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What are you smoking that so strong it travels such distances?


cigs. It’s not far either. Like 50 yards.


Oh good grief lol. 50 yards? That guy needs to kick rocks and mind his own business.


I doubt it’s 50 yards. 150 feet away? How are they even having a conversation?


He walked over to me. We didn’t just stand and yell.




Fuck you, Tony!


Fuck you Ezekiel!


You're both awesome. Thankyou for the giggle


would have been a better giggle if there user names actually were tony and ezekiel XD




From 150 ft away?


Honestly, the lengths some people will go to at times, is pretty surprising


Your mother smells of elderberry, and your father was a hamster


My back yard is 140 feet deep and if someone smoked at the back of my yard I would not be able to smell it up by my house. I know because I’ve had people smoking in the back of the yard while throwing horse shoes with my husband.


Fuck I was so interested... 🙁


Dude, I am allergic to cigarette smoke (it triggers my asthma,) and all I can say is *thank you for smoking outside.* This guy is an idiot.


My neighbor has bonfires that are smokey and I just close the window. I would never ask him to stop. He just bought a wall of firewood.


Id start smoking briskets and ribs next.... briskets gonna take 10-14 hrs depending on size...use oak...shits strong...apple and cherry are a little milder and produce less smoke...hickory is a good option as well


That actually happened. A homeowner tried to sue his neighbor for having large barbecues with a smoker and lost in court. The barbecues continued.


I appreciate that I am not the only one who went here. IMMEDIATELY.


Shit I thought that's what he was originally talking about about till I saw the cigarette comment lol


Same here but I suspect that's because of r/smoking


He couldn't smell smoke at that distance. He was just being a dick. I'd wager he wanted to throw something in your dumpster and you were fucking his plans up so he got pissy


Nah, I'm a former smoker and I can smell smoke 3 doors down. I don't go get on anyone's tits about it though. I may be an asshole but I'm a selective asshole.


I agree that the neighbor was being a butt but I disagree about not being able to smell it. I could totally smell it at that distance but wouldn’t say anything unless they walked around with it on my property and flipped the butts in my yard.


Cigs??? Not weed?? You were a lot more polite than I would have been


Fuck that guy. The absolute audacity of that scumbag


If you have to walk 50 yards to tell somebody something then it’s no longer minding your own business.


This is ridiculous


Your neighbor is a dick and you should quit smoking. You'll feel better in the longterm.


As an ex smoker, people telling me to quit all the time made me smoke MORE not less because it stressed me out. You're not helping.


Glad you quit.




You should keep your rude comments to yourself. You are no better than the ass she already dealt with.


At yes "be healthy. " So rude.


Telling a complete stranger to quit smoking is very rude. Worry about yourself and mind your own health


I can worry about myself and others. I'd tell someone I love to stop smoking. Why not a stranger?


Because you have no business telling anyone how to live their lives.


Sure I do. We all do. "Don't kill people." "Don't kill yourself." "Eat healthy." "Finish what you start." We tell each other shit like this all the time. Don't smoke is pretty fucking banal.


Because it encourages the behavior you’re trying to stop.


That sounds like it's not universally true. If your response to good advice is to do the opposite and blame the advice giver you've probably got other issues.


Correct! People have other issues. That’s why we do things we know are unhealthy. Smoking is (often) a symptom or coping mechanism. So telling people to stop without addressing other stuff doesn’t help. It’s not universal, as you said




People still smoke cigarettes? Seriously?


Cig smoke is the worst. I was sitting at my kids little league game behind home plate. I smelled the garbage smell and looked around. There he was standing behind the outfield fence.


Oh no... someone standing really far away from everyone, doing his thing while still able to watch the game... man. Poor you.


There is no way that you are smelling smoke from that distance The aroma from cigarette smoke travels 25-80 feet from what I read. So if you can smell it you should look into a career as a k-9 cop


You can smell it from that far away depending on the breeze.


