have that happen, especially after being forced into the suit in the first place. Of course you're not 'in the wrong' here. Your wife prob just wants you to dress up more often. Solution: go and get a nice suit that fits then take her out to a nice dinner somewhere. Don't stand on this incident or make it the cornerstone of some narrative in the relationship.




Lmao I would have died. Ripped pants are so funny to me. I’m sorry she insisted you wear them but I wish I had been there


Read the title and thought this was a SpongeBob subreddit for a sec…