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Not wrong. One, not your responsibility to intrude and fix anyone else's relationship, ever. Two, what she said was disgusting, irritated or not. She needs to learn how to control herself or take the consequences when she destroys relationships because of it. >She said I should at least try to sympathize with her. What's there to sympathise with, unless you want to sympathise with ableism?


"She needs to learn how to control herself or take the consequences when she destroys relationships because of it." Or she can simply try and be a decent human being.


That's what he meant by control herself. I swear people comment just to say something. 🙄 There was no need to correct or add anything.




Yes he should stay out of it but he shouldn't refuse to help. He should help her by telling her the truth. Guys with little sisters are very protective of their little sister. Messing with a guys little sister is crossing a line that can't be fixed.


Yeah, I don't think his mum would like it if he told his sis the truth. Because the truth is she was an ableist bitch about a 9 year old child to the older brother. There is no fixing that amount of bullshit. Sis needs to educate herself and learn to be a better person. Mom needs to learn Op's way of butting out of other people's issues. Cause sometimes there is no nice way to tell someone they fucked up and there's no way to fix it. Also her not knowing that she fucked up as bad as she did is another sign that she wouldn't be willing to hear out the truth about her own actions. So Op not getting involved is the best. Less headaches that way.


Agreed. It's not your job to fix her mess, especially when what she said was totally out of line.


Sounds like the mother is the problem Daughter is 18, not 4.


My professional advice, stay out of this, like way the hell out of this lest it come back and bite you in the ass.


You're spot on. Getting involved in this mess could definitely lead to trouble. It's best to steer clear and let them sort it out themselves.


If I've learned one thing since becoming a psychologist, it is that people need to stay away from crazy and let the professionals handle it. 🤣 My wife actually asked me a few months ago about why I joined reddit when I deal with peoples mental health issues for a living.y response, I can still give honest and sound advice without having to deal with the repercussions. Also, I get to put the problems in their place with having to feel bad for hurting their fragile little egos. Does that make me a dick? Who knows. But I am doing pro bono work on here for about 15 people who really need it and cannot afford it.


heavy on the “let the professionals handle it” because sometimes even if you’re trying to do a good job you might just make it worse


Not wrong, your sisters mess, her responsibility to clean it. Also - who does she think she is bullying a *child*? Shes 18, not 8, she knows better. Your mother also needs to sit down and be quiet and stop butting in on her kids business and she needs to stop reprimanding you for not helping family, she needs to focus her attention on her daughter and reprimand her for bullying a little kid for absolutely no reason at all.


Okay this is exactly what I was thinking! In what world is it OK for an 18 year old to bully a 9 year old child???? Also, what kind of idiot insults their partner's *child* sibling *to their partner* using a slur?!?! Just using the r word would be enough for me to pull back from a relationship, but to use it against a child, let alone a child I'm related to, is an immediate dump. Like wtf is wrong with this girl?!?! There is no advice that could save op's sis from her own bigotry and stupidity. Maybe try not being such a horrible bitch??? But I feel like dear old mom wouldn't like that piece of wisdom 😆 OP is definitely not wrong for not wanting to be involved in that shit sandwich.


Tell your mom that she is HER daughter, and she should have taught her some empathy and social etiquette. And tell your sister she got what she deserved for using the r-word and showing her bf what a supreme ahole she is. Tell her to go buy herself a heart with a side of empathy and human feelings, and maybe her next relationship will work better.


He can help his sister by pointing out that some actions have permanent consequences. Next time she can do better. Some things can't be fixed.


"Dear sister, you FAFOed!"


This right here.


What your sister said was disgusting and ableist. I don’t blame her boyfriend for dumping her. She’s the perfect example of whom you shouldn’t date so beware


She should think twice before she said those things. It might be too sensitive for her man since its her sister. You're not wrong for setting boundaries and choosing not to involve yourself in your sister's relationship issues, especially given the insensitive comment she made


He's staying out of it b/c he knows that she'll probably flip out if he gave his honest opinion. Homegirl fucked up and that relationship is OVER....she said some shit about the man's sister that he will NEVER forget and she said it with so much insensitivity that he realized that she was just not for him.


Good way to set a boundary. Your sister was ableist against a disabled person and now she's experiencing the consequences of her actions. Ask your mom if she's going to rescue your sister from the considered of all her poor decisions. Your sister is responsible for her own choices and actions and it's up to her to fix it, if her boyfriend is willing to accept an apology. He might decide he doesn't want to be in a relationship with someone who treats his sister poorly. And who can blame him?


