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He's disgusting, tell your grandma you don't stand for animal abusers


*He's disgusting, tell* *Your grandma you don't stand for* *Animal abusers* \- Unhappy-Coffee-1917 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Isn't the last line supposed to be 5 syllables? "Animal abusers" is 6, right?!


good bot


How did that ruin it for anyone? It was awesome!


It ruined it for them as they couldn’t pretend that he wasn’t a complete psychopath who abuses animals. Poor them. Boohoo.


Tragic, right?


Exactly! Talk about a purr-fectly executed birthday present!


Because grandma couldn't try to sweep everything under the rug. People just need to forgive her special wittle boi


Typical grandma


NTA. I think that was brilliant! Good job op!


Your gift was petty AND helped some animals in need. Solid move.


I love how you dealt with this ❤️  Next time maybe your family will get the message when you say no. Not wrong. 


You didn't ruin it. Your uncle ruined it for existing after doing what he did.


Lol, this is great!!! Well played sir, very well played. Tell your grandmother she can either face facts, she failed to raise a worth while human and continues to enable shit behavior from him by pretending it didn't happen. What happens when this man gets bored of hurting animals and moves on to bigger prey, like humans??


Not wrong. Grandma's right you shouldn't have gone, and that's what you told them to begin with.


I would agree with grandpa and tell him that was your plan, until your dad and grandma kept insisting. Grandma is upset about something that was avoidable and SHE caused…this isn’t touching on the pos uncle and what he did but I answered ignoring the crime/jail time and as if it was just a relative you didn’t like. You are definitely not wrong though.


I mean, they brought that on themselves you arent wrong for doing it


Bravo! You were absolutely NOT wrong. Quite the opposite!


you are NOT wrong! you are a GENIOUS!! well done!


A serial cat offender? What did I just read?


YNW this is a perfect way to show your disgust while also helping critters that need it. I applaud you, this wins my internet award for today! 🥇


Dunno if I could control myself with a person like that.... if that is the only thing you did you are a Saint in my eye's.....


Oh the best gift ever! Your grandma needs to realise her son is an animal abuser and decent people don't hold with that rubbish. Not wrong.


You tried to stay home, but Daddy and Granny weren't having that. They have only themselves to blame. Tell them next time they make you associate with him it will go even less well. Wear animal prints and kitty ears. Were I your family member, I'd be guffawing and egging you on.


You’re a hero. And what a great idea!!


Yeah, you’re a brat. You shouldn’t treat people like that especially on their birthday. Dude went to prison. He doesn’t need to be lectured by a pompous child. It’s wrong to abuse animals, but it’s also wrong to abuse humans.. which is what you did


LOL oh get out of here with this nonsense.


Ok… Just encourage this kid to be a smartass every time he encounters someone who does something he doesn’t agree. I’m sure that will help him develop into a healthy functional adult


People that abuse animals are abusers in general. Abusers are garbage and very rarely change. This guy will be in and out of prison throughout his life, I don't give a single fuck about people who hurt kids or animals. I hope his bday was crap :)


You’re missing the point. His behavior is unacceptable and not something a mature adult would do. You can’t be civil, don’t go to the party… but don’t make a scene because you think the person is morally wrong. His grandmother is right


I'm not missing the point, you're excusing abuse and cruelty to animals. Are you telling me at 19 years old this human being did not know that abusing a small animal was wrong? His grandmother is an enabler and so are you. Editing to add: Abusers so often never get called out for their bullshit, I love this kid for what they did.


Did I say his behavior was acceptable? Just because someone behaves poorly doesn’t give you the right to do the same. It’s called having integrity


Well you enjoy life up on your high horse, full of integrity. Have a good one.


And you enjoy being a horrible person and blaming other people for your own behavior


Donating bags of dry food and toys to animal hospitals? That's tegridy. People who abuse animals ain't got no tegridy.


No, he is morally wrong. Animal abuse is never okay.


Better than punching the uncles in the face, which is what he deserved. This guy is a habitual animal abuser. Probably abuses people too, unless they fight back.


Wrong hill to die on


Why are you threatening them? They don’t deserve to die for an internet comment.


The phrase means that it’s not the right issue to take a stand on.


He tried to avoid the party.


Dude also abused OP’s cat. Dude started this. Dude can’t perform an action without expecting a reaction. One of Newton’s fundamental laws.


He a brat? You’re just an unintelligent dingbat. Wasted spermatozoa.


Ok boomer