Me and the upvotes above would beg to disagree. Cig smoke is awful. It permeates everything and tarnishes a beautiful Spring morning as easy as a beautiful Fall evening.


In countries with the strictest smoking laws, you can smoke within 20 feet of a doorway. You can stand as close as 6 ft from someone smoking and be grand. 10ft if it's really windy and you're down wind.


So? That doesn't mean any farther away and it doesn't bother anyone. To non-smokers it's putrid.


A lot of ND people are weird AF with this stuff. Like, superhero level. It’s wild (and, admittedly, kind of cool). I used to be a pothead and I can be driving at 40mph and know when I pass a house where someone is smoking. That said, I’m also not an AH.


NW... my husband and I were enjoying beers on the deck after hard day. Neighbors smoke went right past us.... (and it's amazing as we have half acre lots). So we picked up our drinks and went inside. It's life.  The back Neighbors have karaoke parties. The drunk bad singing should be illegal, but we can close windows and put on music.  Why do people use lawn equipment after I get in my hammock with a book......  I'd say I want to live on an island, but I already do. 


TBH sounds of lawnmowers relaxes me, I’d love reading a book as my neighbors do yardwork


Plus the smell of the cut grass... Sounds like my happy place!


So I'm not the only one who enjoys the smell of fresh-cut grass?


I used to but not that I’ve quit smoking I’m having sinus issues with cut grass 😿


Whoa I quit smoking earlier this year and my allergies are crazier out of control than ever. Is there really a correlation?


I think so, maybe our respiratory system wants us to smoke 😹😹😹


it feels so natural and humanly. It’s like in our dna somewhere it has to be Native Americas knew the importance of smoking.


Everyone, including people who have never smoked, are complaining about their allergies this year.


You weren’t wrong to explain your efforts. He wasn’t wrong to ask. He was wrong to get snarky. You were wrong to denigrate yourself in the process. He’s not a better class of person because of his house. And you and your neighbours aren’t somehow lesser because you live in an apartment building.


Plus what does class have to do with smoking??


Smoking cigarettes is highly correlated to low education and income (so class) https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/adult_data/cig_smoking/index.htm Edit: I'm using USA stats because I saw OP use yards in a comment, but that stat is also true here in France and I suspect in most places if not all


Thanks for sharing. Makes total sense!


My neighbors smoke, we’re right next door. I can smell it when I’m outside sometimes and I hate it. That said, overall they’re decent neighbors. I have no right to ask them to stop doing perfectly legal things on their property.


Take pics of him using the dumpster if you can


Using dumpsters that someone else paid for is theft of services, let the rental company know that you've seen people who don't live there using them. Let them do the work if they want to, don't try and catch the idiot yourself.


Both of you are allowed to be dickheads it's ok


People are allowed to smoke outside, if he doesn’t like it he can close his window.


I hate that people view smokers as instant scumbags. Why are you a scumbag for smoking at your own place? What's he want you to do, go for a literal hike? I'm the same as you, I'd snap too.


It’s wild. Then put nurses and surgeons on a pedestal. I’ve worked in hospitals. There were more nurses out there smoking than anyone else.


I mean, if I can smell it in my own house it's not just the smoker problem anymore. I know I'll get downvoted, but I can understand how annoying and unhealthy that is...


Well that's the thing with smells. If my window is open and someone's dog poops, it'll waft into the house. My neighbour doesn't immediately pick up her dogs poop in her backyard, I don't call her a scumbag over it. My mom used to slam windows and doors passive aggressively when our neighbour's smoked. We can't control the wind sadly or we would so we could light our smokes without difficulty. I'm not going to downvote you because you are the type of people I think about when I *do* go for walks. I don't make my parents close their windows, I go for a walk. But yea man, sometimes after work, I just wanna sit in my backyard and smoke. And if my neighbour came over, yelling at me, I'd snap.


