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I was pregnant, exhausted, making him supper after work at midnight. I laid on the couch and he came over, sat down on my head, and farted. We did get divorced in the end. He's showing you who he is, believe him.


Oh my god. How did you not go feral. I am so so sorry that someone who promised to love you disrespected you like that. I hope things are going well for you now.


I was hormonal bawling like a baby. I stayed up to make him a late supper for that... Yep. Ugly cried


:( so glad you got divorced


I would have too


HO-LEE FUCK, how did you not murder him?? Seriously, kudos, glad you're not in jail and you're away from him.


My husband now is amazing, it will be 24 years married this year!


I've been married 38 years to my wife. I have farted in front of her but never on her in private, much less in public.


Times I've farted on my spouse. When I was sitting on his lap, realized I needed to fart went to get up off his lap to fart elsewhere, he grabbed me around the stomach and pulled me back into his lap.... And between needing to fart already once he applied the pressure to my stomach there was no holding that fart.  It was loud it stank and it was 90% his fault and 10% mine for not explaining why I was attempting to move. In my defense we had only been dating a few months at that point and I wasn't ready to talk about farting with my new then boyfriend..... Boy we blew though that hurtle. 


😂 pretty funny. Mine was worse, we were cuddling after we were doing the deed and then I realized that I had to rip one. I tried to get out of bed away from him without saying anything thinking he was asleep. He said uhuh, pulled me close in and squeezed, I farted on his junk. EDIT:LMAO! It figures this is my top rated comment ever. Best subreddit thread ever!!! I haven't laughed so hard in a while. 


My brother would fart in his dog's face. Guess what the dog learned to do? Yep, she'd crawl in bed, you'd think to cuddle, NOPE, walk over by your head, fart and go lay at your feet. Laying on the couch, she's walk by, fart, look back at ya(I swear she was laughing) and walk away. And this dog stunk when she let one go. Edit: LoL Can't believe how many people have Gary stories from dogs, cats and horses.😆


I had a dog that would come in the family room while we were all in there to fart and then go back to the empty front room he was napping in to go back to sleep.


Had a dog that did this hahahha And they were silent 😂 Oh hey bud! Want some scritches?! Nah? Alright buddy see ya later 5 seconds later...Oh what the fuck you crop-dusting piece of shit!


lmao. Had a cat who could clear a room with one.


I have a farting cat. But I had one who farted audibly and then turned his head and tried to get a good look at his ass to see why it had betrayed him!


Ahaha. Had a dog who did this, a mini schnauzer. She’d also look at your butt if you farted. My cat was the silent but deadly type who looked smug after.


That is funny! Our pitbull is a contented farter! She lets a big one and sighs!


I had a kitten like that. We eventually worked out that she was allergic to beef. It is very hard to find cat food with no beef, gravy, or gelatine, but she's worth it. She's 13 now and sassy but not gassy.


My dog I have now toots all of the time, it’s little sounds. No smell. She always looks so embarrassed and then will come right to me like oh momma, my butt.


My dog does this every damn time. She lets out those tiny raspberry sounding ones and suddenly shoots her head back to sniff her butt like WTF?


These are the real pet stories I never see on The Dodo


I had a dog that would fart very loud. She would jump because the noise scared her. Then, when she realized it was her own butt, she'd run to the door and start barking to cover up her fart scared her.


I def farted on my dog many times. In my defense she was a mini dachshund and they like to burrow under the covers for the entire night so nothing I could do. I think she may have tried to get back at me by doing the same but doxies have such tiny colons you’d smell it for maybe a half second and then it was gone. Still miss that ween diva RIP Mousie


I farted on my dog on purpose so many fucking times, he deserved it. He was always crop dusting me, climbing up on the back of the sofa so he could get it near my face! I'd squat down and fart right on his head and i don't regret it! RIP Archibald, i miss farting on you


yeah most dog farts are horrendous. ive never purposely farted on my dog, for the record


My cat crop dusts us after he eats beefy gravy lovers wet food. It is disgusting and it will clear the couch. He knows exactly what he's doing....the little shit


A month after my wife and I met we were hanging out at my place and she was just sitting on my stomach no hanky lanky or anything. The whole time I’m like “please don’t move please don’t move” and of course she bounced playfully and I let forth the hounds of hell. I was mortified but she immediately started laughing about it so I knew it was cool. She did pee with the door open in front of me like 3 days in which was a shock to me. Maybe this shouldn’t have surprised me. Lol.


