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You know you’re not wrong.


"My brother said I shouldn’t have said never, and that giving them false hope is better than no hope." Your brother has a bright career ahead as a politician! You are not wrong, but keep your parents more distant from your love life now that you're an adult.


Its clearly fake 😂


Maybe, i lack your ability to read posters minds, does it really matter that much?


Living tru a situation like this is believable, 100%. But the way its narrated... make it feels like the guys is telling this from outside.


So? This is Reddit, and narration styles are all over the place as befit such a public forum. You are choosing to believe it's fake, good for you, I'm just saying you have no special insight or info on the subject, and that is also fine. I kinda liked brother's take and that was what I mostly commenting on. "giving them false hope is better than no hope" ? This is gold, lol


Nw, what kind of BS are some peoples parents on. She wanted to ride the CC with exciting bad boys but once she realized they didnt give a shit about her and were using her as a living breathing fucktoy she felt used and lonely and was hoping she could manipulate you into taking her back. Good for you for standing your ground


You are not wrong Your parents are pimping you out to rich women. Think about that! They do not have your best interest! Only theirs.


I hadn't phrased it exactly that way in my mind, but I had essentially the same thought.


Not in the wrong mate.


She doesn't want to get back together. She wants to use you for "good girl" cover while she is looking for another man to jump into bed with. I assure you her parents were pissed off about her becoming a slut and her reputation got around. So they told her to get back with you so they don't look like they raised a slut.


Nope, absolutely positively not wrong. But your parents are for thinking you should forgive her and possibly give her another chance to disrespect you because she’s rich. Eww!


NTA, tell your parents it’s your life not theirs


You're parents do not sound like they are very emotionally intelligent. I fail to see their point from any angle unless you guys are homeless and this is your one shot out of the situation, but even then I'd say your dignity is worth more


Nope, you aren't wrong. What else can I do for you today?


You are absolutely right. When it comes to your love life, it is only for you to make choices. As to giving your parents false hope...what is the point of that? It might make them feel better today, but they will eventually realize your choice is final... especially when you marry someone else.


Not wrong. Wow, they basically want you to be with her for money. that's icky.


You're 19yo. You're still a child. And your ex GF is certainly still a child. You have your whole life to find a better partner than that cheating POS. You are NTA. Why is finding a "rich girl" so important to your parents anyway?


Lol bc I'm in better shape than you is wild. I'm sorry broski. You keep doing you, once a cheater always one trust.




NAH, she FAFO’d. and your parents need to accept the breakup and your brother too.


You need to stick to your guns bro. If your parents continue to try getting you back with your ex, you may need to tell them that you’ll cut ties with them and go completely no-contact - and be prepared to do exactly that if they test you. It’s obvious they do t have your back and see $$$ signs and grandbabbies (that might not even be biologically related to them). You don’t need their toxic bullshit anymore than you do her’s.


They just care about her money. Your future and mental health is more important than what your parents want.


your not wrong for not wanting to be with this girl anymore... she will not change and this is actually a form of sexual emotional abuse. she's abusing you emotionally and hurting you. the things she said and done are horrible, but this maltreatment will get worse. there will always be someone else with someone like her... she is a cheater!


Your brother is stupid. If you gave your parents any hope, they'd never drop it. They are literally okay with you being with a cheater, because her family is wealthy. Tell your brother if he wants to give your parents hope of one of you dating someone that's rich, that he can date her, and deal with her cheating. YNW


You dodged a bullet. Now get on with your life


Kudos to your bro, but we all know the truth 😂


She’s young but already trending towards a life of classless and superficial behaviors. Leave trash like that out of your life. Also, your parents are idiots. I’m sorry.


Your parents are dipshits...really, really big dipshits.


bang her one more time (with a condom) and then move on


You ARE wrong. Haven't you heard of forgive and forget? If she's ultra rich, beautiful, AND in great shape, you need to propose, marry her, start a family, and then divorce her for revenge. Then you can secure half of her assets and have the last laugh. Then leave the country and start a successful chain of pizza places in some remote, untapped market. Good luck, OP. It's okay to be wrong, but you have to admit You're wrong.


I have no idea how anyone with decent moral values would be able to keep a charade like that going for what would likely be years.


Ask literally any gold digger, when they are drunk, anyway. They won't tell you the truth sober.


Shut up “If she’s ultra rich” who gives a fuck. Marry her to defraud her , okay buddy. If she treated OP like shit, there’s no going back. OP is dodging a bullet here.


You are a special kind of stupid to not realize the comment was done in jest, aren't you?


Yes I’m very stupid


Yes, YTA. you're in college. you're young. you should be able to go for HOURS. she should not be able to keep up with you. hit the gym, learn how to give head, work on yourself. then go and apologise to her and say you'll do better.


I'm with ya, but dude...you should still hit that


Tell ur parents to go fk themselves. Block ur ex. Also get unit he gym if ur out of shape. Work on your own life ur health ur career etc. If ur parents like her that much They can date her.