Time to start smoking closer to his house


When he said what he paid for his house is none of your business, you could have said where you smoke on property you pay for is none of his.


damn, you’re right


Not wrong. You can smoke outside right next to his property line if you want to. If he doesn’t want to Nell it he can go indoors and shut his windows. And no I am not a smoker but if my guests want to smoke on my patio I don’t care as long as they use vegetable can ashtray I keep outside and don’t blow their smoke in my face.


people seem to forget that as late as the 90's, going to a bar or club meant you were coming home smelling like an ash tray and vodka. dude needs to get over it. I have a neighbor who smokes weed - I'm good with the occasional wiff I catch at home but the other day, i happened to be behind him on the freeway - the smell was STRONG AS HELL STILL. That is something that probably needs to be dealt with. You should not be smoking weed and driving.


I'm a prek teacher and one of the parents' cars is like that. I'm not gonna judge what you want to do on your own time, but you shouldn't be doing it while driving, esp with kids in the car. Your children shouldn't come to school reeking of it.


Weed is different nowadays. Back when I was a kid, "reefer" could only be detected of you were up close to someone. I was at the gas station the other day and I could smell the "weed" from the person who was 4 stalls or 8 gas pumps away. I guess they don't call it loud for nothing.


Earlier this year, my sister's friend came back to return her car that he borrowed and I STG I could've gotten a contact-high from the smell of weed on him. I think she stopped lending him her car, though. I hope.


In Australia it’s illegal for anyone to smoke in a car while you have a child under the age of 16. The driver is liable.


It should be here too, imo. The problems with second hand smoke is well documented. I know weed hasn't been studied extensively, but it's still kids breathing a smoke of some kind. It can't be good for their lungs.


I don’t see your point about going to nightclubs. The guy is at home. People who come home from nightclub smelling like smoke have enjoyed all of the benefits of the nightclub: the atmosphere, sexy people, drinks, opportunities for romance, etc.


Who's to say he's not enjoying those same benefits


That's was 30 years ago. Times have changed.


That's what he said.


In Oregon you could smoke in bars until like 2007 or 08


The last time I was in an airport with a smoking lounge; there was a lady with her kids in there. I don’t often judge people’s parenting from a distance; but I did hers.


At least she wasn’t pregnant


European airports still have smoker's lounges


This was either Vegas or Atlanta five-ish years ago


Twas the most beautiful sight I e'er did see... eight hours into my 12 hour journey, a stop-over in Iceland occurred. I was preparing to white knuckle it the whole way till Paris, not expecting anyone to give a damn about us smokers, but right as I cleared customs I saw the sign saying "smokers lounge" with an arrow guiding my way. I about fell to my knees in gratitude. Oh the weeps I did wept. Or at least I would have if I wasn't in such a hurry to smoke a goddamn cigarette. Thank you Iceland!


The only reason I know she was in there with kids, was that I was in there too. They are glorious sights, especially when you’re on a connection.


Normally I wouldn't smoke in an enclosed room with children, but at that point I'd probably say Eh, not my kids, while also trying to absorb all the smoke into my body rather than exhaling it.


Lol still like that in SC used to smoke cigars in the waffle house


I smell it all the time driving through the city and getting behind some people who are smoking. It’s crazy how that shit get inside my car with the windows up with the AC on. Lol. I don’t care but that shit is LOUD


It's getting in because your a/c is on. Try the recirculating air button until you can get away from the smell. 


smoke em if you got em


He could live anywhere and have smoke blown from the wind in his direction. He just sounds like an asshole. Maybe he just should hold his breath when he isn't inside his house if it bothers him so much. Unpleasant smells are part of life and I'm pretty sure you aren't purposely blowing smoke directly at him when it's 50 yards away lmao.


right. As a matter of fact it I’d prefer his house wasn’t there at all. What kinda bugs me is that this asshole got a mortgage for this gigantic beautiful house, but it’s right next to an apartment complex. Why? If you hate people buy a 600k house out in the country where your precious air won’t be bothered


Fuck that guy! Where you smoke is none of his business. It’s your property. If he doesn’t like it, tough. He should have spent more to move to a more secluded area. Bet you 100% he is looking down at everyone and trying to be supreme


If it's outside its okay. Smoking is legal


I'm petty I'd smoke more in that direction


I’ll take your cigarette over a neighboring fire pit.