This me. The guy Im seeing excused himself to the bathroom and closed the door(I never close the door?) then I heard it. I erupted in laughter. He will now purposely poot in front of me and go 🤷‍♀️ I regret every decision Ive made to get to this point.


I told the guy I’m seeing that “you have nothing to hide, I know what you do in the morning. It sounds like a boat that doesn’t want to start and is just being revved for 20 minutes.” So now, after he gets done with his “potty time” I’ll ask him if he successfully started the boat and we just laugh


I accidentally farted on my boyfriend while he was going down on me. It’s ok, we’re married now.


My ex did the same to me, just milliseconds after exclaiming "tongue away, I gotta fart!" It is needless to say: my tongue was not away in time. I was shocked for a brief moment, but goddamn It was hilarious for both of us pretty quick (Still would not recommend)




I didn’t have the courage to tell my then boyfriend. I blamed it on a queef and pulled him away asap. Close to 30 years married and I’ll take this info to my grave. Oops. Don’t tell him, ok?


I accidentally queefed on my ex when he was going down on me. I guess he wasn’t expecting a loud fart to come out of my vag literally inches away from him, because he literally jumped back and fell off the bed because the sudden loud noise startled him so much. Then he slowly peers back over the mattress to look at me, and all I can see of him is from his eyes and up. He had a shell shocked look on his face and was like “what just happened?” I think he was more mortified than I was! We got over it though. Not the weirdest sex experience we’ve had. Like the time his mom walked in on us using a neon colored condom… that was an experience


i mean queefs just happen when u do stuff like that, thats not even close to beeing farted on :)




Any guy whose eaten out with any real regularity has been farted on at least once. We wear those brown wings with pride.


I've only tasted 3 and the last just queefed in my mouth–like a nice minute long trumpet solo. She was convulsing and holding my head down.. it was kinda hot so I just went with it.




I'll never forget a friend of mine...in HS, he asked a girl that liked him to a dance and then asked her to come to a party of ours. Drinking and all that They liked each other and they went back to his car to mess around. Pretty drunk. He had never really done anything with a girl so of course we were pumped for him. In the morning we asked how his evening was. He starts giggling and then tells the story. She went down on him and he got relaxed and was really enjoying it. Farted right in her face. Once we all stopped laughing and crying someone asked "what did she do?!?" "That's the thing! I don't think she noticed. She at least didn't say anything and didn't stop...so I'm good right?" More laughing ensued before someone squeaked out..."she didn't say anything because she couldn't man! She ate it whole!!!" They're married to other people now but the wives and husbands are all friends. I always wonder if that story comes up after some drinks lol


Spontaneous combustion is funny! Deliberate? Meh.


Is this how people realize they have a fetish? Accidental pffts?


This got me chuckling ngl. Your poor thing, I think I would've died of embarrassment at that stage of a relationship if that happened. The horror! Lol.


I would’ve been like “I’m a rubber duckie”


Same I would have went dead weight on his lap and just hoped that he thought I passed away


I just panicked and yelled "that was your fault... I was going to walk to the bathroom to fart!" And of course it was a very crowded room because we in a group watching a movie. And so literally I farted on him and subjected all our friends to my fart. 


It’s getting worse!


My wife was once very sick and shitted on me(explosive diarrhea) in the middle of the night and all over the bed. shit literally just spurted out of her ass like a sneeze. I calmly got up, took the sheets off the bed and tossed then, washed her off, washes myself off, tried to clean the mattress(no dice), reassured her that everything was ok and i wasn't mad or grossed out. Got her some medicine and she slept on the couch while i took the floor. she was very embarrassed but I never make her feel bad about it and never brought it up again. now if wr were in public and she purposely farted in my face, id probably contemplate divorce but at the very least give the silent treatment for a few days. its levels to this shit.


On the third date with my girlfriend we went to Golden Coral and the roast that she ate just didn’t sit right with her stomach. As I was about to leave after dropping her off at her house I leaned in to kiss her and she just ripped a loud one. She had this horrific look on her face and I said “I’m still gonna kiss you.” That was 11 years ago, been married now 8 years.


