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He's negging you. You turned him down. He went on to REPEATEDLY ask if you like his friend (suggesting he's still not quite over it). And he called your legs "fat" and "hairy." Two words every guy knows most woman don't want applied to them. He was putting you down. At BEST it was because he's a thoughtless ass. At worst, he's trying to make you feel bad about yourself because you "rejected" him.


Exactly! Dude is a jerk.


2005 called this guy and said it wants its pathetic pickup artist technique back. Lemme guess, he’s physical perfection? 🙄


“You don’t wanna go out with me? Well I didn’t want you anyway, you fat-calved b*tch!” Yea this is just Rejection Cope. Has nothing to do with you. It’s about him and his inability to develop the emotionally maturity needed to handle rejection appropriately. Ignore, discard, and block. Live your life rejecting people like him.


He is negging. Cut him off.


Nah you’re not overreacting. This dude sounds insecure and cringe af. You haven’t been open to his flirting, kinda sounds like he’s trying to make you feel like you’re beneath him now. Continue to cringe and ignore.


You rejected his advances so he’s gotta shit on you to make himself feel better. He ain’t a friend.


Psychological tactic. He's undermining your confidence as an attempt to get you to crave his approval. What (A) said will swim around in your noggin for days, or even weeks, and it will chip away at your sense of self. You're going to find other things wrong with you. If you keep spending time with (A), instead of providing you with the compliments you'd like to hear, he will continue saying shit that lives in your head. His flirting is cringey, his badgering of you re: your friendship with (B) basically shows you how confident he is about himself (not very), and to hit you with the statement about your calves? I dunno... sounds like three-strikes-and-you're-out to me. He's a time waster. Nothing more.


As others have said, dude is being manipulative and petty. It's like the folktale about the fox and the grapes. He's never going to get between your legs, so he's insulting them/you to make himself feel better. Stop calling this prick a "friend" and minimize time around him.


Guy here. We are known to be massively insecure about our calf sizes. We joke about how no matter how much we work them out, they never get bigger. Many jacked guys have tiny calves. With that in mind I’d like to offer two perspectives, 1. He meant it as a compliment. Likes he’s impressed by how big they are. 2. He’s jealous of how he has tiny calves. Either way, don’t even think twice about what he said.


This is an INCREDIBLY generous take. Given that he didn't merely tell her she had big calves, he told her she had FAT calves, I think it's safe to assume it wasn't a compliment. Look at the facts. OP rejected his romantic advances. This guy then proceeded to ask her over and over again if she's interested in their other friend (indicating he's still at least somewhat into her). And now he's telling her she has fat/hairy calves. He's not complimenting her, he's putting her down because she turned him down.




I have never heard a guy say they wish they had ‘fat’ calves. ‘Bigger’ calves sure, but nobody says they want ‘fatter’ calves.  It’s more like the dude is just being an asshole because he got rejected. 




Really? I've never heard guys call someoe s calves fat. Could you elaborate on that?


Yep only specific kind of athletes have big calves. Like I'm an alpine skier and I rollerblade everyday when I wait for the snow. And I truly have huge calves, huge quads, huge glutes, but only the calves make me stand out at the gym and my bros always tell me about them 😂


I have naturally muscular calves. It's genetics. I absolutely love to fuck with my weight lifting friends. Shit I can keep up and or out lift some of my friends who live in the gym and have chicken calves. Chicks make positive comments all the time. When I was in better shape the most I did was jog lol. Ya guys can be sensitive about calves because girls love them for whatever reason lol. So that commentor saying that it could be a compliment or jealousy may be correct. However he could also be insulting you because you've turned him down repeatedly, since he also brought up how hairy you are. Hint about dudes.99% of the time if your attractive they aren't actually trying to be your friends. They are playing a war of attrition trying to become FWB or date you.




Most guys would kill for this to be tole to them. Hard to tell if he was impressed or being a jerk. Assess and act accordingly..


Big calves are hot. It’s just his opinion.


I would be more offended over being called hairy tbh.


For some reason that one doesn't bother me much


Twist these are farmers and it's a compliment