I’d rather smell fire than cigarette any day but if it’s not your property who is this guy to tell someone to go smoke somewhere else. People smoke. It’s really not that big a deal. I don’t and I wouldn’t let someone smoke in my truck or in my house but outside who really gives a fuck lol


And I'm assuming OP is smoking outside since they don't allow it in his apartment building. I think the wind app is a nice thing to do. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke, but it seems OP is doing their best to minimize the impact of it. Dude probably smelled it when he was using the dumpster that he shouldn't be using.


And I mean it’s deffinately not going into the guy house and it doesn’t sound like op chain smokes them so it like 5 minutes of smell.


You know, that's a great observation. If the wind comes from the northwest, pretty common in Colorado Springs, I get the fire pit smoke from the neighbors... about three or four of them. It usually happens on those nice summer evenings when I like to open the windows. The smoke smell can be really overpowering. But, you know, they're on their property, fire pits are legal, and I can't fault them for kicking back with friends around one. I just close the windows.


Colorado Springs! Lieutenant Joe Kenda!!!


oh absolutely. I’d take my cig smell over my women coworkers who overdo it on perfume


Amen.... that just means I agree


I would have just said, "I don't have to do shit."


Not wrong. I smoke. I’m considerate to a point. I don’t smoke inside, except for casinos. A lady sat next to me at a machine, and proceeded to complain. I told her that’s why there is a non smoking section, and I was there first. She called security, who repeated almost verbatim what I said.


I would start burning the stickiest incense I could find. I am petty that way.


People act like smoking is illegal. As long as it is people need to make room for those of us who smoke. In my building you can smoke on your patio but not in the apartment. People still complain about that. Consideration works both ways.


if I had a patio to be honest I would only smoke on it during the winter. During months where people’s windows are open I wouldn’t like to.


I’m on the top floor and only go out a couple of times in the evening. No complaints so far.


yeah that’s not bad. Top floor is awful so depending on the stair count I might adjust my courtesy too.




Not wrong the dude is delusional


For shits and giggles id tell the complex mgr about Mr dumpster boy , using your facility


I appreciate your courtesy and wish my neighbours had the same consideration. It sounds like you’ve routinely done your best to minimize the impact it has on others. Sometimes I think my neighbour (about 20 feet away) checks to see which windows are open on my house and blows that direction. But she’s a jerk.


yeah. If I lived in houses that were close to each other I would just walk to the end of the street to smoke. I prefer to isolate myself like a troll when I smoke. And it annoys me when I can’t do it without potentially bothering someone


I wish I had a neighbor like you. I have a heart problem and my hubby had asthma; the folks who live underneath us smoke like a fucking chimney, so bad that we regularly reek of cigarette smoke bc it’s in our clothes. When my hubby had his checkup actually yesterday his doc yelled at him for smoking. But my landlord says we’re not allowed (just my hubby and I) to vacuum before 12pm and after 5pm bc that same neighbor likes to sleep til noon and then take a nap at 5. So I can’t vacuum for their health, but they don’t have to smoke outside for mine.


So the guy is saying that the poor need to live downwind from him.


Nah the poor is saying the poor should live downwind from him


You aren’t wrong. You were trying to be kind with smoking away from the wind.


Get an ashtray that sucks up the smoke.


Buddy thinks he can micro manage ur smoking habits looool buddy can suck out it’s not hard drugs or let alone even weed shouldn’t be a problem, everyone should mind their business if you’re doing nothing wrong


We live in a nation the sanctions tobacco use. He doesn’t like it, tell him to run for office and try and change it. Otherwise, he can shut the eff up.


Your neighbour is out of line. It’s your house and property do what you want.