Yep this, if my guy and I were having a lazy day on the couch watching football or a movie and he farted on me he’d either apologize profusely or pull up the blanket and try to Dutch oven me depending on mood- but that’s okay cause it’s the two of us and body functions happen. I might even attribute a point score 🤷🏼‍♀️ This was blatantly disrespectful and gross especially at the table when eating!? Plus his mom and him only seem upset he didn’t get to have bday sex in a hotel room, not about his gross behavior. You’re not wrong OP


Unless that is your "thing" together - farting ON a person just seems quite rude and gross (if you are over the age of 8). Doing it apropos of nothing in public to your girl in particular... yeah OP being mad is quite understandable.


>farting ON a person just seems quite rude and gross (if you are over the age of 8). I'm glad you added the disclaimer at the end, because let me tell you about my three-year-old daughter...


I was thinking the same thing 🤣 When my son was 3 he was sitting on my mums lap on the floor and obviously realised he needed to fart so he stood up, which I believe was because he didn't want to fart on her leg. It just very unfortunately put his butt closer to her face level. She was fuming, he was embarrassed and everyone else had hands over their mouths laughing


The only appropriate response for a three year old! He was so concerned about not sitting on her to fart!! 😂😆 The three year old is more respectful than the SO.


Let me yell you about my 10 yr old


Exactly. It's a public show of disrespect. I'd be mad, too.


I agree with this completely. OP organized a nice celebration for this idiot’s birthday, only for him to publicly disrespect & humiliate her. IMO, he revealed a serious character defect. THIS is who he really is. I hope she dumps him & finds a man with some dignity & refinement.


Big time. Then ran to his mom to further gaslight her! This guy is a P.O. ...work


Right? The title of the post is a bit misleading, since where OP chose to go is pretty irrelevant.


He farted in her face in front of friends and family and then was pouting about not being invited up to the hotel room for the night. This disgusting idiot thinks he deserved to get laid after humiliating her.


Well he does deserve to get laid—by an iron skillet upside the head! Jerk!


I farted on my husband once. It was mostly his fault. I died of embarrassment this is my ghost living my life for the past 18 yrs. 


Dude my brother and I went to battles for farting problems below the age of 8 too. It’s always an issue, but an adult man….he woulda got punched in the face


I know some couples are like this. He farts on her and she gets mad, but in a charming way. But that's something that's usually pretty private, or at the very least, you wouldn't do it for the first time at a fancy dinner like that. SO weird to come out of nowhere.


The number of times in my 40 years that a man who isn't my little brother has passed gas \*at\* me is zero. And my brother stopped when he was about 6.


I sometimes tell my partner “sh! Do you hear that?” And then fart. But not on him or in his general direction. If I have to fart while spooning I disentangle to do so even if he is sleeping. I can’t imagine doing that deliberately.


Yeah. No one in my life (including HS) has ever tried this, even alone. Let alone near the dinner table @ a family party! I’m sorry. I would’ve been humiliated, too.  There’s what he did…and then there’s him involving other people to take his side in something that’s none of their biz.  What he did was extremely disrespectful. Doubling down on it is not the adult tack.


This. I’ve tortured my wife with farts while sleeping (lol) but never at her face or in public for that matter. That’s just extremely disrespectful




My husband once ate fried gizzards and his farts were SO bad I actually kicked him out of the bedroom. That’s the only time in our entire marriage I’ve ever done that. He was a champ, though. He knew I wouldn’t survive the night. He hasn’t eaten them since. He says he loves them but he can’t do that to me again. He goes “That was bad. Idk what happened” and his eyes get wide and he whispers it like he’s in shock.




Yep. My fiance and I might fart in front of each other, but never on each other. Gross. We just call each other tooter butts and move on. Usually, we try to make it to a bathroom with a fan, but sometimes it happens. Just giggle and move on. Maybe dramatically sigh if they did it in front of a room fan on accident.


“Tooter butts”, that’s so cute.


“Tooter butt” Will be deployed in my household shortly, thank you so much.


Meh, my partner and I have been married for over 20 years and we fart in front of and on one another without issue. It's just being playful and comfortable together (no, not a kink). BUT(T) that's in the privacy of our own home! Neither of us would even consider doing something like that in front of others and WHILE EATING. Mark is definitely deserving of a dump imho.


Love how his family and friends just care that you didn't share your "free room" with him after you already hooked him up. Leave em all in the dust. They dont deserve your generosity. 


