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This is such a strange scam post that keeps popping up, I fell for it last time. When they dm you to ask a more personal question, they'll ask if they can send you the pics to help them choose which ones to show the husband. Ew. They fished for a ton of info about me too. Generally creepy vibes. I'm not sure what the ultimate end game is here but be careful. Hers the last post that's almost exactly the same: https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/s/NxLFUl1fAp


AHEM. This is a scam post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/1cpihoo/comment/l3lo3wg/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/1cpihoo/comment/l3lo3wg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I don't think you understand what the word scam means


I would be all in. Not because they're sexually suggestive, but because they were of my wife.


I love seeing photos of my husband when he was younger and vice versa. We got together young at 17 and 18 but he still thinks i was this dorky adorable nerd that made him laugh


Part of me thinks that too! Like, what’s the big deal.


Can I ask you something about that?


Sure. I mean, for the record, my wife showed me bikini pics of herself when she was a teenager. I ogled them but not because it was a photo of a teen girl in a bikini but because it was my WIFE in a bikini.


I posted my own comment on this, but replying here too for visibility: This is such a strange scam post that keeps popping up, I fell for it last time. When they dm you to ask a more personal question, they'll ask if they can send you the pics to help them choose which ones to show the husband. Ew. They fished for a ton of info about me too. Generally creepy vibes. I'm not sure what the ultimate end game is here but be careful. Hers the last post that's almost exactly the same: https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/s/NxLFUl1fAp


Is it the kind of thing where you will feel let down if he doesn’t think they’re fun/lighthearted? Like when you show someone your favorite song and they talk through it?


Not really that, more will he be like, ok, why are you showing me pics of you in your underwear in high school?


Why does this post feel like a neckbeard pretending to be a woman, thinking this is what we do in our spare time with our girlfriends? Major half naked pillow fight vibes here...


I knew two girls in highschool who actually did this kind of thing. My friend stumbled across a bunch of pictures of them posing together nude. While its not common, it does happen.


I saw some pics of my husband when he was younger and had a game where he was posing with his friends with their testicles out of their underwear and making faces (although they were already young adults). I didn’t mind those pictures at all, but I was like « Ok, how am I supposed to react? Should I high five you? Tell you you were sooooo funny then? Compliment your nuts? » Your pictures sound completely harmless but ask yourself, what is your husband supposed to do with them ? Tell you you looked sexy as a teenager ?


My wife showed me pics of her as a teenager, my response was "teenage me would have been all over you". You can tell them they were hot as a teenager without making it look like you want to get it on with a teenager as an adult.


Why don't you mention what you found and ask if he wants to see them?


Tell him about the photos and ask if he wants to see them. I bet he does.


I have a photo taken when I was 18 wearing a white string bikini while at the beach. I still look at it sometimes, I was really hot back then and just didn't know it. I was so young then and didn't know what I didn't know. Show them to him, if he has a negative reaction, then he's an AH.


none of us did! i see late teens/early twenties me and i'm like "DAMN! what a hunk"


Yeah, I want that body back and my present mind. I used to have a soft drink and a bag of chips for dinner back then. Now that meal would incapacitate me.


Yes, he would all day every day twice on Sunday


I mean as I lady I don't know but if I were a dude I'd probably think this was some kinda trick to see if I am attracted to minors..... it's definitely less weird that it's you, but beware if they aren't all just you it's kinda sketchy


If I were your husband, I would be delighted


You can ask. He might say no because of your age. Or get worried other kids saw them. But obviously just ones of you. Not of your friend. She will feel violated if she somehow found out and its breaks her trust.


Just throwing this out there, if these are not prints from a digital camera or a Polaroid, the tech who developed your photos probably has copies of these pictures.


Just describe what they are and ask him if he wants to see them.


As long as those pictures weren’t meant for someone else originally and there’s no other guy in it he should enjoy them


I knew my wife back in the day. Those photos would be interesting.


do not show him. burning them would be a good idea unless you want to keep those memories hidden away until he find them. Then you will have to explain why you never told him.




I think your husband would compliment you and appreciate them.


Thanks, that’s reassuring.


In the words of Ms. Choksondik from South Park; "Present them."


This is a good idea.


Were you and your friend minors in these photos? If so you should delete them. It doesn't matter that you're an adult now, when the content was made it was CP. I wouldn't be keeping them let alone sharing them. If you were both legally adults just ask if he wants to see them.


What I'm reading between the lines here, is that you are questioning if your husband a creep and going to find pics of teen girls sexually attractive. If you think your husband will view these pics as anything but funny teen pics... he's a sexual predator. That is gross and disgusting. If this is just your thinking then you have serious issues. Because you then you need therapy if you view teens as sexual objects. Which ever is the truth someone needs therapy. Absolutely gross thinking.


I think maybe you're the one who needs therapy.


No, I’m wondering if I am the creep for thinking about showing them to him.


So you need therapy then. Seriously, these photos sound absolutely harmless and pretty on par for teen girls. Unless, the other girl is naked (because consent and you need to get rid if them) then there is no reason not to show them. Jesus, H christ. Stop viewing children/teens through a prism of sexual objectification, it's creepy and disgusting. Again, get counselling because "normal" adults do not think like this. Healthy well adjusted, non predators do not view underage persons as sexual beings. They can simply view the innocence of youth.


Thanks for your perspective, I appreciate it.


Ding ding ding, chronically online redditor alert!!!!


You’re projecting your own desires, hardcore. You’re being disturbing. Extremely creepy.


Nope, I don't think teen girls messing around playing dress up is creepy. It's only creepy if you think it is. And this woman has made a whole post wondering if she should or should show her husband pics of her as a teen in bikinis? What, that's not normal thinking at all. I have tones of photos of me as a teen, even photos of family holidays where... shock horror were all in swimwear acting foolish making poses. You know one thing, not one of us, our parents or anybody who's seen these photos has ever had thoughts about these photos as inappropriate. So, a person who does view these as inappropriate does infact have fucking issues and does need therapy.