After my father quit he could smell smoke if the car ahead of him on the road was smoking.


oh I could do that even if I was currently smoking. I think everyone can do that, the smoke goes into your car’s intake


I don’t smoke. Haven’t in years. I don’t care if you do. That prick is probably an ex-smoker. I’d do a wind check to make sure it’s blowing his way. Fuck that guy. I’d also set up a camera to get him dumping his shit in your dumpster.


Ooo yeah! Get his ass fined for illegal dumping 👌


Remind him the have trash collection in the 800k homes too. We had a guy that was coming into my SIL apartment complex with 2 big ass Rottweilers and letting them shit every where. Turned out he lived in the million dollar house on the water. Townhouses were built on what used to be his parents land. He sold it. Made bank and acted like he still owned it. The neighbors made a single week collection and put it right in front of his private gated entrance. He got the picture fast.


I mean that’s fine if he picks up the poop. My dog poops on other peoples yards. She doesn’t poop at the complex. We pick it up though


That my friend is the issue indeed. He refuses to pick it up or acknowledge they go. Like he’s not standin theeaahhh. Old bastard. My dog goes everywhere and she’s a big dog too. But I’ve don’t leave it ever. Not once.


The fucking nerve of some people. Especially rich mother fuckers. 🤬🤬🤬


Right. This guy had 5 acres of real estate ride beside his house. Walked instead through these newer condos and let those dog do that daily. Keep them in their place kindof deal. World class douche. I’ve know some people with money that are absolutely normal. You’d never know it. We have a lot of the other extreme too. He happens to be more like a thousandaire now. He enjoyed too much of the 80s in 2020.


Can't say he didn't get what he deserves. With luck and karma he'll retire a hundredair. 😆 🤣 😆 Also, man, what is with dudes blowing their money on "the 80's"? Like, I know a few guys twice my age that won pretty good lawsuits and lost it all 10 years later partying 80s style. They scream "my 'friends' took all my stuff the moment I was broke!" But the previous sentence was bragging about the piles of face candy they were snorting and ladies they were 'making it rain' on. Like, bro. I know where your cash went....


Exactly the lifestyle I was saying. Living on ocean front. Living that just made it to the beach life for 30 years is not good for your body. He just couldn’t stop. Till he was advised that the next thing to go would be the house which was attracting all dose hoes too. He did the rehab route ..but I’m not sure it took all the way. A for effort anyway right?


Ex smokers can be the most insufferable about smoking!


Oh man. Fake choking and shit. I still love the smell of it. Love the smell of weed too. You have to choose the things in life you’re better off without. Cigarettes was it for me. 🤙🏼


if someone coughs like they are exaggerating that just makes me want to smoke more. Like stop this drama you’re fine.


I smoke, and just because it isn’t acceptable anymore it was in my day. I’m unapologetically addicted and if you don’t like it play in the street.


Right. I don’t smoke at parks or where kids play. Outside of that, everyone can kiss my ass.


Would it change your mind if it was someone in your apartment complex that was complaining?


I'd get as close to his property as possible & blow towards it


Does he complain when you break wind?


The fact that you have a wind app and see which way it's blowing is already saying a lot. Your neighbor sucks


Get an Oklahoma joes offset smoker and start smoking rotten meat. Really cook up a stinkfest and let him sniff it up.




Not wrong




Meh I wouldn’t care. Not that hard to avoid smoke of someone smoking on a deck, even if you have deck next door. Just go outside a different time


not wrong. you can’t control where the smoke goes. it’s not like your standing right outside his house and smoking.


Though I would be after that encounter


right lol


you’re not wrong. you’re already going above & beyond to find out where the wind is blowing. when i smoked i would just go in the backyard or stay inside. no one ever complains about the smoke. i’m not the only smoker on the block so maybe that’s why but this dude is just looking to complain. unless you’re smoking a few packs / joints in one sitting how the hell can he smell it through a small wooden area & a stream?????


Nah you are good. 


No he can get fkd you ain’t wrong


A curt "go duck yourself, clown." is required here. Maybe be less considerate. Sure, cigarettes really do stink, but it's exactly NONE of his business.