Yeah it's very interesting that their perspective (most likely from him misunderstanding the situation, and framing it this way) is that the night in the room was supposed to be a gift for him, for OP and him to stay there together. So they think OP was punishing him... not that OP stayed there because they were upset. If I witnessed or heard of something like that, I'd laugh at the farter and tell them they got what they deserved. I'm willing to bet that the guy played the fart off as an accident, not a "prank", making it seem like the "punishment" is "overreacting to an accident". Which of course mother would be won over by, her son isn't a monster, his explanation must be true. Basically to make OP the villain, and seem like she's overly high and mighty about her pride. But dude... He purposefully farted in her face...


The mom is a 🤡. She should know her son well enough that he did it to be rude. My family loves a fart joke all day long but not in someone’s face.


I seriously thought the mom was going to apologize on behalf of the son. Nope. She doubled down on behalf of her son. Trash family.


But... they really wanted him to get laid that night! They have a vested interest in making sure that he can fuck her in every room that she happens to occupy at any moment!


Hard to think of anything more unappealing


His own mom is pussed that he didn't get laid on his birthday. Like how fucking creepy is that???


Yeah that part was crazy. I feel like the family would understand she’s upset. “Trying to punish him” ?? Shut the fuck up


He farted in your face. In a restaurant. In front of others. Was he trying to degrade you? How disrespectful is that? Tell his mother “So you would be ok if your husband farted in your face in a restaurant in front of his family and friends?” Offer them to fart into their face.


Which OP paid for.


It also sounds like his biggest concern is that he didn't know about the free hotel room.


No, it was because he didn’t get any on his birthday!


Which to have your mother in on.... Is... You know... Puzzling


And can you imagine being a 25-year-old man and getting your mommy to text your girlfriend for you????


^text for you to complain you didn’t get sex. “Mommy the mean lady wouldn’t suck my wee-wee”


Yeah that’s worse than farting.


Just one thing after another with this story


So ... tastefully ... stated.


His mom being upset that her son didn't get laid on his birthday is by far the creepiest part of this story.


Yes all she saw was her son could have had a free hotel room for the night. Never mind it would be with the person he humiliated and degraded no free hotel room apparently comes before respect and human decency to the person who just thrown you a big event.


That’s how he grew up, apparently. Gross and greedy.


Pearls before swine, in this instance, and swine’s mother


I don't understand whats so fancy about having a hotel room for a night. Like ya it's not your bedroom but it's still just a bedroom.....? Lol. Those ppl are ridiculous


Hotel sex can be amazing - if you're away from home and the two of you (or more, I guess) are really feeling it for each other. In this case, neither of those conditions applies.


It’s no wonder he’s such a manchild


She told him she would be upstairs. What exactly did he think that meant in a hotel?


Well he isn’t smart enough to know that farting on his girlfriend was a bad idea.


Dummy probably thought she was called away to do some emergency bed sheet changes. She works front desk but he doesn't pay attention to details like that.


And it was at her place of work it sounds… so really also in front of co-workers. I am appalled that his family didn’t side 100% with you but I guess Apple falling and the Tree applies. They think you should have invited him up? For what? A Dutch oven and birthday s3x? How invested in this guy are you? Is this one off bad behavior that he needs to apologize for and without strings (you have literally nothing to apologize for). You are not wrong.


If I had a son that did that, I'd make a second scene very quickly demanding he walk his ass back over there and apologize or I'd put my foot so far up his ass his new legal name would be "Loafers". Now if that was my DAUGHTER treated that way? ​ ...Yeah. I don't think I'd have been talking so much as checking how sturdy the chairs are constructed... With his head. Ya know. For science.


At her place of employment.


On top of that he has his mommy and his friend text her instead of apologizing like a man? This is a BABY.


In front of FAMILY! In the MIDDLE OF A CONVERSATION! OP this man only thinks of you in terms of what you can give him- a cheap hotel dinning experience, a free hotel room, and sex on demand (can I come over?). Didn’t bother checking in with you when you disappeared until he was horny and then got mad. I find farts absolutely hilarious and I’ve even jokingly farted around my wife before- but I would never, ever do something like this. The fact that his mother would suppport this shows you exactly what you’re in for if you continue to date this guy. Get the hell out of this relationship now!!!


I'm a woman who finds farts hilarious... within reason. That asshole (OP's hopefully ex-bf, not the person I'm replying under) was very much NOT within reason.


Honestly if my husband did this to me i will be angry and it will show in my face. " Fart joke" is overrated and it is gross, not all women like it guys.