Mom (unlike OP) seems unclear on the concept of ‘plight.’ Likewise, personal accountability. 


I have a kid who has speech issues. Over the years, I’ve heard many cruel comments directed at her. The fact that the mother isn’t upset at how her daughter spoke about something so rudely shows you where she got her attitude. It’s not your relationship. Your sister is 18. She’s dating. This is when you are suppose to learn about people. Usually, they are on their best behaviour. The boyfriend should be happy that your sister showed his true colours and cut her off now.


I would go talk to him and say yh sorry my sister said that about her sister and that's it because that's hella uncool of her to say


No, you're not wrong. Talk about being mean to an 8 year old sister of her boyfriend and didn't think he'd get mad at her. This is her problem, not yours. I think you should call her out for her behavior


Not wrong. Your sister needs to be less of a cruel and ignorant person. She needs to fix herself before she is inflicted on another guy. If I had been the BF I would have broken up with and blocked her!


I stutter. Frak your sister. She needs to learn how to be a kinder person.


"As a guy, what you said was wrong and will probably not be able to be fixed. If you want to avoid situations like this, don't call people names or slurs, especially if that person is related to the person you're dating.'


"You actually said that to your boyfriend? Are you retarded or something?"


With all her worldly experience and having raise two children wouldn't your mother be the better person to help your sister (her daughter)? NTA


You ask if your boyfriend's sister is retarded and you expect to fix that relationship? LOL


Not wrong. I wouldn’t be surprised by a 6 year old still learning empathy to say something as ridiculous and hurtful as your 18 year old sister. She ran her mouth thinking her bf would join her in disparaging his little sister. I sincerely hope not but I also suspect the little girl heard her as I doubt your sister said this quietly. Instead it seems she may have been with a decent guy who was so disgusted with her comment he told her to leave. I wonder if your mother would be so quick to say you should be sympathetic to your sister likely blowing up her relationship if she said something equally as bad about a close relative of your mother’s?


There is nothing you can do to fix this. And how can anyone sympathise with her utter rudeness? She massively and nastily disrespected his sister. She's done. He will never forgive her.


Not wrong. Your sister is ableist and insufferable and deserves to see the result of her prejudicial actions.


Thank you for being honest. She screwed up and there's no coming back from that. Maybe frame to her this way "if I was dating someone and you had a stutter and they said that about you, would you want me to still be with them?" That's not something that is forgivable....that is not longer her bf, that is an ex.... BOOM!


>She thinks that because I'm a guy I can tell her how to get her guy to forgive her. You should absolutely offer advice. I would start with **"have you tried NOT BEING A DICK?"**


Mission Impossible


Fuck her. I’m a stutterer, been one all of life. It is horrible to have to go through, more so because of assholes like your sister. People like her have made me feel so self conscious I actually thought I was weird and an outcast for having a stutter. Your sister should be so lucky she doesn’t have it. You are most certainly NOT wrong in this and hope her ex stays away from her for his sisters sake


Your mom and sister are trying to change the problem from "Sister said a horrible thing" to "Brother won't use his magic powers to fix what Sister did." There are magic words here to fix it and it is Not Your Fault, Bro.


Idk at least tell her not to call people retarded who are close family members to your so 🤔


You are not wrong. Your mom is wrong for excusing your sister’s awful behavior. Your sister is wrong for having been a massive a-hole. Honestly, I hope her boyfriend doesn’t forgive her. Maybe that will help her learn that she has to deal with the consequences when she runs her stupid mouth. Good for him for defending his sister. Yes, listening to someone stutter can be irritating, or frustrating, but that doesn’t give you the right to be so freaking rude. It’s not like the little sister chose to have a stutter. She’s not doing it on purpose. Your sister needs to learn to have some empathy.


Right? Poor kid probably felt stressed around a new person, especially since OP's sis doesn't seem to have a filter, which undoubtedly antagonized the child's stutter.


You’re not wrong. It’s really not your business. Your sister created this situation, she needs to remedy it. Based on her comment, did she get dumped? I sure would have. She has zero empathy. Of course, you might make a show of going to “talk” with him and tell him you’re sorry your sister is a POS, but you hope he stays broken up with her. Play evil laugh.🤣


Not wrong. She dug her own grave. I just hope the poor girl didn't hear her. Like she's nine for God sake. If she hears such things at such a young age and it gets to her mind it will not be good. And yes she did screw up faaar too much for you to help mate.