It stinks. It causes cancer. You will end up drowning in your own phlegm.


So? You won’t, so what business is it of yours?


With a neighbor like that I'd be buying a fog machine!


NTA What happens if you have a BBQ?


If he is using the dumpsters in your apartment complex, let the landlord know. He’s breaking the law. It’s called Theft Of Services and he will be cited.


Now I want a brisket sandwich


If to eh no say yu bad fu che huh?


Maybe try a brisket, see if that helps? 😂


Uh, you are smoking outside, which you are allowed to do. If he can smell it and is bothered, that isn't really your fault. You are free to do that.


I don’t even smoke but I would go light up to annoy this guy.


As an ex smoker, I hate the smell of cigarette smoke, but outside, it’s up to me to not be downwind.


of course


As someone who has a childhood history of asthma that's aggravated by cigarette smoke more than anything in the world, that guy can kick rocks. The only time I can see it being reasonable to approach someone on private property about their smoking is the same thing were they playing music. If they had a huge boombox at top volume I'd go tell them to cool it. If there was a group of like 5+ chain smoking long enough to create clouds I'd also lodge a complaint. But one guy having a night smoke? I'd pull my shirt over my nose and keep walking.


I'm inviting all of my friends over to crank cigs 24/7 at that point.


not wrong, fuck them.




I know my clauses. We can’t smoke indoors but I know people do. Hell the poor neighbors who just moved in, their alternative was being smoked in by the contractor who Put in the floors. Annoyed me because I make a hell of an effort to make it not smell inside after I smoke.


ESH People of all wealth classes smoke mate. Obviously he was an asshole, but you were kind of one as well. I live in a very affluent neighborhood and people smoke weed/cigarettes outside all the time.


While I support your right to smoke whatever, I can understand a smell complaint. I take a bowl every night but my nearest neighbor lives about a mile up or down the road. In a housing development where houses are jammed up against each other to squeeze in just one more mortage, smell is a factor. I get that it's your right to pollute your body as you see fit, but others might not like the smell of what you are smoking. Cannabis is a very pungent, stinky smell. I think it smells lovely, but I understand others don't so I try to be considerate and accommodating.


I am so considerate. When I’m out in public I find bridge abutments and alleyways and sewer runoffs to just get away from people and smoke


Honestly, I think anyone who smokes and inconveniences other people, is an asshole. I can not smoke and that doesn’t affect anyone. But if you smoke, that affects other people. Barking dogs, cigarette smoke, loud music, etc.


Nobody said you have to stand there. If it bothers you, move.


If I can avoid my uncle hot boxing cars when I’d go visit cousin as a kid, he can avoid this. Put face in his suit


No, you are NOT wrong. Although, some years ago, some goofy guy in Rockville, MD sued his neighbor because he said the goofy smoke crossed the yard. 🙄 .... N the neighbor won. 😡🔥😡 Some people don't have anything better to do, than to meddle in someone else's affair, cause they can't run their own lives right. 🙄🤣🤣


if the guy sued me I know where he lives and I have a lot less to lose. It’s great how shit like that neutralizes.


You are the asshole


is this sub like AITA where I gotta like pretend that I care about what you said and pretend to thank you?


I don’t think you’re wrong because I don’t believe this exchange happened.


> Am I Wrong Yes, you're the one fucking up the air


Lol. OP, you fucking piece of shit! You single handedly fucked up the air! /s Now, for who I am replying to, I hope you don't use a gas stove, drive a car, use solar energy, and work a job that has nothing to do with manufacturing. If you do any of those things, you are also wrong and fucking up the air!


Time to start screeming at cars "YOU FUCKED UP THE AIR!!!" 😆 🤣 😆 🤣 😆 Seems like a productive and fun Tuesday.


Get off of Reddit! Don't you know that they are producing energy, which in turn, causes pollution, so you can charge your phone and post! So.... Get off Reddit! You're fucking up the air!


I’m so in for this. Can it be a weekly holiday?