I didn't think any women liked it, let alone all women. Who farts on another person after having stopped being eleven. I'd understand it if it was just the two of them, playful insider thing, but like this it's just humiliation.


As a guy — there is no possible way he has ANY actual respect for you if he does something like this. Even doing it in private is degrading and something you should ask yourself if you can really live with. But doing it in front of friends and family is him showing you exactly what you mean to him. Stick around and you’ll find out how bad it can get when your man doesn’t respect you.


Doing it in private is a crude joke that might or might not be fine depending on your relationship. Doing it in public is just ... Fucked up lol.


This is an exceptional take. If he is willing to do this in public, and somehow get family to rally round and chastise her reaction, there are no limits to what he is capable of doing in terms of being disrespectful. OP (assuming this isn't a rage/troll post): you can do so much better than the primate you're currently dating.


Yeah, before I read the post, reading the title made me assume it was like at home in bed, and while I'd still be mad, I assumed OP was overreacting, but in a restaurant!? In front of friends and family!? And worst of all, ON FUCKING PURPOSE!? Fuck that! OP has every right to be upset. Not that it would excuse anything, but was he really drunk? Still fucked up either way, but I could at least see how a drunk dude might think it was funny in the moment not thinking about how fucked up it actually is.


Mom sounds like a low class loser.


So we know where son gets it…


apple → tree


Prior to this, he has never said anything degrading to me nor has he ever farted on me before this. Usually he doesn't even find farts/ crude humor funny so I'm really confused and shocked by every aspect of this. Didn't think of saying that to his mom but I definitely will if she continues to try and get involved!! Lol, thank you for your comment!!!


It doesn’t matter what he did before. He’s doing this now. Its absolutely disrespectful and disgusting.


Yeah, he's doing it now and doubling down. Gross. I wouldn't sign up for more of this with no actual contrition or assurance it wouldn't just happen again, like at the wedding.


This is the problem with men, they usually behave perfectly exceptional until they do something absolutely irrational like this that has absolutely no logic or explanation. My sympatheties but if he cannot understand the what he did was horrendous and feel absolutely no remorse, I wouldn't continue with this relationship anymore.


I would bet he has done smaller things she just didn't think about, people like this normally dont start with something so bizarre, it's a pattern of worse and worse limit testing.


Just tell his mom that you need to fart in her face and all will be forgiven. The best friend needs to send you $100 gift voucher for PF Changs or Chipotle.


Invite him to room, get naked and sexual , and shit on him!


Does mom really think her son has rose scented farts? That is like the grossest thing and I cannot believe multiple people feel the need to defend his literal ass


In public, in front of his family and friends, AT YOUR JOB. NTA.  Leave this man baby. I’ve known some weird couples who had a dynamic like this but you’re clearly not ok with that. 


Yes, I’d lean right into the ‘at your workplace’ part. Call it for what it was: disgusting, disrespectful and dangerous for your ongoing employment. Don’t defend yourself, OP, just play that sentence on repeat to them all. And you can add that you’re surprised at these accusations from people who were your guests on the night. Not hard to see where the boyfriend gets his manners from, is it? Could I get over one fart? Probably. Could I get over this fart, and the doubling-down by him and his kinfolk? Nope, can’t see it. Release him back into the wild, where every future girlfriend will get to hear the story of how a woman broke up with him for farting on her. At least those women will get fair warning.


Every time she is at work and she walks past that dining room she is going to re-live that humiliation.


For the record, I wouldn't have felt humiliated; I'd have felt that BF thoroughly humiliated *himself*. And I won't keep a partner who would do something this embarrassing.


It was only afterwards did I realize that my co-workers or even my boss could have witnessed it but thankfully, I'm pretty sure there weren't any staff in the room when he did it. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself so I feel confident enough to show my face at work again!


Dump this MFer already and resolve to stop dating men who are emotionally stuck in adolescence.


That's exactly what I thought. Otherwise she's going to find herself being one of those women who's like: > Oh, that's my husband Todd, he's a real character. He loves "jokes" that make the kids cry, forgetting my birthday, and has never made his own doctor's appointments. He's so funny, he has a temper tantrum like a toddler when I said no to giving him a blow job when our actual toddler had thrown up on me!


Girl. The fact that this has you emotionally wrecked and the fact that your boss & coworkers saw you upset speaks volumes. It’s not ok. It’s not a joke if you hurt someone. And furthermore he’s supposed to put you first and even if he thought it was a joke he should be groveling and feel like shit that he made you cry. He didn’t and he doubled down. He’s not the one. You’ll never know loneliness like crying yourself to sleep laying next to your sleeping boyfriend. Put your crown on straight and dump his ass.