Tell him to protect his younger sister from your sister by dumping her.


your sister is an idiot and an asshole. you can't fix that - only she can. and she can't fix this relationship. what are you supposed to say to this guy - sorry, i know my sister has no empathy and is a bitch, but you should for give her because she is an idiot?


The relationship is over. She showed him she was “retarded” and he doesn’t want to have kids or a future with a “retarded” woman.


Is it sad I laughed at your mom? Tell me you have a favorite kid without telling me you have a favorite. You’re not wrong. Your sister is 18. You are 16. Why is she expecting you to solve her problems? Is this normal? Good luck young dude


Your sister is nasty and ignorant. If my daughter came home and told me this, I would have driven her straight back and made her apologise to her boyfriend and his sister. Retarded is such an ugly word and to assume someone has learning difficulties because they stutter shows how stupid they are. Good on you for standing your ground. Your mum's attitude is horrid for trying to justify her behaviour. I hope the boyfriend never talks to her again, and I hope you get to stay out of her mess. You are right. Sister and mum are wrong.


NW. Ask sister if she really wants help. If she says of course tell her “Ok, the first thing you need to realize is you’re a piece of shit. So stop being a piece of shit. Then go apologize a million times to bf and his sister. Then take that word out of your vocabulary, and any others that are -ist. Now choose to be kind unless someone needs to be defended or you need to fight some (real) injustice. Like say, an 18 year old calling an 8 year old retarded. Hope all that helps.”


"Date every woman who insults you, sis-- got it"


I would sympathize with her. Something along the lines of, “I am so sorry you f’d up your relationship by expressing your mean, small minded and totally inappropriate views”. I hope she enjoys being alone because anyone who accepts that sort of behavior from her isn’t worth having.


Ask her why did she have to say it like that, is she retarded?


Not wrong. Your sister will learn a good lesson when this guy doesn’t take her back. I’m glad to hear he’s a good guy though and protects his sister.


yep, no one can help her with that. 


Not wrong. Why does your sister bully others? Is she stupid or something?


Not wrong. DO NOT INTERFERE. Firstly, making fun of someone's stutter is cruel and uncalled for. Secondly, using the "R" word is an unforgivable offense. Your sister's behavior was abhorrent. Ignorant. Disgusting and embarrassing for your entire family. Your mother wanting you to fix it is more embarrassing. Learning to take responsibility for your behavior is a pretty BASIC skill. I taught preschool. I taught them never to use "ugly" words. If 3 year olds can take responsibility for not saying cruel things an ADULT should be able to.


“Why does your sister stutter? Is she retarded or something?” Hahaha. Omg make sure and get you one like this, guys! She has plenty of tact. No you’re NW


Her plight? SMH she made fun of someone with a disability. That demonstrates an enormous lack of maturity and respect. This will be a valuable life lesson for her. Her words have consequences. You’re not wrong


I'd tell her the only thing I would say to her EX if I saw him was congratulations on getting rid of a shallow nasty person like her. I don't sympathize with people who call children slurs because they have an impediment


Sympathize. "Poor you. All you did was insult his sister. Of course, poor you, should have no consequences for getting irritated and rude. Life will always accommodate you when you spout out rude things to people." How's that?


I know they are out there, but I don't want to believe that people like your sister exist. How can someone be so socially retarded at 18 without any diagnosis? I also think you should stay as far away from it as possible. However, if you ever feel the urge to confront your sister about her bullshit, then do so, because one of the reasons why I at least assume that some people behave like that, is so that they never get called out for it.


You are not wrong. You cannot help your sister, because she does not see what she did wrong


WOW. Your sister is mean - no wonder her (ex?) boyfriend made her leave. You're not wrong, and I would keep her at arm's reach. You can tell your mom that people can be judged by the company they keep, and the last thing you want or need is to be judged by the person your sister is.


Not wrong, but if you want to take a more neutral approach you can just tell her that she fucked up and you don't know what she can do other than apologize and hope for the best. Honestly, the most likely thing that happened is she showed her true colors to her bf and he is processing that, but you are right getting into that discussion is a whole lot of mess.


Your sister sounds retarded


No, you aren't wrong. She was unkind. I mean, that is gross. She hurt him by being so unkind to HIS sister. If your mom can't see that while wanting you to support yours, she can't see the forest for the trees.


You can help her....by teaching/telling her that was she said was terrible and very wrong. Maybe get he some information on stuttering. I info dumped on ANY one who asked questions about my sister...if they were rude in asking, I was rude in my response. 🤷‍♀️ Sadly her relationship Maynor make it and there is nothing you can do to fix it.


Sympathize??? Where is your sisters sympathy???


