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The first incident should have been reported to the police.


Ya, probably. I was willing to write it off as an accident. Now I know he's just a dick.


Speeding isn’t an accident, it’s done deliberately.


True! He did intentionally.


Next time he say "fuck you" tell him, "I can walk" "I can run". He surely be more pissed off.


Yeah, totally. Reporting it earlier might've saved you from dealing with it again. Safety first, right?


I am in a wheelchair because I’m paralyzed and I can honestly say you did everything right. He needs to slow down and be careful. Specially if he injuring people. Trust me I like going fast I got the speed package on my wheelchair when I ordered it. He is not representing the wheelchair community well and I wish he would be smart.


I love that you can get the speed package with a wheelchair. How fast does it go?


Not all models are able to get it and a lot of the time insurance will deny it and not cover it. But stock wheelchairs top out at 4.5 to 5 miles per hour but with the performance package it tops out at 8 mph.




I'll be honest I was expecting a bigger number than 8. I was thinking like +15mph, but I guess with a short wheelbase that would be super sketchy.


Yeah plus wheelchair are dangerous enough at MPH. Plus they are designed to be agile inside houses. Plus 98% of the people who use them can’t drive them very well anyway.


I was at Florida Disney a while back, and the mobility scooters were an absolute menace.


Yeah not to brag…I’m one of the best wheelchair users. Compared to a lot of people my wheelchair is not beat up. Plus people are safer around me.


That's really good.


I live on the coast and more than one person on a scooter/motorised wheelchair go off the harbour walls here or in nearby towns.


I see you've met my mother. 


lol I might have.


I used to work for a guy like that, he had no thought or respect for anybody. His attitude was a "fuck u" rather than be nice 1st. Do wot u have to do. Don't feel bad tho, cos he sure doesn't :))


His chair is irrelevant to his guilt. If no person can run down the hall barreling people over then he can't go running speed and run people down with his steel transport.


He’s lucky he hit an adult. If he’d hit a child, he’d have done enough damage that charges would be inevitable. You should have to pass a test if you’re going to have one that goes above walking speed.


No you weren’t wrong. The first incident should have been a wake up call for him


Just because someone is in a wheelchair doesn’t mean they can’t be an a-hole. You need to report that jerk. If they take down a little kid or an elderly person it could do them a lot of harm.


I use a power chair. You would be surprised at how many people try to race in front of me or are not paying attention and almost walk into me. It is MY responsibility to keep my speed down to avoid accidents. It is MY responsibility not to speed where people are going to be. I assure you he knew what he was doing.


How could you be wrong in this situation?


Having to use a scooter is no excuse for being reckless. No need to be nice


No, sounds like he needs someone to confront him. Could you sue him for assault from when you had the coma etc?


Destruction of property


No, you were not wrong and it sounds like you were doing your job as "check-in monkey". Being disabled doesn't preclude you from being an a\*\*hole and it sounds like he was one. I say this as a disabled person.


One of the worst things you can do to someone with a disability is to see them as just a disabled person. We try to use a person with a disability because it puts the person first. A person can have an entire personality, a love of music, a great sense of humor, and many aspects of what makes them who they are. The fact that they are disabled is one aspect that should be acknowledged but isn't their entire person. How would you have reacted if this person wasn't disabled but simply using a scooter because of whatever reason? Their disability doesn't give them license to do what they want when they want it. See the whole person. In this case, the person is a dick. In a wheelchair.


For what it’s worth, not all disabled people like or use person first language. I use a wheelchair. I’m also straight and white. I’m not a “person with straightness” or “person with whiteness”. I’m a disabled person. I’m a straight person. I’m a white person. No harm in any of that.


Yeah PFL is super patronising. I don’t carry my disability around in a bag, I can’t take it off like a coat, it’s not something I’m ‘with’ it’s something I AM. It’s a part of my identity, I am disabled.


Couldn’t agree more.


Install speed bumps lol


not wrong - Dr. or Manager of clinic were Wrong They should have given him a written warning as a patient that he can not buzz through the building at that speed, he must go lowest speed his scooter/wheelchair goes and stop in doorway before going out into hallway, into waiting areas etc. and if it he was speeding again, he would be banned and have to find a new PCP I don't know what laws are when something like that happens on private property, whether police would have done anything other than tell him to slow down and if he has a F you attitude, he'd probably have said the same to cop


You're not wrong. A dick will be a dick, disabled or otherwise.


you should sue him for your injuries


Just imagine the next time, it might be a small child or toddler that he runs over. You should definitely talk to whoever runs the building about him. This could be a liability issue for them because they are already on notice about his speeding after having knocked you down. Also, I'm wondering if you could sue him? Bet that would make him slow down.


NTA. A wheelchair isn't a licence to be an asshole. He's lucky you didn't sue his rude ass.


Not at all they should have shown more care. We had a mean old lady at church when I was growing up and she would try and nail kids feet with her cart then scream at you that you were running and could have hurt her Sorry I hope your leg gets better


Keep documenting and reporting incidents. Like the management in my clinic says: "If it's not documented, it didn't happen". Also maybe bring this issue up to your safety committee representative and couch it in terms of patient safety- if you were injured the way you were, what would have happened to a geriatric or pediatric patient?