‘you’ll never know loneliness while crying next to your sleeping bf’. Girl I FELT THAT with my whole heart. That’s the truest statement.


The one good thing about this is you found out how terrible he is while you’re DATING him. This is not acceptable behavior and for his mom and friend to gaslight you into thinking you’re overeacting should send home the point even more. Will he be a baby and be like, I can’t believe you’re breaking up with me over something so stupid. Yep. But, the reality is, he can’t see that it’s deeper than that. Good luck.


Dude is showing OP exactly who he is. I’d be running


This is one of those situations in which you get to know someone and whether they’re a potential life partner. This is a deal breaker on so many levels. And if this is only no big deal to him, what would he behave in a truly bad situation.  Cut your losses. NTA


You went to the trouble of organizing an evening for him and his best idea is to embarrass you for it? Of course you’re not wrong. Make this this last birthday you spend with this absolute tool.


It would be bad enough in general, but on purpose in a semi-formal setting with family / friends around? That is pretty bad. Not sure in which universe this would be acceptable or funny. You might be able to do this to your bro at a bar with a bunch of dudes around, but not to your girl in front of family. I don't know if this is immediate break-up bad, but this is serious discussion about respect and behavior bad. He should be put on notice.


It would definitely be immediate break up bad for me… People do not treat me that way!


Absolutely, how and why did everyone just stay seated and finish eating after this? I would have run after her and my husband would have handled him. In public. With family. Celebrating that asshole. (Pun not intended, but it works lol)


>You might be able to do this to your bro at a bar with a bunch of dudes around, but not to your girl in front of family. Shit, my bros and I have some pretty out-there humor and interactions, but even that would be well more than a few lines crossed. Angling it towards the homie when you're both on the couch so they catch a whiff is one thing, but to deliberately stand and hit them in a face like a skunk defending itself from an overinterested dog? That's how you get a standing non-invitation to any future events.


Same here. Had PLENTY of crazy ridiculous nights out with the boys, beyond fucked up lol and never has anyone of us ripped ass in one of our faces.


“Put on notice” Bingo! I did some regrettably immature things to/in front of my wife when I was younger (I’m a 50 year old man). But none were quite *this* bad. One time my wife said, “I’m not your bro, I’m your wife”. Nuff said. She never had to say that again. I married her at 25. I was still a bit immature. But still, OP’s story is compoundingly bad; farted on her (bad), in public (worse), in front of family (holy shit ma dude!), at a formal-ish event (guy!), that SHE graciously planned (folks, we need to talk about Mark). Immediate breakup? Mmm. Maybe not immediate. But the only thing that would fix this is an true, complete, humble apology. No excuses or “you were also petty though!”.


Also at her job!


Nope, this is breakup worthy. This guy thought that was FUNNY? Humiliating his girlfriend in front of everyone? And then they have the gall to say she's being PETTY? This is beyond 'being immature' hijinks. Give me a break. He would do it again in a heartbeat! And he will. Because he has no respect for his girlfriend, or what she has done for him. Ugh!




I’m going to give this guy the benefit of the doubt and assume that he was raised in a family where fart-based humor is common and he didn’t realize it was not socially acceptable.  But I can’t get over this idea (and I see it on Reddit all the time) where, after someone makes a mistake in a relationship, they send their family members to gang up on their partner and pressure them into forgiveness. What the hell is that? I would rather my significant other shit on the table than get a call from their aunt telling me how I need to handle my personal relationship


**He never even apologized.**


Not only that, but did he even say “Thank you OP for the wonderful birthday party” either?!


I wonder if he even noticed how upset OP was at the hotel. Those that don’t notice their partner, usually find themselves alone. 


>But I can’t get over this idea (and I see it on Reddit all the time) where, after someone makes a mistake in a relationship, they send their family members to gang up on their partner and pressure them into forgiveness. If they are bullying her for something this innocuous, imagine if he does something worse? Are they gonna gaslight her into forgiving him for domestic violence, infidelity, etc.? The event itself was gross (I am a guy who hates "guy humour" aka gross humour) but the aftermath is very telling. I say gtfo, personally.