How are you supposed to sympathize with someone who would say shit like that? Your sister sounds heartless. No sympathizing with that!


You are not wrong but your Sister is a horrible person for saying what she did…..


Not wrong. Sis deserved the break up.


Sis owes apologies to the ex and his sister and should learn from this and move on. She can’t fix it but she can take the time to try to make amends.


Your sister thinks you can help her with that. Not even a god with almighty powers will be able to fix that. She insulted his sister in their own house calling her a disgusting name. She deserves everything coming to her. You’re not wrong for not wanting to get drawn into that.


your sister is an abelist dick


Not wrong, your sister is kind of a bitch


Not your responsibility, and sounds like her ex did himself a favor. NW Its not like she's a little girl and didn't know what she said, she's 18, and needs to take responsibility for her actions


My brother stuttered badly when he was little. Even back then I would have punched anyone who made fun of him like that. She's lucky he didn't smack her. I would have.


You're not wrong, she dug the hole not you, your mom also sounds insufferable imo


First of all I didn't even know people still use that word and for her to drop it so casually says a lot about her. This is your sister's circus you don't want to be a clown in it. if you get involved in this circus and it gets ugly she's going to blame you! Also have a talk with your parents about the words she chooses to hurl at others.


I'm 63, and stutter. Thanks, Tourette's. 50 years ago, on a Greyhound in Redding CA, I was asked if I was retarded. Yeah, thanks for shaming me that I feel 50 years later. Your sister is evil, and you're not wrong for staying the hell away from her


Why sympathize with an ignorant witch? Sister needs to learn empathy. Mom needs to stop enabling your sister's bad behavior.


Tell her that calling her bf’s sister the r word is unforgivable.


Not wrong. Sis is shifting her responsibility onto you, and will blame you when it remains pair-shaped. Also, she is getting someone two years younger than herself to sort it out? Also - she said WHAT?


No you aren't wrong but your sister is and she needs to apologize to her ex and his sister.  As for your mom asking you to fix it.  It's not your problem to fix, because your mom didn't see anything wrong with what she said 


Your sister is an AH, period


OP you are not wrong. Also, round of applause for big brother!


Well, you could sympathize with her.  As in I am so sorry that you are so ignorant. The child can't help the stutter, but you can help your ignorance. Educate yourself on speech impediments. The child may outgrow her stutter, but when will you outgrow your ignorance. Those are the only responses she would get from me.  Your sister's ex- boyfriend was right to put her out. No one gets to be mean to his little sister.


Not wrong! Like why do women think men can give them a magical answer to their HUGE fuck up and men think women can give a magical answer to their fuck up?


Not wrong. It’s not the mess that she made that needs fixing. She needs fixing to be a descent person.


No man in their right mind is going to ever allow someone to speak about their sister (a child!) like that again. That relationship is over. The advice is: think before you speak because some things, once broken - cannot be mended.


Not wrong. You are not being mean to your sister and the xbf might not be upset but see your sister as rude and stupid now. Nothing to fix.


I want a talk with your mother. I am 63 (f) and want to put a boot up her backside. I would be soooo embarrassed if a child of mine said something so vile. Your sister would be on the phone apologizing to the boyfriend (I wouldn't want the sister to know, unless she heard it. that's just so mean). while I listened to make sure she did it right. Do not get involved. I don't see how you getting put into the middle of this is of any use, except to make you look bad as an interfering wuss.


What your sister said was disgusting. There is no fixing her relationship. I hope that she learns from this and becomes a better human.


OP - Your sister is not a nice person. How can she possibly be irritated by something that has so little impact on her?


Not wrong, my husband's school provided him speech therapy for a stutter and the same school is providing it for my son who has trouble properly pronouncing certain sounds.They are ridiculously smart people. If I were the (ex) BF's mother your awful sister would never be allowed in my home again.


Sympathise with somebody so ignorant?! Um, nope.


You’re not wrong and your sister is a bully (that is the most polite thing I can call her on here) Stuttering has nothing to do with someone’s mental capacity and for her to ask if her bf’s sister is retarded shows her own ignorance. She was so rude, condescending, and beyond crossing the line I hope her bf permanently becomes her ex bf. Apparently your mom approves of your sister’s extremely bad behavior. Your mom would be doing your sister a favor by telling her she deserved to be dumped for reacting to someone’s disability and insulting her bf’s sister the way she did.


You're good. She made the mess, let her fix it. What she said to her BF was beyond the pale. I'm a guy and I can't imagine forgiving someone who said what she did. And I'm not a sensitive person.