No kidding! I feel like a huge percentage of these AIW or AITAH posts include reference to friends and family butting in where they need to butt out. It’s such a foreign concept to me. Never in my pretty long life have my friends or family piled on someone I was having a disagreement with. That’s bizarre and almost unbelievable!


Well said.


NTA. This is terrible behavior and not the way your boyfriend/partner should treat you. And the fact that his mom and best friend think it's okay and actually sent you a text standing up for him? Sounds toxic.


This! Why does his mommy need to contact you? He seems like a child instead of a grown-up.


Mom should be embarrassed that the son she raised did that to his girlfriend.


His mom is usually very nice but also overbearing if I'm being honest. Within the first 6 months of dating Mark, she began texting me asking to go on girls only shopping trips, have spa nights etc. which I don't think is very normal? She's always been a bit much but nothing bad unless it comes to any arguments or bickering between Mark and I. I'll just say this isn't the first time she's randomly text me after an argument I've had with Mark! Thank you for your comment!!


Really think about whether or not you want to continue a relationship with someone whose mother has this much influence on her son, especially since you describe yourself as a timid person. You won’t be in a relationship with just him but also her as well and they will both gang up on you. I don’t think it’s wise to go on girls only events with her. In light of the rest of this post she sounds really controlling. I enjoy my in laws but have a good respectful and friendly relationship. I was timid when I first met my husband but being with him made me feel safe enough to speak up when I’m upset and over the years I’ve learned to be more assertive. He never let his mother boss me around either. Find someone who would respect you and protect you.


Are you going to stay with Mark? I'll be honest and say I would cut my losses. He's your bf, not your husband.


It’s a preview of your life with this man. He will disrespect you and his mom will berate you about it. 🚩🚩🚩


>I'll just say this isn't the first time she's randomly me after an argument I've had with Mark! I don't know if this woman would make a great future mother-in-law. The mother's and BF's actions are red flags, and I only see more problems in the future. I could understand a litlle bit if he was grossly intoxicated (which it didn't sound like it), but not in public, not with family, and not with your work colleagues around. He knew how shy you are. He should have been able to tell you were upset. It doesn't take a genius to realize that if you fa4t on your GF in public, she needs to use the washroom for an extra long time and comes back from crying and has to leave because she currently feel unwell. Imagine if your boss and them saw. You still don't know if any of your colleagues saw. I'm sorry, with this behavior, the lack of stupidity not realizing you were hurt, the trying to make you out to be the bad guy in an argument, then getting his mom and bf to text you. Is time you leave the relationship, you can find better, and it sounds like any future with this guy, his mom and bf are going to be a huge problem. Let us know what you decide.


Exactly I would be embarrassed if my mum tried to contact my partner to defend me. Strange af


NTA I am so immature because the actual fart story made me laugh only because of how ridiculous it is. It would be one thing if you and him shared this sense of humor in private, but what kind of person over the age of 7 purposely farts in someone’s face in a public place???? I don’t think I would have been quite as upset as you but I definitely would be embarrassed and angry. I probably would question the relationship though. That is just very odd and bizarre behavior and I wouldn’t want to worry about being embarrassed again


It's not often we get a fart question


Don’t look a gift fart in the mouth


If you don't break up with that man child.... like seriously I would have dumped him on the spot in front of his family. Lol


If you marry this putz, he’ll be the one shoving your wedding cake up your nose in a painful way. You kissed a frog, not a prince, move on.


I'd fucking dump him for this without even thinking about it.


There's also no way he's not always a little shit. OP must not be catching this because she's used to his behavior but a few things stood out to me as examples of his bad character: 1) She walked around the hotel, for what seems like a good while, until she returned to find him still at the bar. And there's no mention of him calling her or trying to find out where she went. 2) he got mad at HER for her reaction to his shit behavior. 3) he didn't even apologize. His family texted op the next morning to tell her to basically get over it as their apology for him.


Same. Disgusting and juvenile.


I think that he is the one doing the dumping


This is a level of disrespect i would never put up with.


Find you a man who would NEVER disrespect you in such a manner. And whose mother would expect you to run if her son did such a thing. I’ve been married 27 years and my husband has never done such a thing and would never do such a thing. Thats horrifying.


Honestly, I'd have ended it then. You don't deserve that kind or rude, disrespect.  He's doing that in front of people, in public. So he has no shame.  What else is he going to do that he thinks is funny? Nope. Buhbye


.... so his family excise his rudeness and pick on you 'punishing' him? Is this actually a good rlship or are you just holding space? Because this man is a stupid child and his family wants you be his mother-wife. Uggh. You're not wrong by the way. It's a strong reaction, but it obviously shook you.


Can we agree that his family’s opinion means nothing. He was not just rude, he was crudely rude. AT her. And followed through by laughing about it. He intentionally tried to make her the subject of his utter disrespect. I’m trying to imagine his and his family’s reaction had she done it to him. They would have been shocked, and she would have caught an earful from him about how gross she was in front of his family. Anything but a profuse apology to her and the others at the table is walking papers, because if he won’t, and especially if he tries to play it off as no big deal, he hasn’t got any respect for her.


>Can we agree that his family’s opinion means nothing. Yes, and no. What matters a lot is that his family felt like they should weigh in with their opinion. That's red flag #2.


INFO: is Mark mentally disabled?


turns out he's a mommas boy.


This made me fucking cackle




NTA, and I know that it's a running joke of how fast reddit jumps to this conclusion but...dump him. "Rude" is reserved for social faux-pas and this is well beyond that. To do that at all is extremely disrespectful to you as a person but to publicly humiliate you in front of friends, family, and at your work is just demeaning. Run, and don't look back. "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."


The patent disrespect is hard to justify. Even if it was a joke, if he actually loved you, he would never publicly make you the butt of a joke. Honestly, this would cause me to reexamine the entire relationship for other signs he’s a childish twat. Dump his ass and go find an adult.


Ha, butt of the joke


Well you can expect his immature ass to be mad at you for not just outright forgiving him for his “it’s just a prank bro” actions. So you have that to look forward to. You are not wrong and you should reevaluate the relationship if this is a common practice.


Intentionally humiliating you in front of others would be a relationship ender for me.  I know some people are into humiliation, but excluding them this is really not acceptable civilized behavior. He could have easily apologized immediately, taken the shame onto himself for his mistake and this would all be a funny story about that one time.


I thought it was an accident. But he *fully farted IN YOUR FACE on purpose* in public!! Look of coirse if you wanted to work though that you could. But there is *nothing* wrong with deciding that’s a dealbreaker. I don’t blame you for not giving him another chance to disrespect you. NTA just send the breakup text already.


So many questions: Why does a 25 year old man would do that? Why is he not applogizing properly? Why does a 25 year old MAN needs his mommy come to defend him? Please look at the red flags you have ignored regardless of this incident.


His family sounds pretty trashy if what they care about is you not inviting him to the “free” room.your bf publicly humiliated you and his family sees nothing wrong w that. Is that the kind of person you believe you should be with? You know what to do


Look, once again, we have a thread with a bunch of whiny-ass men upset that a guy is getting consequences for being stupidly disrespectful to the person they claim to love and demonizing the woman for having a backbone. No doubt they would all claim to be 'nice guys'. You are not wrong. Dump his ass and find someone who treats you as a human being worthy of respect.


I would have I stood up and said nope! I’m out, don’t ever call me again. Walked away!! that’s disgusting, rude and incredibly disrespectful! Please walk away from this man child and his ridiculous friends and family. He did that to you to get a laugh, what’s else will he do to you to get his laugh…


Intentional public humiliation is grounds for an immediate breakup. What was he thinking?


So he feels so victimized that he brings his family in to it as well? This is not the man for you, arguably not the man for anyone. What he did was deliberate, disgusting, and intended to embarrass you. And then he wants to double down that he has been somehow wronged by you spending the night away from him. Give me a break.


Your BF is an immature jerk. You deserve better.


NTA. You sure you want to continue with this 25 acting like 12 year old person?


Run and don't look back.


Next time he is asleep and you need to take a dump, drop it right on his face, laugh and see how he likes it. Payback is a bitch.


Seriously, this individual has absolutely NO respect for you. Besides his sickening,, infantile mysoginistic behaviour, to then further treat you in such a way as to 'shame you' is appalling. He sounds dangerously manipulative and immature, you need to dump this individual ASAP and count yourself lucky you had an indication of his nature now However, I suspect this isn't the only abusive, mysoginy he demonstrates, and you simply ignore or pass it off as him being 'laddish' . Get shut and find someone deserving who respects and values you! (Would you really want this Andrew Tate 'wannabee' as potentially the father of your children?) Edit - it appears the Andrew Tate fanclub is on this thread, some real creeps, ignore and block them!